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Official post - when questing in other faction's zones won't even be able to see other faction's pla



  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    Why would it cost $50 million to add 2 different rulesets.

    The whole of daoc cost $2.5 million to make.

    The coop server is easy.
    Turn off pvp in cyrodil
    Let players go anywhere
    Let players group and guild with anyone

    The ffa server Is tougher, but the let players go anywhere and let players group and guild with anyone bit you've already done for the coop server. You then need to flag pvp on in more areas of the world (except maybe noob zones or cities) and add done mechanic for guilds claiming keeps.

    Both sound like less work than this 50+ and 50++ endgame pve in special phases fudge.
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,950
    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle

    Then I would stop using terms like "The real TES fans want" or "This is what the customers want" As for the changes to the game, they kept the core design intact. So Im 100% fine with the changes. 

    Quote me and I will appologise.

    At worst I might generalise rather then provide specific quantifiable numbers to each forum and the level of complaints but that is just for ease of conversation. If anyone does use the term then I am pretty confident it is used as a basis for their argument formed from their personal opinion. To read anything more from such a statement ignores the fact that people usually do it to give weight to their statement rather then any actual belief that their proposition actuall is a reflection of "Everyone".

    The point I made or at least was trying to make was that, changes are being made for a reason. And it is a fair assumption that the reason is the results from Beta testing, their market research into what 'TES fans' want or more likely a combination of both these and their own internal testing.

    I would argue though that the reason they are having to make changes is due to the very fact that they have kept the core design in tact. The reason for each of these changes, workarounds, compromises simply because, this far into development that are unable to change the core design even if they wanted to (I actually think the core design could be changed but that is just opinion).

    When you look at the game from a design point of view it is easy to follow the path back the the root issue. And that root issue is simply that they took a game that is designed around freedoms and openess and built the game around a system they is reliant upon locked and enclosed systems.

    I personally think it is a no brainer why there seems to be a backlash that Zenimax are trying to address.


    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by ReeseFlamelocks
    It does kind of make sense that the two groups would not see each other. If it's a PvE area and you are not allowed to PvP, then the two groups would just stare at each other and wonder stupidly why they aren't allowed to attack each other. They would need to justify the peace somehow using divine intervention or via a treaty arrangement in the context of the situation. That would probably be too much of a headache.

    They already have that in place within the lore.

    The reason PvP doesn't takes place outside Cyrodil is because, by a sort of gentlemans agreement that is the only place the fighting can take place. If you wre able to image their design as a living breathing world without artificial 'you cannot go here' faction borders then you would have enemy factions walking past each other on the streets, hurling abuse at each other and doing their best not to break the agreement but doing all thy could to get the other side to do so.

    So this is another 'fudge' because they are constantly digging the whole they are in deeper because their original design was really too restrictive and unable to be opened up easily. They started with a very restrictive, tight design concept and are finding that it needs to be more open but are struggling to do so with any cohesive design. they should have started off with a loose design and tightened it up the closer they can to finalising the actual gameplay and feel they and their customer base wanted.


    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by immodium
    Originally posted by Maelwydd

    How about this for a crazy idea....

    PvP only takes place inside Cyrodil....

    Outside Cyrodil there in no PvP but there are also no boarders.

    So what happens when 2 enemy factions meet outside Cyrodil?

    Here is the crazy part.....have ARENA'S dotted about where people CAN engage in PvP. Not for rewards, PvP points or anything else but simply for bragging rights and to proove a point.

    The crazy part is, it actually ties in to TES games AND is a solution to a problem. Who would have thunk it...a design ida that retains the original concept of a TES game but also sustains the needs of an MMO.

    I prefer what they are doing actually. Making an MMO and fitting the TES lore around that than the other way around.

    I got the single player games for that open ended feel to the TES IP. TBH TES has been getting dumber and dumber with each release. I'm actually glad they are doing TES differently. The single player TES experience has been going downhill. Yes it's still a fun/entertaining console game but nothing more. If it wasn't for the modding community I would of ditched the series after Oblivion.

    I'd be more interested in a TES RTS than TES 6.

    Kind of re-inforcing the "TESO isn't for TES fans" steriotype by being so negative about the game the MMO is using to make money off of!



