Yeah the pay model works for now because you play eve or play what : pandas?
In 2 years you will play eve or star_citizen or elite dangerous or one of the many space_games from kickstart.
You could see how sure of them ccp is/was by the way they been treating the paying customers. You lose a ship because lag, desinc etc they don;t care , our logs show nothing, because they know you are hoocked on their crack and there is no place for you to leave, but this will change soon.
You must be one of those that bought BPOs at the price of 7 years profit .
No, I just understand how the game works and how it would be screwed if they ever go free to play. You can keep on dreaming though, not that it's gonna change anything.
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
Eve will never be F2P. Their subscription model works.
Of course if you are good at the game it already IS F2P.
It's easy as fk to earn enough ISK to support your account(s) with plex or 60d GTC.
Do you ENJOY farming in eve? What is the FUN in killing the 500 spawn in a belt, or blitzing the mission for 1000 time ?
Do you do that for any other reason except getting isk ? Is a pure reptitive job without any fun or sense of acomplishment.
I will compare with other games:
World Of Tanks: free to play, while you farm you actually play the game. I can;t say i have more fun with an end game tank than with a tank in the middle of the path.
WOW: leveling is a bit boring but once you are max level you actually play the game, not prepare to play the game.
StartrekOnline: leveling is actually very fun, once max level and start farming there is still a bit of lore and lot of content including user generated.
You must be one of those that bought BPOs at the price of 7 years profit .
No, I just understand how the game works and how it would be screwed if they ever go free to play. You can keep on dreaming though, not that it's gonna change anything.
I am convince that the hardcore players of eve will never leave but the casual players - the ones that actually pay your plex with real money in exchenge for some isk so they can enjoy a bit the game - don;t have so many incentives to remain while there will be other options
So when there the PLEX offer will reduce and the prices will sky rocket what are you going to do : do overtime in eve to play your plex, put hands deep in your RL walled and pay ccp, look arround for alternatives ?
If you think the people that pay with RL money for YOUR plex will stick arround you are the one dreaming.
Don;t believe me: who do you think that gived 16 MIL euro to StarCitizen in exchange to prepayed ships with lifetime insurance ?
You must be one of those that bought BPOs at the price of 7 years profit .
No, I just understand how the game works and how it would be screwed if they ever go free to play. You can keep on dreaming though, not that it's gonna change anything.
I am convince that the hardcore players of eve will never leave but the casual players - the ones that actually pay your plex with real money in exchenge for some isk so they can enjoy a bit the game - don;t have so many incentives to remain while there will be other options
So when there the PLEX offer will reduce and the prices will sky rocket what are you going to do : do overtime in eve to play your plex, put hands deep in your RL walled and pay ccp, look arround for alternatives ?
If you think the people that pay with RL money for YOUR plex will stick arround you are the one dreaming.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I pay my subscription with €, and I don't consider mylself a hardcore EVE player. Now, if you could just stop talking out of your ass I'd appreciate it.
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
eve is growing in population even after 10 years. I doubt it will go f2p.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
You must be one of those that bought BPOs at the price of 7 years profit .
No, I just understand how the game works and how it would be screwed if they ever go free to play. You can keep on dreaming though, not that it's gonna change anything.
I am convince that the hardcore players of eve will never leave but the casual players - the ones that actually pay your plex with real money in exchenge for some isk so they can enjoy a bit the game - don;t have so many incentives to remain while there will be other options
So when there the PLEX offer will reduce and the prices will sky rocket what are you going to do : do overtime in eve to play your plex, put hands deep in your RL walled and pay ccp, look arround for alternatives ?
If you think the people that pay with RL money for YOUR plex will stick arround you are the one dreaming.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I pay my subscription with €, and I don't consider mylself a hardcore EVE player. Now, if you could just stop talking out of your ass I'd appreciate it.
My answer was more directed to the people that say eve is allready f2p via plex for isk than to you (and i apologize for confuzing you).
As for you out of curiosity how many eve accounts you have, cosnidering that you are not a hardcore player.
You must be one of those that bought BPOs at the price of 7 years profit .
No, I just understand how the game works and how it would be screwed if they ever go free to play. You can keep on dreaming though, not that it's gonna change anything.
I am convince that the hardcore players of eve will never leave but the casual players - the ones that actually pay your plex with real money in exchenge for some isk so they can enjoy a bit the game - don;t have so many incentives to remain while there will be other options
So when there the PLEX offer will reduce and the prices will sky rocket what are you going to do : do overtime in eve to play your plex, put hands deep in your RL walled and pay ccp, look arround for alternatives ?
