Is a great game, especially if you are in space mmo or in star trek. You have for free access to a all the content which is a lot. There instant grupping for "instances" and "raids". Community is very friendly. There is a cash shop but you don;t really have to use if you are mostly in pve or casual pvp. For hardcore pvp you would have to pay a little bit but is pretty much 1 time fee for a better ship. The gear is aquired trough "emblem farming" and maybe some lucky drops. Only downside is that it does not have space holding, but i think this is schedlued for future. All in all is enough interesting content for couple months without end-game grinding. Everything that require real money can be also bought trough playing (real money are just shortcut for farming).
I played the game at release and couldn't really get into it. I think what I wanted was more of an original series feel, or maybe a rebooted series feel.
In any event, I'm not sure it's underrated. I'm sure it's underrated on the forums, but overall there seem to be a lot of people playing the game, new updates and and new content.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
STO has evolved into a REAL AAA MMO, albeit a small one
they have squished a ton of bugs , and added some very nice features
and its one of the very few mmos, that allow you to customize your character over and over,
for a very small amount of in game credits
welcome to the big League STO
I'm enjoying the new Romulan content so far, but I do wish I had the option of creating a character on the side of the Tal Shiar. Oh well.
It's a sad day indeed when a family is too afraid of reprisals to publicly thank somebody for saving their lives.
Yeah , I'll take issue with a few things here. AAA ? Seriously , ever dealt with customer service ? How about server loads ? Customization of Characters ? Really that's your criteria for AAA ? Seriously ? It's a nice feature, but the core mechanics are weak and the game is basically CO dressed up to be ST. I think people with an agenda push this game farther forward then it deserves. It has some nice parts and not discounting the fun factor. As far as space games go , it's a failure. Sorry but 2-D movement with a stepped vertical movement just doesn't cut it. In fact the same movement found in in CoX, CO. But , hey why let things like that get in the way of glorifying what is a best a mediocre game, from a mediocre company.
Hmm am i the only who can see the irony in this statement?
AAA? uhn lol nope it aint bad but it aint no AAA title.
it's simple fact that the only thing keeping it around is the f2p model and the IP, take either of those away and it would disappear. If it was just some random sci fy game and was judged purely on mechanics/technical attributes, customer service no one would play it. ergo it's not an AAA offering.
I think AAA is too generic.
The game have good graphic, good immersion and a lot of content. Pvp is fun and there is arena style pvp and a little bit of free world pvp.
You have ground action and space action.
Sure there is room to improve, some raid-boss stuff would be good but i think they do steady progress.
It looks like those days the scifi spece ships is kind of gone. If you look on scifi channel all you see is reality shows, teenagers with problems (hello caprica) and some ordinary guys that have "powers" (hello alphas).
I think space /spaship genre is kind of dying, not sure why, maybe it does not fit in projections done by the young wolves in pubs and nightclubs ....
Eve is one of a kind and survives due to dedicated players base (hello to 2-4 alt accounts) and they grow also a little bit but the level of grieffing in that game is too much.
There will be to other scifi games Star citizen and elite dangerous but is too early to discuss about them as they are in early production.
So basically startrek online is the last Mohican of space ship mmos. If it fails we can go back to elves and orcs....
customer service is bad everywhere now,,even at blizzard
go find an mmo with more , and better customization,,have you even seen the huge variety of creatures on ESD?
server loads is a measure of success,,that usually Means , that the playerbase is growing
core mechancics are made for the casual player
and it also was best F2P game, BEFORE this upgrade
not bad for a mediocre game
If you look past the whole Star Trek thing, you will actually find that STO is not only a good game, but a very solid game. It did not start out that way. It was yet another awful MMO release where people just left the game and really never came back. It took them a while to fix everything that was broken, and of course, no one came back so they were forced to go F2P.
But because there is a subscription in the game, it is not a blatant money grab like other PWI games (Neverwinter). I think that you HAVE to spend money in this game, otherwise you will just have your basic ship which you simply cannot play with at medium levels.
