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Can emergent AI "grief" players?

BidwoodBidwood Member Posts: 554

Just thinking...  Georgeson was saying the mobs wont just stay still. They'll have 'likes' and 'dislikes' and will move from place to place if where they are isn't comfortable.


So from the perspective of someone who only has experience playing themeparks, will it be too much if a mob wanders into their territory and kills them?


Even if there isn't open-world PVP... what if a guild applies a bunch of pressure to a tribe of strong mobs, forcing it to migrate down the hill and set up shop in a community of weak/peaceful players?


If SOE delivers on emergent AI and it really becomes a threat, will we see folks drop out of the game because they're turned off by the prospect of nonconsensual PVE? Now there's a thought.



  • CragfireCragfire Member Posts: 38

    I'd imagine that players will have to be as dynamic as the "AI" in that case. Example. If a group of Griefers put a lot of pressure on the orc camp, over time that orc camp will move. If the orc camp moves to a place where players thought was mainly "safe", the players can then move to a different location themselves.


    It sounds like there will be safe zones. In the video today they spoke about Areas of Interest and gave the example of the Wizard Spires, and that they want these areas to become social "hubs" within the world; a place where someone can sell their junk, and so on.

  • Victor_KrugerVictor_Kruger Member UncommonPosts: 280
    Originally posted by Bidwood

    Just thinking...  Georgeson was saying the mobs wont just stay still. They'll have 'likes' and 'dislikes' and will move from place to place if where they are isn't comfortable.


    So from the perspective of someone who only has experience playing themeparks, will it be too much if a mob wanders into their territory and kills them?


    Even if there isn't open-world PVP... what if a guild applies a bunch of pressure to a tribe of strong mobs, forcing it to migrate down the hill and set up shop in a community of weak/peaceful players?


    If SOE delivers on emergent AI and it really becomes a threat, will we see folks drop out of the game because they're turned off by the prospect of nonconsensual PVE? Now there's a thought.

    For those looking for a I win button then it will be too much for them, those looking something different might actually like that mobs are more reactive and life like. 


  • Saxx0nSaxx0n PR/Brand Manager BitBox Ltd.Member UncommonPosts: 999

    I have actually stated this in several threads about EQN in the past few weeks and I think this is a legitimate concern for carebears. I think this has partly fueled the fire of vehement opposition to no trinity because they won't have loot pinatas to farm.


    edit- It is payback time for all the slaughters that took place on the orc highway.

  • BidwoodBidwood Member Posts: 554
    Originally posted by Saxx0n

    I have actually stated this in several threads about EQN in the past few weeks and I think this is a legitimate concern for carebears. I think this has partly fueled the fire of vehement opposition to no trinity because they won't have loot pinatas to farm.


    edit- It is payback time for all the slaughters that took place on the orc highway.

    HAHHA, your edit!


    Yeah, and I'm seeing comments like "What will people do if there's no vertical progression?"


    This game could change everything...


    Originally posted by Victor_Kruger
    Originally posted by Bidwood

    Just thinking...  Georgeson was saying the mobs wont just stay still. They'll have 'likes' and 'dislikes' and will move from place to place if where they are isn't comfortable.


    So from the perspective of someone who only has experience playing themeparks, will it be too much if a mob wanders into their territory and kills them?


    Even if there isn't open-world PVP... what if a guild applies a bunch of pressure to a tribe of strong mobs, forcing it to migrate down the hill and set up shop in a community of weak/peaceful players?


    If SOE delivers on emergent AI and it really becomes a threat, will we see folks drop out of the game because they're turned off by the prospect of nonconsensual PVE? Now there's a thought.

    For those looking for a I win button then it will be too much for them, those looking something different might actually like that mobs are more reactive and life like. 


    I'm looking forward to it too, just...  thinking it's going to be a huge change.


    Originally posted by Cragfire

    I'd imagine that players will have to be as dynamic as the "AI" in that case. Example. If a group of Griefers put a lot of pressure on the orc camp, over time that orc camp will move. If the orc camp moves to a place where players thought was mainly "safe", the players can then move to a different location themselves.


