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Black Desert Discussion Thread



  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,654

    looks pretty on the outside but I'm skeptical about what's inside. especially since it is a Korean MMO. I have been so disappointed in the past with Korean MMO's.

    Proud member since March 2004!  Make PvE GREAT Again!

  • Lovely_LalyLovely_Laly Member UncommonPosts: 734

    OP, thanks for sharing!

    this cinematic looks so amazing! I hope game will be fast and fun, w/o usual endless grindfest.

    anyhow, hope we can get it soon!

    try before buy, even if it's a game to avoid bad surprises.
    Worst surprises for me: Aion, GW2

  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432

    It looks awesome, indeed. Looks can be deceiving. They have before.

    They have no website, that I could find through Google. Pearl Abyss has a site and has 1 video, as far as I can tell. Is their information only on Facebook?

    The city they showed was indeed a city. It was massive and seemed very alive. There were children present in abundance! The activities of the NPCs was good and helped with the overall feel of the city. The land was very beautiful, indeed.

    Combat looked very MMO-ish with plate armor folk leaping to and fro as in a ballet. Every combatant had a good deal of training in acrobatics, flipping here and there, leaping from spot to spot, and generally looking like Mexican Jumping Beans.

    The siege they showed looked quite massive. I did like the horse going down from under its rider. Were they fighting NPCs or other players? I ask because of the mass of bodies littering the ground in the end of that siege footage. If it was vs. players and they stayed dead, I am truly impressed!

    Some of the character models looked good, too. The armor and weapons did not look "overly" huge, rather more normal.

    Overall, it looks very good. I will take a wait and see stand on it.

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • meadmoonmeadmoon Member UncommonPosts: 1,344
    The video sold me the second I saw someone shoot a horse and the rider flew off. That's mounted combat!!!
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    Originally posted by AlBQuirky

    It looks awesome, indeed. Looks can be deceiving. They have before.

    They have no website, that I could find through Google. Pearl Abyss has a site and has 1 video, as far as I can tell. Is their information only on Facebook?

    The city they showed was indeed a city. It was massive and seemed very alive. There were children present in abundance! The activities of the NPCs was good and helped with the overall feel of the city. The land was very beautiful, indeed.

    Combat looked very MMO-ish with plate armor folk leaping to and fro as in a ballet. Every combatant had a good deal of training in acrobatics, flipping here and there, leaping from spot to spot, and generally looking like Mexican Jumping Beans.

    The siege they showed looked quite massive. I did like the horse going down from under its rider. Were they fighting NPCs or other players? I ask because of the mass of bodies littering the ground in the end of that siege footage. If it was vs. players and they stayed dead, I am truly impressed!

    Some of the character models looked good, too. The armor and weapons did not look "overly" huge, rather more normal.

    Overall, it looks very good. I will take a wait and see stand on it.

    The ones that stayed dead were most likelly mercenary npc's.I read on their facebook site players will be able to hire them for seiges and for use in the gameworld itself.

    make sure to click on the see more button  as he repeats whats written in korean in english under the photo.

  • ShauneepeakShauneepeak Member UncommonPosts: 424
    Originally posted by AlBQuirky

    It looks awesome, indeed. Looks can be deceiving. They have before.

    They have no website, that I could find through Google. Pearl Abyss has a site and has 1 video, as far as I can tell. Is their information only on Facebook?

    The city they showed was indeed a city. It was massive and seemed very alive. There were children present in abundance! The activities of the NPCs was good and helped with the overall feel of the city. The land was very beautiful, indeed.

    Combat looked very MMO-ish with plate armor folk leaping to and fro as in a ballet. Every combatant had a good deal of training in acrobatics, flipping here and there, leaping from spot to spot, and generally looking like Mexican Jumping Beans.

    The siege they showed looked quite massive. I did like the horse going down from under its rider. Were they fighting NPCs or other players? I ask because of the mass of bodies littering the ground in the end of that siege footage. If it was vs. players and they stayed dead, I am truly impressed!

