The problem is lore based at least... pulling a pilot out of his pod is a time consuming and pretty risky operation for the pilot... to put it mildly during the early days of pod usage allot of pilots got sent to "wet graves" by improperly pulled plugs when they were getting pulled out of their pods so while I get where you're coming from and I'd honestly kinda like the idea from a lore point of view it just isn't practical to have you, as your avatar, running around the ship while you're in space.
The lore of EVE is not established lore (ie. it doesn't have a TV show or novels or expansive core rulebooks supporting it). It can easily be changed by introducing some form of deux ex machina solutions if they wish (such as new technologies has come along enabling this or that).
The lore seems to have been established originally around the technical constraints of the game originally rather than the other way around.
If you change something lore based in Star Trek or Star Wars I can see it as a traversity. But in EVE? Not so much.
Actually they've never gone against their lore in a direct fashion with deus ex machinas to my knowledge, everything in-game is perfectly logical within the universe though some things still are a mystery (sansha wormhole tech, the new wormhole system opening up to the EVE galaxy in the cataclysmic events depicted in Apocrypha, etc). Established lore states that pulling a pilot out of their pod is a risky thing to do and should be done in proper facilities lest the pilot become permanently brain damaged. I see where new tech might come into the equation but considering pods are a jove device and rapid safe ejection from a pod would be a massive improvement on inherently jove tech you'd assume any such revelations or discoveries to come either from jove-EVE races interactions or jovian ruins.
Maybe, all I'm saying is it is not established lore and they can easily introduce elements in some way to make it possible without violating any previously published materials, like other more popular sci-fi settings.
Even in some popular sci-fi settings, it is not hard to introduce changes to it's most basic elements to change it's underlying technical constraints (such as in Battletech universe for example - a lot of things was introduced that was NOT previously possible before the clan invasion).
That is the great advantage, I think, of sci-fi settings - things can evolve. Unlike fantasy settings.
The problem is lore based at least... pulling a pilot out of his pod is a time consuming and pretty risky operation for the pilot... to put it mildly during the early days of pod usage allot of pilots got sent to "wet graves" by improperly pulled plugs when they were getting pulled out of their pods so while I get where you're coming from and I'd honestly kinda like the idea from a lore point of view it just isn't practical to have you, as your avatar, running around the ship while you're in space.
The lore of EVE is not established lore (ie. it doesn't have a TV show or novels or expansive core rulebooks supporting it). It can easily be changed by introducing some form of deux ex machina solutions if they wish (such as new technologies has come along enabling this or that).
The lore seems to have been established originally around the technical constraints of the game originally rather than the other way around.
If you change something lore based in Star Trek or Star Wars I can see it as a traversity. But in EVE? Not so much.
Actually they've never gone against their lore in a direct fashion with deus ex machinas to my knowledge, everything in-game is perfectly logical within the universe though some things still are a mystery (sansha wormhole tech, the new wormhole system opening up to the EVE galaxy in the cataclysmic events depicted in Apocrypha, etc). Established lore states that pulling a pilot out of their pod is a risky thing to do and should be done in proper facilities lest the pilot become permanently brain damaged. I see where new tech might come into the equation but considering pods are a jove device and rapid safe ejection from a pod would be a massive improvement on inherently jove tech you'd assume any such revelations or discoveries to come either from jove-EVE races interactions or jovian ruins.
Maybe, all I'm saying is it is not established lore and they can easily introduce elements in some way to make it possible without violating any previously published materials, like other more popular sci-fi settings.
Even in some popular sci-fi settings, it is not hard to introduce changes to it's most basic elements to change it's underlying technical constraints (such as in Battletech universe for example - a lot of things was introduced that was NOT previously possible before the clan invasion).
That is the great advantage, I think, of sci-fi settings - things can evolve. Unlike fantasy settings.
Unless it's steampunk fantasy with magic mixed in (in which case shit can get weird), but I digress :P
Probably not an answer you were after, but to answer your question directly, what would encourage ME to play EvE? A new fresh world or a reset of the old world, thats what it would take for me to play it. Else the game is perfect in my eyes.
The problem is lore based at least... pulling a pilot out of his pod is a time consuming and pretty risky operation for the pilot... to put it mildly during the early days of pod usage allot of pilots got sent to "wet graves" by improperly pulled plugs when they were getting pulled out of their pods so while I get where you're coming from and I'd honestly kinda like the idea from a lore point of view it just isn't practical to have you, as your avatar, running around the ship while you're in space.
The lore of EVE is not established lore (ie. it doesn't have a TV show or novels or expansive core rulebooks supporting it). It can easily be changed by introducing some form of deux ex machina solutions if they wish (such as new technologies has come along enabling this or that).
The lore seems to have been established originally around the technical constraints of the game originally rather than the other way around.
If you change something lore based in Star Trek or Star Wars I can see it as a traversity. But in EVE? Not so much.
Actually they've never gone against their lore in a direct fashion with deus ex machinas to my knowledge, everything in-game is perfectly logical within the universe though some things still are a mystery (sansha wormhole tech, the new wormhole system opening up to the EVE galaxy in the cataclysmic events depicted in Apocrypha, etc). Established lore states that pulling a pilot out of their pod is a risky thing to do and should be done in proper facilities lest the pilot become permanently brain damaged. I see where new tech might come into the equation but considering pods are a jove device and rapid safe ejection from a pod would be a massive improvement on inherently jove tech you'd assume any such revelations or discoveries to come either from jove-EVE races interactions or jovian ruins.
