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So, the Southsun Cove update in now live. Patch notes are here:
Traps in WvW.
The Southsun Cove area got a revamp. Lots of new structures and NPCs.
Plenty of new events. It's still a bit empty, but seems to be getting there.
A +200%-ish Magic Find buff while you're in Southsun.
New cash shop items that are also available as drops in-game.
A new minigame called "Crab Tossing".
I think it's an impressive update, considering the last one went live only two weeks ago. It sure is better than the first stage of Flame and Frost. Southsun is still very pretty and I really hope this arc will add enough events to it for it to be considered a real lvl 80 zone.
The minigame was a bit of a disappointment. It's very limited and, for some reason, lagged badly on my PC. I've never seen players teleport so much in GW2. Can't say much else about it, because lag made it unplayable.
The supply trap sounds like something that could be really useful against rams. We'll see how it affects the WvW meta.
Next update is planned for 28th of May, so 2 weeks after this one, but unfortunately there is no info what it will contain
It seems that ArenaNet is going to release smaller chunks of content but more frequently.
Look at Southsun achievements... Canach will come back and we need defeat him inside a dungeon - there is one achievement for defeat Canach and other achievement for pass Canacch's dungeon without get trapped. And Canach fit the image we see at for the "Last Stand on Southsun".
There is too an achievement for defeat Subdirectorr NULL, and it is interesting that it is not Subdirector NOLL, the asura we all know and hate. The name is mispelled or there is something we don't know?
On their forum, a dev (Robert Hrouda, I think) said they're going to release this faster, because people thought the beginning of F&F was too slow. He also said they've already got the majority of this content ready, because they've been working on it during F&F.
Not just that, but the Living Story teams have been split up. It was one team during the beginning of the year in January. But, when had the year's progression mapped out, they split the teams to assign to different projects on different months. This was mentioned at during the last, last LIvestream where the Secrets of Southsun duo said they've put a lot of work into it, but hadn't worked on the June update and that's a different team entirely.