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One thing I don't get...

SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
If it's going to be sandbox and there will probably be no quests... how can they call it Everquest ??!!??


  • vorrin5vorrin5 Member UncommonPosts: 71

    There weren't a huge amount of them in EQ at release either.

    We made our own.

  • TraugarTraugar Member UncommonPosts: 183
    They didn't say it wouldn't have quests.  They just said it wouldn't be themepark.  Sandbox does not require a lack of quests.  
  • Trudge34Trudge34 Member UncommonPosts: 392
    One thing I don't get is people still taking the sandbox comments literally. Smed's also said there will be raids, classes and I assume with StoryBricks quests in the game. It's not going to be a 100% sandbox. My guess would be something more along the lines of an evolution from the original model to more of a virtual world than anything. Mix of both elements to give the players a world to explore and adventure in. 

    Played: EQ1 (10 Years), Guild Wars, Rift, TERA
    Tried: EQ2, Vanguard, Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Runes of Magic and countless others...
    Currently Playing: GW2

    Nytlok Sylas
    80 Sylvari Ranger

  • DullahanDullahan Member EpicPosts: 4,536
    Originally posted by mbd1968
    If it's going to be sandbox and there will probably be no quests... how can they call it Everquest ??!!??

    Sandbox has nothing to do with quests.

    When you think quests, you probably think linear quest hubs that lead you around the world.  Thats not how its going to work with EQ Next according to what we've heard.

    Like someone said, it will probably be like EQ's quest where they were scattered everywhere and had nothing to do with levels.

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843

    Quest wont be the focal point. The will be something you do because you want lore or story. They wont be something you grind for levels.


    or atleast I hope.

  • TelondarielTelondariel Member Posts: 1,001
    Originally posted by mbd1968
    If it's going to be sandbox and there will probably be no quests... how can they call it Everquest ??!!??

    We have no idea of what Smed's idea of a sandbox will actually be.  Right now, its just a word he's throwing around to stir up interest.  Don't you think it would be against the grain of the entire EQ history to not have quests? 

  • Gallus85Gallus85 Member Posts: 1,092
    Originally posted by Telondariel
    Originally posted by mbd1968
    If it's going to be sandbox and there will probably be no quests... how can they call it Everquest ??!!??

    We have no idea of what Smed's idea of a sandbox will actually be.  Right now, its just a word he's throwing around to stir up interest.  Don't you think it would be against the grain of the entire EQ history to not have quests? 

    The term sandbox has nothing to do with quests, or lack there of.

    Legends of Kesmai, UO, EQ, AO, DAoC, AC, SB, RO, SWG, EVE, EQ2, CoH, GW, VG:SOH, WAR, Aion, DF, CO, MO, DN, Tera, SWTOR, RO2, DP, GW2, PS2, BnS, NW, FF:XIV, ESO, EQ:NL

  • LatronusLatronus Member Posts: 692
    Originally posted by mbd1968
    If it's going to be sandbox and there will probably be no quests... how can they call it Everquest ??!!??

    Simple.  The "Quest" is the quest of discovery and bettering your toon.  Not to mention the quest to have a great experience with your FRIENDS and not SOLO everything.  Since those things do not have a line in the sand as an ending, it is a never ending quest or EVERQUEST.

    Too many WoW generation players think a quest is only indicated by a "!" mysteriously floating over someone's head and a highlighted patch of turf on a map that tells you where to go.  If that's what you need, this may not be the game your looking for.  We'll know more in a couple weeks though, and who knows, it might be.  Gotta wait and see.

  • TelondarielTelondariel Member Posts: 1,001
    Originally posted by Gallus85
    Originally posted by Telondariel
    Originally posted by mbd1968
    If it's going to be sandbox and there will probably be no quests... how can they call it Everquest ??!!??

    We have no idea of what Smed's idea of a sandbox will actually be.  Right now, its just a word he's throwing around to stir up interest.  Don't you think it would be against the grain of the entire EQ history to not have quests? 

    The term sandbox has nothing to do with quests, or lack there of.