Maybe, all I'm saying is it is not established lore and they can easily introduce elements in some way to make it possible without violating any previously published materials, like other more popular sci-fi settings.
Even in some popular sci-fi settings, it is not hard to introduce changes to it's most basic elements to change it's underlying technical constraints (such as in Battletech universe for example - a lot of things was introduced that was NOT previously possible before the clan invasion).
That is the great advantage, I think, of sci-fi settings - things can evolve. Unlike fantasy settings.
Unless it's steampunk fantasy with magic mixed in (in which case shit can get weird), but I digress :P
Steampunk is a good thing I wish game makers introduce more of it imo - Arcanum was the pioneer in that respect imo (they even try to explain why technology cannot co-exist with magic, which I think is awesome)
I used to play eve. One thing I always hated was how often Goonswarm would make victims out of ordinary people, and given how supermassive they were, there wasn't a damned thing you could do about it.
you piss off a higher up in goonswarm? your eve career was pretty much over if they decided they wanted you gone. they could afford to keep mercs on you until you finally gave up in frustration and/or made a new account and retired your old one.
and then, there was magic in the air, CCP had released a new war dec feature that would allow you to assist defenders in a war. suddenly the playerbase had turned on Goonswarm and high sec was a VERY hostile environment for them to operate in and it was taking a bite out of their profits as their haulers were being popped and looted by ordinary players.
the leaders of Goonswarm cried and the devs were insanely quick to move in and 'fix' this 'problem' neutering the playerbase's uprising and ensuring Goonswarm could go back to doing what they do best, making the playerbase miserable.
After that, I unsubbed, docked my ship, and refused to give CCP another penny of my money.
I loved this game, but I simply cannot bring myself to play it anymore, given how heavily CCP panders to the single largest alliance in the game.
After that, I unsubbed, docked my ship, and refused to give CCP another penny of my money.
I loved this game, but I simply cannot bring myself to play it anymore, given how heavily CCP panders to the single largest alliance in the game.
Aww, too bad you didn't contract me all your stuff before you left. That would have been helpful to me.
I've played EVE for 6 years and have never paid any attention to Goonswarm. New Eden is a big place--if you want avoid certain players, or groups of players, it is quite easy to do so.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair. Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D Play EVE for free for 21 days
EDIT: My reading comprehension failed me (or, rather, I jumped to conclusions).
Please disregard this post.
(Also, rather than cutting things up, I've put the original posts in quotes. Guess where I got ahead of myself)
Originally posted by Dihoru
The problem is lore based at least... pulling a pilot out of his pod is a time consuming and pretty risky operation for the pilot... to put it mildly during the early days of pod usage allot of pilots got sent to "wet graves" by improperly pulled plugs when they were getting pulled out of their pods so while I get where you're coming from and I'd honestly kinda like the idea from a lore point of view it just isn't practical to have you, as your avatar, running around the ship while you're in space.
Originally posted by Dihoru
Actually they've never gone against their lore in a direct fashion with deus ex machinas to my knowledge, everything in-game is perfectly logical within the universe though some things still are a mystery (sansha wormhole tech, the new wormhole system opening up to the EVE galaxy in the cataclysmic events depicted in Apocrypha, etc). Established lore states that pulling a pilot out of their pod is a risky thing to do and should be done in proper facilities lest the pilot become permanently brain damaged. I see where new tech might come into the equation but considering pods are a jove device and rapid safe ejection from a pod would be a massive improvement on inherently jove tech you'd assume any such revelations or discoveries to come either from jove-EVE races interactions or jovian ruins.
Except the whole Incarna thing, where you get to walk around your CQ (and soon(tm) entire stations).
That's probably what bugged me the most about Incarna (and WiS in general).
Other than that, the person you replied to has a great idea. I'd love it, as well, but there's a multitude of lore problems. I also have little to no use for it, myself, but it'd still be a nice feature to have.
|< I 1 1 I |\| 6 _ Z 0 |\/| 8 I 3 5 _ 5 I |\| C 3 _ 1 9 9 0
I used to play eve. One thing I always hated was how often Goonswarm would make victims out of ordinary people, and given how supermassive they were, there wasn't a damned thing you could do about it.
you piss off a higher up in goonswarm? your eve career was pretty much over if they decided they wanted you gone. they could afford to keep mercs on you until you finally gave up in frustration and/or made a new account and retired your old one.
and then, there was magic in the air, CCP had released a new war dec feature that would allow you to assist defenders in a war. suddenly the playerbase had turned on Goonswarm and high sec was a VERY hostile environment for them to operate in and it was taking a bite out of their profits as their haulers were being popped and looted by ordinary players.
the leaders of Goonswarm cried and the devs were insanely quick to move in and 'fix' this 'problem' neutering the playerbase's uprising and ensuring Goonswarm could go back to doing what they do best, making the playerbase miserable.
After that, I unsubbed, docked my ship, and refused to give CCP another penny of my money.
I loved this game, but I simply cannot bring myself to play it anymore, given how heavily CCP panders to the single largest alliance in the game.
Disclaimer: I am red to Goons and I shoot them from time to time.
