Please also make it so people cannot change name and cannot change server. I really want to get back to a game where being and ass***e to everyone has consequences to your server reputation.
Originally posted by Grailer Originally posted by DihoruOriginally posted by cagarGet rid of hand holding, get rid levels ( its just a race to the end anyway).gain skills by story driven quests, randomly spawned skill/spell masters that appear in the world in "off the beaten path" places, found through exploring. High end skills/spells that are rare drops off "named" mobs.none of that bind on pickup crap either.Classes that are more then tank , healer, dps.crafted items actually worth making.
You just nuked your own game... more classes than tank, healer dps and an actual in-game economy (what you need for crafted items to be worth a tosser) are gonna need some hand holding at least at the start... that's not even gonna take into account no levels which is a horizontal and vertical progression system (progression based on gear or wealth or somesuch).the problem with holy trinity is when you get to raids you only need 1 - 2 tanks sometimes only 1 tank .
that means out of 30 players , 10 are healers , 10 are dps , and 10 are tanks , 9 of them aren't needed .
yet there are still issues finding tanks in almost every mmo that features that holy trinity.
the thing is, there is always going to be far more DPS classes than healing and tank classes in game.
especially if its like EQ and those classes cant solo very efficiently (compared to some of the DPS classes at least).
You know what I want? Make the quests so damn good that say a at level 25 I take upon a quest so epic, so badass, and so damn hard that I will cry and curse until I finish it but when I do I'll remember it 10 years from now and never let go of the prize at the end no matter how bad I out-level it. That no matter who I talk to they will tell me their version of the struggle and ultimate success and how much it filled them with accomplishment. THAT IS WHAT I WANT. And I want it applied to everything I do, I can wait a bit longer and pay a bit more if needed.
Do this and you will have a legend on your hands, follow the current trend and you will slip down the shitpipe.
that's not even gonna take into account no levels which is a horizontal and vertical progression system (progression based on gear or wealth or somesuch).
Pre-CU SWG. Progression was based on gaining skill boxes in one or more profession trees. The boxes granted abilities (special attacks), mods to attack accuracy and speed, and weapon certifications (anyone could use nearly every weapon, but accuracy and damage was very poor if you were not certified in its use). Anyone could use any armor if they could take the weight on their stats (and then the grossly over-powered doc buffs totally bunged up that rather balanced design).
Get rid of hand holding, get rid levels ( its just a race to the end anyway).
gain skills by story driven quests, randomly spawned skill/spell masters that appear in the world in "off the beaten path" places, found through exploring. High end skills/spells that are rare drops off "named" mobs.
none of that bind on pickup crap either.
Classes that are more then tank , healer, dps.
crafted items actually worth making.
You just nuked your own game... more classes than tank, healer dps and an actual in-game economy (what you need for crafted items to be worth a tosser) are gonna need some hand holding at least at the start... that's not even gonna take into account no levels which is a horizontal and vertical progression system (progression based on gear or wealth or somesuch).
the problem with holy trinity is when you get to raids you only need 1 - 2 tanks sometimes only 1 tank .
that means out of 30 players , 10 are healers , 10 are dps , and 10 are tanks , 9 of them aren't needed .
That's not a problem with the Trinity, that's a problem with raid design. If developers rethought raid design away from the usual one of really big guy that the main tank stands in front of - we might get somewhere.
Give tanks other tasks. How about this, fight a hydra, each each needs a tank!
Or, fight a pair of minotaurs, each minotaur has 4 chains and requires 4 tanks to play a mini game of restraining them while one tanks the boss itself.
Blizzard has been pretty creative in terms of raid design over time, but they stuck with the 2 tank design for the most part. I don't see anything wrong with having 10 tanks in a raid, as long as the developers make the raid content require their use.
Crafters should make the best gear, mobs should drop mats for crafters, or else low-level generic gear only. All good stuff should be player crafted.
Some instancing is good, but use it sparingly, and only when it makes sense. Having multiple overlays for a common outdoor area is bad. An instance for a particular building with a particular quest is ok.
If you do have classes, instead of skills, then make each class complex. Example: the Cabalist in DAOC could be Spirit, Matter, or (can't remember). Each one plays differently than the others.
