How about a noob corp for the Bene Gesserit? This is to say, one of the greatest barriers to a good percentage of potential Eve players is that it smells like a geek locker room in there, and yes, I used to play for a couple years and I'm female. I got really sick of the ( . ) ( . ) graphics and various but you get used to it after a while. I actually won a $50 cert from the Eve store for a blog essay on women-in-Eve back a few years ago, which was roundly praised by a lot of the women (and men) who were playing at the time. And totally ignored by CCP.
The hell with safe space for PVE. How about some space for women who want to be in a space where they don't get harrassed out of the game? We might be able to take it -- but it's likely that CCP loses a lot of freaking business from women who decide that the average goon is a little too hairy for her taste. Eve players are less evolved in terms of manners than most of the gaming universe when it comes to dealing with women gamers -- and you know, that's saying a lot about their troglodyte tendencies.
But what finally got me was life circumstances and disgust over the monocle-ization of the game. I kind of thought they were different. I hate being played for a fool. I don't mind a company that figures some of the player base will be asshats and subsidize the rest -- but some of the attitude that came out really got me bent about how I thought that the guys felt about their playerbase. I gave up. "Losing my religion..."
A female-focused NPC corp I would be OK with. In fact that's actually a pretty good idea, so now this thread is 4x as good as I expected Female only space, though no, not so much. That's a Bad Idea™. If there are players who aren't acting nice, the way to seperate them from your experience is via your overview.
I was also pretty upset about MonocleGate but in all fairness, CCP have publically admitted that they fucked that one up, fired the guy who was in charge of the Incarna project, and the whole NEX business is basically Not Talked About at CCP any more. I think it's fair to say that they've learned their lesson on that subject, and since then they've done a great job of focusing on Spaceships. If you haven't played since MonocoleGate, pop in and have a look. A really LOT of things have been fixed and updated.
How about a noob corp for the Bene Gesserit? This is to say, one of the greatest barriers to a good percentage of potential Eve players is that it smells like a geek locker room in there, and yes, I used to play for a couple years and I'm female. I got really sick of the ( . ) ( . ) graphics and various but you get used to it after a while. I actually won a $50 cert from the Eve store for a blog essay on women-in-Eve back a few years ago, which was roundly praised by a lot of the women (and men) who were playing at the time. And totally ignored by CCP.
The hell with safe space for PVE. How about some space for women who want to be in a space where they don't get harrassed out of the game? We might be able to take it -- but it's likely that CCP loses a lot of freaking business from women who decide that the average goon is a little too hairy for her taste. Eve players are less evolved in terms of manners than most of the gaming universe when it comes to dealing with women gamers -- and you know, that's saying a lot about their troglodyte tendencies.
I know what you mean but it's like this in all mmorpgs. There seems to be some sort of growing backlash nowadays against a certain stereotype that's unfortunately catching the lot of us in the net. However, I really hope that when you say space, you mean something like a corp and not literal space because female only space would most definitely exacerbate the animosity towards the female playerbase and women in general. (I'm thinking about the particular idea that women want special treatment and not equal treatment)
Edit: OP, ideally I'd like to see some incentives for tutoring or mentoring. With careful planning and execution it could be implemented with a minimum of abuse, and while abuse would still occur, I still think it would provide a net benefit. But yeah, tricky question because a lot about that game is really deeply set- I mean you can't really change a whole lot without making it a different game entirely.
well for me and huge amount of players fix walk in stations as promised and both new and old players will come/return.
sure eve online is one of the kind, but not with no walk in stations
People want a character to walk around with alot of the eve online customers was promised walk in stations
loong ago and got ______ by ccp.
*open that door CCP*
I been playing eve from beta stage I been promoting this game for the ones I know and all those asked me about a good mmorpg, I been running fan/guides pages about eve online.