What you just wrote is an extremely selective point of view that paints a picture that is just not true.
Goons are not the biggest alliance in the game. Test is.
Goons couldn't care less about high sec safety. Any competent high - null logistics are done using neutral alts. Any industry is done on neutral alts. The leadership / membership found the whole matter funny, if they even noticed.
The change was done to protect small entities, who wanted to go on 1v1 on some other entity their size and instead got dogpiled on by the whole universe. Notice that they had it significantly harder than an entity of Goonswarm's size.
Finally, EVE is a game of consequences. If you manage to really piss off someone of that size / capabilities, it comes to reason they should be able to make your life difficult if they really want to. If you don't like it, you can always fit a gun, find some like minded folks (it's not like there is a shortage of you) and come shoot them. But that would require some actual effort.
lol, no but seriously. most of us play EvE to get into pvp, however as a new player it's almost impossible to get into decent pvp as every time you lose a ship you have to spend weeks farming enough ISK to get a new one. i know getting ISK is much easier than it used to be but once you start doing some pvp you quickly see how expencive it actully is. at that point you have 2 choices: spend real money to buy ISK, or join one of the huge alliances and become a "Simon says" puppet in order to get free ships.
farming enogh ISK all by yourself in order to afford losing ships on a weekly basis it's just not possible as a new player. it takes years before you have enouhg skills to be able to make enough ISK that blowing 200/300 millions (and that's for pretty crappy ships) a week in pvp ships is even thinkable.
Strange, I made a new alt that could tackle, cyno, scout, make warpins within 2-3 weeks after creation and be more useful then most veterans in their 300M battleships pressing F1 F2 and listen to the FC like cannonfodder... I make approx. 300M/week with that char too 2.5 months after creation.......and I am not even carebearing, just using the market.
I have 2b now on that toon without any help from other characters, no financial injections, no use of my alliance 0.0 plexing/ratting opportunities, just a new neutral character in a new alliance, and I just fly recons, other cloakies, frigates, bombers and other cheap ships, and I can replace em by the dozen if I lose one....
this toon was made last december so when someone says it takes years to catch up or be able to make money is ridiculous.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
Actually they've never gone against their lore in a direct fashion
Except the whole Incarna thing, where you get to walk around your CQ (and soon(tm) entire stations).
That's probably what bugged me the most about Incarna (and WiS in general).
Other than that, the person you replied to has a great idea. I'd love it, as well, but there's a multitude of lore problems. I also have little to no use for it, myself, but it'd still be a nice feature to have.
Quote the whole thing lad lest you lose my meaning. I said you'd require proper facilities to get out of your pod which most space stations would have considering in lore pod pilots have been seen in the flesh and blood both in stations and on planets but I doubt most ships would readily have such facilities installed considering there's no practical reason to have them (perhaps maybe carriers, supercarriers and titans but that's stretching it considering there no reason for someone to get out of their pod to walk around in a carrier from a gameplay point of view).
lol, no but seriously. most of us play EvE to get into pvp, however as a new player it's almost impossible to get into decent pvp as every time you lose a ship you have to spend weeks farming enough ISK to get a new one. i know getting ISK is much easier than it used to be but once you start doing some pvp you quickly see how expencive it actully is. at that point you have 2 choices: spend real money to buy ISK, or join one of the huge alliances and become a "Simon says" puppet in order to get free ships.
farming enogh ISK all by yourself in order to afford losing ships on a weekly basis it's just not possible as a new player. it takes years before you have enouhg skills to be able to make enough ISK that blowing 200/300 millions (and that's for pretty crappy ships) a week in pvp ships is even thinkable.
Strange, I made a new alt that could tackle, cyno, scout, make warpins within 2-3 weeks after creation and be more useful then most veterans in their 300M battleships pressing F1 F2 and listen to the FC like cannonfodder... I make approx. 300M/week with that char too 2.5 months after creation.......and I am not even carebearing, just using the market.
I have 2b now on that toon without any help from other characters, no financial injections, no use of my alliance 0.0 plexing/ratting opportunities, just a new neutral character in a new alliance, and I just fly recons, other cloakies, frigates, bombers and other cheap ships, and I can replace em by the dozen if I lose one....
this toon was made last december so when someone says it takes years to catch up or be able to make money is ridiculous.
Yeah I did some market trading as well and made around the same as you but it was incredibly boring. Like spending an hour/day in a spreadsheet program. Not my idea of having fun...
Problem is that I would stommich that, wasnt it for the fact that good PvP fights are few and far between. Most of the time you are spending either chasing a smaller gang or running from one. Again, not my idea of fun.
Eve has small chunks of very fun and exciting moments, but those are drown out in the countless hours of doing various ISK earning or chasing/running away. And the horrible, archaic UI does not help either.
Station walking was supposed to add a new element to the game but instead CCP tried to turn it into some RMT tool to make them more profits. The playerbase revolted and now it is put into the closet and they are focusing their efforts into that DUST which is a different game not even playable on the PC.
Shame, they could have turned station walking into a really nice and fun immersive aspect of the game but they blew it...
And the horrible, archaic UI does not help either...Shame, they could have turned station walking into a really nice and fun immersive aspect of the game but they blew it...
Really? I like the UI. Considering how much infomation is available at any one time during gameplay, the UI does a fine job in making that information available.