If you do have PvP, make it optional, focused on specific areas.
Make debuffing a big part of the game. A good debuffer is just as valuable as a healer/buffer.
1. Sparkly trails or circles on maps leading us by the hand to where our next piece of a quest might lie.
2. No pointless chores.. that developers like to call quests.
3.No Mobs Telegraphing their moves with giant red circles. Let the players figure out animations.
4. If your going to have traps, that should be kinda of hidden you know like the players either learn the hard way or have a skill that gives them a chance to see them. Please.. Dont put GIANT RED CIRCLES to show everyone where every single trap is. Make it a perception check (character driven that will give just you a red circle to warn as you approach) or small subtle things that players (not characters) might notice. Like holes in the wall, or floor. Or maybe a trap door that has small seams in the floor, that if you look you see.
All this We are going to show you everything, so you dont have to worry about anything is so mind blowingly frustrating. It is getting worse in every new game that comes out. and more prevelant.
Please SOE for the Love of God I beg you dont do any of these things I have listed.
Let the players actually Explore and attempt to learn the world. Instead of leading us by the hand.
I agree.
As far as mobs. Mob should not be a main form of PvE. Mob grinding should not be fruitful. PvE systems/tools (player driven escorts)need to be put in place for the players to breath life into the world.
Get rid of hand holding, get rid levels ( its just a race to the end anyway).
gain skills by story driven quests, randomly spawned skill/spell masters that appear in the world in "off the beaten path" places, found through exploring. High end skills/spells that are rare drops off "named" mobs.
none of that bind on pickup crap either.
Classes that are more then tank , healer, dps.
crafted items actually worth making.
You just nuked your own game... more classes than tank, healer dps and an actual in-game economy (what you need for crafted items to be worth a tosser) are gonna need some hand holding at least at the start... that's not even gonna take into account no levels which is a horizontal and vertical progression system (progression based on gear or wealth or somesuch).
the problem with holy trinity is when you get to raids you only need 1 - 2 tanks sometimes only 1 tank .
that means out of 30 players , 10 are healers , 10 are dps , and 10 are tanks , 9 of them aren't needed .
What you say is sort of true, but not accurate at all. You normally don't bring 10 healers. You bring the min number of tanks, healers, and buffers.
Typical 24 person raid composition is: 1 MT and 1 backup MT. 1 OT and 1 backup OT. If your tanks are good you don't need 4 total, you can get away with just one backup for either. Then you have 1 MT healer and 1 OT healer with 1 backup healer and/or 2 support healers (insta rezzers to bring up tanks or healers that drop). Depending on the game or encounter you need 1 buff class per group - you put all melee or casters in a single group because often a buff class mainly buffs one style of DPS. All the rest are DPS with CC as needed for the encounter. It only gets more complicated if you have debuff classes too.
The fight comes when you have multiple classes that can fill the roles. Do you bring the mitigation tank, the evasion tank, or the hybrid tank? Do you bring the HoT healer, the direct healer, the reactive healer? Which buff classes do you really need and which can you dump for DPS? Which DPS should you bring - the physical, magic, ranged, melee? Is it more valuable to bring buffs and debuffs or just straight dps?
The problem with the traditional trinity is that it limits the possible combat options the designers can create and like you said most of the fill slots are DPS. I prefer a more action-oriented system with or without traditional roles, like Tera, TSW, and GW2. If they're going to go super traditional then I hope they have a class system like Rift so players can configure their character as needed.
That is why RIFT is quite good , you can switch between roles , dps or tank . Cleric can be tank dps or healer
But of course getting good gear for all 3 roles isn't easy either .
Zero PVP! serves no purpose, wasn't in EQ no need for it to be in EQN. Ya want pvp go play the pvp games.
How bout a little role playing if its a mmoRPg and some tools to do that with.
Useful skills and abilities.
No Item shop!!!
Make it cost and a monthly subscription fee, get away from the ftp bullshit and those who thrive in it.
How about mounts and mounted combat
Housing and guild housing
Intelligent mobs who actually do something other then stand there and wait there turn to die...
Weather AI would be nice..