    Gotcha.  I was referring to the OP's concern, not my own personal idealism.

  • Gallus85Gallus85 Member Posts: 1,092
    Originally posted by Telondariel
    Originally posted by Gallus85
    Originally posted by Telondariel
    Originally posted by mbd1968
    If it's going to be sandbox and there will probably be no quests... how can they call it Everquest ??!!??

    We have no idea of what Smed's idea of a sandbox will actually be.  Right now, its just a word he's throwing around to stir up interest.  Don't you think it would be against the grain of the entire EQ history to not have quests? 

    The term sandbox has nothing to do with quests, or lack there of.

    Gotcha.  I was referring to the OP's concern, not my own personal idealism.

    Ya I know you're on top of it.  Was just backing you up.

    Legends of Kesmai, UO, EQ, AO, DAoC, AC, SB, RO, SWG, EVE, EQ2, CoH, GW, VG:SOH, WAR, Aion, DF, CO, MO, DN, Tera, SWTOR, RO2, DP, GW2, PS2, BnS, NW, FF:XIV, ESO, EQ:NL

  • IkisisIkisis Member UncommonPosts: 443
    Originally posted by Trudge34
    One thing I don't get is people still taking the sandbox comments literally. Smed's also said there will be raids, classes and I assume with StoryBricks quests in the game. It's not going to be a 100% sandbox. My guess would be something more along the lines of an evolution from the original model to more of a virtual world than anything. Mix of both elements to give the players a world to explore and adventure in. 

    Where did you find this information? Link please because i haven't heard anything like that.

  • Gallus85Gallus85 Member Posts: 1,092
    Originally posted by Ikisis
    Originally posted by Trudge34
    One thing I don't get is people still taking the sandbox comments literally. Smed's also said there will be raids, classes and I assume with StoryBricks quests in the game. It's not going to be a 100% sandbox. My guess would be something more along the lines of an evolution from the original model to more of a virtual world than anything. Mix of both elements to give the players a world to explore and adventure in. 

    Where did you find this information? Link please because i haven't heard anything like that.

    Classes are listed on the SOE live discussion panel information listing for EQN.

    As for raids, I have not heard that myself.  I'd be interesting in seeing it.

    Legends of Kesmai, UO, EQ, AO, DAoC, AC, SB, RO, SWG, EVE, EQ2, CoH, GW, VG:SOH, WAR, Aion, DF, CO, MO, DN, Tera, SWTOR, RO2, DP, GW2, PS2, BnS, NW, FF:XIV, ESO, EQ:NL

  • DavisFlightDavisFlight Member CommonPosts: 2,556
    Originally posted by mbd1968
    If it's going to be sandbox and there will probably be no quests... how can they call it Everquest ??!!??

    You can have quests in a sandbox. You can also create quests in a sandbox.

    And "quest" relates more to what quest actually means than the stream of chores modern MMOs give you.

    So long as questing isn't a systematic experience that levels you up, no reason this game can't have it.

  • IkisisIkisis Member UncommonPosts: 443
    Well classes is disappointing, it means QQ of balance issues for the entire life of the game.

  • Trudge34Trudge34 Member UncommonPosts: 392
    Originally posted by Gallus85
    Originally posted by Ikisis
    Originally posted by Trudge34
    One thing I don't get is people still taking the sandbox comments literally. Smed's also said there will be raids, classes and I assume with StoryBricks quests in the game. It's not going to be a 100% sandbox. My guess would be something more along the lines of an evolution from the original model to more of a virtual world than anything. Mix of both elements to give the players a world to explore and adventure in. 

    Where did you find this information? Link please because i haven't heard anything like that.

    Classes are listed on the SOE live discussion panel information listing for EQN.

    As for raids, I have not heard that myself.  I'd be interesting in seeing it.

    You make your expansion, the real hardcore players consume it in a month, and they're doing the raids over and over and over until the next round of live content that we put in. Typically, three or four times a year, we as MMO companies put new endgame in there to keep the raiders happy.