If you think the people that pay with RL money for YOUR plex will stick arround you are the one dreaming.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I pay my subscription with €, and I don't consider mylself a hardcore EVE player. Now, if you could just stop talking out of your ass I'd appreciate it.
My answer was more directed to the people that say eve is allready f2p via plex for isk than to you (and i apologize for confuzing you).
As for you out of curiosity how many eve accounts you have, cosnidering that you are not a hardcore player.
Uh, I see. Only one account.
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
Eve will never be F2P. Their subscription model works.
Of course if you are good at the game it already IS F2P.
It's easy as fk to earn enough ISK to support your account(s) with plex or 60d GTC.
Do you ENJOY farming in eve? What is the FUN in killing the 500 spawn in a belt, or blitzing the mission for 1000 time ?
who says I am doing missions, or am ratting mindlessly in nullsec belts, or doing anomalies nonstop?
I am not doing any of those, haven't done that for years, I can remember the last time I did that, I went through belts in E2, 2007 while being a member of BOB....that's how long it goes back.
The only times I turn up in missions or belts is to hunt those carebears.
Although your examples of farming are all means of earning ISK.
As far as carebearing goes, when I am scanning a system for pvp targets and I run into a 10/10 complex, I sell em off for like 500M to alliance members....blam! that's a 30d plex right there! No effort and I can't bother to do it in 1hr for the possible loot that may drop.
And without giving you the advice+tools how to earn it and you messing up in my market: just a plain example:
one of my ISK flows has me log in to a toon once every 5 days, do 15 mins of "work", and I am off again to do what I love in this game, pvp.
Those 15 mins pay for all my accounts. And no, I am not a tech moon holder or a alliance leader stealing ISK from my members....
Example 2: I pay someone to haul some building materials from 1 place to another....he does it, gets a modest fee....then I use my builder, I build something for 30M and sell it 1d later on the market to you for 70M!....not bad is it?
Build a batch of those without overflowing the market, and hey: 10 ships further in 1d and I have +400M....
effort: buy the materials on the market: 4mins, set up hauling contract as I am too lazy to do it myself: 2 mins, come back when it is delivered and start the building process: 5-10mins tops.....haul the end product in a hauler and throw em on the market or sell em through a mailing list: blammo...done.
Compare that to your WOT or your "I am standing in a gold spawn for 10hrs straight spamming aoe spells while looting" WOW examples. :P
And that's just two. there are TONS of ways to earn ISK in this game, not just the ones you are doing/were doing.
You just have to use your brain (keynote there), that's where the problem is, ppl come from WOW;
"oh, how do I earn ISK? do missions and rat in belts? gotcha".
That's not how to do it.
while you read this you could've earned 200M ISK just like that without having to farm.
Use-your-brain, you can get filthy rich if you just use it.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
I almost never look at EvE forums anymore but this thread is funny as hell because it's just like a million others over the last decade. The OP's ass is chapped because he can't figure the game out, and he's talking about all of the games that are going to "kill" EvE. Black Prophecy, Jumpgate Evolution, etc... We've heard it all before. Star Citizen sounds cool but it will never offer the experience EvE does because no one will ever have the guts to make a game as brutal as EvE. The only way EvE will ever go F2P is if CCP caters to people like the OP and dumbs it down.
I really don't get it... if you don't like EvE, why not just avoid the game? Why post on the forums? At the end of the day people that love the game will still love it, and you still won't.
BTW I'm one of those vets who had BPOs (I won mine with RP in the lottery, didn't buy them) and gave everything away to newer players when I retired. Most vets retire or become inactive eventually so there is plenty of opportunity for younger players to move up. As others have said, EvE is all about being smart. If that isn't fun for you, more power to you. Stop making yourself look silly.
OP: Three words for your F2P joy: High Security Exploration, do that 7-14 days per month and you could pay monthly with shitty luck, one of my old EVE friends pays for his EVE and 3 accounts (2 his and 1 for his girlfriend) doing high sec exploration and the setup is dirty cheap: 1x Ishkur (specific hards for the region, drones, guns, bout 40-50 mil) 1x scan ship ( bout another 40-50 mil), I recouped the investment in the first hour (I kid you not).
EVE and its ilk (sandbox games with long standing economies and a delicate player ecosystem) are never gonna be F2P because at least in EVE that means death to the 0.0 aspect.
Originally posted by Aison2 Eve is f2p for smart people. Many dont pay a single cent and just buy plex from other people.
Corrected it for you. It takes basic math to know how to apply your time for maximum profit with a lil side helping of fun.
Basic math tells you that if you earn less than 600m /hour isk its better to work an hour and buy it over the real money.