    Some of the character models looked good, too. The armor and weapons did not look "overly" huge, rather more normal.

    Overall, it looks very good. I will take a wait and see stand on it.

    Most likely the reason for the lack of a proper website is the fact that bringing this game to Europe and America has not even been finalized yet the Asian Open beta does not begin until later this year it is currently in closed beta. This game is still a ways off we will most likely see a proper American/European website within the next year.

  • ShauneepeakShauneepeak Member UncommonPosts: 424
    Originally posted by Asheram
    Originally posted by AlBQuirky

    It looks awesome, indeed. Looks can be deceiving. They have before.

    They have no website, that I could find through Google. Pearl Abyss has a site and has 1 video, as far as I can tell. Is their information only on Facebook?

    The city they showed was indeed a city. It was massive and seemed very alive. There were children present in abundance! The activities of the NPCs was good and helped with the overall feel of the city. The land was very beautiful, indeed.

    Combat looked very MMO-ish with plate armor folk leaping to and fro as in a ballet. Every combatant had a good deal of training in acrobatics, flipping here and there, leaping from spot to spot, and generally looking like Mexican Jumping Beans.

    The siege they showed looked quite massive. I did like the horse going down from under its rider. Were they fighting NPCs or other players? I ask because of the mass of bodies littering the ground in the end of that siege footage. If it was vs. players and they stayed dead, I am truly impressed!

    Some of the character models looked good, too. The armor and weapons did not look "overly" huge, rather more normal.

    Overall, it looks very good. I will take a wait and see stand on it.

    The ones that stayed dead were most likelly mercenary npc's.I read on their facebook site players will be able to hire them for seiges and for use in the gameworld itself.

    make sure to click on the see more button  as he repeats whats written in korean in english under the photo.

    Nice job spotting that Asheram I knew we could higher NPCs but besides skilling I did not know what else they could do. Would be pretty sick if we could higher a Merc to accompany us a la Skyrim/Fallout. Hopefully they would not be as easy to kill, I can not even list the number of times I have had Lydia die on me LMAO.

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407

    The name should been changed. When I hear this title I cant help but think something Call of Duty related.

    Also the graphics seem too high for its own good.

    And the combat, looks weird. Will be a major turn off. Dont know much else about the game.

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • ShauneepeakShauneepeak Member UncommonPosts: 424
    Originally posted by MMOExposed

    The name should been changed. When I hear this title I cant help but think something Call of Duty related.

    Also the graphics seem too high for its own good.

    And the combat, looks weird. Will be a major turn off. Dont know much else about the game.

    Combat definetly looks a bit wierd but with all the backflipping and crap could actually be very fun. Assuming its just the dodging mechanics for different classes. And I guess the Black Desert is what the war in the game is over or something trying to remember. But I believe it was said that the black desert contains many valuable resources or something way too tired to go back and read the interview but feel free to do so.

  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094
    Originally posted by Benedikt
    i voted really nice, because it is (imo), but it doesnt mean a squat if the gameplay isnt good (and that i know nothing about)

    Nice, first answer already says everything there is to say.

    If graphics would be all that mattered to me, I would play fps, not rpg. FAR better.


    Originally posted by Shauneepeak
    Love how I got 5 votes in the second after I posted this please at least watch the trailer and respond to the thread. Though I should have expected this making a poll oh well.

    Omg there are people who already know about that game. Unbelievable ! How dare they ! Reading a site like and actually informing themselves about MMOs in general ! Oh noes !


    Originally posted by geel

    Mind was blown for me indeed when I watched this trailer for the first time last month. I found it when I googled lineage III. Because that is exactly what I would want to play and what I need to be my next MMO. Even though Black Desert isn't lineage III, it still delivered. Good stuff!

    BTW just a question. When you guys talk about gameplay. Do you mean the combat? Or the things you can do with your characters ingame? Including exploring, what kind of mobs do we fight, character progression, social interaction etc?

    Because I always feel ppl talk about combat, but I don't give a crap about combat. I want all those other things to be nice that immerse you in a world, things that make it addictive. 

