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The below!
1. Sparkly trails or circles on maps leading us by the hand to where our next piece of a quest might lie.
2. No pointless chores.. that developers like to call quests.
3.No Mobs Telegraphing their moves with giant red circles. Let the players figure out animations.
4. If your going to have traps, that should be kinda of hidden you know like the players either learn the hard way or have a skill that gives them a chance to see them. Please.. Dont put GIANT RED CIRCLES to show everyone where every single trap is. Make it a perception check (character driven that will give just you a red circle to warn as you approach) or small subtle things that players (not characters) might notice. Like holes in the wall, or floor. Or maybe a trap door that has small seams in the floor, that if you look you see.
All this We are going to show you everything, so you dont have to worry about anything is so mind blowingly frustrating. It is getting worse in every new game that comes out. and more prevelant.
Please SOE for the Love of God I beg you dont do any of these things I have listed.
Let the players actually Explore and attempt to learn the world. Instead of leading us by the hand.
If you dont mind, I would like to add to your list...
Please DO not...
1. Spend Statistics for me. I like to decide what statistics go where.
2. Give us linear character progression. It does not feel like I am creating a unique character when you give me a list of abilities that I get at specific levels, like every other character. Being able to choose what I get and when I get it, then modifying this ability in different ways is a must. Example: I take a fireball like spell and change the color to be green, I then set my cast animation for this spell, I also modify this spell so that on another click I can manually detonate the fireball. I then choose to modify it so the fireball does less explosions (aoe) damage but for this sacrifice it places a DoT on all those it hits. I think you are getting the point...
3. Create PvP last and only as if you are checking off a check list. If you make PvP, invest in it or do not make it at all.
4. Make the game entirely Gear based. We have enough games that are entirely gear based. How about we put some thought into character creation and not follow some linear Quest or Instance gear grind. Oh weeee I get to look like every other mage with shoulder pads the size of small cars...
5. make the game simple. Please add some complexity. I almost dont even care how you do it. When I imagine a harsh medieval setting I would imagine that even the small things should be figured out. I need food and water, how am I going to get it. I need a source of income. I need shelter, I need...
I totally agree with this.
Make quests mean something again, epic weapons and temple armor type mean something.
I'm not even sure I like names any longer because all the neon has turned me off. Just the world please, nothing glowing or guiding at all.
Traps should be brutal, think dropping into a harsh dungeon brutal or dozens of mobs. If you're going to make a class that can disarm them, then make them worth disarming.
2 in fact it would be refreshing to go back to vanilla EQ and have no instances at all, you can get round tagging / camping issues by scaling encounters and having contribution systems as seen in gw2, rift, war etc. (but do it better)
3 if you must instance dungeons, do it Ao / daoc style, e.g. there's one persistent copy you can just enter, but if there's more than say 100 people in the dungeon, spawn a second shard of it.
4 make crafted gear, THE GEAR. Have the high end materials for it available to many playstyles, e.g. raiding, pvp, refining.
Don't have millions if quests that take 5 minutes each.
Have a lot less quests, but make them multistage and last a good deal of time, with some variety, e.g. shortest quest takes say 1 hour, longest takes days. Perhaps copy that system from tsw a bit so you can only have 1 epic quest (taking days), 1 main quest(taking an hour or two) and if grouped 1 guest quest (main quest of someone in your party). This will also have bonus of getting advanced players to revisit early zones.
please focus on PVE, PVP just screws up everything ok let them have one server and tell them there will be no balancing done to classes for PVP. so if that wizard can nuke a mob for 50k damage they can nuke you for 50k damage.
its not fair but isn't that what you PVPers are all about ... non fair fights.
Ill like to add to it if you dont mine
1- No instances, there can be load screens between areas aslogn as there not instanced for your group/raid alone
2- No minimaps or even maps in general, allow players to make/sell there own maps in general if you must put them into game.
3- No hand holding plz sicks of being told how to do things.
None of the regular nerf/buff cycle in the name of balance.
Make things where classes/roles are good at whatever it is they're supposed to do, and let that be enough.
If something is outright lousy, buff it. Leave it at that.
Make travel from one area to another hard and challengeing and no instant port stone but have druids and wizzys be the only meens of fast transport.
Make cc mean something again and healers that are needed to keep the tank up who can hopefully keep agro unless you have a over trigger happy dps pulling agro.
this makes groups needed again and makes communication required so the group dont wipe.
And lets have puller classes like monks necro,sk and bards that are needed to actually pull to make it easer but not imposible if they not available.
Old EQ had the right mixture 4 classe s that could heal 4 that could pull and 4 that could cc and everybody that could do some dps . Make it so you have to change your strats depending on the group you have and not make every encounter a zerg like most games these days
I am sorry. I accidentally posted for another thread here while reading.
