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If you could build your own MMORPG.....

OdysseykOdysseyk Member UncommonPosts: 42

If you could build your own MMORPG,  what features would you like to see in the game that you have always dreamt of ?

What current features from current MMOs would you reuse and why?

What would you leave out  and why?

Give descriptions .

Nerd at heart.



  • BrucyBonusBrucyBonus Member Posts: 220

    Ok, I'll go for it: -

    • No traditional levels: but exploration, economy, politics, aesthetic rewards, skills etc which must be discovered.  In this sense it would play much like GW1 at level 20.  
    • All areas of the map are open to all players so there would be no empty zones at cap.  It would be open world (as far as possible). 
    • FPS/ TPS combat but with classes (sniper, heavy gunner, some sort of medic).  Not necessarily traditional trinity (or at least not entirely reliant upon it). 
    • Open world consensual pvp. 
    • Robust crafting/ economy and trading system with item wear and player repairs.  Player shops/ stalls. 
    • It would have housing. 
    • No bloody magic, elves, dwarves, dragons: I am so monumentally bored of all that shizzle.  
    • No 'every player is the hero' stories.  You can be a smaller part of a larger movement with your own tasks to do, but you are not the savior of the world/ game.  



  • icemanateeicemanatee Member UncommonPosts: 79
    Skyrim/TERA graphics + Lineage 2 sandbox world / seiging / pvp system + fantasy/medieval theme + ARPG combat (no tabbed targeting) + Vanguard diplomacy/crafting system + WoW vanilla EXP system + SWTOR cut scene/lore + SWG talents/gathering + warhammer public scenarios / RvR  = my dream game.
  • itgrowlsitgrowls Member Posts: 2,951
    Originally posted by BrucyBonus

    Ok, I'll go for it: -

    • No traditional levels: but exploration, economy, politics, aesthetic rewards, skills etc which must be discovered.  In this sense it would play much like GW1 at level 20.  
    • All areas of the map are open to all players so there would be no empty zones at cap.  It would be open world (as far as possible). 
    • FPS/ TPS combat but with classes (sniper, heavy gunner, some sort of medic).  Not necessarily traditional trinity (or at least not entirely reliant upon it). 
    • Open world consensual pvp. 
    • Robust crafting/ economy and trading system with item wear and player repairs.  Player shops/ stalls. 
    • It would have housing. 
    • No bloody magic, elves, dwarves, dragons: I am so monumentally bored of all that shizzle.  
    • No 'every player is the hero' stories.  You can be a smaller part of a larger movement with your own tasks to do, but you are not the savior of the world/ game.  



    pretty much this cept I do like the tolkeinized fantasy no one's really made a game that's been awesome enough to give great credit to the man's work.

    I'd like also to add:

    ~ heavy pet classes

    ~ taming care and feeding until they grow to be both mount and battle companion (the only leveling i'd like)

    ~ mounted combat (still haven't seen a good one yet)

    ~ Robust crafting to me doesn't mean having to play twister to get the best things to be made, i hated EQ's crafting that was the biggest RNG ripoff and probably gave Anet their inspiration for RNG in their title. I like crafting that you learn the recipe for and poof you can do it. Don't waste my time.

    ~ Materials for end game crafting actually being available from vendors in towns. That's right, why should we farm for everything when the NPC's are supposed to have some of them. Even if they were limited to a few a day per person or something that's still better then a gambling chance. 

    ~ hidden stashes. People hide things in RL all over the place on the street IRL people don't think they'd do that in a game? spsssh NPCS would be too.

    ~ Fishing big time we're talking full on props cosmetics lures tackleboxes and blends in into every other crafting profession in some way. (oil for weapons and armor, scales etc for potions)

    ~ Crafting that includes potions for not just healing or buffing or curing, but also for attacks. I've never seen a Charmed style potion making profession in an MMO ever. It would be awesome.