    That would be mostly:

    - Interface Quality, including Resposiveness and User Friendliness

    - Rulesystem Quality, such as Balance, Diversity, Depth

    - Gameworld Quality, such as Size, Diversity, Variance in Mob encounters, Lore and Quest content

    - Even some graphic aspects usually not shown in such videos, such as the customizeability of the own character

    Or in other words, everything that makes a game an actual game. Graphics just make it look pretty.


    Originally posted by Shauneepeak

    Ok, no one can be a judge of the combat currently because no one has played it but found an interview regarding the combat and it sounds hopeful.

    It's going to be actioned based, [...]

    Thanks. All I needed to know. Bye thread, have fun.


  • CorehavenCorehaven Member UncommonPosts: 1,533
    Yea I saw this trailer months ago.  I too was blown away.  Looked great.  The trailer, the music, all of it was very different and very well done.  Sometimes I go back and watch it just to smile at it.  I don't know how good the game might be, but that trailer which showed nothing but game, was wonderful. 
  • AIMonsterAIMonster Member UncommonPosts: 2,059

    If you go to their facebook page: you can find a lot more information on the game and ask the developers questions directly.  I believe they respond within a day, though it's obvious sometimes English isn't their first language.

    As for getting it on the Game's List, I think someone should contact them and ask them to submit it to  Believe they have to go through that process to get it listed on the site.

  • ShauneepeakShauneepeak Member UncommonPosts: 424
    Originally posted by AIMonster

    If you go to their facebook page: you can find a lot more information on the game and ask the developers questions directly.  I believe they respond within a day, though it's obvious sometimes English isn't their first language.

    As for getting it on the Game's List, I think someone should contact them and ask them to submit it to  Believe they have to go through that process to get it listed on the site.

    Someone on this thread earlier said to make the list a game must have an official site I'm assuming it must have a Korean site but no European or American site as of yet, which I'm going to guess is what they go by.

  • AIMonsterAIMonster Member UncommonPosts: 2,059
    Originally posted by Shauneepeak
    Originally posted by AIMonster

    If you go to their facebook page: you can find a lot more information on the game and ask the developers questions directly.  I believe they respond within a day, though it's obvious sometimes English isn't their first language.

    As for getting it on the Game's List, I think someone should contact them and ask them to submit it to  Believe they have to go through that process to get it listed on the site.

    Someone on this thread earlier said to make the list a game must have an official site I'm assuming it must have a Korean site but no European or American site as of yet, which I'm going to guess is what they go by.

    Not sure if this counts:

  • ShauneepeakShauneepeak Member UncommonPosts: 424
    Originally posted by AIMonster
    Originally posted by Shauneepeak
    Originally posted by AIMonster

    If you go to their facebook page: you can find a lot more information on the game and ask the developers questions directly.  I believe they respond within a day, though it's obvious sometimes English isn't their first language.

    As for getting it on the Game's List, I think someone should contact them and ask them to submit it to  Believe they have to go through that process to get it listed on the site.

    Someone on this thread earlier said to make the list a game must have an official site I'm assuming it must have a Korean site but no European or American site as of yet, which I'm going to guess is what they go by.

    Not sure if this counts:

    Yeah I saw that not sure if it would count but if someone knows how to get in touch with a staff member and ask for a game page to be made we could see.

  • fantasyfreak112fantasyfreak112 Member Posts: 499
    The game looks like what EQNext will fail to be.
  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094
    Originally posted by AIMonster

    If you go to their facebook page: you can find a lot more information on the game and ask the developers questions directly.  I believe they respond within a day, though it's obvious sometimes English isn't their first language.

    As for getting it on the Game's List, I think someone should contact them and ask them to submit it to  Believe they have to go through that process to get it listed on the site.


    Yeah, indeed not their first language !

    Its not my first language either, but, seriously ? A class named "blader" ? LOL !!!!!

    For those other non-native english speakers who dont get this joke, look up "bladder" in your dictionary. LOL !