I'm a fan of both FiS and WiS. I have CQ turned on always, and enjoy its immersiveness. I also wish that they did more with it, but I understand that effort might be further down the road. As for CCP "blowing it", I'd love to be able to do the same. With subscriptions at an all time high, and the daily population booming, we can all hope to aspire to the levels that CCP has reached while "blowing it".
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair. Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D Play EVE for free for 21 days
PVE/PVP switch. There are enough PVE content in the game but majority of it is not accessable without risk of beeing ganked or robbed by bug abusers and other griefers.
Until CCP will keep says that all those bugs and exploits are made for fun of PVP I'm not going to visit this game again.
PVE/PVP switch. There are enough PVE content in the game but majority of it is not accessable without risk of beeing ganked or robbed by bug abusers and other griefers.
Until CCP will keep says that all those bugs and exploits are made for fun of PVP I'm not going to visit this game again.
I've played EVE for 6 years and have been ganked a total of 1 time. And that 1 time was because I ventured into low sec and did some silly things.
EVE does a great job of separating the "frontiers" in New Eden. If you want to be relatively safe, stay in high sec. If you want an element of danger along with increased reward, go to low sec. If you want even greater rewards and risk, venture to null sec.
It's all up to you, as the player, where you want to go and the risk that you want to take. I love know that all these areas and gameplay are available to me, even if I don't play in them all.
EDIT: When you say "switch for pve/pvp", it makes me think that you'd be better off in a lobby-based game with instanced fighting.
Avoiding the "darker" places in EVE is very easy, and if you can't figure out how to do that, message me ingame and I'll give you some pointers that will keep you safe 99.9% of the time.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair. Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D Play EVE for free for 21 days
PVE/PVP switch. There are enough PVE content in the game but majority of it is not accessable without risk of beeing ganked or robbed by bug abusers and other griefers.
Until CCP will keep says that all those bugs and exploits are made for fun of PVP I'm not going to visit this game again.
I enjoy uninformed people's opinions , there are no exploits or bugs which got left in because of "PVP" in the game and if you wanna partake in PVE content you can but you just have to be smart doing it now kindly flip your "next time I post I'll read the damn thread first" switch because repeating something that's been shot down 3-4 times already for very good reasons isn't gonna earn you any points.
PS: I am a PVEer in EVE, I rarely partake in PVP ^^ (wilingly or unwillingly) but when I do I have fun and before anyone asks: level 4s, exploration, low sec, 0.0 and wormhole PVE, and thus far I've only lost one battlecruiser and t3 cruiser doing those to other players... in over 7 years of playing.
It never fails to fascinate and amuse me just how many people profess to passionately loathe or despise EVE, to the extent that they read the EVE forum here and even post in it about how much they hate the kind of game EVE is. Does this happen in other game forums here too, or is it an EVE thing?
Anyway, I'd like to thank the people that gave useful and constructive suggestions. I got 3 good ideas out of this, which is 2 more than I was expecting, and that made the thread worth while.
As for those people who seemed to think that I wanted suggestions about how to tell CCP to throw their existing customer base in the trash and rewrite EVE from scratch as a completely different game, I'm afraid you wasted your time in this thread - unless you had as much entertainment from making those polemical posts as I did reading them.
I certainly won't be telling CCP to add PvE servers or make hi-sec a no PvP zone, put in PvP flags, or delete alliances that you don't happen to like for reasons that never even affected your personal gameplay. Indeed, I will be very active in encouraging them to do the exact opposite of those things.
It never fails to fascinate and amuse me just how many people profess to passionately loathe or despise EVE, to the extent that they read the EVE forum here and even post in it about how much they hate the kind of game EVE is. Does this happen in other game forums here too, or is it an EVE thing?
Anyway, I'd like to thank the people that gave useful and constructive suggestions. I got 3 good ideas out of this, which is 2 more than I was expecting, and that made the thread worth while.
As for those people who seemed to think that I wanted suggestions about how to tell CCP to throw their existing customer base in the trash and rewrite EVE from scratch as a completely different game, I'm afraid you wasted your time in this thread - unless you had as much entertainment from making those polemical posts as I did reading them.
I certainly won't be telling CCP to add PvE servers or make hi-sec a no PvP zone, put in PvP flags, or delete alliances that you don't happen to like for reasons that never even affected your personal gameplay. Indeed, I will be very active in encouraging them to do the exact opposite of those things.
I'd vote for you dude but currently burned out and got some real life crap to deal with but if next year you wanna go again (election or reelection) then you has my vote
Quote the whole thing lad lest you lose my meaning. I said you'd require proper facilities to get out of your pod which most space stations would have considering in lore pod pilots have been seen in the flesh and blood both in stations and on planets but I doubt most ships would readily have such facilities installed considering there's no practical reason to have them (perhaps maybe carriers, supercarriers and titans but that's stretching it considering there no reason for someone to get out of their pod to walk around in a carrier from a gameplay point of view).
"Read" the whole thing would be more correct. :P
In any case, I'm pretty sure that it used to be impossible to go "back to normal" after becoming a pod pilot, and that they sneaked it in during Incarna. But I might be wrong.
And aye, there's no real reason to get out of your pod when flying any ship, seeing as you're fed information about more-or-less everything because of the pod.
