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What would encourage you to start playing EVE?



  • SiveriaSiveria Member UncommonPosts: 1,422
    It would have to be totally redone into an actual game, insted of just a menu driven POS like it currently is. I found the game particularly boring due to how its setup, there just is not much to do thats actually intersting.

    Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:

    A. Proven right (if something bad happens)


    B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)

    Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!

  • Xondar123Xondar123 Member CommonPosts: 2,543
    Originally posted by Elsabolts

    PVE server or on / off pvp switch, No sucide ganking in high section or concidered high section areas.

    This is a great idea, I like it. Of course you will meet with swift and complete resistance from the PvPers who think they own the game, denounce any idea that lessens PvP is "stupid," and think they own EVE completely.

    You know, despite the fact you asked for a PvE SERVER and the PvPers don't ever have to step foot on it or even acknowledge its existence.

  • GGrimmGGrimm Member Posts: 49

    Being able to see what's flying around outside a station while parked there would be a nice touch.

    I mean, seriously, you've got the ability to travel across the universe at warp speed in ships nearly the size of a small moon, but somehow the technology to put a glass window in the captains quarters is not available?

    Seriously though, I love the game, but stopped playing fairly recently because it got a bit monotonous for me. I think a large part of that sameness is ultimately a side effect of the stagnancy that exists (or existed, maybe it's changed) in 0.0. Something fairly dramatic needs to be done to prevent such huge alliances from forming. Perhaps reduce the total number of ships that can be in a fleet (thereby making large fleet engagements more unwieldy) or reduce the capacity of jump gates to a certain number or overall mass of ships set on a timer.

    Or how about create a "sit on your ass tax" where players are taxed a "maintenance fee" for every day and every ship they have in dock. The fee would also correlate to the size and tech level of ship (or perhaps overall value-including ship fits). This discourages the huge monopolies from just sitting on their asses and puts a fire under them to use their ships.  I'm specifically thinking of something that will push people into using titans in particular. Fewer ships in reserve seems like it would lead to more back-and-forth in 0.0 space, thus helping aleviate the stagnation.

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Xondar123
    Originally posted by Elsabolts

    PVE server or on / off pvp switch, No sucide ganking in high section or concidered high section areas.

    This is a great idea, I like it. Of course you will meet with swift and complete resistance from the PvPers who think they own the game, denounce any idea that lessens PvP is "stupid," and think they own EVE completely.

    You know, despite the fact you asked for a PvE SERVER and the PvPers don't ever have to step foot on it or even acknowledge its existence.

    *Not sure if trolling or just extremely immature*

    You guys really need to start thinking things through before offering suggestions. PVP is a core mechanic in EVE, without it in its current form EVE would not be EVE and it would not be a better game either believe it or not. Offering a PVE server would 1) split the community 2) diminish the experience for everyone involved 3) destroy the one thing that makes EVE unique (a single truly massive MMO set in a single shard, the chinese shard only exists because they would've need to drastically censor some bits of the EVE experience for everyone else for the chinese government to allow their citizens to play on Tranqulity).


    Now if your goal is to get WoW in space you have SWtOR already.

    If you wanted a a game without non censensual PVP.. sorry EVE's a true sandbox, not an open world game where the devs say it's a sandbox.

  • DrannyDranny Member UncommonPosts: 279
    I wouldn't mind having another shot at EvE. Might have to see If I can find a good friendly Corp for new players as it's been a while.
  • Paradigm68Paradigm68 Member UncommonPosts: 890
    Based on the number of people who fail to understand the dynamics of the skill-based system, they should launch a massive advertising and education campaign explaining why 'you can never catch up' is wrong.
  • JakdstripperJakdstripper Member RarePosts: 2,410

    free isk?..


    lol, no but seriously. most of us play EvE to get into pvp, however as a new player it's almost impossible to get into  decent pvp as every time you lose a ship you have to spend weeks farming enough ISK to get a new one. i know getting ISK is much easier than it used to be but once you start  doing some pvp you quickly see how expencive it actully is. at that point you have 2 choices: spend real money to buy ISK, or join one of the huge alliances and become a "Simon says" puppet in order to get free ships.

    farming enogh ISK all by yourself in order to afford losing ships on a weekly basis it's just not possible as a new player. it takes years before you have enouhg skills to be able to make enough ISK that blowing 200/300 millions (and that's for pretty crappy ships) a week in pvp ships is even thinkable.

  • KrematoryKrematory Member UncommonPosts: 608
    Originally posted by Jakdstripper

    free isk?..


    lol, no but seriously. most of us play EvE to get into pvp, however as a new player it's almost impossible to get into  decent pvp as every time you lose a ship you have to spend weeks farming enough ISK to get a new one. i know getting ISK is much easier than it used to be but once you start  doing some pvp you quickly see how expencive it actully is. at that point you have 2 choices: spend real money to buy ISK, or join one of the huge alliances and become a "Simon says" puppet in order to get free ships.

    farming enogh ISK all by yourself in order to afford losing ships on a weekly basis it's just not possible as a new player. it takes years before you have enouhg skills to be able to make enough ISK that blowing 200/300 millions (and that's for pretty crappy ships) a week in pvp ships is even thinkable.

    Frigates, frigates and more frigates. They're more useful than most people realise, and very cheap. Many corps even give their rookies frigs for free. And being in a big alliance doesn't mean you become a puppet. You can pretty much keep on doing solo (or small scale) stuff if you please, although there are also big ops where you're expected to go and help if possible.