  • ShauneepeakShauneepeak Member UncommonPosts: 424
    Originally posted by Adamantine
    Originally posted by AIMonster

    If you go to their facebook page: you can find a lot more information on the game and ask the developers questions directly.  I believe they respond within a day, though it's obvious sometimes English isn't their first language.

    As for getting it on the Game's List, I think someone should contact them and ask them to submit it to  Believe they have to go through that process to get it listed on the site.


    Yeah, indeed not their first language !

    Its not my first language either, but, seriously ? A class named "blader" ? LOL !!!!!

    For those other non-native english speakers who dont get this joke, look up "bladder" in your dictionary. LOL !


    Blader and bladder are completely different Blader is someone who uses blades and bladder uses a soft A sound and seems like you know what it is so no details needed.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    Originally posted by Shauneepeak

    Ok, no one can be a judge of the combat currently because no one has played it but found an interview regarding the combat and it sounds hopeful.

    It's going to be actioned based, sorry people with carpal tunnel, with abilties. The main combat itself is going to try and be loose enough to not scare of the casual gamer, they are aiming for an engaging combat system that won't leave us exhausted. "we realized that we should manage users’ level of tiresome and complexity when it comes to an action combat.". Some abilities will rely on a stamina system however so hopefully it will not be a constant spam fest.


    Full interview in multiple languages

    Short and sweet version without much detail

    You almost lost me with that comment.  But it appears they are going to try to keep it manageable.  I did OK with TERA's system, so if it's not too much beyond that I might be able to cope.

    Just don't have the reflexes (or attention span) for action oriented combat. image

    Oh back to your OP, there's a process to get a game listed on this site, I assume no one has bothered to request it yet.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • ShauneepeakShauneepeak Member UncommonPosts: 424
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by Shauneepeak

    Ok, no one can be a judge of the combat currently because no one has played it but found an interview regarding the combat and it sounds hopeful.

    It's going to be actioned based, sorry people with carpal tunnel, with abilties. The main combat itself is going to try and be loose enough to not scare of the casual gamer, they are aiming for an engaging combat system that won't leave us exhausted. "we realized that we should manage users’ level of tiresome and complexity when it comes to an action combat.". Some abilities will rely on a stamina system however so hopefully it will not be a constant spam fest.


    Full interview in multiple languages

    Short and sweet version without much detail

    You almost lost me with that comment.  But it appears they are going to try to keep it manageable.  I did OK with TERA's system, so if it's not too much beyond that I might be able to cope.

    Just don't have the reflexes (or attention span) for action oriented combat. image

    Oh back to your OP, there's a process to get a game listed on this site, I assume no one has bothered to request it yet.


    It appears that they are going to try and make it manageable for people in a similar boat as you, even going so far as adding in an option for soley mouse based combat have absolutely no idea how that's going to work but hopefully it works well enough to keep up with the standard combat system.


    Read through the link you gave me and it tells you what is required but still does not tell you where to go or what to do to submit it. =  I also feel the lack of an AMerican/European website would be an issue from what it says doubt the facebook page would count.=P

  • JimmyYOJimmyYO Member UncommonPosts: 519
    Game looks amazing and not just visually, which I don't think I've said in quite a long time.
  • ShauneepeakShauneepeak Member UncommonPosts: 424
    Originally posted by JimmyYO
    Game looks amazing and not just visually, which I don't think I've said in quite a long time.

    Glad you think so I just hope it ends up being as good as it looks. I think the only non-trailer footage we have so far is of the housing system hope we get to see some more soon.

  • ShauneepeakShauneepeak Member UncommonPosts: 424
  • mairicmairic Member UncommonPosts: 13

    Great QnA here:


    "Q1: Hi! I’m from the fan site, would you like to give us a brief introduction of yourself and Black Deserts for everybody who doesn’t know what it is?

    Hello, my name is Brian Oh at Business Development Dept. of PearlAbyss. I’m really delighted to give you all a brief introduction of Black Desert. Black Desert is a next generation MMORPG that features large-scale battles with stylish and powerful gameplay against an open world backdrop. Moreover, Black Desert allows users to engage in a variety of in-game experiences including exploration, crafting and manufacturing, auction, transportation, trade, real estate management and more.