EQ2 actually does their zones the way you describe last i checked (which includes dungeons), so you have a good chance of seeing that in game.
but if the world is as big as they are boasting, i am wondering if there will just be one huge world everyone plays on with no instancing at all.
with a sandbox game it can be done because the players will fill in the giant world with content.
that is what i am hoping for at least.
also : please
no "spirit mode" when you die..
yes to corpse retrieval
its ok to be mean a little bit,if I die make me feel it.
let there be some quests,but make them hard,lengthy and have them make you travel around the world.
no fast teleporting BS
Harder leveling,I dont want to gain a level for farting.
Im an adult,stop holding my hand god damnit.
...oh hell just make a bigger better EQ1 (vanilla/Kunark period)
If you can get them to listen and not do this stuff, let me know. I'd like to give the game a try.
All I can say is good-luck.
/clap and /salute
Refreshing to see so many others that still like old EQ style gameplay.
Some of my fondest and most fun memories of gaming were of me and , shocking I know to newer mmo players , a PUG group fighting our way together , weaponless of course , to get our corpses drug out and looted from one of the many dungeons.
We stuck together because we had to , and had a good laugh in chat over it when we escaped with our stuff even.![:) :)](
Exactly,Ive been there before..
stuff like what you mention helps draw the player through their character.It makes you feel more alive.Its also how you make good,long lasting MMO friends.Todays MMOs,youre just an also-ran,a hallowed out husk of a clone.Running around in the game like its a single player.
So to sum up...
Make a better looking EverQuest....
Bwahaha... luddites.
'Sandbox MMO' is a PTSD trigger word for anyone who has the experience to know that anonymous players invariably use a 'sandbox' in the same manner a housecat does.
When your head is stuck in the sand, your ass becomes the only recognizable part of you.
No game is more fun than the one you can't play, and no game is more boring than one which you've become familiar.
How to become a millionaire:
Start with a billion dollars and make an MMO.
HAHA about the only thing i can gather is the perfect game is impossible :P
Some want scaling,i can't stand scaling.
Some of the things the OP lists though is exactly what bothers me with current trend in gaming.The hand holding is just incredible but seriously we can't use a F2P title as a bearing to quality AAA game design.
The telegraph idea is imo not a bad idea but it is the whole game design that makes it bad.Example they have ONE telegraph move and VERY limited AI.You level soooooooooo fast in games now a days,not only are levels meaningless but you really don't need to learn anything of a map or it's surroundings.This is because the game is so shallow you won't be going back there or staying for very long.
If i use vanilla FFXI as an example,you had a LOT to learn and remember because you would be coming back to those mobs many many times and with CHOICE as well it made you remember even more about your surroundings because you wanted to find the best camps.
There are no camps in games now,more of that hand holding,just follow the sprinklies and yellow markers around and the game plays itself.
It took me quite a while to figure out just why so many still accept this type of game design.I "think" i have the answer.Egos and the NOOB feeling.Many of us have seen the hate in games with the way noobs are treated.Well these new designs anyone can feel like a vet in the first hour and with ease,so no more of that noob or inferior feeling.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Totally agree with this. One of my fondest memories was the danger of doing a corpse run in lower guk after our whole group was wiped by the Froglok King. Or the Froglok Ghoul Shaman. TRAIN TO ZONE!!!!
I am very sympathetic to almost every request in this thread, but the fact is most new games from big-time publishers will have a lot of these items to cater to the more casual player. I do not like this trend, but it is the prevailing one at the moment. To get away from it, you need a publisher willing to target a more niche market.
Good luck to all those following this game.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
QFT. Fans need to have realistic expectations when big-money publishers fund and market the games on which they pin their hopes. Just a fact of life.
Get rid of hand holding, get rid levels ( its just a race to the end anyway).
gain skills by story driven quests, randomly spawned skill/spell masters that appear in the world in "off the beaten path" places, found through exploring. High end skills/spells that are rare drops off "named" mobs.
none of that bind on pickup crap either.
Classes that are more then tank , healer, dps.
crafted items actually worth making.
70 monk eq1
80 bruiser eq2
43 druid wow
Currently playing : rift
You just nuked your own game... more classes than tank, healer dps and an actual in-game economy (what you need for crafted items to be worth a tosser) are gonna need some hand holding at least at the start... that's not even gonna take into account no levels which is a horizontal and vertical progression system (progression based on gear or wealth or somesuch).
the problem with holy trinity is when you get to raids you only need 1 - 2 tanks sometimes only 1 tank .
that means out of 30 players , 10 are healers , 10 are dps , and 10 are tanks , 9 of them aren't needed .