    I could dig through many of your posts and you like to speak for the TES fan or customer. In 2 min digging I found 2 posts. Should I keep digging and quoting?



  • znaiikaznaiika Member Posts: 203
    Originally posted by ShakyMo
    The answer is there. He did it with daoc.
    Drop mega server
    Have core server with 3 faction pvp, tied DIRECTLY to faction only pve and without this fudge to endgame pve and dodgy stuff like being able to guest.
    Have coop server where your orc can go pick flowers with your girlfriends high elf in Morrowind and form a guild together, with no pvp.
    Have ffa server where you can go everywhere, kill anyone and guilds instead of factions contest territory / keeps in cyrodil.

    Of course 80% + players would play on the core server anyway, as average Joe mmo player likes both pve and pvp, just not at the same time.

    It is best to make three different servers like you said, one for pve, one for pvp and one for rp coop.

    No one will ever complain about pve/pvp not set the way one or the other want.

    And /PVP flaging on pve server would be best, so people could pvp whenever they wish.

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    Well rp is the one thing that could be handled through phases.

    Likewise stuff like kid friendly phases
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,950
    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle

    Most PURE PvEers dont like the flag system. Its a old broken system that is to easy to mess with and force people to PvP when they dont want to.

    Give me 1 example you would be able to get me to flag if I didn't want to. I will be honest and let you know if it would work. I cannot think of a way and no one has ever made me flag but if you can come up with a way then I will be honest.

    Also, how DARE you speak for most PURE PvEers!!!


    1st off I said most... and its an easy jump that pure PvEers dont like PvP thats why they are pure PvEers. Far cry from you saying TES fans dont want ______. When many TES fans here keep telling you, they are fans of the game as well and dont agree with you. As for force flagging its easy. Stelth behind someone PvEing so they cant see you, first time you AE you get flagged and they kill you. Stand in the group of mobs they are fighting, again AE flags you. Stand outside a small quest hub and as flagged people buff or use AE heals peoiple that dont want to get flagged now are flagged and as they leave town you kill them. Camp spots where quest require you to flag and kill them as they PvE. I could keep going but in 15 years of MMOing I have seen this happen a lot.

  • MaelwyddMaelwydd Member Posts: 1,123
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle


    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    ...they should have started off with a loose design and tightened it up the closer they can to finalising the actual gameplay and feel they and their customer base wanted.

    Well, they made a change that was done because either their Beta testers suggested it or because they thought their customer base suggested it. I am not speaking for everyone but pointing out that, Zenimax think that is what their customer base wanted because zenimax made the change. If you actually read and undestood my entire post you would see I made several points and clarified that these points have been addressed by Zenimax.

    Sorry but when ponting out why Zenimax changed something and offering that is is because of what their customer base desire, either though testing or forum feedback, there should be no need to state I am not speaking for everyone, the subject matter is obvious to everyone but an idiot.

    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by immodium
    Originally posted by Maelwydd

    How about this for a crazy idea....

    PvP only takes place inside Cyrodil....

    Outside Cyrodil there in no PvP but there are also no boarders.

    So what happens when 2 enemy factions meet outside Cyrodil?

    Here is the crazy part.....have ARENA'S dotted about where people CAN engage in PvP. Not for rewards, PvP points or anything else but simply for bragging rights and to proove a point.

    The crazy part is, it actually ties in to TES games AND is a solution to a problem. Who would have thunk it...a design ida that retains the original concept of a TES game but also sustains the needs of an MMO.

    I prefer what they are doing actually. Making an MMO and fitting the TES lore around that than the other way around.

    I got the single player games for that open ended feel to the TES IP. TBH TES has been getting dumber and dumber with each release. I'm actually glad they are doing TES differently. The single player TES experience has been going downhill. Yes it's still a fun/entertaining console game but nothing more. If it wasn't for the modding community I would of ditched the series after Oblivion.

    I'd be more interested in a TES RTS than TES 6.

    Kind of re-inforcing the "TESO isn't for TES fans" steriotype by being so negative about the game the MMO is using to make money off of!


    LOL Here I am pointing out where someone else is speaking for are a nut jon Nanofondle.