    Q2: In the newly released trailer you revealed the look of the male Archer class. Will there be any differences between male Archer and female Archer in terms of combat?

    The male Archer will be differentiated from the existing female one in many ways. The basic stats, the type of skills and the damage will be different. However, the details will be determined later on.

    Q3: You also revealed the Valkyrie, Wizard and the Blader. Can you explain the characteristics of these classes?

    The detailed concepts of newly released characters are soon to be unveiled. Please wait a bit more.

    Q4: It has been said that you will be able to hire houses in the game; however, will other people be able to intrude another player’s house without permission?

    House owners are able to lock the door of their own houses with the locker and key. They can copy and spread keys to their friends or guild members if they want to. Therefore, houses cannot be intruded unless they let the door open to the public.

    Q5: Do you have to turn every building into a farm/blacksmith/shop/etc., or can you simply leave it as a guild hall for example? How many choices will you have for turning your house into whatever your choice is?

    Users are able to enjoy the housing content in various ways at their discretion. If any user wants to turn their building into any kind, he has to install the equipment or facility suitable for its use. In addition, every house has its own special use given by system.

    Q6: What are your plans for end-game content? How are you going to keep the players busy after reaching the level cap?

    First of all, I want make it clear that there will not be any level cap in Black Desert. Of course, after level 50, it will be extremely difficult to level up. It will require a lot of time and effort. In this respect, we are preparing for many end contents for the users 50+ level. Housing, exploration, castle siege, crafting, trade, intimacy system, guild activities could be the end contents for keeping the players busy after de facto level cap.

    Q7: It has been said that Black Deserts will feature a unique NPC-relationship system. Can you explain more about how this will work? Can you become an NPC’s enemy?

    When users first visit any unknown town they must network among the NPCs there. Frequent dialogue with them enables users to obtain “intimacy points”, with which they can secure special entry rights to dungeons, rare items or additional EXP. Like the real world, there are a variety of relationships to be had among NPCs. For example, some NPCs may become close friends,

    while others may become hostile enemies. Accordingly, users must make strategic choices when approaching NPCs.

    Q8: How will the siege system work?

    Attackers must decide to either bombard the gates or use ladders to scale the castle wall. On the defenders’ side, one must dispatch shock troops to destroy artillery or keep the enemy from using ladders. Deploying forces in a strategical manner around the castle and attacking the enemy by surprise need to be done to successfully siege the castle. Tactics depending on the individual’s or unit level offers users greater variety of fun. In addition, the number of participants in a castle siege is unlimited, which gives users more flexibility in terms of combat.

    Q9: Will there be factions?

    Black Desert is not the faction based game but the guild oriented one. There are the wars and battles between two countries such as Republic of Calpheon and the Kingdom of Valencia, but it function as merely a background story. All the meaningful battles and wars will take place among the guilds that has been created by the actual players.

    Q10: Black Deserts will be Free 2 Play at least in Korea and Japan, however, what is your opinion about pay 2 win? What can the players using the cash shop expect to be able to buy?

    Based on the current monetization plan in Korea and Japan, Black Desert will be a free-to-play game. However, we haven’t been reached any conclusion about the monetization policy in any other regions. The specific cash items to be sold to users is been developing and the detailed cash items will be determined after discussion with the local publishers.

    Q11: When it comes to customization, will each class be bound to one specific body type or can you have different body types? (Ex. All have same face, height, hair, skin colour and body size or not?)

    The detailed customization policy should be determined after discussion with the local publishers at that moment. At least, the Korean users will be allowed to customize their characters within the limitation of not ruining the characters. We don’t want our users to make our decent and beautiful characters ugly and weird to look at.

    Q12: Half of your team members are old developers from the team who developed Continent of the Ninth, what kind of experience from developing C9 do you think will benefit the development of Black Deserts?