    It sounds like there will be safe zones. In the video today they spoke about Areas of Interest and gave the example of the Wizard Spires, and that they want these areas to become social "hubs" within the world; a place where someone can sell their junk, and so on.

    So what if the players spent ages building a little town they're proud of there, and the mobs set up shop?


    The Wizard spires sound cool. =)


    If there are "unsafe" areas because mobs are smart, mobile and will attack you, what about other players? PVP question.

  • NadiliNadili Member Posts: 197
    Everything is tagged in the world so while I think some things will be tagged to allow the AI of NPC's access there will be limits.  I don't think they will allow npc intrusion into everything this was one reason Trion nerfed invasions in beta players complained that they couldn't get to quests ect which I hated I wanted players to take back the world not have it be artificial. Given that I think there will be safe areas marked.  However if they can change those tags anytime no reason they can't have rally calls of orc armies set their sites on Qeynos.

  • CragfireCragfire Member Posts: 38

    I honestly don't know. It sounds like guild cities are in, but are they "safe" zones for enemy AI? Unknown at this time. It's possible that the orcs are looking for a quiet, unpopulated, place to setup camp; which in that case, wouldn't be by player housing.


    I also heard that destruction will be turned off in big Cities (Qeynos) to stop griefers from destroying the place - but it is still turned "on" for NPC enimies. This brings up the question: "What happens if someone traines that huge Iron Golum back to Qeynos and it starts ripping up the place?"


    Lots of questions left. heh. :)

  • Victor_KrugerVictor_Kruger Member UncommonPosts: 280
    Originally posted by Cragfire

    I honestly don't know. It sounds like guild cities are in, but are they "safe" zones for enemy AI? Unknown at this time. It's possible that the orcs are looking for a quiet, unpopulated, place to setup camp; which in that case, wouldn't be by player housing.


    I also heard that destruction will be turned off in big Cities (Qeynos) to stop griefers from destroying the place - but it is still turned "on" for NPC enimies. This brings up the question: "What happens if someone traines that huge Iron Golum back to Qeynos and it starts ripping up the place?"


    Lots of questions left. heh. :)

    Yeah they said player housing is safe from players, they say didn't mobs , I know in UO the mobs cant attack you in your house but they where still annoying to have around in a lot numbers.

  • Saxx0nSaxx0n PR/Brand Manager BitBox Ltd.Member UncommonPosts: 999
    Originally posted by Cragfire

    I honestly don't know. It sounds like guild cities are in, but are they "safe" zones for enemy AI? Unknown at this time. It's possible that the orcs are looking for a quiet, unpopulated, place to setup camp; which in that case, wouldn't be by player housing.


    I also heard that destruction will be turned off in big Cities (Qeynos) to stop griefers from destroying the place - but it is still turned "on" for NPC enimies. This brings up the question: "What happens if someone traines that huge Iron Golum back to Qeynos and it starts ripping up the place?"


    Lots of questions left. heh. :)

    Concentrations of wealth (money and valuable items) will attract orcs in particular and that will override most other tags. It is covered in one of the panel videos from SOELive and I forgot which one.

  • LordSneergLordSneerg Member Posts: 119
     This game is trying to change the way we play mmos. I don't see how any one does not like what eq next is trying to do.   Then I realize all the old farts that I work with are scared of change. People should embrace change. Eqnext is change for the better. Hopefully, this spawns a resurgence of mmo innovation.  What we are getting with the games coming out next year is not innovation just tweaks. EQNext is breaking the mold. 
  • Saxx0nSaxx0n PR/Brand Manager BitBox Ltd.Member UncommonPosts: 999
    Originally posted by Victor_Kruger
    Originally posted by Cragfire

    I honestly don't know. It sounds like guild cities are in, but are they "safe" zones for enemy AI? Unknown at this time. It's possible that the orcs are looking for a quiet, unpopulated, place to setup camp; which in that case, wouldn't be by player housing.


