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I tried it today and must say i am dissapointed- the graphic and the atmosphere sucks .
Looks like only reason for it was to sell modules for ships but it seems that the pledgers had enough and dont "buy".
Probably they should have had waited until dogfighting.
It is a pre-alpha tech demo, what did you expect? Seriously they are just releasing it to give us something and you rag all over it.
The animations are superb, the atmosphere it superb, sure there are problems and glitches but this is merely a demo to "get a feel" and honestly it looks and feels just how it has been presented, just like the videos.
This is going to be one serious game and you definitely get that impression from this pre-alpha tech demo. Feels like virtual reality. I'm amazed myself with the way the whole thing looks and feels, gonna be epic beyond words I believe.
It doesn´t matter how often they said Pre-pre-pre-pre-alpha tech demo, we´ll never run out of people to complain about something, having no clue about how game development works.
I´m grateful they shared something early to put on my HD, this is a unique glimpse of what will be coming in the future of SC.
they use cry engine which is not pre-pre-pre--alpha. all they had to do is to make a proper scene, which they failed.
if they can't compose a scene properly and have this lame excuse with pre pre pre alpha i have my doubts on final product.
I hope i will be proved wrong.
The "wrong" might be not understanding the scope of the game. Sure it's using the cry-engine, but it can not be used like it's used in singleplayer games. Regardless have you seen the amount of detail on that ship already in this pre-build?
I am wondering what you might be comparing the tech demo with? I personaly don't know any space MMORPG's released or upcoming with that much detail and can't compare it to EVE because it doesn't really have interiour you can walk around in with your character.
Oh and thanks for the link DocBrody
You really have absolutely no clue what goes into developing a game even with a pre-existing engine. You honestly think that you can just dump assets into an engine and it's going to work perfectly? This is why the Crytek guys are there with the development team so much. They are using a HIGHLY MODIFIED version of the CryEngine 3. These modifications are being handled in house by CIG with the help of Crytek. So yes... even the version of CryEngine 3 they are using is in pre-alpha because of the changes they have made to it. Maybe you should know a little about what your talking about before you start a thread bashing it.
Edit: Here's a way you can test the quality of the graphics in the Hangar Module yourself... Load up any other game you have and walk up to any object in the game world. Get really close to it and you will notice that the textures start to pixelate or 'wash out'. Now do the same thing in the Hangar Module... You'll notice that the textures hold up even if you put your nose right on the object! The quality of the graphics in the Hanger Module are on a level we've never seen before... period.
I see the point. The graphics seemed simple and the models were detailed on the Ship , but yet lacked fine detailing. ex: nuts bolts, seams etc. The interiors felt plastic. The character movement was bad. That said , it is alpha. They've already patched it and improve some things. To be honest graphics are not my primary concern where this game is involved. It's gameplay and mechanics. ( it still bothers me that while watching an interview he's sitting there and talking about PC superiority v consoles with a controller in his hands and the game right now seems designed with controllers in mind ) I'm willing to overlook a lot for a solid game and mechanics. I'm tired of being dazzled by eye candy that lacks any depth.
Please compare the graphic of a modern game with what star citizren managed to produce so far
modern game graphic
star citizen "revolutionary" graphic
the main reason for rushing the hangar was to lunch their ingame item shop "voyager " to milk more money.
It sems that even the fanboys have been displeased with the "voyager" move :
17$ for a laser on a small ship
5$ for a virtual poster ingame
20$ for a small vehicle to drive in the hangar
So the whole point of the post was really you object to an independent dev, charging and fundraising for his crowd sourcing project. Please if you object to it, don't contribute , but also don't be surprised that they are attempting to raise cash. Simply, you don't have to contribute another penny. Your disappointment stems more from expectation that you imposed on them, then the results. Like art it's what the viewer wants to see and believe. Obviously, this doesn't appeal to you. Perhaps you'll be happier at Sony, Blizzard and EA game offerings. I watch and judge as they go along. To me the process is as interesting as the game and I'm glad to watch and comment. I'm no fanboi, just a gamer watching with interest. If they pull it off , fantastic. If not, oh well. Just another game gone by the wayside.
my objection is only that they seem to provide substandard quality aftter chesbeating with a brick about how amzing the game is gonna be the graphic.
Is one thing to get crowfunded which was fair and i hapily contributed and is another thing to make an ingame shop where they seel items to test the game for ridiculous amount of money. This is simply greed and exploiting innocent backers.
NOW if the graphic would have indeed something really great i would have probably contriuted a bit more buying another ship. However the way they handled this hangar thing is realy stopper for me.
I don;t even know how to descriebe the graphic. It obvioulsly have all the new features from crysis engine but it feels OLD.
They throwed a lot of pollys but textures look repetitive and simple, there are no fine details on object textures etc.
All in all it feels like an old graphic on a new engine.
I don;t think they even tried to hard with the hangar, and i really hope this is the case, because SC was probably the last game that could revive the genre, and if the final greaphic looks like the one in hangar then any hope is lost.