    ~ real stealth, none of this crap that's too far to one side or the other, or limited to one class. DnD had this and setup rules for it why aren't mmo's? the closest I've seen in an mmo was the introduction of Camoflauge to hunters in WoW. I'm talking you can stealth better at night then in the day. I'm also not talking about how poorly AoC did theirs where you are in the middle of the night in a cave with no lights you are 30 feet away from any mobs and 5 levels higher then them and they STILL see you! and all come rushing at once. Worst stealth ever.

  • RamanadjinnRamanadjinn Member UncommonPosts: 1,365

    swords and sorcerer's version of EVE online.

    as exact a copy as possible.

    i'd be set for many years.

  • BahamutKaiserBahamutKaiser Member UncommonPosts: 314
    Such a tempting topic... But now that I've put some thought to it... I don't wanna just give it away...

    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, if they get angry, they'll be a mile away... and barefoot.

  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043
    Originally posted by BahamutKaiser
    Such a tempting topic... But now that I've put some thought to it... I don't wanna just give it away...

    That's interesting.

    Let me tell you a story about a guy who was listening to a local radio station and they were talking about street vendors and how they were limited to hot dogs and sausages and stuff. The guy emails in like he often does to make a suggestion. He couldn't remember if Burrito had two r's or two t's or both. So he improvised. 'Make a wrap'. 'You can put anything in a wrap'. Inside of a month every chain from here to Tokyo had deals on wraps.


    It isn't even a matter of a decision to give it away. For me to come here and give away the perfect MMO, that's fine because the fact is I will never develop an MMO. The idea will die with me, quite wasted but you know? It would be nice if in cases where people do that sort of thing and they show they have the mind to make great things happen? Just maybe they get an email saying yea, you have something unique. Come in we will see if we can put that to work.  Rather than unwrap your imagination like a candy bar, then throw you away like an old used wrapper.


  • JRRNeiklotJRRNeiklot Member UncommonPosts: 129
    A 2d isometric recreation of 1st edition AD&D where there's more to a dungeon than just combat.
  • BahamutKaiserBahamutKaiser Member UncommonPosts: 314
    Sorry free2play, but been there, done that. Anyone who appreciates my ideas can haunt my forum activity and pick up pieces of my thoughts. I'm not going to derail a social topic with 100 pages of gameplay mechanics, and details most people woln't care to read or appreciate. Anyone who wants to make serious MMO suggestions would start their own thread, and do it in the developers corner.

    Don't concern yourself over me...

    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, if they get angry, they'll be a mile away... and barefoot.

  • JemcrystalJemcrystal Member UncommonPosts: 1,989

    I'd have to start with my own game box first.  I am done expecting PC makers to realize their product is for gamers and not secretaries anymore.  I'm tired of seeing MAC owners crying on forums, "How do I do what Window players do?"


    After that I would make the best mmo ever.  Combo of FFXI, DDO, Link, Sims and new dynamics only I have thought of.  I'm not getting any more specific because I've repeated this topic on these forums many times.  Not faulting OP.  This is an mmo forum specific which means topics will be revisited.


    Post from a year ago and one of many:


  • BahamutKaiserBahamutKaiser Member UncommonPosts: 314
    Nice idea Jem, but just because nobody has ever made it doesn't mean nobody has ever thought of it.

    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, if they get angry, they'll be a mile away... and barefoot.

  • Lovely_LalyLovely_Laly Member UncommonPosts: 734

    GW1 if we add more features + get it further on story.

    try before buy, even if it's a game to avoid bad surprises.
    Worst surprises for me: Aion, GW2

  • Ice-QueenIce-Queen Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    My dream mmorpg would be an updated version of Asheron's Call or Ultima Online.


    What happens when you log off your characters????.....
    Dark Age of Camelot

  • PyndaPynda Member UncommonPosts: 856

    On the PvE end, I'd really love to see dynamic dungeon generation (presumably done on the fly by assembling graphic blocks or modules of some sort).

    As for PvP, I have this generalized vision of frequent queued small scale battles taking place at watchtowers (owned and built by guilds) along a frontier. Less frequent and medium sized battles taking place in villages and towns (perhaps owned by large guilds and alliances), and then finally, a series of battles for control of a territory taking place at regional capitals only when conditions have been met.

