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I am giving thought to trying out DF:UW, and as title suggests, I am curious as to download speed.
I have a quality connection but had heard this was on the slow side. Any info would be appreciated.
Thanks for the info.
Still not sure if I wanna throw $40 at a game I havent played at all yet, but TBH it is the ONLY thing in the MMO market that intrigues me at this time, and I am facing a summer with lots of spare time.
As a follow up: Are you having fun?
Yes it is fun
The controls are funky but just remap them.
This is the time to play FFA PvP games , at launch, when every one is about the same power level.
6 months down the road there will be warriors running around in dragon armor, it will be more difficult to get a footing into the game.
join a clan but not one the zerg clans.
you will be just a body and play alone a lot.
Join a small/med clan they are tightknit and you will make friends quickly.
It doesnt take to long to get enough prowess to be fairly competative with people with huge prowess, once u have 15-30k prowess there isnt a huge difference between anyone with much higher they only get a sliught advanatage.
Thanks for the info all.
I believe I will give it a shot.
I think it is time to play a game where I feel what I do, the stuff I make, and who I kill, mean something.
(on a side note: This will be my first FFA Full Loot PvP game, and my heart is already racing. Bonus