But then, the whole skill-training is also based on the fact that the pod feeds you information on a subconcious level (I believe), so getting out would mean losing training time. Not that a real pod pilot would care. :P
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Uhmmm there's no doubt you are as there are quite a few chronicles floating around on the EVE website dating prior to Incarna (by quite a few years in some instances) showing pilots being more than capable of being pulled out of their pods when adequate facilities were available.
And no, I meant "quote" because when you pull things out of their context like that you can make anyone say whatever you want, example below ( merely to point out how people can twist words very easily).
Originally posted by kattehus
In any case, I'm pretty sure that it used to be impossible (...) after (...)
It never fails to fascinate and amuse me just how many people profess to passionately loathe or despise EVE, to the extent that they read the EVE forum here and even post in it about how much they hate the kind of game EVE is. Does this happen in other game forums here too, or is it an EVE thing?
It happens in other game sections too. Then you think this behaviour is confined to Nope, it happens on Massively and other sites as well. Then you think it's confined to the mmorpgs in general. Nope, there are people who lurk and post on forums solely for the purpose of bashing a single player game some other people are playing. Then you think this is confined just to gaming in general. Nope, ...
And you have my vote. (In the super unlikely scenario you would actually need it and it wouldn't get transfered.) By the way, will you be posting some recommendations regarding other candidates? As in, who you see yourself being able to comfortably work with.
- Remove current directional scanner and replace it with two new mechanics:
a) A passive scanner that is always passively "listening" for ships based on their signature rating. This would be chance based and it would be a resisted test based on both ships signature ratings.
b) An active scanner that "pings" space looking for other ships. This active pinging will cause your signature radius to bloom up very large making other ships' passive and active scanners much easier to "see" you.
- A new UI element which is globe shaped and encompasses the limits of the system that the player is currently within. This globe can be be dragged around and zoomed in and out of. It will have icons on it representing the icons that you have on your overview. Passive and active player contacts will blink on this globe when "sensed". Multiple contacts will show up just like they do on the map when a player filters for "Players active in the last 30 minutes"; big or small orange blobs indicating many or few ships.
Edit: The new UI element would also have a tab that would list the ship classes and ship types and distance from the players location. Pretty much the same thing that was on the directional scanner, but now a player can see where they are in the solar system on the globe too.
- New mid slot module: Enhanced Sensor Array. This module will increase your ships chance of detecting other ships while passively and actively scanning. Signature Analysis skill is prerequisite and increases effectiveness of module per skill level.
- New rig: Sensor Array Modulator. This rig will increase your ship's chance of detecting other ships while passively or actively scanning. Electronic Superiority Rigging skill is prerequisite and will reduce negative modifiers of rig per skill level.
How the new sensor system would work: A battlecruiser enters a solar system. Anything on grid is immediately visible on overview as usual. Player decides to actively ping the system to find out who is there.
There are two frigates and a battleship in system. The battleship, due to it's large sig radius, shows up on the global UI immediately with it's ship type visible. One of the frigates is unlucky, fails his resisted roll and shows up, but only shows up as frigate because he was barely detected. The other frigate gets lucky and doesn't appear on the scanner. His sig radius is low and he slips under the radar so to speak.
The three ships in system, however, immediately know who just pinged them because he's in a battlecruiser and just bloomed his sig radius by 500% by actively pinging the system.
Note: This system would NOT allow a player to warp to a safespot or anywhere else that he would otherwise not be able to warp to normally. Combat probes would still be needed as usual.
I also have ideas for replacing the combat probing system entirely with the new scanning mechanics, but I've already written an essay here.
How about a noob corp for the Bene Gesserit? This is to say, one of the greatest barriers to a good percentage of potential Eve players is that it smells like a geek locker room in there, and yes, I used to play for a couple years and I'm female. I got really sick of the ( . ) ( . ) graphics and various but you get used to it after a while. I actually won a $50 cert from the Eve store for a blog essay on women-in-Eve back a few years ago, which was roundly praised by a lot of the women (and men) who were playing at the time. And totally ignored by CCP.
The hell with safe space for PVE. How about some space for women who want to be in a space where they don't get harrassed out of the game? We might be able to take it -- but it's likely that CCP loses a lot of freaking business from women who decide that the average goon is a little too hairy for her taste. Eve players are less evolved in terms of manners than most of the gaming universe when it comes to dealing with women gamers -- and you know, that's saying a lot about their troglodyte tendencies.
But what finally got me was life circumstances and disgust over the monocle-ization of the game. I kind of thought they were different. I hate being played for a fool. I don't mind a company that figures some of the player base will be asshats and subsidize the rest -- but some of the attitude that came out really got me bent about how I thought that the guys felt about their playerbase. I gave up. "Losing my religion..."
How about a noob corp for the Bene Gesserit? This is to say, one of the greatest barriers to a good percentage of potential Eve players is that it smells like a geek locker room in there, and yes, I used to play for a couple years and I'm female. I got really sick of the ( . ) ( . ) graphics and various but you get used to it after a while. I actually won a $50 cert from the Eve store for a blog essay on women-in-Eve back a few years ago, which was roundly praised by a lot of the women (and men) who were playing at the time. And totally ignored by CCP.
