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Georgeson mentioned "sci fi hover platforms" in the context of types of things people can build and tag for like-minded players to find.
Cool. So I think as long as you aren't creating stuff that's hateful or offensive, you can probably make whatever you want!
Is there a release date yet?
There won't be any combat so any PVP would simply be multiple players getting together to build something.
You can't build a floating UFO essentially. Everything you create in Landmark needs approval before it can be copied into EQN. Although, I suppose you could have a UFO prototype in Landmark.
I expect to see many "unapproved" phallic symbols in EQ:Landmark. I'll LMAO .. but I expect SOE to be more professional and just ignore whats going on (as long as people pay). $5 for a 1 acre penis shrine is going to be a steal.
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
anyway... what kind of stuff are you folks tempted to build?
You can BUILD a planet full of UFO's firing lasers at futuristic cities. You just can't transfer those into EQN. In Landmark, you can build whatever, it's not restricted to fantasy stuff.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
If anything PVP hasn't been discussed. It has bearly been mentioned. The whole purpose of Landmark is to create and build. There will only be one class: Adventurer.
EverQuest Next is the game that you are thinking of that will have combat and PvP and questing and 40+ classes ...
Anything built on Norrath has to be built within Norrathian standards. Anything built on other continents can be whatever style that customer service allows. Therefore you will be able to build UFOs in Landmark, just not on Norrath.
Considering that we haven't seen any moving structures so far and considering how difficult it would be to pull off in a voxel environment, it could or could not be possible at all.
I just call them magic platforms. Because when asked how they work... "they be magic". And when asked what that type of behaviour can lead to... "it's up to the imagination of magic".
Go forth and create!
I really hope that it won't be too strict in Norrath, and player will still be able to have some variety, not only a set of textures and items that fit into story etc.
Is it known, if Landmark will be a separate game even after EQN release, or is it just something made for promotion and to help build the world for the main game?
Its a seperate MMO on its own
In the same sense as Second Life is a MMO. It's a building tool, not any kind of game. It's like Steam Workshop. I mean, all y'all people who can't wait - surely you all have spent countless hours of your life building and creating in Second Life and Steam Workshop? Landmark would have the same excitement!
What? Suddenly it isn't as exciting as it seemed? It actually seems boring? I mean, none of you created anything in Steam Workshop, did you?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
You'll be bored of Landmark in an hour.
Heh, well you're just a big meany. I bet you like telling little kids that Santa isn't real also.
If the child in question is at least 12 and still thinks Santa is real, it is a duty of every sane person to explain to him what is what.
I don't think a lot of people here are below 12... despite the evidence of their posts.
By your logic SimCity, The Sims, Second Life, Minecraft, etc are not games? What then qualifies as a game? Just because it isn't something you want to play doesn't mean that there aren't thousands of people who do.
I don't like First Person Shooters. By your logic then FPS' are also not games.