    We absolutely need to build that style of content into every game we make because players want that. We're not talking about the end of raids, the end of this incredibly high-level content. We're talking about changing the nature of the world around it so that there's a lot more to do "in between" expansions.

    Played: EQ1 (10 Years), Guild Wars, Rift, TERA
    Tried: EQ2, Vanguard, Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Runes of Magic and countless others...
    Currently Playing: GW2

    Nytlok Sylas
    80 Sylvari Ranger

  • dandurindandurin Member UncommonPosts: 498
    Originally posted by Ikisis
    Well classes is disappointing, it means QQ of balance issues for the entire life of the game.

    No different than skills.

  • dandurindandurin Member UncommonPosts: 498
    Originally posted by Gallus85

    The term sandbox has nothing to do with quests, or lack there of.


    "Quests" are not a sandpark element.


    You can add quests to a sandbox, but the more of a focus they become, the less "sandboxy" the game becomes.


    This is because quests are not tools for UCG, they are dev-created end content.


    None of the commonly recognized sandbox MMO's are quest-intensive.   ArcheAge has a lot of quests (typically in order to introduce UCG concepts, but not always) and thus it gets labelled a "sandpark".

  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    and I thought someone would have brought up the word 'Next' telling me that it about what you do 'next' after you've been 'ever questing'... I guess nobody thinks outside the box anymore...
  • tank017tank017 Member Posts: 2,192

    You go on your own quest...


    Quest = whatever you decide to do.

  • fyerwallfyerwall Member UncommonPosts: 3,240
    Originally posted by bcbully

    Quest wont be the focal point. The will be something you do because you want lore or story. They wont be something you grind for levels.


    or atleast I hope.

    BC is right.

    In the original EQ quests were not the focus of the game, and they were not there to lead you through the levels. Quests were, well, quests. They were there to give you some back story, neat bits of lore and later for class specific items. They were there for a challenge and for those who wanted to do them.

    There are 3 types of people in the world.
    1.) Those who make things happen
    2.) Those who watch things happen
    3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"

  • LokeroLokero Member RarePosts: 1,514
    Originally posted by Dullahan
    Originally posted by mbd1968
    If it's going to be sandbox and there will probably be no quests... how can they call it Everquest ??!!??

    Sandbox has nothing to do with quests.

    When you think quests, you probably think linear quest hubs that lead you around the world.  Thats not how its going to work with EQ Next according to what we've heard.

    Like someone said, it will probably be like EQ's quest where they were scattered everywhere and had nothing to do with levels.

    I think most people don't realize just how many quests EQ1 actually had.  There were lots of quests, but like you said scattered everywhere.  Most people just didn't realize there were so many because there was no giant icon above NPCs' heads.

    On topic: This is clearly a troll thread to begin with, but still, I do think there's going to be lots and lots of disappointed folks because of that one sandbox comment Smed made.  I seriously doubt this game is going to be the next SWG style sandbox like people seem to be deluding themselves into thinking.

  • GrimulaGrimula Member UncommonPosts: 644
    I hope they will have Loot camping !! camping monster spawns for good rare drops like EQ 1 had...Guarding your spawns,  making sure other people don't steal your Named monsters  !!  maybe with pvp  that would be amazing  
  • Gallus85Gallus85 Member Posts: 1,092
    Originally posted by dandurin
    Originally posted by Gallus85

    The term sandbox has nothing to do with quests, or lack there of.


    "Quests" are not a sandpark element.


    You can add quests to a sandbox, but the more of a focus they become, the less "sandboxy" the game becomes.


    This is because quests are not tools for UCG, they are dev-created end content.


    None of the commonly recognized sandbox MMO's are quest-intensive.   ArcheAge has a lot of quests (typically in order to introduce UCG concepts, but not always) and thus it gets labelled a "sandpark".

    Or maybe players use an in game tool to create their own quests and adventures?

    The point is you can have a game with quests and it would still be a sandbox.  Just because one genre type has a feature (like crafting, raids, quests, FFA PVP), doesn't make it a feature exclusive or unique to that genre.