    I could dig through many of your posts and you like to speak for the TES fan or customer. In 2 min digging I found 2 posts. Should I keep digging and quoting?
    Please do, both were wrong.
  • MaelwyddMaelwydd Member Posts: 1,123
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle


    1st off I said most... and its an easy jump that pure PvEers dont like PvP thats why they are pure PvEers. Far cry from you saying TES fans dont want ______. When many TES fans here keep telling you, they are fans of the game as well and dont agree with you.

    Yeah yeah, when you use the term "most people" is totally different from when other people use the term "most people"



    As for force flagging its easy. Stelth behind someone PvEing so they cant see you, first time you AE you get flagged and they kill you.

    AE? If you mean Area attack...if I have to manually flag for PvP to be enabled you can walk into my AE all you want, I am not flagging.

    Stand in the group of mobs they are fighting, again AE flags you.

    Again assuming you mean an area attack, if flagging is a manual switch then I choose when yo allow attacks against other people to have an effect.

    Stand outside a small quest hub and as flagged people buff or use AE heals peoiple that dont want to get flagged now are flagged and as they leave town you kill them. Camp spots where quest require you to flag and kill them as they PvE. I could keep going but in 15 years of MMOing I have seen this happen a lot.

    Actually I see where your problem is now. You have ONE design of how PvP can work and due to your LIMITED experiences and perhaps limited imagination cannot imagine anyother way to do it.

    A flag system doesn't have to kick in when someone walks into an AOE attack or when buffing. You can have it so tha ta non flagged PvE'er cannot heal someone who is PvP flagged (Rift I think has this).

    Well there are other ways so read up on them and perhaps you might not be so stuck into such an intractable mindset.

    Your problem is your lack of knowledge on the subject and/or lack of imagination to see how things can be done.

  • JimmyYOJimmyYO Member UncommonPosts: 519
    Damn you WoW for your overuse of phasing, now everyone is trying to dig their own graves.......... This game had a chance of being a decent sandbox but looks like that chance is officially over.
  • immodiumimmodium Member RarePosts: 2,610
    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by immodium
    Originally posted by Maelwydd

    How about this for a crazy idea....

    PvP only takes place inside Cyrodil....

    Outside Cyrodil there in no PvP but there are also no boarders.

    So what happens when 2 enemy factions meet outside Cyrodil?

    Here is the crazy part.....have ARENA'S dotted about where people CAN engage in PvP. Not for rewards, PvP points or anything else but simply for bragging rights and to proove a point.

    The crazy part is, it actually ties in to TES games AND is a solution to a problem. Who would have thunk it...a design ida that retains the original concept of a TES game but also sustains the needs of an MMO.

    I prefer what they are doing actually. Making an MMO and fitting the TES lore around that than the other way around.

    I got the single player games for that open ended feel to the TES IP. TBH TES has been getting dumber and dumber with each release. I'm actually glad they are doing TES differently. The single player TES experience has been going downhill. Yes it's still a fun/entertaining console game but nothing more. If it wasn't for the modding community I would of ditched the series after Oblivion.

    I'd be more interested in a TES RTS than TES 6.

    Kind of re-inforcing the "TESO isn't for TES fans" steriotype by being so negative about the game the MMO is using to make money off of!


    LOL Here I am pointing out where someone else is speaking for are a nut jon Nanofondle.

    I could dig through many of your posts and you like to speak for the TES fan or customer. In 2 min digging I found 2 posts. Should I keep digging and quoting?
    Please do, both were wrong.

    I'm not really speaking for everyone in that post. I clearly start the sentence with 'I prefer'. The rest of my post is all my opinions.

    I don't see me claiming this is what TES fans want in any of my posts.

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,950
    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle


    1st off I said most... and its an easy jump that pure PvEers dont like PvP thats why they are pure PvEers. Far cry from you saying TES fans dont want ______. When many TES fans here keep telling you, they are fans of the game as well and dont agree with you.

    Yeah yeah, when you use the term "most people" is totally different from when other people use the term "most people"



    As for force flagging its easy. Stelth behind someone PvEing so they cant see you, first time you AE you get flagged and they kill you.

    AE? If you mean Area attack...if I have to manually flag for PvP to be enabled you can walk into my AE all you want, I am not flagging.

    Stand in the group of mobs they are fighting, again AE flags you.

    Again assuming you mean an area attack, if flagging is a manual switch then I choose when yo allow attacks against other people to have an effect.

