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I have seen an increase of Perpetuum's general channel (default channel which you are free to leave) from and average of 30 players in this channel the last few months to 60, hope we get more on Sunday evening server time.
Note: General chat is an indication only. Players can leave this channel, but it's the only way to gauge population level as we don't have information about the real population from the developers.
The problem is, since they made legal account trading, you have like 10 players who are in possession of literally an army of accounts...some they are holding and keeping active the account for corporation members, others are from friends who left the game ect.
Also pvp is all but dead given the "evil" side of the server has all but quit, leaving the other side locked up on their many gamma bases where they can pve in peace.
The population might have doubled but last time I reactivated for a day there were 35 people in general chat, during prime time, and only two were active enough to respond to my chatting.
game needs a miracle and about 5k concurrent players active at all times.
Steam was suppose to be the saving grace of the game (though subscription based games do abysmal on steam, its still good marketing) however game was greenlit about a year ago, saw a nice population boost...but has yet to launch on steam a year later.
I want this game to make it. It really is a much better version of EVE...though not nearly as developed...its just any game like this is zero fun without a vibrant and active community. Theres no community, theres no more politics since the bad guys really is 10-20 hardcore players PVEing their brains out trying to get the largest advantage possible should the game ever be revived and populated.
Oh and I think one of the biggest changes that needs to happen, and I know most wont agree...but they need to fix the game engine so that robots can be larger than one game tile in size. The robots are so tiny, even the big ones, and they really cant make massive robots when constrained to one tile in size..this is a problem when new players start and go "WTF it looks like im an ant sized robot"
Other than that, gamma bases need some serious work for endgame to work correctly. You shouldn't be terraforming massive sheer faced walls out of the ground that reach to the sky, you should be building actual walls and terraforming moats and defensive hills. Right now too much of the base is made from terraforming earth into unrealistic structures that need to be slowly terraformed down..which makes sieging a base a tedious and boring event. Also theres a ton of base exploits that "friends of the developers" corporations use.
Three years ago, Perpetuum was the most popular game on this website!
It was popular because at the time a lot of Eve Online players were disgruntled with Eve and temporarily left to play Perpetuum - I remember that the ethos of the most powerful PvP corporation was very similar to BoB and GoonSwarm alliances in Eve - too much to be a coincidence (it was a form of communism).
Suddenly, about a year after Perpetuum's launch, Eve Online changed and then DUST 514 was launched in beta. Suddenly, popularity for Perpetuum vanished - I don't think this was a coincidence.
Personally, I left Perpetuum roughly 6 months after launch - when the fastest robot was nerfed (from then on, all robots became a very similar speed, even despite size). I wanted to specialise in the fastest robot, but I was denied this thrilling 'career'. It was annoying because I had invested a lot of time into that particular robot.
I did return to Perpetuum about 6 months later, but it had not changed, and the rate of development was so slow that I finally bailed out for the last time.
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