Not sure how ELite dangerous is doing those days, i pledged a bit there too but is hard to understand from their forums what is going on.
That looks pretty impressive to me. If the rest of the game will look like that, then this game will certainly look good. Now if it plays good, that is another question.
My gaming blog
Oddly enough, they both have about the same draw distance... except one of those games is going to be able to "see" much further than the other in the very near future.
I love my ships and my hangar. I think the graphics are pretty impressive with so many moving parts in the ships as it is. Do note there are graphical settings in the game, maybe yours are on low? Also the resolution can be changed, but surely that is not it, right?
Looks to me in your post you went to length to offer the worst possible screenshot you could get from the hangar.
Try these for better measure:
As always, if you do not like it.... don't buy it
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Its important to have ppl like OP in this game. We need cannon fodder who have no clue...
I like the hangar module a lot. The graphic looks nice on "veryhigh" but can't run it for too long couse my gfx card heats up to much. The improvement from the fist patch and the last one (one or two das after release) was allready impressive. CIG are on a good track and they know what they are doing.
You seem a little confused. The hangar module was a gift to the people that pledged, they did not have to do it. It's more like them saying "thank you" to the fans.
And again its early alpha, they even stated that prior to the release of the mod.
If you want to see some really bad pre-alpha build I would suggest you go check out CU.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Just ignore apanz3r. It's painfully obvious stupid cannot be fixed.
I was watching the video where the guy did sit in the cocpit and I have to say, if there will be working full HD Oculus Rift supprt for this game, then OMG. I want play it right! Loks great, hope it will be whole great. Looking forward try it.
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Its MMO, and it will never have the same level of details. Go and inform yourself how things work...
Not entirely sure you know your self SC is not entirely a Mo there will be a persistent universe and much of the combat will be instanced they have stated that the level of detail will stretch the Cry engine 3,and squadron 42 I expect will be more single player than Mo.
Expect a very high level of detail the most ever seen for ships and very high level detail avatars not to mention Planet side content,CIG have the Crytek team helping with technical support would not suprise me if Crytek did a sponsor deal with SC as Alienware are doing now.
@ OP,
If your mad, sell your stuff on ebay or and be done with it.
Or come to the SC forums and scold CIG for their wrong doings.
CR wanted to be transparent during the whole game development. The Hangar mod was to show the backers the basic ships they bought. He even said what you are seeing is not optimized or fine tuned yet, but in patches about every 2 weeks they will upload more and more so all of us can see the progress with the game.
Also CR said this hangar mod will force his team to keep going and showing progress which is a good thing.
Lots of other games you can go play instead of forum raging on SC.
The world we know is going away
Look up Agenda 21 as well.
The main problem with the graphic is that yellow pee_mist in the deluxe hangar.
Other users have discovered ways to disable it and really improves the perception of the game.
It is not like the pee_mist is hard to notice fix or patch. No idea why they let it in the game.
After i removed the pee_mist the things are passable, not too great not too bad. There is room to improve and maybe they will as this is alpha.
Oficial patch that removed the pee_mist have been launched today by DEVs.
Beter later than never.
Funny thing is, if a large corporation tried something like this, people would be screaming bloody freaking murder. But since it's an independent company, it's A-OK!
As for the graphics, they look pretty good. Textures are really nice (if simple), and the lines are clean. Definitely showing potential to be at the high end of what's going to be available for the next year or two, but saying they're 'on a level that hasn't been seen before', is just gross exaggeration.
Hopefully as the project moves on they'll gravitate more toward the 'dirty space' look popularized by Star Wars, WH40K, and other more 'pulpy' scifi / scifan. Chipped panels, armor scorching (from combat or atmospheric entry), exposed bolts, 'patchwork' look from multiple repairs, things of that sort. Right now the ships just look a little too pristine.
Still haven't decided if I'm going to back the project. On one hand it looks interesting, like a multiplayer version of the X series of games (a flawed, but fun series). On the other... well, it's full PvP, something I'm not really crazy about.
Also of concern is that it's Chris Roberts. Not the same Chris Roberts who gave us the excellent Wing Commander space opera, or the much beloved Privateer. No, this is the Chris Roberts who gave us the *gulp* Wing Commander movie. If I have to explain why that's a bad thing, then you've obviously not seen it. Granted, he did make up for that somewhat with Freelancer, but that game still fell somewhat short of the (very high) bar set by Privateer.
Guess I'll just continue to keep an eye on it.
I think this kind of crowd funded game is new to every one especially how they are being very transparent,through the whole process but if you watch Wingmans Hanger you get a great insight into the process.
And by all accounts Chris has never had such a dedicated team of professionals at his disposal and he also has Crytek on hand to help with the engine that is a big bonus when you get the guys who develop the engine involved !
But it seems there is a dammed if you do dammed if you don't attitude towards releasing in a modular form and most backers realise with a KS you are funding a paid Alpha,that is still years from release but at least this way backers get to test the game in it's pre-alpha modular form which is freaking awesome tbh.