    Stand outside a small quest hub and as flagged people buff or use AE heals peoiple that dont want to get flagged now are flagged and as they leave town you kill them. Camp spots where quest require you to flag and kill them as they PvE. I could keep going but in 15 years of MMOing I have seen this happen a lot.

    Actually I see where your problem is now. You have ONE design of how PvP can work and due to your LIMITED experiences and perhaps limited imagination cannot imagine anyother way to do it.

    A flag system doesn't have to kick in when someone walks into an AOE attack or when buffing. You can have it so tha ta non flagged PvE'er cannot heal someone who is PvP flagged (Rift I think has this).

    Well there are other ways so read up on them and perhaps you might not be so stuck into such an intractable mindset.

    Your problem is your lack of knowledge on the subject and/or lack of imagination to see how things can be done.

    Not really, every system that changes how it works to stop force flagging players find a way. Players are as creative as game designers. Like I said this is just a few ways. We can list many many more. Fact is, flag system has a trigger to flag you and players learn how to mess with them.

  • znaiikaznaiika Member Posts: 203

    In Fallen Earth, you can sneak all you want no AE will work ever.

    You sound like AE is forced pvp not optional /pvp flag which one can use at will, and is not forced.

  • MaelwyddMaelwydd Member Posts: 1,123
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle

    Not really, every system that changes how it works to stop force flagging players find a way. Players are as creative as game designers. Like I said this is just a few ways. We can list many many more. Fact is, flag system has a trigger to flag you and players learn how to mess with them.

    Sorry but you are flat out wrong.

    If I need to manually and purposefully choose to flag for PvP and I don't want to engage in PvP then you cannot get me to do so. The only trigger is ME and I don't want to flag. Tell me how you change that?


  • PAL-18PAL-18 Member UncommonPosts: 844
    Originally posted by znaiika

    In Fallen Earth, you can sneak all you want no AE will work ever.

    You sound like AE is forced pvp not optional /pvp flag which one can use at will, and is not forced.

    well Fallen Earth is a metalcore sandbox compared to this what Zenimax is trying,no ,not sandbox,its  The Sahara box compared to this.

    So, did ESO have a successful launch? Yes, yes it did.By Ryan Getchell on April 02, 2014.
    **On the radar: **

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,950
    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle

    Not really, every system that changes how it works to stop force flagging players find a way. Players are as creative as game designers. Like I said this is just a few ways. We can list many many more. Fact is, flag system has a trigger to flag you and players learn how to mess with them.

    Sorry but you are flat out wrong.

    If I need to manually and purposefully choose to flag for PvP and I don't want to engage in PvP then you cannot get me to do so. The only trigger is ME and I don't want to flag. Tell me how you change that?


    You always make me smile =-) You can put a point right in your face. Even quote you with your own words and you wont budge even when facts are right in your face. Im not sure why I even bother replying to you. lol I guess I like watching this boil down to the same conclusion every time. Its funny to watch.

  • Eol-Eol- Member UncommonPosts: 274
    Originally posted by jmcdermottuk

    It's more accurate to say that you pick a race and your alliance is then forced on you, there's no choice involved in alliance membership. That's part of the TES fan's problems with this game.

    All this happens at character creation when you pick your race.

    Thats true of any RvR game, where races are part of a realm. And frankly it makes a lot more sense than letting races split up and join any alliance they want. Because in the ES lore I have seen, each race tends to be all on one side and sticks together. So if you did it your way, it would be even less consistent with ES lore, because then race would have no bearing on alliance whatsoever.

    Elladan - ESO (AD)
    Camring - SWTOR (Ebon Hawk)
    Eol & Justinian - Rift (Faeblight)
    Ceol and Duri - LotRO (Landroval)
    Kili - WoW
    Eol - Lineage 2
    Camring - SWG
    Justinian (Nimue), Camring - DAoC

  • MaelwyddMaelwydd Member Posts: 1,123
    Originally posted by immodium

    I'm not really speaking for everyone in that post. I clearly start the sentence with 'I prefer'. The rest of my post is all my opinions.

    I don't see me claiming this is what TES fans want in any of my posts.

    Well the point is, we all exagerate to make our points from time to time. So even if you were to claim it I would take it with a pinch of salt.