    It would also be fun to have raiding be possible into foreign territory (full looting of course!), but limited in ways that would make it viable for non-PvP'ers to feel essentially safe as long as they didn't stray too close to contested territory. For example the previously mentioned watchtowers could have the ability to spot raiders and report on them. And 'Tracking' could be an effective skill that would allow defenders to hunt down roaming bands of enemies. Or something like the Morale of a raider could steadily decline, weakening him, as he spent more and more time behind enemy lines. Etc..

  • BahamutKaiserBahamutKaiser Member UncommonPosts: 314
    Originally posted by Lovely_Laly

    GW1 if we add more features + get it further on story.


    I totally feel you there, I loved the first guildwars and they pretty much just dumped their commitment to continue adding new chapters. The game was more than enjoyable but the developers abandon it so they could make the sequel THEY were interested in, players didn't want a sequel, they wanted more guildwars... I still haven't played GW2 just because I'm disappointed with their commitment to longevity and some other cop out adjustments they made to the first GW...

    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, if they get angry, they'll be a mile away... and barefoot.

  • asdarasdar Member UncommonPosts: 662

    I wrote down my list of 10 things and they came out with a game that hit 9 of them. Then I played the game and I was disappointed.

    1. Open world, see a mountain climb it, see an ocean swim in it.
    2. Skill based, not level based
    3. PvP
    4. Loot
    5. Aim to Shoot not tab targeting
    6. Mobs that are not grouped and with loose leashes.
    7. boats, mounts and other forms of travel that aren't insta porting.
    8. Quests that are meaningful and hard and not a thousand tasks thrown at you. I don't want to have to do quests at all if I don't want to.
    9. My only NOT request is that a game NOT have glowing signs all over, like exclamation marks and green marks over NPCs for quests and such.
    10. Good deep dungeons that are ruthless.

    Even when you get what you want it has to be put together just right. For me the catch was that the game I played had stats and those stats could be raised a LOT. Enough to unbalance PvP by a ton so that the game turned into a grind. The skills weren't a problem. 100 level got you skills and such, but everyone could get there in whatever skill area they wanted in short order. The problem was all the resistances, and strength and other stats.

    Well there were more problems than that, but still disappointing in the extreme to get what you want and realize it wasn't what you wanted.


  • DzoneDzone Member UncommonPosts: 371

    Hmm i just thought of something weird we could have by are character name. I could have it beable to use a microphone and a web cam. Your face would be next to your name on screen and everyone could hear you and see you. Your avatar would be your real face. Ita be optionall though ^^, im shure some peaple wouldn't wont them to see them.


    Some other things i would do, have a game designed that is really group focused, but also have solable stuff to do to keep you busy while you wait for a group.


    Solo stuff would be : Building your own house, fishing, crafting, riding your own boat ( and be able to fish on it ) owning and running your own shop, selling armor, consumables, your choice. The shops would replace the AH. All stuff gotten ingame would be either crafted or goten offa mobs.

                                       I'de do 50/50 with quest's, half solable, and half full group required


    Group stuff would be : Dungeons, special instance fights, notorious monsters, all mission ( Main storyline, class specific, ect. )


    I would be trinity combat focused, tank, healer, dd, support, as far as combat goes.

    Peaple wanting to be miners, harvesters, those would be completly diffrent from the combat classes. Gatherers wouldn't have to worry about aggro, The'de be invisible to mobs, they won't be able to attack mobs either. Combat classes would get agro if you same level as mob or lower. Peaple would be able to swich freely between gathering or combat.


    But the general idea would be to always have something to do, while you wait for a group, or if you just dont have that much time that day. Oh and it would just be a PVE game, ther's enought pvp out there alrdy.

  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686

    The world design of GW2, with its Dynamic events...

    Scaling content, both on level as on groupsize

    The graphics and admosphere of TSW

    The questing system of TSW. With darkness and cruellty

    The humor of .... as long as its fun and there is lot of it...