It's one of the kind but as loong as the avatar cant go out of the little CQ as promised and shown by ccp in advertising.
i dont play EVE because i dont like space only games. But i will pretend the question was about Dust 514 and answer it. I would play Dust 514 if CCP adds Third Person Perspective as a full feature. TP perspective Is already in the game when you are out of combat and the Third Person character models are great and smooth so i dont see why it has to be only First Person while in combat. That alone would bring me back
I played from 2005-2011/12 and I'll come back if they'd revamp 0.0 and make it more dynamic. The current systems are too static and only lead to big powerblocks.
1. remove jumpbridges and jumpfreighters 2. make moon-goo deplete and spawn in a new location afterwards 3. make motherships and titans into mobile stations instead of super-wepaons 4. make outposts destroyable 5. make sov and true-sec based on activity
Without these points being adressed nothing can get me ever back to playing EvE Online.
I played from 2005-2011/12 and I'll come back if they'd revamp 0.0 and make it more dynamic. The current systems are too static and only lead to big powerblocks.
1. remove jumpbridges and jumpfreighters 2. make moon-goo deplete and spawn in a new location afterwards 3. make motherships and titans into mobile stations instead of super-wepaons 4. make outposts destroyable 5. make sov and true-sec based on activity
Without these points being adressed nothing can get me ever back to playing EvE Online.
1. 0.0 is utterly dependent on hi-sec production. There are 2850% more production slots in hi-sec than there are in sov 0.0. 0.0 simply doesn't have the productive capacity. Removing JBs and JFs would simply strangle 0.0. At minimum, 0.0 needs a massive industry rebalance first.
2. Have you ever scanned a whole constellation worth of moons? It takes a long time and its horrible. Your idea is not a good one, even if the motivation behind it is a good one. There are much more elegant solutions to the problem.
3. Or something anyway, but yes, supercaps need a better role than "super double dreadnaught"
4. Agreed. Hell, I wrote the proposal for this that was passed by CSM 5. CCP agree. It's coming... Soon™
5. 100% agreed. This needs to happen yesterday, and virtually everyone in 0.0 agrees with you as well.
I'm one of these old players, who used to do freighter-convoys with a fleet of battleships guarding the whole thing. Imho it's the better solution then having only 10 people doing the whole logistics themselves. And it offers more opportunity for ambushes.
And yes, I did scan hundreds of moons within a constellation before everyone had lists of moons and their materials. The tedious scanning is the problem, not my proposed system. Introduce an automated probe that scans all moons within a system by itself and the problem is solved.
The current system with moongoo being static makes 0.0 static overall, as the moongoo is the only ressource really worth fighting for. Mining ABC or ice in 0.0 isn't really that interesting to fight for.
I played from 2005-2011/12 and I'll come back if they'd revamp 0.0 and make it more dynamic. The current systems are too static and only lead to big powerblocks.
1. remove jumpbridges and jumpfreighters 2. make moon-goo deplete and spawn in a new location afterwards 3. make motherships and titans into mobile stations instead of super-wepaons 4. make outposts destroyable 5. make sov and true-sec based on activity
Without these points being adressed nothing can get me ever back to playing EvE Online.
1. 0.0 is utterly dependent on hi-sec production. There are 2850% more production slots in hi-sec than there are in sov 0.0. 0.0 simply doesn't have the productive capacity. Removing JBs and JFs would simply strangle 0.0. At minimum, 0.0 needs a massive industry rebalance first.
2. Have you ever scanned a whole constellation worth of moons? It takes a long time and its horrible. Your idea is not a good one, even if the motivation behind it is a good one. There are much more elegant solutions to the problem.
3. Or something anyway, but yes, supercaps need a better role than "super double dreadnaught"
4. Agreed. Hell, I wrote the proposal for this that was passed by CSM 5. CCP agree. It's coming... Soon™
5. 100% agreed. This needs to happen yesterday, and virtually everyone in 0.0 agrees with you as well.
Regarding the first point...
Jump bridges allow alliances to project power too far. They worked when the population was lower and players were more spread out. Let the null sec alliances use standard freighters like the rest of us. It will be a boon for piracy
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. -- Herman Melville
I was tempted by EVE as it is said it's a game with a lot of game content and game mechanics to play around with. I believe I even tried the trail, but I didn't even make it beyond the tutorial. It felt slow, and overwhelming. Too many windows too little action / interaction ? It could be that it's simply not a game for me.