    I also heard that destruction will be turned off in big Cities (Qeynos) to stop griefers from destroying the place - but it is still turned "on" for NPC enimies. This brings up the question: "What happens if someone traines that huge Iron Golum back to Qeynos and it starts ripping up the place?"


    Lots of questions left. heh. :)

    Yeah they said player housing is safe from players, they say didn't mobs , I know in UO the mobs cant attack you in your house but they where still annoying to have around in a lot numbers.

    If that iron golem shows up at your house...

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,249
    It could grief other players, but I don't SOE will let it do too much harm, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

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    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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  • CragfireCragfire Member Posts: 38
    Originally posted by LordSneerg
     This game is trying to change the way we play mmos. I don't see how any one does not like what eq next is trying to do.   Then I realize all the old farts that I work with are scared of change. People should embrace change. Eqnext is change for the better. Hopefully, this spawns a resurgence of mmo innovation.  What we are getting with the games coming out next year is not innovation just tweaks. EQNext is breaking the mold. 

    Hey now, I'm an old fart. From what I've heard thus far, I'm pretty excited to play.


    If there was one thing, if I had to name but one, would be the games name. They could of come up with something a little better then "next". What's everquest 5 going to be called in 10 years, Next-Next? heh. :-/

  • Victor_KrugerVictor_Kruger Member UncommonPosts: 280
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    It could grief other players, but I don't SOE will let it do too much harm, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    i don't think a A.I can grief, it just does what it program to do, grief is other players trying to ruin your fun.

  • arbacusarbacus Member UncommonPosts: 41

    LOL if players are really so attached to their position in the world then they will have to fight for it and keep it pacified if they are too bad to do that then of course they shouldnt be able to be there in EQNext.

    They should have to call for help or move somewhere else.

    If they are so bad they are basically helpless and need their hands held every step of the way they will need to stick to the easiest areas or just play EQLandmark simple as that.


    Games need to stop dumbing themselves down to the lowest common denominator it is throttling the pace of innovation in the gaming industry. Players should be expected to improve their own abilites along with their character sheets if they want to keep up with more accomplished players. It should not be that more accomplished players have to suffer with hardcaps on progression/challenge just so players do not have to rise up to their level to see the content.

  • donpopukidonpopuki Member Posts: 591
    Bring it!
  • BidwoodBidwood Member Posts: 554
    Originally posted by Victor_Kruger
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    It could grief other players, but I don't SOE will let it do too much harm, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    i don't think a A.I can grief, it just does what it program to do, grief is other players trying to ruin your fun.

    Okay. So while there may not be "griefers" will there be "griefed"?



  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Victor_Kruger
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    It could grief other players, but I don't SOE will let it do too much harm, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    i don't think a A.I can grief, it just does what it program to do, grief is other players trying to ruin your fun.

    Tell that to MK3 at hardest difficulty, I still hear Toasties! in my sleep. I almost forgot about the recurring nightmare of being humped in a corner and scissor thrown.image

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • nisraknisrak Member Posts: 70

    Your example of a group of players driving the orcs into a town is great!  Players should be able to affect each other in both positive and negative ways.  It's an online game that thrives on social interaction.  If people are so worried about being "griefed", they should go play some 1-player console game...

    I thought trains in EQ1 forced some great social interaction!

  • DrakynnDrakynn Member Posts: 2,030

    An unfettered true AI in control of all mobs would definitely grief players because that's the goal of AI ,to perceive it's surroundings,to learn and then make the best decisions and actions to achieve it's goal.

    I doubt that's what SOE intends.More likely it will be limited individual MOB AI with restricted goals and available actions if it realyl has AI at all,but we will see.

  • Victor_KrugerVictor_Kruger Member UncommonPosts: 280
    Originally posted by Bidwood
    Originally posted by Victor_Kruger
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    It could grief other players, but I don't SOE will let it do too much harm, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    i don't think a A.I can grief, it just does what it program to do, grief is other players trying to ruin your fun.