Decent raid content and lower level dungeons starting early
Cross class training or multiple classing (( a la Rift ))
Last at least on my list of suggestions- NONE and I mean NONE of those irritating prepubescent childish looking characters with big tits, ears and tails.. (( a la Tera! ))
1. Sparkly trails or circles on maps leading us by the hand to where our next piece of a quest might lie.
2. No pointless chores.. that developers like to call quests.
3.No Mobs Telegraphing their moves with giant red circles. Let the players figure out animations.
4. If your going to have traps, that should be kinda of hidden you know like the players either learn the hard way or have a skill that gives them a chance to see them. Please.. Dont put GIANT RED CIRCLES to show everyone where every single trap is. Make it a perception check (character driven that will give just you a red circle to warn as you approach) or small subtle things that players (not characters) might notice. Like holes in the wall, or floor. Or maybe a trap door that has small seams in the floor, that if you look you see.
All this We are going to show you everything, so you dont have to worry about anything is so mind blowingly frustrating. It is getting worse in every new game that comes out. and more prevelant.
Please SOE for the Love of God I beg you dont do any of these things I have listed.
Let the players actually Explore and attempt to learn the world. Instead of leading us by the hand.
Originally posted by g0m0rrah
If you dont mind, I would like to add to your list...
Please DO not...
1. Spend Statistics for me. I like to decide what statistics go where.
2. Give us linear character progression. It does not feel like I am creating a unique character when you give me a list of abilities that I get at specific levels, like every other character. Being able to choose what I get and when I get it, then modifying this ability in different ways is a must. Example: I take a fireball like spell and change the color to be green, I then set my cast animation for this spell, I also modify this spell so that on another click I can manually detonate the fireball. I then choose to modify it so the fireball does less explosions (aoe) damage but for this sacrifice it places a DoT on all those it hits. I think you are getting the point...
3. Create PvP last and only as if you are checking off a check list. If you make PvP, invest in it or do not make it at all.
4. Make the game entirely Gear based. We have enough games that are entirely gear based. How about we put some thought into character creation and not follow some linear Quest or Instance gear grind. Oh weeee I get to look like every other mage with shoulder pads the size of small cars...
5. make the game simple. Please add some complexity. I almost dont even care how you do it. When I imagine a harsh medieval setting I would imagine that even the small things should be figured out. I need food and water, how am I going to get it. I need a source of income. I need shelter, I need...
Originally posted by ShakyMo 1 do not instance and phase it up the wazoo 2 in fact it would be refreshing to go back to vanilla EQ and have no instances at all, you can get round tagging / camping issues by scaling encounters and having contribution systems as seen in gw2, rift, war etc. (but do it better) 3 if you must instance dungeons, do it Ao / daoc style, e.g. there's one persistent copy you can just enter, but if there's more than say 100 people in the dungeon, spawn a second shard of it. 4 make crafted gear, THE GEAR. Have the high end materials for it available to many playstyles, e.g. raiding, pvp, refining.
Originally posted by ShakyMo Also agree with the quests thing.
Don't have millions if quests that take 5 minutes each.
Have a lot less quests, but make them multistage and last a good deal of time, with some variety, e.g. shortest quest takes say 1 hour, longest takes days. Perhaps copy that system from tsw a bit so you can only have 1 epic quest (taking days), 1 main quest(taking an hour or two) and if grouped 1 guest quest (main quest of someone in your party). This will also have bonus of getting advanced players to revisit early zones.
Originally posted by sanshi44
Ill like to add to it if you dont mine
1- No instances, there can be load screens between areas aslogn as there not instanced for your group/raid alone
2- No minimaps or even maps in general, allow players to make/sell there own maps in general if you must put them into game.
3- No hand holding plz sicks of being told how to do things.
1. Sparkly trails or circles on maps leading us by the hand to where our next piece of a quest might lie.
2. No pointless chores.. that developers like to call quests.
3.No Mobs Telegraphing their moves with giant red circles. Let the players figure out animations.
4. If your going to have traps, that should be kinda of hidden you know like the players either learn the hard way or have a skill that gives them a chance to see them. Please.. Dont put GIANT RED CIRCLES to show everyone where every single trap is. Make it a perception check (character driven that will give just you a red circle to warn as you approach) or small subtle things that players (not characters) might notice. Like holes in the wall, or floor. Or maybe a trap door that has small seams in the floor, that if you look you see.