The main worries I have is that, people who played this game for years are infinitely superior to the new comers and that the amount of fun I get out of this game is too small in comparision of free time it consumes.
I like complexity and a lot of game content. It might be that in case of EVE there is simply too many spreadsheets and manuals to read and too much time wasted before you get your "this is fun" reward
I played from 2005-2011/12 and I'll come back if they'd revamp 0.0 and make it more dynamic. The current systems are too static and only lead to big powerblocks.
1. remove jumpbridges and jumpfreighters 2. make moon-goo deplete and spawn in a new location afterwards 3. make motherships and titans into mobile stations instead of super-wepaons 4. make outposts destroyable 5. make sov and true-sec based on activity
Without these points being adressed nothing can get me ever back to playing EvE Online.
1. 0.0 is utterly dependent on hi-sec production. There are 2850% more production slots in hi-sec than there are in sov 0.0. 0.0 simply doesn't have the productive capacity. Removing JBs and JFs would simply strangle 0.0. At minimum, 0.0 needs a massive industry rebalance first.
2. Have you ever scanned a whole constellation worth of moons? It takes a long time and its horrible. Your idea is not a good one, even if the motivation behind it is a good one. There are much more elegant solutions to the problem.
3. Or something anyway, but yes, supercaps need a better role than "super double dreadnaught"
4. Agreed. Hell, I wrote the proposal for this that was passed by CSM 5. CCP agree. It's coming... Soon™
5. 100% agreed. This needs to happen yesterday, and virtually everyone in 0.0 agrees with you as well.
Regarding the first point...
Jump bridges allow alliances to project power too far. They worked when the population was lower and players were more spread out. Let the null sec alliances use standard freighters like the rest of us. It will be a boon for piracy
You're thinking of Titan bridges, not jump bridges. Jump Bridges are not a primary tool of power projection.
The main worries I have is that, people who played this game for years are infinitely superior to the new comers and that the amount of fun I get out of this game is too small in comparision of free time it consumes.
Trust me, there are large numbers of people who have played EVE for years who are, bluntly, terrible. Age of the character only weakly correlates to player skill. If you have someone who's smart, willing to lear and works well with others, then yeah he'll be pretty good. If you have someone who's dumb, never admits he made a mistake and pisses people off, he'll just be a terrible EVE player with 50M SP and easy meat for any alert & attentive 6-monther.
Skillpoints don't work like character levels. You don't get 80x as many hitpoints for having 80x as many skillpoints. And 1v1 is by far the rarest kind of PvP. Do the tutorials, nose around and try out different activities, and find a profession you enjoy. Join a well run group that focuses on that activity and you will be having fun from the get go.
I did play EvE for some time, its most amazing MMO I've played so far. But what discouraged me was long time spend in the game, almost need for alts and multiboxing itself, even tho its not like in other games and people here still usualy cooperate a lot. And also, boring mining. But hey, where is mining fun, at least in high sec you can go afk.
So I'd be encouraged to go back if they would shorten the time needed for activities done in the game, but that would made it more casual. Also rework of 0.0 space and alliances because now is a lot of people blue blobing, if you know what I mean. And also I would go back if they'd get rid of that multiboxing thing, tho I think they would need to rework the game totaly and many players would leave so its not possible.
This game is just a treasure among MMOs, I'd love to live in New Eden, even if its hostile place, its not just an MMO but piece of art and there is even proof of that. So even I'd like to go back I don't want CCP to make any big changes like those I said. Yes, I wont play because of it, but still it remains best MMO, wait, best game ever I've played. Make it a simulator where you can go like for real and time goes faster in that simulator than in real life and everyone will play EvE. What do we know, in the future it will probably happen.
Former S2N member.
Played: Lineage 2,Guild Wars 1 and 2, Age of Conan, Ragnarok Online, LOTRO, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, EvE online Tried: KAL Online, Face of Mankind, ROSE online Playing: CS:GO
Well, I played eve for maybe a month, so I guess I'm still new?