    C9 has got its reputation from worldwide users with respect to the realistic action and dynamic combat system. The action combat is all about the game contents for C9, because it is action MORPG. Our studio has been extremely famous for our stylish action and impact feel of attack, and for this reason, we have accumulated a lot of know-how how to realize it in the game. In this respect, users can easily experience maximized impact feels in Black Desert despite of its genre of open field of MMORPG. As you know, it is technically very difficult one.

    Q13: C9 was released in 2009 in Korea, but did not seem to reach an English Version until 2012. How long do you think it will take to release Black Deserts in English after the Korean Version?

    We plan to complete the deals of publishing in European and Russian territory within this year, which means Europe and Russia are the very next target areas for us to bring our game into those markets. So, you can have English version of Black Desert in 2014 or 2015. Definitely, it could be changed according to our business plan.

    Q14: It has been said that the first Closed Beta will be held in July 2013. How many people will be invited for the Beta test, and what is needed to become a Beta tester? Do you need to be a Korean citizen to be able to apply?

    We plan to invite thousands of beta testers based on our current business plan. However, this should be determined after discussion with our Korean publisher, Daum Communication. Probably, the beta testers in July will be restricted to Korea users, I guess, because, the main purpose of this test is to identify the possibility of success in Korean market.

    Q15: Have you ever noticed that if you pause your first trailer at ~0.33, there is a man walking in the air? (Top left corner)
    No answer:( 

    Q16: Thank you for taking part in this interview. Is there anything else you would like to tell your English speaking fans?

    I really appreciate your interests in our maiden title Black Desert. I hope this game will be memorized as a very unique and fun game to the users who are waiting for the new generation game. All our colleagues are making our best effort to meet the needs and wants of global MMORPG fans so just wait for our game patiently. We will never disappoint you. Thank you all again. "
  • ShauneepeakShauneepeak Member UncommonPosts: 424
    Originally posted by mairic

    Great QnA here:


    "Q1: Hi! I’m from the fan site, would you like to give us a brief introduction of yourself and Black Deserts for everybody who doesn’t know what it is?

    Hello, my name is Brian Oh at Business Development Dept. of PearlAbyss. I’m really delighted to give you all a brief introduction of Black Desert. Black Desert is a next generation MMORPG that features large-scale battles with stylish and powerful gameplay against an open world backdrop. Moreover, Black Desert allows users to engage in a variety of in-game experiences including exploration, crafting and manufacturing, auction, transportation, trade, real estate management and more.

    Q2: In the newly released trailer you revealed the look of the male Archer class. Will there be any differences between male Archer and female Archer in terms of combat?

    The male Archer will be differentiated from the existing female one in many ways. The basic stats, the type of skills and the damage will be different. However, the details will be determined later on.

    Q3: You also revealed the Valkyrie, Wizard and the Blader. Can you explain the characteristics of these classes?

    The detailed concepts of newly released characters are soon to be unveiled. Please wait a bit more.

    Q4: It has been said that you will be able to hire houses in the game; however, will other people be able to intrude another player’s house without permission?

    House owners are able to lock the door of their own houses with the locker and key. They can copy and spread keys to their friends or guild members if they want to. Therefore, houses cannot be intruded unless they let the door open to the public.

    Q5: Do you have to turn every building into a farm/blacksmith/shop/etc., or can you simply leave it as a guild hall for example? How many choices will you have for turning your house into whatever your choice is?

    Users are able to enjoy the housing content in various ways at their discretion. If any user wants to turn their building into any kind, he has to install the equipment or facility suitable for its use. In addition, every house has its own special use given by system.

    Q6: What are your plans for end-game content? How are you going to keep the players busy after reaching the level cap?

    First of all, I want make it clear that there will not be any level cap in Black Desert. Of course, after level 50, it will be extremely difficult to level up. It will require a lot of time and effort. In this respect, we are preparing for many end contents for the users 50+ level. Housing, exploration, castle siege, crafting, trade, intimacy system, guild activities could be the end contents for keeping the players busy after de facto level cap.

