Originally posted by ckeeton999 And that's a problem... Why?
Some PC gamers feel threatened by this because it means the experience isn't designed exclusively for them. Who wouldn't be disappointed? However... with the amount of money and thought being thrown at this game it will be a LOT of fun. At least for us console gamers.
Originally posted by ckeeton999 And that's a problem... Why?
Some PC gamers feel threatened by this because it means the experience isn't designed exclusively for them. Who wouldn't be disappointed? However... with the amount of money and thought being thrown at this game it will be a LOT of fun. At least for us console gamers.
I doubt it is about feeling threatened, it's about having crumby UI and menu's due to the need to be able to navigate via a controller rather than a mouse/keyboard. Take a look at FFXI and FFXIV for examples of how MMO's designed with consoles in mind do not feel right when playing on a PC.
Originally posted by Bidwood Originally posted by ckeeton999And that's a problem... Why?
Some PC gamers feel threatened by this because it means the experience isn't designed exclusively for them. Who wouldn't be disappointed? However... with the amount of money and thought being thrown at this game it will be a LOT of fun. At least for us console gamers.
It's a little bit deeper than that. Games that were written for consoles, and then ported to the PC were cr@p. Deus Ex requires a registry hack and has to be run in Windows mode with a lot of video cards. It works really well on the Xbox 360 & PS3.
With this next generation of consoles though, the hardware is going to be very similar across all three platforms. It should minimize some of these issues.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
and to think I posted a response to a thread about this very thing and even stated console gaming has and is overtaking the PC gaming market which was met with much flamage, yet here we are on the verge of witnessing this happening sooner then most would care to believe
Some of us can feel the pulse of coming trends simply cause we are not so attached, or full of desires. or preoccupied...we are open, yet sincere
Playstation 4 and Xbox One are going to easily overwhelm PC gaming as this is a no brainer and whoever said brain death had to hurt?
and to think I posted a response to a thread about this very thing and even stated console gaming has and is overtaking the PC gaming market which was met with much flamage, yet here we are on the verge of witnessing this happening sooner then most would care to believe
Some of us can feel the pulse of coming trends simply cause we are not so attached, or full of desires. or preoccupied...we are open, yet sincere
Playstation 4 and Xbox One are going to easily overwhelm PC gaming as this is a no brainer and whoever said brain death had to hurt?
and then the next step is we can all play on our phones, push one button, and we all win! weeeeeeeeeeee
There was a time I'd rebel against a MMO on my console.. but after 25yrs of sitting in front of a PC at Work and Home I'm ready to relax on the sofa.. I think the time and tech has finally come to make good console MMOs.. I know my back and hands could sure use the break..
EQN is a Sony Product as is the Playstation 4 and if they don't release EQN to PS4 well thats just nutz and poor marketing strategy
The whole look and feel of the game screams console MMO
If I can let go of PC gaming entirely anyone can; I couldn't bring myself to hardly ever play on a console and was pretty much a committed PC gamer. Now I am wanting to see desktop and laptop PCs go bye bye. Its high time to take ergonomics to the next level.
I don't own a smart phone nor will I until its literally a portable mulit-faceted super computer/device with many uses beyond what we are seeing currently and playing games on these portable devices doesn't even remotely appeal to me (though if you could wirelessly display what you wanted to see on a bigger screen or holographically). And the battery is greatily improved alongside other methods for keeping said devices powered/charged. Also wasup with all these drones around constantly looking at a portable screen for more hours then even powergamers would care to play games?
I was born the same year the Grateful Dead formed and I have witnessed the technological age go from seedling stage to a flowering vine that is everywhere and its growing/expanding at an increasingly rapid rate. Why am I seeing the younger generation more stuck,settled down,stifled,set in their ways much moreso more and more then I view myself and my generation?
Originally posted by ckeeton999 And that's a problem... Why?
In a perfect world it wouldn't but when you add in the truth of limited development budgets and time it can make a huge difference. It's a issue of developers overreaching and what ends up having to be compromised in the final product when you do that. It's very much the same as games that try to focus on both PVP and PVE at the same time. Sure a game can have both of those coexist but they have to have enough resources to do it or it ends up being half assed.
I don't have a problem with EQN being on both PS4 and PC but I am a little concerned about what changes to the PC version of the game SOE is going to have to make in order to make it live on both with the development budget they have. Maybe they can pull it off, I guess we will see.
