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Why is this game still under NDA?

crysentcrysent Member UncommonPosts: 841

They have given away about a million beta keys throughout various gaming sites/promotions.


Why is it still, this close to release, under NDA?  I played one of the earlier beta sessions through a key I grabbed from an promotion.  I have a number of questions, mostly relating to how much progress has been made (Especially in PvP) but apparently can't ask...?


  • VhalnVhaln Member Posts: 3,159
    Yeah, I have no idea how good to expect this game to be.  So, I grabbed one of the latest keys, guess I'll have to find out for myself.

    When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.

  • Squeak69Squeak69 Member UncommonPosts: 959

    F2P may be the way of the future, but ya know they dont make them like they used toimage
    Proper Grammer & spelling are extra, corrections will be LOL at.

  • VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872

    My guess is that it's still under NDA so they can suppress too much negativity about it.

    If people would be allowed to speak about it, it would shurely have an impact on the already slow going pre-orders (speaking about Steam here). Since it is B2P, the initial sales play the major role in the games's financial success.

    Luckily players have become way more cautious, and rightfully so -even more in case of Defiance. Although keeping up the NDA until a few days before release may prevend forums like this one to be flooded with negative comments, it also made people shy away from pre-ordering.

  • jmcdermottukjmcdermottuk Member RarePosts: 1,571
    Originally posted by Volgore

    My guess is that it's still under NDA so they can suppress too much negativity about it.

    If people would be allowed to speak about it, it would shurely have an impact on the already slow going pre-orders (speaking about Steam here). Since it is B2P, the initial sales play the major role in the games's financial success.

    Luckily players have become way more cautious, and rightfully so -even more in case of Defiance. Although keeping up the NDA until a few days before release may prevend forums like this one to be flooded with negative comments, it also made people shy away from pre-ordering.

    I'm going to hold off on any decision to buy until after this weekend's Beta Event. I definately want to see what I'm getting before parting with any cash.

    As for Steam's slow pre-sales, even if I decide to pre-order I won't be buying it from Steam and I doubt many others in the UK or Europe would.

    I don't know what the situation is across the pond but you can get the PC version of the game for £10 less on Amazon UK. That alone could explain Steam's poor sales. Most people shop around for a good deal these days. Why would anyone pay the full retail price on Steam if they can get it cheaper elsewhere?

  • DJMantissDJMantiss Member Posts: 100
    Originally posted by DMKano
    Because the game reveals some plot items for the show it is still under NDA, I asked this in alpha (been alpha tester for months), and that is what I was told. Syfy wants the elements of the series plot to remain secret as long as possible, however NDA drops soon and the game launches 2 Weeks ahead of the show.

    Never saw that on the Alpha forums....


    Regardless they could have lifted parts of the NDA while insisting that all story lines and plots be kept under NDA.


    There is no way to sugarcoat this, Defiance is not truly ready for prime time, hence the NDA is still in full effect. It needs more time to cook but what you'll get in April will be almost raw.

  • happycathat568happycathat568 Member Posts: 1

    It's to keep the story under wraps. This isn't your grandpa's TV show, this is a story for the big boys and when you have a tale this intricate and inlaid with talent, you need to save its reveal for that right, beautiful moment. Honestly, most people just don't have the chops to follow all the plot threads in a show/game this complex and if Syfy "Android Apocalypse" Channel were to release all the detailed story bits too early, it would blow your feeble minds.


    Also, and completely unreleated, make sure to pick up your exclusive Defiance Season Pass brought to you by the sweet, sweet taste of Mountain Dew Extreme Lime Explosion...hmm hmm good!

  • sancher36sancher36 Member UncommonPosts: 458

    The 22nd the NDA for new test is removed but it still stands for old tests they are saying on official forums 

    Taken from official site 

    Note: The Alpha NDA is still in place and content around Alpha will remain under NDA until further notice.

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    Originally posted by DMKano
    Because the game reveals some plot items for the show it is still under NDA, I asked this in alpha (been alpha tester for months), and that is what I was told. Syfy wants the elements of the series plot to remain secret as long as possible, however NDA drops soon and the game launches 2 Weeks ahead of the show.

    the show and the game takes place in two different parts of the world. thats why the game can run 24/7 while the show will run well, show hours.. there isnt a dirrect effect on each other.

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • rimaxo14rimaxo14 Member Posts: 118

    EVGA GTX 580
    INTEL I7 950
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  • ElRenmazuoElRenmazuo Member RarePosts: 5,361
    Originally posted by happycathat568

    It's to keep the story under wraps. This isn't your grandpa's TV show, this is a story for the big boys and when you have a tale this intricate and inlaid with talent, you need to save its reveal for that right, beautiful moment. Honestly, most people just don't have the chops to follow all the plot threads in a show/game this complex and if Syfy "Android Apocalypse" Channel were to release all the detailed story bits too early, it would blow your feeble minds.


    Also, and completely unreleated, make sure to pick up your exclusive Defiance Season Pass brought to you by the sweet, sweet taste of Mountain Dew Extreme Lime Explosion...hmm hmm good!

    Ya its like telling us all the castaways in Lost are all dead by the end of the show and are going to heaven or Starbuck is a Ghost

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