    Q7: It has been said that Black Deserts will feature a unique NPC-relationship system. Can you explain more about how this will work? Can you become an NPC’s enemy?

    When users first visit any unknown town they must network among the NPCs there. Frequent dialogue with them enables users to obtain “intimacy points”, with which they can secure special entry rights to dungeons, rare items or additional EXP. Like the real world, there are a variety of relationships to be had among NPCs. For example, some NPCs may become close friends,

    while others may become hostile enemies. Accordingly, users must make strategic choices when approaching NPCs.

    Q8: How will the siege system work?

    Attackers must decide to either bombard the gates or use ladders to scale the castle wall. On the defenders’ side, one must dispatch shock troops to destroy artillery or keep the enemy from using ladders. Deploying forces in a strategical manner around the castle and attacking the enemy by surprise need to be done to successfully siege the castle. Tactics depending on the individual’s or unit level offers users greater variety of fun. In addition, the number of participants in a castle siege is unlimited, which gives users more flexibility in terms of combat.

    Q9: Will there be factions?

    Black Desert is not the faction based game but the guild oriented one. There are the wars and battles between two countries such as Republic of Calpheon and the Kingdom of Valencia, but it function as merely a background story. All the meaningful battles and wars will take place among the guilds that has been created by the actual players.

    Q10: Black Deserts will be Free 2 Play at least in Korea and Japan, however, what is your opinion about pay 2 win? What can the players using the cash shop expect to be able to buy?

    Based on the current monetization plan in Korea and Japan, Black Desert will be a free-to-play game. However, we haven’t been reached any conclusion about the monetization policy in any other regions. The specific cash items to be sold to users is been developing and the detailed cash items will be determined after discussion with the local publishers.

    Q11: When it comes to customization, will each class be bound to one specific body type or can you have different body types? (Ex. All have same face, height, hair, skin colour and body size or not?)

    The detailed customization policy should be determined after discussion with the local publishers at that moment. At least, the Korean users will be allowed to customize their characters within the limitation of not ruining the characters. We don’t want our users to make our decent and beautiful characters ugly and weird to look at.

    Q12: Half of your team members are old developers from the team who developed Continent of the Ninth, what kind of experience from developing C9 do you think will benefit the development of Black Deserts?

    C9 has got its reputation from worldwide users with respect to the realistic action and dynamic combat system. The action combat is all about the game contents for C9, because it is action MORPG. Our studio has been extremely famous for our stylish action and impact feel of attack, and for this reason, we have accumulated a lot of know-how how to realize it in the game. In this respect, users can easily experience maximized impact feels in Black Desert despite of its genre of open field of MMORPG. As you know, it is technically very difficult one.

    Q13: C9 was released in 2009 in Korea, but did not seem to reach an English Version until 2012. How long do you think it will take to release Black Deserts in English after the Korean Version?

    We plan to complete the deals of publishing in European and Russian territory within this year, which means Europe and Russia are the very next target areas for us to bring our game into those markets. So, you can have English version of Black Desert in 2014 or 2015. Definitely, it could be changed according to our business plan.

    Q14: It has been said that the first Closed Beta will be held in July 2013. How many people will be invited for the Beta test, and what is needed to become a Beta tester? Do you need to be a Korean citizen to be able to apply?

    We plan to invite thousands of beta testers based on our current business plan. However, this should be determined after discussion with our Korean publisher, Daum Communication. Probably, the beta testers in July will be restricted to Korea users, I guess, because, the main purpose of this test is to identify the possibility of success in Korean market.

    Q15: Have you ever noticed that if you pause your first trailer at ~0.33, there is a man walking in the air? (Top left corner)
    No answer:( 

    Q16: Thank you for taking part in this interview. Is there anything else you would like to tell your English speaking fans?

    I really appreciate your interests in our maiden title Black Desert. I hope this game will be memorized as a very unique and fun game to the users who are waiting for the new generation game. All our colleagues are making our best effort to meet the needs and wants of global MMORPG fans so just wait for our game patiently. We will never disappoint you. Thank you all again. "

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