    The difference is when people take exception to people using generic statements like "TES fans" MMO fans" or any other type of generalisation and draws the discussion off on a tangent away from the point being made. It is a tactic used to hide the real point of discussion.

    You see the real issue here is that Nano thinks there isn't any other way then how the developers way...unless they change that way in which case the new way is the only way...unless the developers change that way and then the new way is the only way...

    [mod edit]

  • Eol-Eol- Member UncommonPosts: 274
    Originally posted by ShakyMo
    Why would it cost $50 million to add 2 different rulesets.

    The whole of daoc cost $2.5 million to make.

    The coop server is easy.
    Turn off pvp in cyrodil
    Let players go anywhere
    Let players group and guild with anyone

    The ffa server Is tougher, but the let players go anywhere and let players group and guild with anyone bit you've already done for the coop server. You then need to flag pvp on in more areas of the world (except maybe noob zones or cities) and add done mechanic for guilds claiming keeps.

    Both sound like less work than this 50+ and 50++ endgame pve in special phases fudge.

    If this would gain them enough additional players and revenues to justify the added costs, then I expect they will add them. But its not at all evident that would be the case. The DAoC coop server and PvP servers were a pretty small fraction of the player base, especially the PvP servers which started out with lots of players but rapidly lost most of them. IMO most of the people on those servers in DAoC were already DAoC players anyway, with ongoing subs and characters on other servers. I wonder if they really created additional profit or just cannibalized the other servers.

    Personally I think its best if the developers decide to take one approach, and put all their effort into making that a success. If they develop a fun game, people will play it, period. And if they dont, the additional rulesets wont save them. Besides, they could always add those down the road if there was enough demand. But not at the expense of resources devoted to the core game.

    Elladan - ESO (AD)
    Camring - SWTOR (Ebon Hawk)
    Eol & Justinian - Rift (Faeblight)
    Ceol and Duri - LotRO (Landroval)
    Kili - WoW
    Eol - Lineage 2
    Camring - SWG
    Justinian (Nimue), Camring - DAoC

  • MaelwyddMaelwydd Member Posts: 1,123
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle
    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle

    Not really, every system that changes how it works to stop force flagging players find a way. Players are as creative as game designers. Like I said this is just a few ways. We can list many many more. Fact is, flag system has a trigger to flag you and players learn how to mess with them.

    Sorry but you are flat out wrong.

    If I need to manually and purposefully choose to flag for PvP and I don't want to engage in PvP then you cannot get me to do so. The only trigger is ME and I don't want to flag. Tell me how you change that?


    You always make me smile =-) You can put a point right in your face. Even quote you with your own words and you wont budge even when facts are right in your face. Im not sure why I even bother replying to you. lol I guess I like watching this boil down to the same conclusion every time. Its funny to watch.

    Evade my point. Make personal insult. Hope point is lost. Divert critisicm away from game and focus onto personal stuff...

    job done, obvious flaw in argument cleverly concealed and lost in sea of posts...


  • Eol-Eol- Member UncommonPosts: 274
    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by immodium

    I'm not really speaking for everyone in that post. I clearly start the sentence with 'I prefer'. The rest of my post is all my opinions.

    I don't see me claiming this is what TES fans want in any of my posts.

    Well the point is, we all exagerate to make our points from time to time. So even if you were to claim it I would take it with a pinch of salt.

    The difference is when people take exception to people using generic statements like "TES fans" MMO fans" or any other type of generalisation and draws the discussion off on a tangent away from the point being made. It is a tactic used to hide the real point of discussion.

    You see the real issue here is that Nano thinks there isn't any other way then how the developers way...unless they change that way in which case the new way is the only way...unless the developers change that way and then the new way is the only way...

    [mod edit]

    Of course there are other ways. The developers obviously considered those. But there is only one way that will end up happening, and thats the path that the developers chose. I dont understand all of the discussion about what certain people would have preferred. Its a moot point. They are choosing an approach, and either you can buy that game and play it, or not buy it. And if you're not going to buy it and play it, whats the point of talking about other approaches that could have happened? And just because a few people on a forum would have preferred a different approach, that doesnt mean they speak for the majority, or for ES fans, or for MMORPG fans, or anyone else. There are plenty of games with plenty of rulesets out there for people to choose from.