If anything, I would be adding non-critical features that don't harm veteran players or "cater" to new players as some cry out.
Really--I would have preferred more in-depth guides that could be intergrated into the UI (aside from the browser), and maybe even a built-in skill planner similar to EveMon for starting players. Possibly adding a 'recommended corp' list after the starter missions linking to popular learning corps.
Most of this is just streamlining what players do already. I like doing my homework on a game, but I can see some being turned off if they just sign up.
Remove local? I mean, I already posted HOW I would go about removing local earlier in this thread, but a *girl* posted after me and then the chest beating began in earnest so it was promptly ignored.
I still insist that changing local to delayed mode would be one of the biggest improvements this game could ever receive.
I'm looking for ideas to take to CCP. I'm not interested in stupid stuff like "Change EVE into being a PvE grind4epix"
Then dont act like you are interested in ideas.
The main reason most people wont play EVE is due to it being a FFA PvP game where you must whore yourself to a guild quickly in order to avoid the gankfest it is for new players with no ties...and the fact you linked "grind3epix" to PvE shows you wont see a good idea when you get one since you are locked into "tiny box" thinking with your generalizations...besides, the game is already a grindfest, without the epic gear, just the ships and ship items.
One of the issue with Eve is that there was meant to be a very active PVP area (null sec) and a much more safer place (empire). Now empire was not meant to be totally safe but it was supposed to be a place where players could learn about aspects of the game, group together and form corps and work things out to eventually be strong enough to get out into Null-Sec. Over the years this changed. Null-Sec has gotten boring with all the NAP fests and super alliances. Now if you are in one of these, you either spend 30 minutes flying across systems and hope to find an enemy or you head to empire for some asshattery.
My last few months of playing, I just stayed in Null and mined and made crazy money because empire space was just full of bored players looking to grief others. You have people bumping miners away from roids, people suiciding mining ships, mission runners being hunted, smartbombing at the Jita station entrance and gatecamps all over empire. Throw in a crazy contract system where 9 out of 10 are scams and add in no-skill pirate corps who war-dec brand new corps with half their numbers and you have a formula of unpleasentness.
If you want to see the game improved several things need to change:
1. CCP has to get people back into Null-Sec. I dont know what the answer is but currently you can fly through there and not see a single person in 50 jumps.
2. Empire needs cleaned up. It doesnt have to be totally safe but it also can not remain a safe haven for asshattery. I would suggest NPC corps be removed and if you are not in a corp you are marked as a freelancer and you can still be war-dec'ed and subject to other corp penalites. There is way too much hiding behind the NPC corps.
3. I dont know the answer for this but the game takes a boat load of time to play. You cant mine near hub systems but then you have to transport the minerals back to a hub and this can take hours. Almost everything you want to do takes an hour or more. I would like to see some kind fo instant action activities put into the game. Maybe a button you can hit and queue to be taken to an instance where you can PVP anohter player and you can queue by ship type/size.
The game became too much of a time sink for me. I loved it but I just could not manage the time it requires. I left a few months ago with billions in my account, over 100 ships and several plex sitting in my hanger just waiting for my return.
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
I'm looking for ideas to take to CCP. I'm not interested in stupid stuff like "Change EVE into being a PvE grind4epix"
Then dont act like you are interested in ideas.
The main reason most people wont play EVE is due to it being a FFA PvP game where you must whore yourself to a guild quickly in order to avoid the gankfest it is for new players with no ties...and the fact you linked "grind3epix" to PvE shows you wont see a good idea when you get one since you are locked into "tiny box" thinking with your generalizations...besides, the game is already a grindfest, without the epic gear, just the ships and ship items.
I want ideas to make EVE a better "FFA PvP game where you must whore yourself to a guild quickly in order to avoid the gankfest"
Since I started playing and continued playing EVE precisely because it is a FFA PvP game, I have no interest whatsoever in compromising either of those aspects, and additionally I would regard it as an unethical betrayal of the long term loyal customers to change the basic nature of the game in this way.