All this We are going to show you everything, so you dont have to worry about anything is so mind blowingly frustrating. It is getting worse in every new game that comes out. and more prevelant.
Please SOE for the Love of God I beg you dont do any of these things I have listed.
Let the players actually Explore and attempt to learn the world. Instead of leading us by the hand.
Originally posted by g0m0rrah
If you dont mind, I would like to add to your list...
Please DO not...
1. Spend Statistics for me. I like to decide what statistics go where.
2. Give us linear character progression. It does not feel like I am creating a unique character when you give me a list of abilities that I get at specific levels, like every other character. Being able to choose what I get and when I get it, then modifying this ability in different ways is a must. Example: I take a fireball like spell and change the color to be green, I then set my cast animation for this spell, I also modify this spell so that on another click I can manually detonate the fireball. I then choose to modify it so the fireball does less explosions (aoe) damage but for this sacrifice it places a DoT on all those it hits. I think you are getting the point...
3. Create PvP last and only as if you are checking off a check list. If you make PvP, invest in it or do not make it at all.
4. Make the game entirely Gear based. We have enough games that are entirely gear based. How about we put some thought into character creation and not follow some linear Quest or Instance gear grind. Oh weeee I get to look like every other mage with shoulder pads the size of small cars...
5. make the game simple. Please add some complexity. I almost dont even care how you do it. When I imagine a harsh medieval setting I would imagine that even the small things should be figured out. I need food and water, how am I going to get it. I need a source of income. I need shelter, I need...
Originally posted by ShakyMo 1 do not instance and phase it up the wazoo 2 in fact it would be refreshing to go back to vanilla EQ and have no instances at all, you can get round tagging / camping issues by scaling encounters and having contribution systems as seen in gw2, rift, war etc. (but do it better) 3 if you must instance dungeons, do it Ao / daoc style, e.g. there's one persistent copy you can just enter, but if there's more than say 100 people in the dungeon, spawn a second shard of it. 4 make crafted gear, THE GEAR. Have the high end materials for it available to many playstyles, e.g. raiding, pvp, refining.
Originally posted by ShakyMo Also agree with the quests thing.
Don't have millions if quests that take 5 minutes each.
Have a lot less quests, but make them multistage and last a good deal of time, with some variety, e.g. shortest quest takes say 1 hour, longest takes days. Perhaps copy that system from tsw a bit so you can only have 1 epic quest (taking days), 1 main quest(taking an hour or two) and if grouped 1 guest quest (main quest of someone in your party). This will also have bonus of getting advanced players to revisit early zones.
Originally posted by sanshi44
Ill like to add to it if you dont mine
1- No instances, there can be load screens between areas aslogn as there not instanced for your group/raid alone
2- No minimaps or even maps in general, allow players to make/sell there own maps in general if you must put them into game.
3- No hand holding plz sicks of being told how to do things.
Zero PVP! serves no purpose, wasn't in EQ no need for it to be in EQN. Ya want pvp go play the pvp games.
How bout a little role playing if its a mmoRPg and some tools to do that with.
Useful skills and abilities.
No Item shop!!!
Make it cost and a monthly subscription fee, get away from the ftp bullshit and those who thrive in it.
How about mounts and mounted combat
Housing and guild housing
Intelligent mobs who actually do something other then stand there and wait there turn to die...
Weather AI would be nice..
Decent raid content and lower level dungeons starting early
Cross class training or multiple classing (( a la Rift ))
Last at least on my list of suggestions- NONE and I mean NONE of those irritating prepubescent childish looking characters with big tits, ears and tails.. (( a la Tera! ))
Flame away bitches!
Unfortunately I think it's going to have an item shop whether we like it or not. Sony thinks it's the bees knees now, but it just makes them look real greedy if you ask me. Less likely for me to touch the game with that implementation. I cannot express how many games I came back to play and was having an awesome time with it... and found out they were ready to convert to a F2P model. I would've rather them die out then drag on like an obvious joke, indicating just how much they need our cash in their pockets.