Things tend to go in cycles. I remember playing pc games in the 80's, and I was the only person I knew who did. Everyone played Nintendo/Atari/Etc... All I see are more options for gamers. I own a PC, I own multiple consoles, and I play games on all of them. I feel sorry for people who have a black/white view of things when they all can exist. It is not the fault of the platforms (or the player's whom may prefer that platform) that some developers do not devote as many resources to one platform over another.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
Things tend to go in cycles. I remember playing pc games in the 80's, and I was the only person I knew who did. Everyone played Nintendo/Atari/Etc... All I see are more options for gamers. I own a PC, I own multiple consoles, and I play games on all of them. I feel sorry for people who have a black/white view of things when they all can exist. It is not the fault of the platforms (or the player's whom may prefer that platform) that some developers do not devote as many resources to one platform over another.
Problem is that a game should be designed either for platforms or for PC...
Some things like the user interface are so different that a game developed for PC plays totally different then a game developed for consoles... Either a game is designed with keyboard/mouse in mind or with a console controller in mind... and the whole interface and gameplay possibilities are in a different league..
Console MMOs are not a bad thing.. think there might be jewels among them.. but porting them to PC will not do just to the game.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
PC gamers can use emulation software to run exclusive console games (not well most of the time, granted, but it can be done), console games cannot play PC games at all (at least not without jailbreaking their console and installing Linux and then using VM a windows XP instance).
Things tend to go in cycles. I remember playing pc games in the 80's, and I was the only person I knew who did. Everyone played Nintendo/Atari/Etc... All I see are more options for gamers. I own a PC, I own multiple consoles, and I play games on all of them. I feel sorry for people who have a black/white view of things when they all can exist. It is not the fault of the platforms (or the player's whom may prefer that platform) that some developers do not devote as many resources to one platform over another.
I was there was well in the 80s and console gaming wasn't my forte either yet the 80s were a far cry from where we are at present.
For some reason I just don't get people who own multiple consoles or rather multiple platforms yet I am who I am and they who they are and each of us has our own path and rightly so...
Yet the times of limiting gameplay experiences due to the platform of choice in relation to technological barriers is soon to be a non issue as sincerely speaking are we really just playing games or is something else occurring over time is the question one should ask themselves
Cause and effect
3 more months and the next generation consoles will be available as its going to be a long 3 months for many of us awaiting their arrival with much enthusiasm and anticipation
Everquest Next however is most likely at least a year from release...until then we can tool around with Everquest Next Landmark...quite literally I imagine
I don't really care either way. I can adapt, plus I have no intention of ever buying another console after this current generation. It completely soured me on walled garden consoles, especially anything MS touches.
With that being said, I loved EQoA and to a lesser extent FFXI and welcome a return to a living room MMORPG that I will actually play, I'll just be playing it on my HTPC with a controller and keyboard rather than a console.
Inconclusive. This provides no numbers relative or absolute. Tell me that DCU is their biggest money maker, then they have incentive. Lets say 70% of players and 70% of income comes from PS3. Ok, but I still believe other game(s) hold higher profits, which is what you are eluding to.
Some PC gamers feel threatened by this because it means the experience isn't designed exclusively for them. Who wouldn't be disappointed? However... with the amount of money and thought being thrown at this game it will be a LOT of fun. At least for us console gamers.
its not that surprising
from a year ago, July 2012
70 percent of DCUO players play on PlayStation 3.
I doubt we will see a console release of EQN until a full year after PC release
like Planetside 2
EQ2 fan sites
I doubt it is about feeling threatened, it's about having crumby UI and menu's due to the need to be able to navigate via a controller rather than a mouse/keyboard. Take a look at FFXI and FFXIV for examples of how MMO's designed with consoles in mind do not feel right when playing on a PC.
its a valid concern
DCUO released on the PC and console on the same day -- and PC ui is crap
FFXI first released on the PS2
FFXIV is having a simultaneous re-launch for PC/console
FreeRealms launched on PC -- FR plays like a PC game for UI
the console version was made 2 years later
I havent played Planetside 2 -- I dont know good the UI is
Massively has a big list of console games
EQ2 fan sites
It's a little bit deeper than that. Games that were written for consoles, and then ported to the PC were cr@p. Deus Ex requires a registry hack and has to be run in Windows mode with a lot of video cards. It works really well on the Xbox 360 & PS3.
With this next generation of consoles though, the hardware is going to be very similar across all three platforms. It should minimize some of these issues.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
and to think I posted a response to a thread about this very thing and even stated console gaming has and is overtaking the PC gaming market which was met with much flamage, yet here we are on the verge of witnessing this happening sooner then most would care to believe
Some of us can feel the pulse of coming trends simply cause we are not so attached, or full of desires. or preoccupied...we are open, yet sincere
Playstation 4 and Xbox One are going to easily overwhelm PC gaming as this is a no brainer and whoever said brain death had to hurt?
and then the next step is we can all play on our phones, push one button, and we all win! weeeeeeeeeeee
I didn't see the official announcement, weird.
