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Well, my 40 minutes (20 +20) with ESO *update*



  • muffins89muffins89 Member UncommonPosts: 1,585
    Originally posted by immodium
    The most important question hasn't been asked so far. Are kill cams in? :)

    they've been confirmed to be in since last May.

  • Eol-Eol- Member UncommonPosts: 274

    Now that I have read the whole thread, I think people are being a bit silly/naive when they try to ascertain the 'life' of the game based on a persons 40 minutes of playtime in the starter area of a pre-beta1 game. How could we possibly know that?  I mean, I am playing SWTOR with my son right now and I think its a very good game... but we havent reached max level yet which of course is where the game falters. In particular, ESO seems a lot like DAoC in that the main part of the endgame is PvP, and of course its impossible to judge that aspect of the game when playing PvE in the starter area.

    And to the person who said the graphics look too much like Rift, well, from the screenshots I have seen, I dont agree at all. To me it looks like Elder Scrolls, not Rift, which is far less cartoony than WoW but more cartoony than Elder Scrolls.

    Anyway, my main thought is that we have had two big MMO's released inthe last two years, Guild Wars 2 and SWTOR and both of them seemed great when levelling but faltered at max level. The real test for ESO will be the max level endgame, and if it can hold players' interests. It will be a long time until we know the answer to that, well after the game is released and the reviews come out. I dont have any doubts that ESO will be a fun levelling game, because games like Rift and Guild Wars 2 and SWTOR show that is very do-able for a big money MMO.

    Elladan - ESO (AD)
    Camring - SWTOR (Ebon Hawk)
    Eol & Justinian - Rift (Faeblight)
    Ceol and Duri - LotRO (Landroval)
    Kili - WoW
    Eol - Lineage 2
    Camring - SWG
    Justinian (Nimue), Camring - DAoC

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,098
    Originally posted by asrlohz

    He speaks of "Animation priority" in the video, did you experience that you couldn't interrupt your regular sword swings?

    I didn't but then again I did experience what I construed as "lag" during the fights (though the movment of my charcter and the action was smooth) . I'm now starting to think this is what he is talking about.

    I would hit a button and there was a slight delay in the skill going off.

    @Caldrin: possibly. It's not like Tera, more like guild wars 2. I know that's an over simplification but that was my impression. Sometimes it's challenging and sometimes "not".


    @Immodium: They either weren't in the build I played or I did nothing to trigger them.


    @Eol: thank you sir (I think I remember you from Lineage 2?)

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • asrlohzasrlohz Member Posts: 645
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by asrlohz

    He speaks of "Animation priority" in the video, did you experience that you couldn't interrupt your regular sword swings?

    I didn't but then again I did experience what I construed as "lag" during the fights (though the movment of my charcter and the action was smooth) . I'm now starting to think this is what he is talking about.

    I would hit a button and there was a slight delay in the skill going off.

    @Caldrin: possibly. It's not like Tera, more like guild wars 2. I know that's an over simplification but that was my impression. Sometimes it's challenging and sometimes "not".


    @Immodium: They either weren't in the build I played or I did nothing to trigger them.


    @Eol: thank you sir (I think I remember you from Lineage 2?)

    Have a look here:

    There is not a mention of that "Animation Priority" in the combat system in the Tamriel Foundry. One would think that it would be in. Maybe Force got to play another build of the game?


  • Alber_gamerAlber_gamer Member UncommonPosts: 588

    This is the only other game that interests me at the moment besides Neverwinter Online, and to be fair it's looking pretty damn good. Let's hope to start getting some Beta invites rolling out soon, because I would very much like to check out how the game plays.


    The ideas look really interesting and the graphics style is just what I am looking for. I'm pretty tired of cheapass games that use cartoony graphics and excuse themselves as it being an artistic choice.


    Can only hope that this game will prosper, it's looking good so far, and it's still got 6-10 months of development ahead of it to correct mistakes.

    My opinion is my own. I respect all other opinions and views equally, but keep in mind that my opinion will always be the best for me. That's why it's my opinion.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,098
    Originally posted by asrlohz
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by asrlohz

    He speaks of "Animation priority" in the video, did you experience that you couldn't interrupt your regular sword swings?