Originally posted by Azendis Zero PVP! serves no purpose, wasn't in EQ no need for it to be in EQN. Ya want pvp go play the pvp games.How bout a little role playing if its a mmoRPg and some tools to do that with.Useful skills and abilities.No Item shop!!!Make it cost and a monthly subscription fee, get away from the ftp bullshit and those who thrive in it.How about mounts and mounted combatHousing and guild housingIntelligent mobs who actually do something other then stand there and wait there turn to die...Weather AI would be nice..Decent raid content and lower level dungeons starting earlyCross class training or multiple classing (( a la Rift ))Last at least on my list of suggestions- NONE and I mean NONE of those irritating prepubescent childish looking characters with big tits, ears and tails.. (( a la Tera! )) Flame away bitches!
i played EQ on a pvp server for 4 years, what the hell are you talking about?
Omfg... Everyone PLEASE print out a copy of this thread and mail it to EVERY mmo developer and game studio in the world.
Every point the OP makes and subsequent comments supporting it will breathe life back into what MMOs WERE, and what they are SUPPOSED TO BE!
These fundamentals are what made the genre popular in the first place, and whiny main streamers are destroying what was once an awesome, social, immersive gaming experience.
The way mmo's were: Community, Exploration, Character Development, Conquest.
The way mmo's are now : Cut-Scenes,Cut-Scenes, solo Questing, Cut-Scenes...
Not sure about that 'no quests' stuff. No offense, but sandboxes get extremely boring extremely quick without something to do. Quests WILL exist in some form or another, even if its in a different state then the normal.
Mobs attacks the telegraphing typically is due to the issue of lag and other factors. Its extremely difficult to see animations for some people as well depending where they are standing among other factors. Not sheer impossible but for sure a problem.
I'll be honest. I miss old school EQ. I had more fun playing EQ then any other MMO out three to this day. The only MMO that ever came close to duplicating EQ was WoW and it fell short. Part of what made EQ fun was you wheren't lead by the heand you just found you're own adventure. The other thing that made EQ fun was grouping. Unlike MMO today you found a group picked a spot and pulled mobs to ya and fought but for most part it was sitting around socializing while you where in combat.
I would love to see EQ next adopt a lot of the fundamentals that made the first EQ so much fun.
- instant travel, no bells, no gnome translocators, no portals, no nothing!!! If people want to instant travel then classes like druid/wizard should be the only source.
- quest hubs, it's cool to have quests if they are like they were in vanilla eq1. No god damn WoW style questing.
- global auction house
- instances
- hand holding
- after thought pvp development
- combat being the only thing the game is centered around. There is so much more to mmo's then stupid combat.
- game updates being funneled through cash shops
- day/night cycles being meaningless or non existent
- gear grind/gear score
Playing: Smite, Marvel Heroes Played: Nexus:Kingdom of the Winds, Everquest, DAoC, Everquest 2, WoW, Matrix Online, Vangaurd, SWG, DDO, EVE, Fallen Earth, LoTRo, CoX, Champions Online, WAR, Darkfall, Mortal Online, Guild Wars, Rift, Tera, Aion, AoC, Gods and Heroes, DCUO, FF14, TSW, SWTOR, GW2, Wildstar, ESO, ArcheAge Waiting On: Nothing. Mmorpg's are dead.
1. Sparkly trails or circles on maps leading us by the hand to where our next piece of a quest might lie.
2. No pointless chores.. that developers like to call quests.
3.No Mobs Telegraphing their moves with giant red circles. Let the players figure out animations.
4. If your going to have traps, that should be kinda of hidden you know like the players either learn the hard way or have a skill that gives them a chance to see them. Please.. Dont put GIANT RED CIRCLES to show everyone where every single trap is. Make it a perception check (character driven that will give just you a red circle to warn as you approach) or small subtle things that players (not characters) might notice. Like holes in the wall, or floor. Or maybe a trap door that has small seams in the floor, that if you look you see.
All this We are going to show you everything, so you dont have to worry about anything is so mind blowingly frustrating. It is getting worse in every new game that comes out. and more prevelant.
Please SOE for the Love of God I beg you dont do any of these things I have listed.
Let the players actually Explore and attempt to learn the world. Instead of leading us by the hand.