    The companions and crafting of SWTOR

    The housing system of Wildstar, with trophies and collections

    An advanced version of the foundry like Neverwinter that allows people to create their own content.

    Diversity of PvP instances, like GW2, but with more diverse goals inclusing a zone that works like lol in 3D

    The solo combat of GW2

    Advanced trinnity  tank-healer-support- crowd control-dps

    Annimations on par with GW2.

    6 man group size

    12 -24 and 48 man raids

    Vanguards open world dungeons

    WoW instanced dungeons.

    A single player race.... Just humans

    Everyone starts out with neutral faction, and your choices make up for you final PvP faction

    different zones FFA PvP - PvE only - Faction based PvP zone - PvE zone with joinable PvP events.. 

    The more fights you survive, the stronger you become, you could even become as strong as a Boss... but death results in loosing all powers.  Oh.. and the stronger you get, the more XP you´re worth. And in PvP if to strong ennemie NPC actively start hunting you. Sepperately power stats for PvE and PvP.  

    lots of mini games. Including a racing game.

    Jumping puzzles and other platform game activities (like climbing ladders/walls)

    Scavenger hunts

    A classless system with skillpoints and skilltrees..

    No max level...  but slowing down incredibly at higher levels..

    The best items come from crafting... but require hard to get drops.. ie instead of going after the sword of truth, you go after the sword of truth and then a crafter improves it for you..  or the crafter could just create a sword for you from the magical saphire of the bladelord. 

    and many many more things...

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • kedarakedara Member UncommonPosts: 72

    I'd go with something like a well made version of Eve.

  • OdysseykOdysseyk Member UncommonPosts: 42
    My dream game would include the following.


    • Open world raids like UO spawns.
    • PvP battles where you can loot the other persons corpse.
    • Pets the can be tamed and mounted and leveled.
    • House  system like UO
    • "Yes I know all of the above mentioned are from UO"
    • No bind on pickup or BOE items.
    • Boss fights where people can queue to be the boss and they get loot based on how long they can survive.
    • Full world exploration like Skyrim
    • Rare bosses like FFXI that hold great value items.
    • Away mode: so that when you go AFK or log off your character becomes A NPC that interacts in the world to give a feeling of increased realism of population.
    • Mounted Combat
    • Family lineage.
    • Diplomacy like Vanguard
    The list could go on and on.
    Does anyone else like this idea?

    Nerd at heart.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,249

    I'd probably be the only person who enjoyed playing a MMORPG that I designed, so probably just for the better than I'm not given the opportunity.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247
    If I could build my own MMO, it would be similar to Planet Explorers, but with more support for community, commerce and town building. I'd build it based on a paying playerbase of about 5-15k subscribers. One feature I would make sure gets in the ability for players to set up, manage and broadcast tournaments. This is a feature that is sorely lacking from most MMOs.

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • chellebell1689chellebell1689 Member Posts: 2

    I've always thought of this!!  Every time I play a game I think of what I would like to see in my ideal game.  So here's mine

