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What if...

SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167

EQN wasn't high fantasy but set in the future... The 'Next' wasn't the next iteration of current fantasy format but depicted later events in a more developed world. All the races where still there but it had a HiTech setting similar to what you could predict existed a 1000 years from now.

Would you still play it?


  • keenberkeenber Member UncommonPosts: 438
    Yes if it wasn't a WoW clone.
  • newbinatornewbinator Member Posts: 780
    Sure I'd still play it. But I'm not really into future/sci-fi stuff. I LOVE high fantasy stuff.
  • SmellyNannerSmellyNanner Member Posts: 152
    WHAT... WHAT IF... This thread was just completely and utterly pointless.. oh wait
  • DudehogDudehog Member Posts: 112
    Originally posted by Jean-Luc_Picard

    The picture on their default page definitely doesn't suggest that...


    Good lord. Is it your job on these forums to miss the point of posts? He's offering a hypothetical sceanrio. We all know that EQN is not going to have a futuristic setting.

  • JustsomenoobJustsomenoob Member UncommonPosts: 880

    They should come out with concept art where Firiona Vie is wearing a shocktrooper helmet for no real reason, just to get people talking.

  • BoneserinoBoneserino Member UncommonPosts: 1,768

    Maybe that game is EVE!

    Except they have all gotten lazy and all they do is sit in their ships and kill each other.     Or it could be Fallout, where they destroyed everything due to their technology and insatiable thirst for destruction!

    Kinda wouldn't have much to do with Everquest though would it?  That would be a completely different game IMO.  Unless you are just talking about reskinning and giving them lasers and photon torpedoes instead of swords?

    FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!

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