    Elladan - ESO (AD)
    Camring - SWTOR (Ebon Hawk)
    Eol & Justinian - Rift (Faeblight)
    Ceol and Duri - LotRO (Landroval)
    Kili - WoW
    Eol - Lineage 2
    Camring - SWG
    Justinian (Nimue), Camring - DAoC

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,950
    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by immodium

    I'm not really speaking for everyone in that post. I clearly start the sentence with 'I prefer'. The rest of my post is all my opinions.

    I don't see me claiming this is what TES fans want in any of my posts.

    Well the point is, we all exagerate to make our points from time to time. So even if you were to claim it I would take it with a pinch of salt.

    The difference is when people take exception to people using generic statements like "TES fans" MMO fans" or any other type of generalisation and draws the discussion off on a tangent away from the point being made. It is a tactic used to hide the real point of discussion.

    You see the real issue here is that Nano thinks there isn't any other way then how the developers way...unless they change that way in which case the new way is the only way...unless the developers change that way and then the new way is the only way...

    [mod edit]


    Originally posted by Maelwydd
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle

    Then I would stop using terms like "The real TES fans want" or "This is what the customers want" As for the changes to the game, they kept the core design intact. So Im 100% fine with the changes. 

    Quote me and I will appologise.

    At worst I might generalise rather then provide specific quantifiable numbers to each forum and the level of complaints but that is just for ease of conversation. If anyone does use the term then I am pretty confident it is used as a basis for their argument formed from their personal opinion. To read anything more from such a statement ignores the fact that people usually do it to give weight to their statement rather then any actual belief that their proposition actuall is a reflection of "Everyone".

    The point I made or at least was trying to make was that, changes are being made for a reason. And it is a fair assumption that the reason is the results from Beta testing, their market research into what 'TES fans' want or more likely a combination of both these and their own internal testing.

    I would argue though that the reason they are having to make changes is due to the very fact that they have kept the core design in tact. The reason for each of these changes, workarounds, compromises simply because, this far into development that are unable to change the core design even if they wanted to (I actually think the core design could be changed but that is just opinion).

    When you look at the game from a design point of view it is easy to follow the path back the the root issue. And that root issue is simply that they took a game that is designed around freedoms and openess and built the game around a system they is reliant upon locked and enclosed systems.

    I personally think it is a no brainer why there seems to be a backlash that Zenimax are trying to address.

    =-) Or quote me and I will make excuses

  • DavisFlightDavisFlight Member CommonPosts: 2,556
    Originally posted by ShakyMo
    Davis is right.

    So far I see 2 daoc features in this game.

    1 crafted gear is good
    2 there's some sort of end game 3 sided pvp, although it will be more like gw2 than daoc anyway (e.g. a casual, simplified, kiddie friendly version)

    That's it, nothing else in the game reminds me of daoc at all. For example all these things we know of TESO are most definetly NOT daoc.
    1 instances of dungeons and world zones
    2 phasing
    3 megaserver
    4 led by the nose questing
    5 gw2 combat
    6 rift class system
    7 no raids
    8 no housing
    9 no ffa servers
    10 no pure pve servers
    11 you are the hero story line
    12 no server community, piss people off, just jump to another shard


  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    Actually Mael
    Rift works exactly like Nan describes.

    It is after all a wow clone.
  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432

    Originally posted by JasonJ
    Quick, send in the same 4 people that will say the same things they always say even though Zenimax themselves address this worry publicly. They were not targetting the extremely low quantity of diehard DaoC players, they want the TES fanbase, and they dont understand why they are so upset. Sure sign of a future full of trouble for a game when the makers are that disconnected from reality.
    Quoted for truth, and my agreeing opinion :)

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432

    Originally posted by dennis5
    This is a 3 faction in war game. That's the plan. Were it otherwise sure.....but simple logic says No grouping with enemy alliance members, unless they are double agents and working for you :p
    Exactly. This is a 3 faction war game, not an Elder Scroll MMORPG.

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    Is it the "tes fanbase" that are upset?

    It is it?
    The now homeless swg fanbase
    The now ancient EQ fanbase
    The want a game like darkfall, that wors with a decent budget fanbase
    The want a game like eve but not with space ships fanbase
    The want a game like vanguard, that people will actually play due to the ip fanbase

    Etc.. etc..
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