Sorry bud, but the WoW generation of gamers can't play a game that doesn't do these things. They would just get mad and rage quit calling this game an epic failure for not having basic features. Oh wait... maybe you are on to something. If EQN is more like EQ was back in the day (don't know current state of the game) then all those that can't play a game without major assistance will stay in WoW/whatever their game of choice is and us veterans can have a game that we've been waiting for for years. Oh wait, then it would be a niche game and SOE would shitcan it. We all know Smed would sell his own mother into slavery if he thought he would make a buck so I guess we vets will be disappointed yet again.
No more daily's. I mean daily quest or job or whatever to get a token or coin to turn in for a piece of gear after doing the daily every day for a month or two.
Give me something interesting to log in for except doing a daily
I think we will see a return to the old way of Everquest and away from WoW. They specifically stated that restarted because they did not want to be too "me too" I believe is the world they used, recognizing that WoW clones failed. It seems that a large part of the content will also probably be player created and driven.
If they are truly putting out a sandbox game, it will be nothing like WoW as WoW is by definition a themepark mmo.
EverQuest Nexus - Head of Social Media and part time writer/interviewer.
How about we just make it a level-less, skill based sandbox and to hell with all this gear-based raid progression anyway. After all. isn't that the REAL problem here anyway? Everyone says that the game doesn't start til max level, well I say why wait? I thought you were the developers. Start us off at max level.
Here's an idea, rotate open world bosses in at random (similar to the way top quality resources used to rotate in SWG). That way it can be a REAL server event complete with open cooperation between guilds, PvP where applicable, etc. These are the things that make server heroes, NOT running LFG all day so you can get the new shiny and sit atop your ridiculously large flying rock monster of doom in the main city and ignore all the "cool gear man" tells you get in an effort to be cool all the while sitting back nodding your head with a smirk and crossed arms saying to yourself "yeah . . . I'm badass." OK, sorry for the huge runon there :P
ahh, you guys get the point. What ever happened to playing the damn game? When did the most basic of tasks become this e-sport nonsense? As long as EQN gets us back to what made this genre great in the first place --whatever incarnation that may be -- I'm happy.
No more stupid (?) and (!) for quests everywhere. If you want to do a quest, fine, hail an NPC and respond with chat window.
No more mini maps. I want to get lost in the world of Everquest, just like EQ1. I want to do something stupid, like try to run thru Kithicor forest at night as a level 12 druid, that didn't go well btw, but an impromptu guild event to retrieve my corpse was a VERY fond memory.
Originally posted by ShakyMo 4 make crafted gear, THE GEAR. Have the high end materials for it available to many playstyles, e.g. raiding, pvp, refining.
I'd like to spin off of this a little.
Yes, make crafting THE GEAR. But put random properties in this gear so several people can have the same crafted item per say but each one has unique attributes assigned to it (maybe dependent on the crafter's skill level as to how good the random properties are)
the problem with holy trinity is when you get to raids you only need 1 - 2 tanks sometimes only 1 tank .
that means out of 30 players , 10 are healers , 10 are dps , and 10 are tanks , 9 of them aren't needed .
yet there are still issues finding tanks in almost every mmo that features that holy trinity.
the thing is, there is always going to be far more DPS classes than healing and tank classes in game.
especially if its like EQ and those classes cant solo very efficiently (compared to some of the DPS classes at least).
You know what I want? Make the quests so damn good that say a at level 25 I take upon a quest so epic, so badass, and so damn hard that I will cry and curse until I finish it but when I do I'll remember it 10 years from now and never let go of the prize at the end no matter how bad I out-level it. That no matter who I talk to they will tell me their version of the struggle and ultimate success and how much it filled them with accomplishment. THAT IS WHAT I WANT. And I want it applied to everything I do, I can wait a bit longer and pay a bit more if needed.
Do this and you will have a legend on your hands, follow the current trend and you will slip down the shitpipe.
Pre-CU SWG. Progression was based on gaining skill boxes in one or more profession trees. The boxes granted abilities (special attacks), mods to attack accuracy and speed, and weapon certifications (anyone could use nearly every weapon, but accuracy and damage was very poor if you were not certified in its use). Anyone could use any armor if they could take the weight on their stats (and then the grossly over-powered doc buffs totally bunged up that rather balanced design).