The hell with safe space for PVE. How about some space for women who want to be in a space where they don't get harrassed out of the game? We might be able to take it -- but it's likely that CCP loses a lot of freaking business from women who decide that the average goon is a little too hairy for her taste. Eve players are less evolved in terms of manners than most of the gaming universe when it comes to dealing with women gamers -- and you know, that's saying a lot about their troglodyte tendencies.
Well first off, women gamers are going to be drooled over no matter what game you're playing. Unless you manage to maintain total anonymity and never use voice comms, then thats part of the territory of being a female gamer. The second a female voice pops up on voice comms suddenly male players think they're in a bidding contest. They don't know anything about you at all, but the chest beating starts up anyways.
I don't know if it exists anymore, but there was an all female corporation a couple years back. I dunno, haven't heard anything about them in years.
But what finally got me was life circumstances and disgust over the monocle-ization of the game. I kind of thought they were different. I hate being played for a fool. I don't mind a company that figures some of the player base will be asshats and subsidize the rest -- but some of the attitude that came out really got me bent about how I thought that the guys felt about their playerbase. I gave up. "Losing my religion..."
The problem is that CCP gravitates towards the asshats and holds them up on a pedestal. The more asshattery you display in EVE, the more the CCP employees cozy up to you. Case in point; suicidegate from fanfest last year. Any other player would have earned a lifetime ban for that shit, but the head asshat in the game? Naw, slap on the wrist and a whispered "haha, you tell 'em" from CCP.
Where the sexist remarks occuring in game or out of game? Just curious, if it was in game and you reported it and CCP did nothing about it, I'll lose some respect for them.
Either way, thats just how these sorts of things go I suppose. Amazing that us men still cant get over the fact that women play video games. I couldn't even tell you what the gender of anyone in my corp is because I honestly don't pay attention or care.
Please visit my youtube channel for some H1Z1/DayZ casual roleplay videos!
Maybe, all I'm saying is it is not established lore and they can easily introduce elements in some way to make it possible without violating any previously published materials, like other more popular sci-fi settings.
Even in some popular sci-fi settings, it is not hard to introduce changes to it's most basic elements to change it's underlying technical constraints (such as in Battletech universe for example - a lot of things was introduced that was NOT previously possible before the clan invasion).
That is the great advantage, I think, of sci-fi settings - things can evolve. Unlike fantasy settings.
Unless it's steampunk fantasy with magic mixed in (in which case shit can get weird), but I digress :P
Steampunk is a good thing I wish game makers introduce more of it imo - Arcanum was the pioneer in that respect imo (they even try to explain why technology cannot co-exist with magic, which I think is awesome)
I used to play eve. One thing I always hated was how often Goonswarm would make victims out of ordinary people, and given how supermassive they were, there wasn't a damned thing you could do about it.
you piss off a higher up in goonswarm? your eve career was pretty much over if they decided they wanted you gone. they could afford to keep mercs on you until you finally gave up in frustration and/or made a new account and retired your old one.
and then, there was magic in the air, CCP had released a new war dec feature that would allow you to assist defenders in a war. suddenly the playerbase had turned on Goonswarm and high sec was a VERY hostile environment for them to operate in and it was taking a bite out of their profits as their haulers were being popped and looted by ordinary players.
the leaders of Goonswarm cried and the devs were insanely quick to move in and 'fix' this 'problem' neutering the playerbase's uprising and ensuring Goonswarm could go back to doing what they do best, making the playerbase miserable.
After that, I unsubbed, docked my ship, and refused to give CCP another penny of my money.
I loved this game, but I simply cannot bring myself to play it anymore, given how heavily CCP panders to the single largest alliance in the game.
Aww, too bad you didn't contract me all your stuff before you left. That would have been helpful to me.
I've played EVE for 6 years and have never paid any attention to Goonswarm. New Eden is a big place--if you want avoid certain players, or groups of players, it is quite easy to do so.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair.
Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D
Play EVE for free for 21 days
EDIT: My reading comprehension failed me (or, rather, I jumped to conclusions).
Please disregard this post.
(Also, rather than cutting things up, I've put the original posts in quotes. Guess where I got ahead of myself)
Except the whole Incarna thing, where you get to walk around your CQ (and soon(tm) entire stations).
That's probably what bugged me the most about Incarna (and WiS in general).
Other than that, the person you replied to has a great idea. I'd love it, as well, but there's a multitude of lore problems. I also have little to no use for it, myself, but it'd still be a nice feature to have.
Follow my tweet (:
Disclaimer: I am red to Goons and I shoot them from time to time.
What you just wrote is an extremely selective point of view that paints a picture that is just not true.
Strange, I made a new alt that could tackle, cyno, scout, make warpins within 2-3 weeks after creation and be more useful then most veterans in their 300M battleships pressing F1 F2 and listen to the FC like cannonfodder...
I make approx. 300M/week with that char too 2.5 months after creation.......and I am not even carebearing, just using the market.
I have 2b now on that toon without any help from other characters, no financial injections, no use of my alliance 0.0 plexing/ratting opportunities, just a new neutral character in a new alliance, and I just fly recons, other cloakies, frigates, bombers and other cheap ships, and I can replace em by the dozen if I lose one....
this toon was made last december so when someone says it takes years to catch up or be able to make money is ridiculous.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
Quote the whole thing lad lest you lose my meaning. I said you'd require proper facilities to get out of your pod which most space stations would have considering in lore pod pilots have been seen in the flesh and blood both in stations and on planets but I doubt most ships would readily have such facilities installed considering there's no practical reason to have them (perhaps maybe carriers, supercarriers and titans but that's stretching it considering there no reason for someone to get out of their pod to walk around in a carrier from a gameplay point of view).