    Okay. So while there may not be "griefers" will there be "griefed"?



     No just frustration that the AI is beating you like in every other video game. Are grief and frustration the same thing? I would say suck it up its just part of the game to those who feel grief.

  • DrakynnDrakynn Member Posts: 2,030
    Originally posted by Victor_Kruger
    Originally posted by Bidwood
    Originally posted by Victor_Kruger
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    It could grief other players, but I don't SOE will let it do too much harm, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    i don't think a A.I can grief, it just does what it program to do, grief is other players trying to ruin your fun.

    Okay. So while there may not be "griefers" will there be "griefed"?



     No just frustration that the AI is beating you like in every other video game. Are grief and frustration the same thing? I would say suck it up its just part of the game to those who feel grief.

    Your arguing semantics.

    Yes an AI can't really grief because it is not deriving pleasure and satisfaction from negatively impacting a players experience by deliberately targetting the player with unwinnable situations or actions it's impossible to counter.

    But the crux of the question is would an AI would employ tactics that would be considered griefing if done by players?To which the answer is yes an AI would because that would be the best and easiest way to achieve it's goal.

    However no game developer would use an unfettered,unrestrained AI that would do so because most peopel would not find that fun.Remember griefing tactics isn't a challenge because as I say above such tactics are not winnable by the player no matter what.

  • wasaguestwasaguest Member Posts: 27

    I'm "old" and I think that would be awesome actually.

    One thing I miss from MMOs is mob raids against outposts and the like - That was my favorite part of Tabula Rasa.

    Sometimes we held the outposts, other times we lost it and had to retreat and retake it later. Was great.

  • Victor_KrugerVictor_Kruger Member UncommonPosts: 280
    Originally posted by Drakynn
    Originally posted by Victor_Kruger
    Originally posted by Bidwood
    Originally posted by Victor_Kruger
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    It could grief other players, but I don't SOE will let it do too much harm, you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    i don't think a A.I can grief, it just does what it program to do, grief is other players trying to ruin your fun.

    Okay. So while there may not be "griefers" will there be "griefed"?



     No just frustration that the AI is beating you like in every other video game. Are grief and frustration the same thing? I would say suck it up its just part of the game to those who feel grief.

    Your arguing semantics.

    Yes an AI can't really grief because it is not deriving pleasure and satisfaction from negatively impacting a players experience by deliberately targetting the player with unwinnable situations or actions it's impossible to counter.

    But the crux of the question is would an AI would employ tactics that would be considered griefing if done by players?To which the answer is yes an AI would because that would be the best and easiest way to achieve it's goal.

    However no game developer would use an unfettered,unrestrained AI that would do so because most peopel would not find that fun.Remember griefing tactics isn't a challenge because as I say above such tactics are not winnable by the player no matter what.

    I see what you mean if the A.I is corpse camping it wouldn't be fun. Players are going to complain no matter what they do with the A.I.

    I like the idea of a orc burning down my home because I wasn't proactive enough to deal with the orcs in the area, there is going to be fine line between grief and making the mobs behave like they really would in a role-playing game.

  • svannsvann Member RarePosts: 2,230
    I dont think you will have that much control over where the camp of orcs moves to.  You can make them move but you cant herd them into the noobs.  As far as the mobs themselves, no it wont be griefing to any but the weakest 1%.  Most players will get a kick out of it.  Its not like the high end mobs will be displaced and make camp in the starter area either.  Why would they?   If they are high level then why would they want to move their camp to an area that has low level resources?
  • RinnaRinna Member UncommonPosts: 389
    SWG as well.  I could pull my swoop right up to my front door and avoid the evil mobs that happened to congregate outside.  My customers, unfortunately, weren't  quite as lucky and would often get eaten.  I'd have to hire mercs to come kill the Syck and Monsterous Womp Rats.

    No bitchers.

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