On the other hand I have no problem whatsoever with making improvements to EVE's sub-mediocre PvE. The only problem I have is with compromising the freedom of player action.
This Game has a huge Nitch following, but I don't see it going beyond that. To me it's like a Gankfest, space, Spreadsheet.
Doesn't appeal to me at all. Those who love it, Realy love it. I hope it lives a long time.
Out of interest, why do you read the EVE forum if it doesn't appeal to you at all?
Wait, so you asked what would encourage people to play EVE and cant figure out why people who dont play EVE are responding?!?
With what you said in the OP and now this one...seems just like a troll now because you sure are not open to anything being said about the game.
I was curious. For instance, I have no interest whatsoever in playing TOR; I don't spend any time at all reading or posting in the The Old Republic forum here.
I can understand why he responded to the thread; I'm just not clear on how he saw the thread in the first place.
A female-focused NPC corp I would be OK with. In fact that's actually a pretty good idea, so now this thread is 4x as good as I expected
Female only space, though no, not so much. That's a Bad Idea™. If there are players who aren't acting nice, the way to seperate them from your experience is via your overview.
I was also pretty upset about MonocleGate but in all fairness, CCP have publically admitted that they fucked that one up, fired the guy who was in charge of the Incarna project, and the whole NEX business is basically Not Talked About at CCP any more. I think it's fair to say that they've learned their lesson on that subject, and since then they've done a great job of focusing on Spaceships. If you haven't played since MonocoleGate, pop in and have a look. A really LOT of things have been fixed and updated.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I know what you mean but it's like this in all mmorpgs. There seems to be some sort of growing backlash nowadays against a certain stereotype that's unfortunately catching the lot of us in the net. However, I really hope that when you say space, you mean something like a corp and not literal space because female only space would most definitely exacerbate the animosity towards the female playerbase and women in general. (I'm thinking about the particular idea that women want special treatment and not equal treatment)
Edit: OP, ideally I'd like to see some incentives for tutoring or mentoring. With careful planning and execution it could be implemented with a minimum of abuse, and while abuse would still occur, I still think it would provide a net benefit. But yeah, tricky question because a lot about that game is really deeply set- I mean you can't really change a whole lot without making it a different game entirely.
Yo mean comming back to eve online?
well for me and huge amount of players fix walk in stations as promised and both new and old players will come/return.
sure eve online is one of the kind, but not with no walk in stations
People want a character to walk around with alot of the eve online customers was promised walk in stations
loong ago and got ______ by ccp.
*open that door CCP*
I been playing eve from beta stage I been promoting this game for the ones I know and all those asked me about a good mmorpg, I been running fan/guides pages about eve online.
It's one of the kind but as loong as the avatar cant go out of the little CQ as promised and shown by ccp in advertising.
Daoc 00-12,EvE 03-13,and more ...
I can definitely give feedback that there is "untapped demand" for avatar gameplay in EVE - heck, I want to see it myself.
But the fact is, delivering it will be a massive project and I don't see CCP devoting the required resources any time soon.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I played from 2005-2011/12 and I'll come back if they'd revamp 0.0 and make it more dynamic. The current systems are too static and only lead to big powerblocks.
1. remove jumpbridges and jumpfreighters
2. make moon-goo deplete and spawn in a new location afterwards
3. make motherships and titans into mobile stations instead of super-wepaons
4. make outposts destroyable
5. make sov and true-sec based on activity
Without these points being adressed nothing can get me ever back to playing EvE Online.
1. 0.0 is utterly dependent on hi-sec production. There are 2850% more production slots in hi-sec than there are in sov 0.0. 0.0 simply doesn't have the productive capacity. Removing JBs and JFs would simply strangle 0.0. At minimum, 0.0 needs a massive industry rebalance first.
2. Have you ever scanned a whole constellation worth of moons? It takes a long time and its horrible. Your idea is not a good one, even if the motivation behind it is a good one. There are much more elegant solutions to the problem.