    I didn't but then again I did experience what I construed as "lag" during the fights (though the movment of my charcter and the action was smooth) . I'm now starting to think this is what he is talking about.

    I would hit a button and there was a slight delay in the skill going off.

    @Caldrin: possibly. It's not like Tera, more like guild wars 2. I know that's an over simplification but that was my impression. Sometimes it's challenging and sometimes "not".


    @Immodium: They either weren't in the build I played or I did nothing to trigger them.


    @Eol: thank you sir (I think I remember you from Lineage 2?)

    Have a look here:

    There is not a mention of that "Animation Priority" in the combat system in the Tamriel Foundry. One would think that it would be in. Maybe Force got to play another build of the game?


    Possible. Some people, mostly reporters, bloggers, etc. got to play the starter quest stuff. Then again, It wasn't really that noticeable to me, especially in the heat of some of the harder fights. Just something I had noted at the time.

    It's not like I kept slamming the button and had issues with every swing. And to that point, this was only on a skil. The left click "regular attacks" always went off without a hitch.

    Heck, could just be a small bug.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • MadamefateMadamefate Member Posts: 171
    Well maybe this means a beta will be out soon for us to play. And realize that the game is all movie like wow is :(
  • asrlohzasrlohz Member Posts: 645
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by asrlohz
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by asrlohz

    He speaks of "Animation priority" in the video, did you experience that you couldn't interrupt your regular sword swings?

    I didn't but then again I did experience what I construed as "lag" during the fights (though the movment of my charcter and the action was smooth) . I'm now starting to think this is what he is talking about.

    I would hit a button and there was a slight delay in the skill going off.

    @Caldrin: possibly. It's not like Tera, more like guild wars 2. I know that's an over simplification but that was my impression. Sometimes it's challenging and sometimes "not".


    @Immodium: They either weren't in the build I played or I did nothing to trigger them.


    @Eol: thank you sir (I think I remember you from Lineage 2?)

    Have a look here:

    There is not a mention of that "Animation Priority" in the combat system in the Tamriel Foundry. One would think that it would be in. Maybe Force got to play another build of the game?


    Possible. Some people, mostly reporters, bloggers, etc. got to play the starter quest stuff. Then again, It wasn't really that noticeable to me, especially in the heat of some of the harder fights. Just something I had noted at the time.

    It's not like I kept slamming the button and had issues with every swing. And to that point, this was only on a skil. The left click "regular attacks" always went off without a hitch.

    Heck, could just be a small bug.

    As long as my attacks don't queue up, I'm fine. But aye, I've severely lowered my excitement for the game in a few areas but I think I might actually enjoy this game quite a lot. It still has the lore and hopefully they will add a ton of armor!  I hope to see the return of the old Morrowind armors and Daggerfall creatures.

  • NeherunNeherun Member UncommonPosts: 280
    Originally posted by asrlohz
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by asrlohz

    He speaks of "Animation priority" in the video, did you experience that you couldn't interrupt your regular sword swings?

    I didn't but then again I did experience what I construed as "lag" during the fights (though the movment of my charcter and the action was smooth) . I'm now starting to think this is what he is talking about.

    I would hit a button and there was a slight delay in the skill going off.

    @Caldrin: possibly. It's not like Tera, more like guild wars 2. I know that's an over simplification but that was my impression. Sometimes it's challenging and sometimes "not".


    @Immodium: They either weren't in the build I played or I did nothing to trigger them.


    @Eol: thank you sir (I think I remember you from Lineage 2?)

    Have a look here:

    There is not a mention of that "Animation Priority" in the combat system in the Tamriel Foundry. One would think that it would be in. Maybe Force got to play another build of the game?



    Don't even assume that TF, or any of the other fan sites for that matter is a creditable source.



  • asrlohzasrlohz Member Posts: 645
    Don't even assume that TF, or any of the other fan sites for that matter is a creditable source.


    You are being silly. There is no creditable source at the moment since the game is in development and is subject to change at any given time.

    Hence if you read my post that should be rather clear.

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