    • Probably be built by the creators of GW2 (my all time favorite game!) so it would be the basics with the following things taken from other games...
    • Have the housing from Gods & Heroes (you have your own villa that you do quests to upgrade)
    • Mounts from WoW (LOVE their mounts!)....granted if they follow the GW2 waypoints you won't have much use for them, but that's beside the point!
    • Character creation would be a mix between Perfect World, Final Fantasy XIV, and EQ II
    • I would add the collection idea from EQII (the shinnies on the ground)
    • The choice effects of SWTOR (your choices give you good, neutral, or evil points.  Depending on how evil/good you are, certain things like your looks are effected).
    • Definitely the in game store from WoW
    • The guilds would be account bound (not character) like in GW2
    • You have to include the events GW2 has!  Especially their holidays! 
    • Dungeon group finder like WoW
    • The crafting would be a mix between SWTOR, GW2, and WoW
    • In conjunction to GW2 special PvP area I would add WoW's PvP ability where you can ask a player if they want to battle.
    • And finally (as far as I can think of), the ability to send your pet to sell off/buy for you as in Fate
    That's about it as far as I can think.  I'll probably end up remembering some other aspects I'd want in there.  Here's a couple personal ideas that I would add (that I personally have not seen in a game, feel free to correct this...)
    • More freedom in the map, if I want to climb to the top of this mountain, then I should be able to (unless it boarders the edge of the map)
    • If you get a pet/mount you could pay (a small in game fee, i.e. 2 gold) to have full customization of the pet.
    • The option to have a tattoo of your guild emblem on you (in a visible location) or your pet/mount
    • One personal idea I would add is that at your house you can see all your mounts/pets that you have and you can interact with them as if they were pets. 
    • You could also train with them to get special minor things like maybe a better saddle on your mount (something like that) or something that helps your stats a little bit.
    • There would be a mini-pre-game that you start out in that would be like a tutorial, but also effect how you start the game.  You would make decisions that may effect the way you look (slightly), may give you a special mount/pet, or even a special ability.
    • The guild leader (or special designated person) could create a message that would pop up in every member's chat when they log in (if they are not representing the guild, it would send the message to their inbox every time the message is changed.)
    • I think this is in a couple games, voice chat built into the game! My spin, you have the basic channels (guild, map, party), but you could also create your own channel so that you could chat with your friends while in a group or whatever. 
    **Not gonna lie, I've edited this a couple times**
  • ElRenmazuoElRenmazuo Member RarePosts: 5,361

    Mass Effects sci-fi theme and explorations of planets

    The Divisions Ground Combat/Graphics/Physics

    Ultima Online character progression

    EvEs spaceship traveling and gameplay/crafting

    Armored Core Mech gameplay and mech customization

    Robotech/Macross style Mechs that can transform into fighters that can deploy out of spaceships for dog fights

    Xenogears/Xenosaga Story telling and music style

    No levels and classes

    Sandbox/Voxel Universe

    Be able to make your own alien race like in Star Trek Online but also have set alien races to choose from the games main story

    I could prolly come up with more but all this put together is basically what would be my overall dream mmorpg


  • chellebell1689chellebell1689 Member Posts: 2
    Originally posted by ElRenmazuo

    Be able to make your own alien race like in Star Trek Online but also have set alien races to choose from the games main story


    Completely forgot about that!  I would add something along those lines to my game!  And if you create your own race two things would happen

    1) You would have the option to share the race with other gamers (but you'd have to add a few more specs to create the "basics")

    2) The mini-pre-game would be a little more longer and interactive so you could have the basic setup as a pre-made race


    (Thnx for the reminder XD)

  • Neo_ViperNeo_Viper Member UncommonPosts: 609

    - No levels, fully skill based character development like UO. Skills improve by using them. Want to make an archer who is also a master cook? Go for it, total freedom, even though there's of course a maximum limit of skill points to avoid the "master in everything" characters. In real life there are no classes. If a rocket scientist wants to learn cooking, he can. This whole class crap always felt very cheesy to me, going back to my Dungeon and Dragons pen and paper sessions. A fully skill based system also allows total non-combat characters, true crafters, townfolks.

    - A gritty medieval world, like Game of Thrones or Elric of Menilbone. Let's say Game of Thrones for the rest of the description. No stupid fluff like plush backpacks or panda pets. Weapons and armor are realistic too, no massive shoulder pads.

    - Magic is very limited even though it's available. Doing magic demands preparation and effort. It's not a game where mages run around farting fireballs all the time. It's more subtle magic, like GoT or LotR. Priest of some deities are able to do some stuff.

    - Faction based PvP, you join one of the great houses at character creation. There would also be PvE servers, where the war with the other factions would be purely PvE based unless you flag yourself for PvP, which would work like Notum Wars in AO, gaining advantages you couldn't get otherwise without it being mandatory. No FFA PvP, it destroys games, only PvP that makes sense, aka no randomly attacking allies just because you can. No veteran Lannister character camping the Stark newbie area either. The game must be welcoming to new players, and not allow veteran players to grief them.