3. Or something anyway, but yes, supercaps need a better role than "super double dreadnaught"
4. Agreed. Hell, I wrote the proposal for this that was passed by CSM 5. CCP agree. It's coming... Soon™
5. 100% agreed. This needs to happen yesterday, and virtually everyone in 0.0 agrees with you as well.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I'm one of these old players, who used to do freighter-convoys with a fleet of battleships guarding the whole thing. Imho it's the better solution then having only 10 people doing the whole logistics themselves. And it offers more opportunity for ambushes.
And yes, I did scan hundreds of moons within a constellation before everyone had lists of moons and their materials. The tedious scanning is the problem, not my proposed system.
Introduce an automated probe that scans all moons within a system by itself and the problem is solved.
The current system with moongoo being static makes 0.0 static overall, as the moongoo is the only ressource really worth fighting for.
Mining ABC or ice in 0.0 isn't really that interesting to fight for.
Regarding the first point...
Jump bridges allow alliances to project power too far. They worked when the population was lower and players were more spread out. Let the null sec alliances use standard freighters like the rest of us. It will be a boon for piracy
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
A free monocle if I re-subscribe
I was tempted by EVE as it is said it's a game with a lot of game content and game mechanics to play around with. I believe I even tried the trail, but I didn't even make it beyond the tutorial. It felt slow, and overwhelming. Too many windows too little action / interaction ? It could be that it's simply not a game for me.
The main worries I have is that, people who played this game for years are infinitely superior to the new comers and that the amount of fun I get out of this game is too small in comparision of free time it consumes.
I like complexity and a lot of game content. It might be that in case of EVE there is simply too many spreadsheets and manuals to read and too much time wasted before you get your "this is fun" reward
You're thinking of Titan bridges, not jump bridges. Jump Bridges are not a primary tool of power projection.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Trust me, there are large numbers of people who have played EVE for years who are, bluntly, terrible. Age of the character only weakly correlates to player skill. If you have someone who's smart, willing to lear and works well with others, then yeah he'll be pretty good. If you have someone who's dumb, never admits he made a mistake and pisses people off, he'll just be a terrible EVE player with 50M SP and easy meat for any alert & attentive 6-monther.
Skillpoints don't work like character levels. You don't get 80x as many hitpoints for having 80x as many skillpoints. And 1v1 is by far the rarest kind of PvP. Do the tutorials, nose around and try out different activities, and find a profession you enjoy. Join a well run group that focuses on that activity and you will be having fun from the get go.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I did play EvE for some time, its most amazing MMO I've played so far. But what discouraged me was long time spend in the game, almost need for alts and multiboxing itself, even tho its not like in other games and people here still usualy cooperate a lot. And also, boring mining. But hey, where is mining fun, at least in high sec you can go afk.
So I'd be encouraged to go back if they would shorten the time needed for activities done in the game, but that would made it more casual. Also rework of 0.0 space and alliances because now is a lot of people blue blobing, if you know what I mean. And also I would go back if they'd get rid of that multiboxing thing, tho I think they would need to rework the game totaly and many players would leave so its not possible.
This game is just a treasure among MMOs, I'd love to live in New Eden, even if its hostile place, its not just an MMO but piece of art and there is even proof of that. So even I'd like to go back I don't want CCP to make any big changes like those I said. Yes, I wont play because of it, but still it remains best MMO, wait, best game ever I've played. Make it a simulator where you can go like for real and time goes faster in that simulator than in real life and everyone will play EvE. What do we know, in the future it will probably happen.
Former S2N member.
Played: Lineage 2,Guild Wars 1 and 2, Age of Conan, Ragnarok Online, LOTRO, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, EvE online
Tried: KAL Online, Face of Mankind, ROSE online
Playing: CS:GO
Well, I played eve for maybe a month, so I guess I'm still new?
If anything, I would be adding non-critical features that don't harm veteran players or "cater" to new players as some cry out.
Really--I would have preferred more in-depth guides that could be intergrated into the UI (aside from the browser), and maybe even a built-in skill planner similar to EveMon for starting players. Possibly adding a 'recommended corp' list after the starter missions linking to popular learning corps.
Most of this is just streamlining what players do already. I like doing my homework on a game, but I can see some being turned off if they just sign up.