Especially when the isk earning is less enjoyable than regular work. Thats why i said for most its only rational if their time is not valuable to them.
I have been playing EVE for F2P for a very long time now thanks to Plex.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.' -Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid." -Luke McKinney
Also i would be careful with hailing any of the kickstarter wonders as the new lord and saviour before you see them in the flesh so to speak. A LOT can happen during development and i give you a 500:1 odds in your favour that you will not like them all.
EvE F2P... Their playerbase would eat them alive and they would loose such a mass of players that no new recruits could ever make it up... Especially as the veterans would turn their shell-shocked rage at the newcomers and tear them to shreds.
Have you ever seen what happens when veterans of EvE go full on native... It is not pretty.
Originally posted by Aison2 Eve is f2p for smart people. Many dont pay a single cent and just buy plex from other people.
Corrected it for you. It takes basic math to know how to apply your time for maximum profit with a lil side helping of fun.
Basic math tells you that if you earn less than 600m /hour isk its better to work an hour and buy it over the real money.
Especially when the isk earning is less enjoyable than regular work. Thats why i said for most its only rational if their time is not valuable to them.
o.O bare minimum survival in F2P mode is 20-30 mil profit per day. Wherever you pulled 600 m/hour out of I have no idea.
Originally posted by Aison2 Eve is f2p for smart people. Many dont pay a single cent and just buy plex from other people.
Corrected it for you. It takes basic math to know how to apply your time for maximum profit with a lil side helping of fun.
Basic math tells you that if you earn less than 600m /hour isk its better to work an hour and buy it over the real money.
Especially when the isk earning is less enjoyable than regular work. Thats why i said for most its only rational if their time is not valuable to them.
o.O bare minimum survival in F2P mode is 20-30 mil profit per day. Wherever you pulled 600 m/hour out of I have no idea.
600m is rough plex price. The opportunity cost of spending time earning isk playing the game vs working and earning money to buy the sub. If you cant earn a plex in the same time you can earn a sub at work its less efficient.
Eve will never be F2P. Their subscription model works.
Of course if you are good at the game it already IS F2P.
Yeah the pay model works for now because you play eve or play what : pandas?
In 2 years you will play eve or star_citizen or elite dangerous or one of the many space_games from kickstart.
You could see how sure of them ccp is/was by the way they been treating the paying customers. You lose a ship because lag, desinc etc they don;t care , our logs show nothing, because they know you are hoocked on their crack and there is no place for you to leave, but this will change soon.
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
Yah , the same was told about every game and all went f2p, including games that had HUGE budget and IP .
You must be one of those that bought BPOs at the price of 7 years profit .
They know that the heat is approaching, see eve-valkyry
It's easy as fk to earn enough ISK to support your account(s) with plex or 60d GTC.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
No, I just understand how the game works and how it would be screwed if they ever go free to play. You can keep on dreaming though, not that it's gonna change anything.
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
Do you ENJOY farming in eve? What is the FUN in killing the 500 spawn in a belt, or blitzing the mission for 1000 time ?
Do you do that for any other reason except getting isk ? Is a pure reptitive job without any fun or sense of acomplishment.
I will compare with other games:
World Of Tanks: free to play, while you farm you actually play the game. I can;t say i have more fun with an end game tank than with a tank in the middle of the path.
WOW: leveling is a bit boring but once you are max level you actually play the game, not prepare to play the game.
StartrekOnline: leveling is actually very fun, once max level and start farming there is still a bit of lore and lot of content including user generated.
I am convince that the hardcore players of eve will never leave but the casual players - the ones that actually pay your plex with real money in exchenge for some isk so they can enjoy a bit the game - don;t have so many incentives to remain while there will be other options
So when there the PLEX offer will reduce and the prices will sky rocket what are you going to do : do overtime in eve to play your plex, put hands deep in your RL walled and pay ccp, look arround for alternatives ?
If you think the people that pay with RL money for YOUR plex will stick arround you are the one dreaming.
Don;t believe me: who do you think that gived 16 MIL euro to StarCitizen in exchange to prepayed ships with lifetime insurance ?
I have no idea what you are talking about. I pay my subscription with €, and I don't consider mylself a hardcore EVE player. Now, if you could just stop talking out of your ass I'd appreciate it.
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins
My answer was more directed to the people that say eve is allready f2p via plex for isk than to you (and i apologize for confuzing you).
As for you out of curiosity how many eve accounts you have, cosnidering that you are not a hardcore player.
Uh, I see. Only one account.
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
who says I am doing missions, or am ratting mindlessly in nullsec belts, or doing anomalies nonstop?