    - The PvP system would also not allow a single faction to conquer the whole map, crating a "FOTM" effect and basically destroying a server's PvP. Core faction places (e.g. Winterfell or Riverrun)  are basically safe spots which can't be taken unless decided by the developer for the world story line. Battles happen in frontier areas, borders between two factions, and players can expand the amount of land owned by their faction, giving them access to more resources to build defenses too.

    - Player housing happens in the open world and is a basic feature from day one. House spots are restricted to specific areas to avoid the "urban sprawl" to invade the whole map.

    - You have ground mounts, and I mean horses, no silly pigs or goats or whatever other stupid mounts some games added. No flying mounts. The only person who will eventually have flying mounts in Westeros is Daenerys Targaryen, and much later in the world's story line anyway. Players can't even dream to own a dragon and it won't happen. Flying mounts destroy worlds.

    - Boats. Specially important if you have factions like the Iron Islands. Possibility for pirates too. Naval warfare.

    - Generally sandbox design, no "!" over the head of NPCs, quests adapt to the local PVE conditions, with creatures migrating. For instance, if there's a wolf invasion in the nearby wood, the inhabitant of the village may ask you to help protect their cattle, but the next time you pass in the same village (or with an alt) the conditions may be totally different since the wolves have since then been mostly killed. The world is truly dynamic and changes all the time.

    - Talking about the world, it would be huge, massive, and non instanced. Traveling from The Wall to King's Landing would take hours. People who played AC1 should get the idea of the scale I envision. No excessive quick travel options, definitely no instant teleportation by clicking on a map, but the possibility to use transport between two important landmarks (e.g. from Castle Black to Winterfell, from Winterfell to King's Landing, etc...). Outside of that, traveling is done by the player, on his own mount. Horses wouldn't be hard to get and wouldn't be restricted to the rich elite, a newbie should be able to get his own mount very early in the game, even if it won't be the best armored war horse of course. Mounted combat is implemented from day one, and has advantages but also disadvantages. Mounts are part of the game and the world just like armor and weapons, they don't disappear in a bag when dismissed. Also, transport is only usable once you've discovered a place on your own first, of course.

    - Crafting works just like another skill. Territory control between the great houses will impact the access to resources. Crafting is not utterly complicated or annoying (like EQ2's horrible "mini game" based crafting), but depending on your skill and the quality of the resources used, you will create different qualities of items. Crafting will include trainers, but also a discovery system to find out new recipes, a bit like AC1's spell discovery system.

    - The game is not gear based. Gear is quite easy to get, and doesn't automatically decide the result of a battle. Character development is more important, and the skill of the player behind the keyboard is primordial. There's no gear grind, the game is about exploration, warfare against the enemy houses, and generally do whatever you want on the map, and not being forced down a single path towards some "end game". "End game" starts as soon as you log into the game for the first time. A valyrian steel blade will not mean that you automatically win (and will be quite hard to get too, of course =P), a good old normal steel blade can pierce your body just as efficiently. Also, something that annoys me in many games, you won't be able to "cut" someone with a blunt weapon like a hammer or a mace. Skills will depend of the weapon you are using.

    - No trinity. Healers exist and are important, but there's no threat system. Since there are no classes, the player will be able to specialize into a more "tankish" way or a more "squishy" higher dps way. A leather armor wearer using a bow will have advantages compared to a heavy armor wearer using the same bow. Encumbrance and freedom of movement is an important factor which changes the way your character plays. Don't expect to run around, sprint and swim in full plate or even chain mail, but you will also be very hard to kill. A good illustration of this would be the combat between "The Mountain" and "The Red Viper" or between "Bronn" and "Ser Vardis Egen" in A Song of Fire and Ice. Heavy armor wearers are hard to kill, but have a disadvantage in mobility and fatigue.


    I have more ideas in many word documents I wrote over the years, but that's the general idea.

    My computer is better than yours.

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