Played - M59, EQOA, EQ, EQ2, PS, SWG[Favorite], DAoC, UO, RS, MXO, CoH/CoV, TR, FFXI, FoM, WoW, Eve, Rift, SWTOR, TSW.
Playing - PS2, AoW, GW2
Remove local? I mean, I already posted HOW I would go about removing local earlier in this thread, but a *girl* posted after me and then the chest beating began in earnest so it was promptly ignored.
I still insist that changing local to delayed mode would be one of the biggest improvements this game could ever receive.
This Game has a huge Nitch following, but I don't see it going beyond that. To me it's like a Gankfest, space, Spreadsheet.
Doesn't appeal to me at all. Those who love it, Realy love it. I hope it lives a long time.
Then dont act like you are interested in ideas.
The main reason most people wont play EVE is due to it being a FFA PvP game where you must whore yourself to a guild quickly in order to avoid the gankfest it is for new players with no ties...and the fact you linked "grind3epix" to PvE shows you wont see a good idea when you get one since you are locked into "tiny box" thinking with your generalizations...besides, the game is already a grindfest, without the epic gear, just the ships and ship items.
One of the issue with Eve is that there was meant to be a very active PVP area (null sec) and a much more safer place (empire). Now empire was not meant to be totally safe but it was supposed to be a place where players could learn about aspects of the game, group together and form corps and work things out to eventually be strong enough to get out into Null-Sec. Over the years this changed. Null-Sec has gotten boring with all the NAP fests and super alliances. Now if you are in one of these, you either spend 30 minutes flying across systems and hope to find an enemy or you head to empire for some asshattery.
My last few months of playing, I just stayed in Null and mined and made crazy money because empire space was just full of bored players looking to grief others. You have people bumping miners away from roids, people suiciding mining ships, mission runners being hunted, smartbombing at the Jita station entrance and gatecamps all over empire. Throw in a crazy contract system where 9 out of 10 are scams and add in no-skill pirate corps who war-dec brand new corps with half their numbers and you have a formula of unpleasentness.
If you want to see the game improved several things need to change:
1. CCP has to get people back into Null-Sec. I dont know what the answer is but currently you can fly through there and not see a single person in 50 jumps.
2. Empire needs cleaned up. It doesnt have to be totally safe but it also can not remain a safe haven for asshattery. I would suggest NPC corps be removed and if you are not in a corp you are marked as a freelancer and you can still be war-dec'ed and subject to other corp penalites. There is way too much hiding behind the NPC corps.
3. I dont know the answer for this but the game takes a boat load of time to play. You cant mine near hub systems but then you have to transport the minerals back to a hub and this can take hours. Almost everything you want to do takes an hour or more. I would like to see some kind fo instant action activities put into the game. Maybe a button you can hit and queue to be taken to an instance where you can PVP anohter player and you can queue by ship type/size.
The game became too much of a time sink for me. I loved it but I just could not manage the time it requires. I left a few months ago with billions in my account, over 100 ships and several plex sitting in my hanger just waiting for my return.
Out of interest, why do you read the EVE forum if it doesn't appeal to you at all?
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Wait, so you asked what would encourage people to play EVE and cant figure out why people who dont play EVE are responding?!?
With what you said in the OP and now this one...seems just like a troll now because you sure are not open to anything being said about the game.
I want ideas to make EVE a better "FFA PvP game where you must whore yourself to a guild quickly in order to avoid the gankfest"
Since I started playing and continued playing EVE precisely because it is a FFA PvP game, I have no interest whatsoever in compromising either of those aspects, and additionally I would regard it as an unethical betrayal of the long term loyal customers to change the basic nature of the game in this way.
On the other hand I have no problem whatsoever with making improvements to EVE's sub-mediocre PvE. The only problem I have is with compromising the freedom of player action.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I was curious. For instance, I have no interest whatsoever in playing TOR; I don't spend any time at all reading or posting in the The Old Republic forum here.
I can understand why he responded to the thread; I'm just not clear on how he saw the thread in the first place.
Give me liberty or give me lasers