That's not a problem with the Trinity, that's a problem with raid design. If developers rethought raid design away from the usual one of really big guy that the main tank stands in front of - we might get somewhere.
Give tanks other tasks. How about this, fight a hydra, each each needs a tank!
Or, fight a pair of minotaurs, each minotaur has 4 chains and requires 4 tanks to play a mini game of restraining them while one tanks the boss itself.
Blizzard has been pretty creative in terms of raid design over time, but they stuck with the 2 tank design for the most part. I don't see anything wrong with having 10 tanks in a raid, as long as the developers make the raid content require their use.
Crafters should make the best gear, mobs should drop mats for crafters, or else low-level generic gear only. All good stuff should be player crafted.
Some instancing is good, but use it sparingly, and only when it makes sense. Having multiple overlays for a common outdoor area is bad. An instance for a particular building with a particular quest is ok.
If you do have classes, instead of skills, then make each class complex. Example: the Cabalist in DAOC could be Spirit, Matter, or (can't remember). Each one plays differently than the others.
If you do have PvP, make it optional, focused on specific areas.
Make debuffing a big part of the game. A good debuffer is just as valuable as a healer/buffer.
2025: 48 years on the Net.
I agree.
As far as mobs. Mob should not be a main form of PvE. Mob grinding should not be fruitful. PvE systems/tools (player driven escorts)need to be put in place for the players to breath life into the world.
That is why RIFT is quite good , you can switch between roles , dps or tank . Cleric can be tank dps or healer
But of course getting good gear for all 3 roles isn't easy either .
Zero PVP! serves no purpose, wasn't in EQ no need for it to be in EQN. Ya want pvp go play the pvp games.
How bout a little role playing if its a mmoRPg and some tools to do that with.
Useful skills and abilities.
No Item shop!!!
Make it cost and a monthly subscription fee, get away from the ftp bullshit and those who thrive in it.
How about mounts and mounted combat
Housing and guild housing
Intelligent mobs who actually do something other then stand there and wait there turn to die...
Weather AI would be nice..
Decent raid content and lower level dungeons starting early
Cross class training or multiple classing (( a la Rift ))
Last at least on my list of suggestions- NONE and I mean NONE of those irritating prepubescent childish looking characters with big tits, ears and tails.. (( a la Tera! ))
Flame away bitches!
I concur with all of the above.
I salute you.
Unfortunately I think it's going to have an item shop whether we like it or not. Sony thinks it's the bees knees now, but it just makes them look real greedy if you ask me. Less likely for me to touch the game with that implementation. I cannot express how many games I came back to play and was having an awesome time with it... and found out they were ready to convert to a F2P model. I would've rather them die out then drag on like an obvious joke, indicating just how much they need our cash in their pockets.
i played EQ on a pvp server for 4 years, what the hell are you talking about?
Omfg... Everyone PLEASE print out a copy of this thread and mail it to EVERY mmo developer and game studio in the world.
Every point the OP makes and subsequent comments supporting it will breathe life back into what MMOs WERE, and what they are SUPPOSED TO BE!
These fundamentals are what made the genre popular in the first place, and whiny main streamers are destroying what was once an awesome, social, immersive gaming experience.
The way mmo's were: Community, Exploration, Character Development, Conquest.
The way mmo's are now : Cut-Scenes,Cut-Scenes, solo Questing, Cut-Scenes...
Not sure about that 'no quests' stuff. No offense, but sandboxes get extremely boring extremely quick without something to do. Quests WILL exist in some form or another, even if its in a different state then the normal.
Mobs attacks the telegraphing typically is due to the issue of lag and other factors. Its extremely difficult to see animations for some people as well depending where they are standing among other factors. Not sheer impossible but for sure a problem.
I'll be honest. I miss old school EQ. I had more fun playing EQ then any other MMO out three to this day. The only MMO that ever came close to duplicating EQ was WoW and it fell short. Part of what made EQ fun was you wheren't lead by the heand you just found you're own adventure. The other thing that made EQ fun was grouping. Unlike MMO today you found a group picked a spot and pulled mobs to ya and fought but for most part it was sitting around socializing while you where in combat.
