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So I've seen a lot of players wearing different types of clothing and armor. I'm curious where everyone is obtaining this stuff? I've seen merchants, weapons dealers, etc.. but none sell armor, cloaks, or any of the other cool stuff I've seen.
look for npc's with [armour] after their can guess what they craft...:)
you can find them all over the place, first place (after the searing) being ascalon city.
gotta wait until next week to play, the pre-ordered box i'm importing hasn't arrived yet
at least im already lvl 15...
PvE in general is pretty lame, if you think long and hard about it. You are spending your time beating a severely gimped AI that would lose to a well trained monkey. Best not to think too long and hard why you are wasting time playing games in general actually...
hehe myko same problem here :P
only i have 2 weeks to wait :S
but im already lvl 18 close to 19
There are 2 facts i want to share with u:
1) Doesnt matter how hard u try, u cant lick ur ellbow.
2) 90% of the people who read it try to lick thier ellbows :P
i cant seem to find armor shops anywhere and noone in game that ive seen is willing to help.. ohh well
ok here is what.. if you are in post-searing ascalon there are no merchants that make armors for you.... If you are in pre searing ascalon, go to the bonfire and there should be weapon and armor merchant npc's around.. and armors are not readily buyable.. you should go get the raw materials to make em.. and this makes your amour customized for you

dlevel 19 for the early access? omg or is it from beta (beta chars are wiped back to level 1)