    Your argument is like saying "The monster NPCs were created by the devs, and they walk around and do stuff that the devs programmed, so it's not a sandbox"

    By your argument, there are no such things as sandboxes.

    Legends of Kesmai, UO, EQ, AO, DAoC, AC, SB, RO, SWG, EVE, EQ2, CoH, GW, VG:SOH, WAR, Aion, DF, CO, MO, DN, Tera, SWTOR, RO2, DP, GW2, PS2, BnS, NW, FF:XIV, ESO, EQ:NL

  • dandurindandurin Member UncommonPosts: 498
    Originally posted by Gallus85
    Originally posted by dandurin
    Originally posted by Gallus85

    The term sandbox has nothing to do with quests, or lack there of.


    "Quests" are not a sandpark element.


    You can add quests to a sandbox, but the more of a focus they become, the less "sandboxy" the game becomes.


    This is because quests are not tools for UCG, they are dev-created end content.


    None of the commonly recognized sandbox MMO's are quest-intensive.   ArcheAge has a lot of quests (typically in order to introduce UCG concepts, but not always) and thus it gets labelled a "sandpark".

    Or maybe players use an in game tool to create their own quests and adventures?


     Sure, user-generated quests would be "sandboxy".  Dev-generated quests would not be. 

    Since most people assume "quest" means what it means in basically every MMO out there, ie dev-generated, you should be clear if you mean to imply "user-generated quests".

    Originally posted by Gallus85


    The point is you can have a game with quests and it would still be a sandbox.  Just because one genre type has a feature (like crafting, raids, quests, FFA PVP), doesn't make it a feature exclusive or unique to that genre.

    Your argument is like saying "The monster NPCs were created by the devs, and they walk around and do stuff that the devs programmed, so it's not a sandbox"

    By your argument, there are no such things as sandboxes.

    Or you could read what I actually wrote: "You can add quests to a sandbox, but the more of a focus they become, the less "sandboxy" the game becomes."


    I'm not attempting to precisely identify a border between sandbox and themepark.   Some games are less sandboxy than others.  The more themepark elements are added to a game, the less sandboxy it becomes.   A focus on dev-generated quests is one such element.




  • DullahanDullahan Member EpicPosts: 4,536
    Originally posted by dandurin
    Originally posted by Gallus85
    Originally posted by dandurin
    Originally posted by Gallus85

    The term sandbox has nothing to do with quests, or lack there of.


    "Quests" are not a sandpark element.


    You can add quests to a sandbox, but the more of a focus they become, the less "sandboxy" the game becomes.


    This is because quests are not tools for UCG, they are dev-created end content.


    None of the commonly recognized sandbox MMO's are quest-intensive.   ArcheAge has a lot of quests (typically in order to introduce UCG concepts, but not always) and thus it gets labelled a "sandpark".

    Or maybe players use an in game tool to create their own quests and adventures?


     Sure, user-generated quests would be "sandboxy".  Dev-generated quests would not be. 

    Since most people assume "quest" means what it means in basically every MMO out there, ie dev-generated, you should be clear if you mean to imply "user-generated quests".

    Originally posted by Gallus85


    The point is you can have a game with quests and it would still be a sandbox.  Just because one genre type has a feature (like crafting, raids, quests, FFA PVP), doesn't make it a feature exclusive or unique to that genre.

    Your argument is like saying "The monster NPCs were created by the devs, and they walk around and do stuff that the devs programmed, so it's not a sandbox"

    By your argument, there are no such things as sandboxes.

    Or you could read what I actually wrote: "You can add quests to a sandbox, but the more of a focus they become, the less "sandboxy" the game becomes."


    I'm not attempting to precisely identify a border between sandbox and themepark.   Some games are less sandboxy than others.  The more themepark elements are added to a game, the less sandboxy it becomes.   A focus on dev-generated quests is one such element.




    The notion that a quest is an element belonging to a certain kind of mmo is a false one.

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