Yeah I did some market trading as well and made around the same as you but it was incredibly boring. Like spending an hour/day in a spreadsheet program. Not my idea of having fun...
Problem is that I would stommich that, wasnt it for the fact that good PvP fights are few and far between. Most of the time you are spending either chasing a smaller gang or running from one. Again, not my idea of fun.
Eve has small chunks of very fun and exciting moments, but those are drown out in the countless hours of doing various ISK earning or chasing/running away. And the horrible, archaic UI does not help either.
Station walking was supposed to add a new element to the game but instead CCP tried to turn it into some RMT tool to make them more profits. The playerbase revolted and now it is put into the closet and they are focusing their efforts into that DUST which is a different game not even playable on the PC.
Shame, they could have turned station walking into a really nice and fun immersive aspect of the game but they blew it...
My gaming blog
Really? I like the UI. Considering how much infomation is available at any one time during gameplay, the UI does a fine job in making that information available.
I'm a fan of both FiS and WiS. I have CQ turned on always, and enjoy its immersiveness. I also wish that they did more with it, but I understand that effort might be further down the road. As for CCP "blowing it", I'd love to be able to do the same. With subscriptions at an all time high, and the daily population booming, we can all hope to aspire to the levels that CCP has reached while "blowing it".
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair.
Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D
Play EVE for free for 21 days
What would encourage you to start playing EVE?
PVE/PVP switch. There are enough PVE content in the game but majority of it is not accessable without risk of beeing ganked or robbed by bug abusers and other griefers.
Until CCP will keep says that all those bugs and exploits are made for fun of PVP I'm not going to visit this game again.
I've played EVE for 6 years and have been ganked a total of 1 time. And that 1 time was because I ventured into low sec and did some silly things.
EVE does a great job of separating the "frontiers" in New Eden. If you want to be relatively safe, stay in high sec. If you want an element of danger along with increased reward, go to low sec. If you want even greater rewards and risk, venture to null sec.
It's all up to you, as the player, where you want to go and the risk that you want to take. I love know that all these areas and gameplay are available to me, even if I don't play in them all.
EDIT: When you say "switch for pve/pvp", it makes me think that you'd be better off in a lobby-based game with instanced fighting.
Avoiding the "darker" places in EVE is very easy, and if you can't figure out how to do that, message me ingame and I'll give you some pointers that will keep you safe 99.9% of the time.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair.
Played: UO, DAoC, AC, WoW, EVE, TR, WAR, Aion, Rift, SWTOR, GW2, TSW, ESO, Elite:D
Play EVE for free for 21 days
I enjoy uninformed people's opinions
, there are no exploits or bugs which got left in because of "PVP" in the game and if you wanna partake in PVE content you can but you just have to be smart doing it
now kindly flip your "next time I post I'll read the damn thread first" switch because repeating something that's been shot down 3-4 times already for very good reasons isn't gonna earn you any points.
PS: I am a PVEer in EVE, I rarely partake in PVP ^^ (wilingly or unwillingly) but when I do I have fun and before anyone asks: level 4s, exploration, low sec, 0.0 and wormhole PVE, and thus far I've only lost one battlecruiser and t3 cruiser doing those to other players... in over 7 years of playing.
It never fails to fascinate and amuse me just how many people profess to passionately loathe or despise EVE, to the extent that they read the EVE forum here and even post in it about how much they hate the kind of game EVE is. Does this happen in other game forums here too, or is it an EVE thing?
Anyway, I'd like to thank the people that gave useful and constructive suggestions. I got 3 good ideas out of this, which is 2 more than I was expecting, and that made the thread worth while.
As for those people who seemed to think that I wanted suggestions about how to tell CCP to throw their existing customer base in the trash and rewrite EVE from scratch as a completely different game, I'm afraid you wasted your time in this thread - unless you had as much entertainment from making those polemical posts as I did reading them.
I certainly won't be telling CCP to add PvE servers or make hi-sec a no PvP zone, put in PvP flags, or delete alliances that you don't happen to like for reasons that never even affected your personal gameplay. Indeed, I will be very active in encouraging them to do the exact opposite of those things.
Thanks All, and if you're a subscriber, please vote for me for the CSM
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I'd vote for you dude but currently burned out and got some real life crap to deal with but if next year you wanna go again (election or reelection) then you has my vote
"Read" the whole thing would be more correct. :P
In any case, I'm pretty sure that it used to be impossible to go "back to normal" after becoming a pod pilot, and that they sneaked it in during Incarna. But I might be wrong.
And aye, there's no real reason to get out of your pod when flying any ship, seeing as you're fed information about more-or-less everything because of the pod.
But then, the whole skill-training is also based on the fact that the pod feeds you information on a subconcious level (I believe), so getting out would mean losing training time. Not that a real pod pilot would care. :P
Follow my tweet (:
Uhmmm there's no doubt you are as there are quite a few chronicles floating around on the EVE website dating prior to Incarna (by quite a few years in some instances) showing pilots being more than capable of being pulled out of their pods when adequate facilities were available.