This game's main problem is a core design problem. It has ZERO to do with the themes found in Star Trek. This game is 100% about killing people. Every single Vice Admiral in the game is a genocidal mass murderer. I cannot count how many people I have killed in this game. It must be in the millions. Ship after ship after ship, KABLOOIE. No diplomacy, no subterfuge, nothing like Picard. In STO, you shoot first and then shoot later.....then you get an idiotic lockbox as loot.
This is one of the IPs Cryptic somehow got their grubby hands on. They also got the D&D license. Both this game and D&D online have really nothing to do with the core values those franchises are about. Strict shoot em up.
When you play this game, you will say to yourself "hey, you know this is not that bad of a game". Then you will think about Star Trek and what it REALLY meant and you will end up saying "well, it had potential.....but I guess it was much easier to just blow up the bad guy then talk to him"
I'm not a fan of EVE either, however don't belittle it "growing a small bit" it happens to be the only mmo on the market with a "growing population" and it's been doing that for years it's slow but it's steady, Not even the WoW juggernaut is doing that anymore. But my point was in reference to STO and AAA; if you NEED a specific IP or NEED f2p to even exist it cannot be considered AAA if it needs a crutch. If a game isn't mechanically/technically sound enough to stand on its own right it's a B grade offering at best.
Like I said STO isn't a bad game but it will never be a great one.
I am enjoying the new Romulan content for what it is. Romulans were something I wanted to play as at release. I wish they were a fully fleshed out faction and not tacted onto the existing ones, but whatever.
Beyond that, I wish I had more choice in my story line. It is EXTREMELY linear... and the path can not divulge at all. You are a goodie goodie and you do what the scripted quest tells you to do. You can't join the Tal Shiar, you can't do anything but progress through the quest text with the answer that is given to you.
Is the ship combat still spin in a circle and shoot. That got old in a hurry. The Ship combat was just awful.
Have they improved it?
--John Ruskin
One thing I really enjoy about star trek is that reading the quest text helps you do the quests. Also not all quests are "shoot the guys" even though almost every quest ENDS that way they usually start off with a cool story and with lots of talking involved. A much needed break from useless quest text.
Play for fun. Play to win. Play for perfection. Play with friends. Play in another world. Why do you play?
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
Now if only it could be more underrated than your spelling...
STO's time has long since passed tbh, it was a mediocre game before it even went F2P, and it hasnt really improved, that it took them this long to add romulans was a bit surprising, as its one of the things that was asked for before the game even launched. Its the same old too little too late, the only surprising thing here is that people still talk about the game, as for the AAA thing, it didnt even qualify as one of those at launch, still doesnt. its doubtful you can really even call the game a 'finished product' as there always seemed to be something missing in it.
You're funny. Thanks for the laugh. Check out APB's character creation, provided they haven't changed it in the re-release. It was far superior. But , hey what does that matter. It's the only thing Cryptic can hang it's hat on. They lead every game release with that claim. Unfortunately it's seems people at Cryptic who make the games, prefer playing dress up more then actual gameplay.
I´m enjoying the Romulan expansion myself! Even enjoying more than Neverwinter!
Game has gone a lot better since last time i checked it!
Great fun
I'd be enjoying it alot more if the servers weren't down almost everyday now for maintenance. If it was at night that would be fine, since I'm not around, but it's always in the morning when I am. Would mind them fixing the PvE Queue bug either... but don't see that happening. Overall though expansion is a solid 7 out of 10.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Yea, I've noticed it's been down a majority of the time I typically have to play games (7am - noon EST).
But of course since it's been 12 days since I put in a support ticket to just get INTO the game (which they haven't responded to) I haven't been able to participate.... at all.
Ouch. Ok that makes my complaint seem insignificant. I hope they help you get it sorted out.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
IMO Cryptic makes perfectly average games that usually do one thing well and everything else is decidedly average.They make games cheap and fast and the company they make games for makes a profit on the game quickly,from a business point of view Cryptic is a golden.
All their games will give you a good time but only for a short amount of time and then after that only for short spurts here and there when content is released.If your looking for a game that your gonna want to play every day for months or even years then most people will be disappointed with any Cryptic game.