I am not doing any of those, haven't done that for years, I can remember the last time I did that, I went through belts in E2, 2007 while being a member of BOB....that's how long it goes back.
The only times I turn up in missions or belts is to hunt those carebears.
Although your examples of farming are all means of earning ISK.
As far as carebearing goes, when I am scanning a system for pvp targets and I run into a 10/10 complex, I sell em off for like 500M to alliance members....blam! that's a 30d plex right there! No effort and I can't bother to do it in 1hr for the possible loot that may drop.
And without giving you the advice+tools how to earn it and you messing up in my market: just a plain example:
one of my ISK flows has me log in to a toon once every 5 days, do 15 mins of "work", and I am off again to do what I love in this game, pvp.
Those 15 mins pay for all my accounts. And no, I am not a tech moon holder or a alliance leader stealing ISK from my members....
Example 2: I pay someone to haul some building materials from 1 place to another....he does it, gets a modest fee....then I use my builder, I build something for 30M and sell it 1d later on the market to you for 70M!....not bad is it?
Build a batch of those without overflowing the market, and hey: 10 ships further in 1d and I have +400M....
effort: buy the materials on the market: 4mins, set up hauling contract as I am too lazy to do it myself: 2 mins, come back when it is delivered and start the building process: 5-10mins tops.....haul the end product in a hauler and throw em on the market or sell em through a mailing list: blammo...done.
Compare that to your WOT or your "I am standing in a gold spawn for 10hrs straight spamming aoe spells while looting" WOW examples. :P
And that's just two. there are TONS of ways to earn ISK in this game, not just the ones you are doing/were doing.
You just have to use your brain (keynote there), that's where the problem is, ppl come from WOW;
"oh, how do I earn ISK? do missions and rat in belts? gotcha".
That's not how to do it.
while you read this you could've earned 200M ISK just like that without having to farm.
Use-your-brain, you can get filthy rich if you just use it.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
I almost never look at EvE forums anymore but this thread is funny as hell because it's just like a million others over the last decade. The OP's ass is chapped because he can't figure the game out, and he's talking about all of the games that are going to "kill" EvE. Black Prophecy, Jumpgate Evolution, etc... We've heard it all before. Star Citizen sounds cool but it will never offer the experience EvE does because no one will ever have the guts to make a game as brutal as EvE. The only way EvE will ever go F2P is if CCP caters to people like the OP and dumbs it down.
I really don't get it... if you don't like EvE, why not just avoid the game? Why post on the forums? At the end of the day people that love the game will still love it, and you still won't.
BTW I'm one of those vets who had BPOs (I won mine with RP in the lottery, didn't buy them) and gave everything away to newer players when I retired. Most vets retire or become inactive eventually so there is plenty of opportunity for younger players to move up. As others have said, EvE is all about being smart. If that isn't fun for you, more power to you. Stop making yourself look silly.
This again?
OP: Three words for your F2P joy: High Security Exploration, do that 7-14 days per month and you could pay monthly with shitty luck, one of my old EVE friends pays for his EVE and 3 accounts (2 his and 1 for his girlfriend) doing high sec exploration and the setup is dirty cheap: 1x Ishkur (specific hards for the region, drones, guns, bout 40-50 mil) 1x scan ship ( bout another 40-50 mil), I recouped the investment in the first hour (I kid you not).
EVE and its ilk (sandbox games with long standing economies and a delicate player ecosystem) are never gonna be F2P because at least in EVE that means death to the 0.0 aspect.
Several games closed rather than go F2P.
I think Eve would do the same.
Pi*1337/100 = 42
Corrected it for you. It takes basic math to know how to apply your time for maximum profit with a lil side helping of fun.
Especially when the isk earning is less enjoyable than regular work. Thats why i said for most its only rational if their time is not valuable to them.
Pi*1337/100 = 42
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
Also i would be careful with hailing any of the kickstarter wonders as the new lord and saviour before you see them in the flesh so to speak. A LOT can happen during development and i give you a 500:1 odds in your favour that you will not like them all.
EvE F2P... Their playerbase would eat them alive and they would loose such a mass of players that no new recruits could ever make it up... Especially as the veterans would turn their shell-shocked rage at the newcomers and tear them to shreds.
Have you ever seen what happens when veterans of EvE go full on native... It is not pretty.
This have been a good conversation
o.O bare minimum survival in F2P mode is 20-30 mil profit per day. Wherever you pulled 600 m/hour out of I have no idea.
600m is rough plex price. The opportunity cost of spending time earning isk playing the game vs working and earning money to buy the sub. If you cant earn a plex in the same time you can earn a sub at work its less efficient.
Pi*1337/100 = 42