There was a time I'd rebel against a MMO on my console.. but after 25yrs of sitting in front of a PC at Work and Home I'm ready to relax on the sofa.. I think the time and tech has finally come to make good console MMOs.. I know my back and hands could sure use the break..
Take a look at Dragon Age vs Dragon Age 2... one was definitely ruined by the consoles.
So yeah, I don't think the influence of consoles is good at all. Beyond Kotr I can't think of one console game worth playing
EQN is a Sony Product as is the Playstation 4 and if they don't release EQN to PS4 well thats just nutz and poor marketing strategy
The whole look and feel of the game screams console MMO
If I can let go of PC gaming entirely anyone can; I couldn't bring myself to hardly ever play on a console and was pretty much a committed PC gamer. Now I am wanting to see desktop and laptop PCs go bye bye. Its high time to take ergonomics to the next level.
I don't own a smart phone nor will I until its literally a portable mulit-faceted super computer/device with many uses beyond what we are seeing currently and playing games on these portable devices doesn't even remotely appeal to me (though if you could wirelessly display what you wanted to see on a bigger screen or holographically). And the battery is greatily improved alongside other methods for keeping said devices powered/charged. Also wasup with all these drones around constantly looking at a portable screen for more hours then even powergamers would care to play games?
I was born the same year the Grateful Dead formed and I have witnessed the technological age go from seedling stage to a flowering vine that is everywhere and its growing/expanding at an increasingly rapid rate. Why am I seeing the younger generation more stuck,settled down,stifled,set in their ways much moreso more and more then I view myself and my generation?
Change is the only constant
In a perfect world it wouldn't but when you add in the truth of limited development budgets and time it can make a huge difference. It's a issue of developers overreaching and what ends up having to be compromised in the final product when you do that. It's very much the same as games that try to focus on both PVP and PVE at the same time. Sure a game can have both of those coexist but they have to have enough resources to do it or it ends up being half assed.
I don't have a problem with EQN being on both PS4 and PC but I am a little concerned about what changes to the PC version of the game SOE is going to have to make in order to make it live on both with the development budget they have. Maybe they can pull it off, I guess we will see.
Don't see what the big deal is.
They are making it a PC game first, then a PS4 game. There will most likely be separate servers for PS4 and PC gamers.
Nothing to see here.
Hahah This ^
Dragnon - Guildmaster - Albion Central Bank in Albion Online
It is a SONY title... Ofc it is aimed at the PS4... As if the new UI layout was not hint enough... Or the skill system...
But i guess there are some people who are still in denial about the fact =P
This have been a good conversation
There are almost no DCUO PC players left... not surprising that thee are more PS3 players.
Meaning DCUO is niether a succes on PC as on PS3
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
Things tend to go in cycles. I remember playing pc games in the 80's, and I was the only person I knew who did. Everyone played Nintendo/Atari/Etc... All I see are more options for gamers. I own a PC, I own multiple consoles, and I play games on all of them. I feel sorry for people who have a black/white view of things when they all can exist. It is not the fault of the platforms (or the player's whom may prefer that platform) that some developers do not devote as many resources to one platform over another.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
Problem is that a game should be designed either for platforms or for PC...
Some things like the user interface are so different that a game developed for PC plays totally different then a game developed for consoles... Either a game is designed with keyboard/mouse in mind or with a console controller in mind... and the whole interface and gameplay possibilities are in a different league..
Console MMOs are not a bad thing.. think there might be jewels among them.. but porting them to PC will not do just to the game.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
Exactly. These reports never show actual numbers. Just percentages.
And 70% of some total that's a lot less means nothing.
Once upon a time....
I was there was well in the 80s and console gaming wasn't my forte either yet the 80s were a far cry from where we are at present.
For some reason I just don't get people who own multiple consoles or rather multiple platforms yet I am who I am and they who they are and each of us has our own path and rightly so...
Yet the times of limiting gameplay experiences due to the platform of choice in relation to technological barriers is soon to be a non issue as sincerely speaking are we really just playing games or is something else occurring over time is the question one should ask themselves
Cause and effect
3 more months and the next generation consoles will be available as its going to be a long 3 months for many of us awaiting their arrival with much enthusiasm and anticipation
Everquest Next however is most likely at least a year from release...until then we can tool around with Everquest Next Landmark...quite literally I imagine
Are you more then a tool?
With that being said, I loved EQoA and to a lesser extent FFXI and welcome a return to a living room MMORPG that I will actually play, I'll just be playing it on my HTPC with a controller and keyboard rather than a console.
Inconclusive. This provides no numbers relative or absolute. Tell me that DCU is their biggest money maker, then they have incentive. Lets say 70% of players and 70% of income comes from PS3. Ok, but I still believe other game(s) hold higher profits, which is what you are eluding to.