I would love to see EQ next adopt a lot of the fundamentals that made the first EQ so much fun.
None of the below:
- instant travel, no bells, no gnome translocators, no portals, no nothing!!! If people want to instant travel then classes like druid/wizard should be the only source.
- quest hubs, it's cool to have quests if they are like they were in vanilla eq1. No god damn WoW style questing.
- global auction house
- instances
- hand holding
- after thought pvp development
- combat being the only thing the game is centered around. There is so much more to mmo's then stupid combat.
- game updates being funneled through cash shops
- day/night cycles being meaningless or non existent
- gear grind/gear score
Playing: Smite, Marvel Heroes
Played: Nexus:Kingdom of the Winds, Everquest, DAoC, Everquest 2, WoW, Matrix Online, Vangaurd, SWG, DDO, EVE, Fallen Earth, LoTRo, CoX, Champions Online, WAR, Darkfall, Mortal Online, Guild Wars, Rift, Tera, Aion, AoC, Gods and Heroes, DCUO, FF14, TSW, SWTOR, GW2, Wildstar, ESO, ArcheAge
Waiting On: Nothing. Mmorpg's are dead.
Sorry bud, but the WoW generation of gamers can't play a game that doesn't do these things. They would just get mad and rage quit calling this game an epic failure for not having basic features. Oh wait... maybe you are on to something. If EQN is more like EQ was back in the day (don't know current state of the game) then all those that can't play a game without major assistance will stay in WoW/whatever their game of choice is and us veterans can have a game that we've been waiting for for years. Oh wait, then it would be a niche game and SOE would shitcan it. We all know Smed would sell his own mother into slavery if he thought he would make a buck so I guess we vets will be disappointed yet again.
No more daily's. I mean daily quest or job or whatever to get a token or coin to turn in for a piece of gear after doing the daily every day for a month or two.
Give me something interesting to log in for except doing a daily
I think we will see a return to the old way of Everquest and away from WoW. They specifically stated that restarted because they did not want to be too "me too" I believe is the world they used, recognizing that WoW clones failed. It seems that a large part of the content will also probably be player created and driven.
If they are truly putting out a sandbox game, it will be nothing like WoW as WoW is by definition a themepark mmo.
EverQuest Nexus -
Head of Social Media and part time writer/interviewer.
How about we just make it a level-less, skill based sandbox and to hell with all this gear-based raid progression anyway. After all. isn't that the REAL problem here anyway? Everyone says that the game doesn't start til max level, well I say why wait? I thought you were the developers. Start us off at max level.
Here's an idea, rotate open world bosses in at random (similar to the way top quality resources used to rotate in SWG). That way it can be a REAL server event complete with open cooperation between guilds, PvP where applicable, etc. These are the things that make server heroes, NOT running LFG all day so you can get the new shiny and sit atop your ridiculously large flying rock monster of doom in the main city and ignore all the "cool gear man" tells you get in an effort to be cool all the while sitting back nodding your head with a smirk and crossed arms saying to yourself "yeah . . . I'm badass." OK, sorry for the huge runon there :P
ahh, you guys get the point. What ever happened to playing the damn game? When did the most basic of tasks become this e-sport nonsense? As long as EQN gets us back to what made this genre great in the first place --whatever incarnation that may be -- I'm happy.
Although advertising is good, please, for the love of God...
NO /PIZZA command!
* Meant to say that advertising for the game is good... advertising product IN the game is bad.
No more quest cut screen voice dialogues.
No more stupid (?) and (!) for quests everywhere. If you want to do a quest, fine, hail an NPC and respond with chat window.
No more mini maps. I want to get lost in the world of Everquest, just like EQ1. I want to do something stupid, like try to run thru Kithicor forest at night as a level 12 druid, that didn't go well btw, but an impromptu guild event to retrieve my corpse was a VERY fond memory.
pointless threads of the minority yet vocally unbearable for a group of MMO rejects which this site's population mostly consist of.
I'd like to spin off of this a little.
Yes, make crafting THE GEAR. But put random properties in this gear so several people can have the same crafted item per say but each one has unique attributes assigned to it (maybe dependent on the crafter's skill level as to how good the random properties are)