And no, I meant "quote" because when you pull things out of their context like that you can make anyone say whatever you want, example below ( merely to point out how people can twist words very easily).
It happens in other game sections too. Then you think this behaviour is confined to Nope, it happens on Massively and other sites as well. Then you think it's confined to the mmorpgs in general. Nope, there are people who lurk and post on forums solely for the purpose of bashing a single player game some other people are playing. Then you think this is confined just to gaming in general. Nope, ...
And you have my vote. (In the super unlikely scenario you would actually need it and it wouldn't get transfered.) By the way, will you be posting some recommendations regarding other candidates? As in, who you see yourself being able to comfortably work with.
- Set local chat to recent speaker mode only
- Remove current directional scanner and replace it with two new mechanics:
a) A passive scanner that is always passively "listening" for ships based on their signature rating. This would be chance based and it would be a resisted test based on both ships signature ratings.
b) An active scanner that "pings" space looking for other ships. This active pinging will cause your signature radius to bloom up very large making other ships' passive and active scanners much easier to "see" you.
- A new UI element which is globe shaped and encompasses the limits of the system that the player is currently within. This globe can be be dragged around and zoomed in and out of. It will have icons on it representing the icons that you have on your overview. Passive and active player contacts will blink on this globe when "sensed". Multiple contacts will show up just like they do on the map when a player filters for "Players active in the last 30 minutes"; big or small orange blobs indicating many or few ships.
Edit: The new UI element would also have a tab that would list the ship classes and ship types and distance from the players location. Pretty much the same thing that was on the directional scanner, but now a player can see where they are in the solar system on the globe too.
- New mid slot module: Enhanced Sensor Array. This module will increase your ships chance of detecting other ships while passively and actively scanning. Signature Analysis skill is prerequisite and increases effectiveness of module per skill level.
- New rig: Sensor Array Modulator. This rig will increase your ship's chance of detecting other ships while passively or actively scanning. Electronic Superiority Rigging skill is prerequisite and will reduce negative modifiers of rig per skill level.
How the new sensor system would work: A battlecruiser enters a solar system. Anything on grid is immediately visible on overview as usual. Player decides to actively ping the system to find out who is there.
There are two frigates and a battleship in system. The battleship, due to it's large sig radius, shows up on the global UI immediately with it's ship type visible. One of the frigates is unlucky, fails his resisted roll and shows up, but only shows up as frigate because he was barely detected. The other frigate gets lucky and doesn't appear on the scanner. His sig radius is low and he slips under the radar so to speak.
The three ships in system, however, immediately know who just pinged them because he's in a battlecruiser and just bloomed his sig radius by 500% by actively pinging the system.
Note: This system would NOT allow a player to warp to a safespot or anywhere else that he would otherwise not be able to warp to normally. Combat probes would still be needed as usual.
I also have ideas for replacing the combat probing system entirely with the new scanning mechanics, but I've already written an essay here.
How about a noob corp for the Bene Gesserit? This is to say, one of the greatest barriers to a good percentage of potential Eve players is that it smells like a geek locker room in there, and yes, I used to play for a couple years and I'm female. I got really sick of the ( . ) ( . ) graphics and various but you get used to it after a while. I actually won a $50 cert from the Eve store for a blog essay on women-in-Eve back a few years ago, which was roundly praised by a lot of the women (and men) who were playing at the time. And totally ignored by CCP.
The hell with safe space for PVE. How about some space for women who want to be in a space where they don't get harrassed out of the game? We might be able to take it -- but it's likely that CCP loses a lot of freaking business from women who decide that the average goon is a little too hairy for her taste. Eve players are less evolved in terms of manners than most of the gaming universe when it comes to dealing with women gamers -- and you know, that's saying a lot about their troglodyte tendencies.
But what finally got me was life circumstances and disgust over the monocle-ization of the game. I kind of thought they were different. I hate being played for a fool. I don't mind a company that figures some of the player base will be asshats and subsidize the rest -- but some of the attitude that came out really got me bent about how I thought that the guys felt about their playerbase. I gave up. "Losing my religion..."
Well first off, women gamers are going to be drooled over no matter what game you're playing. Unless you manage to maintain total anonymity and never use voice comms, then thats part of the territory of being a female gamer. The second a female voice pops up on voice comms suddenly male players think they're in a bidding contest. They don't know anything about you at all, but the chest beating starts up anyways.
I don't know if it exists anymore, but there was an all female corporation a couple years back. I dunno, haven't heard anything about them in years.
The problem is that CCP gravitates towards the asshats and holds them up on a pedestal. The more asshattery you display in EVE, the more the CCP employees cozy up to you. Case in point; suicidegate from fanfest last year. Any other player would have earned a lifetime ban for that shit, but the head asshat in the game? Naw, slap on the wrist and a whispered "haha, you tell 'em" from CCP.
Where the sexist remarks occuring in game or out of game? Just curious, if it was in game and you reported it and CCP did nothing about it, I'll lose some respect for them.
Either way, thats just how these sorts of things go I suppose. Amazing that us men still cant get over the fact that women play video games. I couldn't even tell you what the gender of anyone in my corp is because I honestly don't pay attention or care.
Please visit my youtube channel for some H1Z1/DayZ casual roleplay videos!