    "EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran

  • dave6660dave6660 Member UncommonPosts: 2,699
    Originally posted by GGrimm

    Being able to see what's flying around outside a station while parked there would be a nice touch.

    I mean, seriously, you've got the ability to travel across the universe at warp speed in ships nearly the size of a small moon, but somehow the technology to put a glass window in the captains quarters is not available?

    This has been brought up numerous times on the official forums.  It would be a great feature but I don't think it would be very easy to implement.

    “There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.”
    -- Herman Melville

  • mastergravymastergravy Member UncommonPosts: 38
    to choose when i want to pvp = never
  • Xondar123Xondar123 Member CommonPosts: 2,543
    Originally posted by Dihoru
    Originally posted by Xondar123
    Originally posted by Elsabolts

    PVE server or on / off pvp switch, No sucide ganking in high section or concidered high section areas.

    This is a great idea, I like it. Of course you will meet with swift and complete resistance from the PvPers who think they own the game, denounce any idea that lessens PvP is "stupid," and think they own EVE completely.

    You know, despite the fact you asked for a PvE SERVER and the PvPers don't ever have to step foot on it or even acknowledge its existence.

    *Not sure if trolling or just extremely immature*

    You guys really need to start thinking things through before offering suggestions. PVP is a core mechanic in EVE, without it in its current form EVE would not be EVE and it would not be a better game either believe it or not. Offering a PVE server would 1) split the community 2) diminish the experience for everyone involved 3) destroy the one thing that makes EVE unique (a single truly massive MMO set in a single shard, the chinese shard only exists because they would've need to drastically censor some bits of the EVE experience for everyone else for the chinese government to allow their citizens to play on Tranqulity).


    Now if your goal is to get WoW in space you have SWtOR already.

    If you wanted a a game without non censensual PVP.. sorry EVE's a true sandbox, not an open world game where the devs say it's a sandbox.

    You're accusing me of trolling now? Who's the immature one again?

    1) Really? You just maintained that PvP is a core mechanic. Wouldn't it stand to reason then that only PvEers, of which there must be few to none playing EVE (because core mechanic,) would use a PvE server and thus actually GAIN more players because PvEers would actually have somewhere to play?

    2) What? Diminish your experience because you can't gank newbs anymore? Diminish your experience playing on a server you would never touch anyway? You aren't making sense here, this is a baseless assertion.

    3) Really? Now you're getting hyperbolic.

    SWTOR's space game isd NOTHING compared to EVE, and you know that! You're being incredibly dishonest when you say this. Right now, the MMO with the best space game is EVE, and as such it's the only real space game that space game enthusiasts are likely to know about and play.

    I have a feeling that games getting released in the next 5 years will blow EVE out of the water and turn EVE into a pathetic ghost town. I'm looking forward to Star Citizen, and I have a feeling I'll never again sign up for an EVE 14 day trial after that game comes out because EVE will no longer be the only option available for my spasce game fix.

    EVE is nowhere NEAR a "true sandbox," if it was you could actually control your spaceships and you could be a human avatar instead of just a spaceship.

    Don't worry though, once the new crop of space games starts coming out and EVE starts dying fast, you won't get "stupid" suggestions like "how about make it so I can't be ganked in the starting zone in my starter ship 5 minutes after I first log in?"

    Here's a question for you to mull: If CCP intended for this to be a PvP game, then why are there PvE missions? Why are there NPCs that give out PvE missions? Why can I gain ships and loot through completeing PvE missions?

  • kattehuskattehus Member UncommonPosts: 375
    Originally posted by Xondar123

    1) Really? You just maintained that PvP is a core mechanic. Wouldn't it stand to reason then that only PvEers, of which there must be few to none playing EVE (because core mechanic,) would use a PvE server and thus actually GAIN more players because PvEers would actually have somewhere to play?

    2) What? Diminish your experience because you can't gank newbs anymore? Diminish your experience playing on a server you would never touch anyway? You aren't making sense here, this is a baseless assertion.

    3) Really? Now you're getting hyperbolic.


    EVE is nowhere NEAR a "true sandbox," if it was you could actually control your spaceships and you could be a human avatar instead of just a spaceship.


    Here's a question for you to mull: If CCP intended for this to be a PvP game, then why are there PvE missions? Why are there NPCs that give out PvE missions? Why can I gain ships and loot through completeing PvE missions?

    1,2,3) Dividing the community divides the experience. One of the major selling points for EVE is that you can do something to actually impact the universe that everyone plays in. Splitting this up into several "shards" removes this aspect, and gives you a smaller impact. It then opens up the whole "need to make a character on shard X to play with my friends"-problem.

    One thing he didn't mention, though, is that PvP fuels the game. It drives the (more-or-less completely player driven) market; allowing miners, missioners, industrials et. al. to get some isk for their minerals, loot or whatever else it is they chose to do. A PvE server would have a stagnant market, as people would lose fewer ships - as such, prices would plummeth (or skyrocket), and (/but) you'd never really have anything to lose.

    Which brings me to the next point: You have something to lose when you play EvE. You spend time scrapping together ISK and items. If you're close to losing a ship, you get hyped up - it's not just a death/respawn (/"ugh, have to go back to get my corpse derp derp"), it's losing stuff you've actually invested (time/money/yourself) in.

    There's also the fact that you don't simply grind to max-level and walk around thinking "now what?" while walking around with your epix lewtz, as in other MMOs. If you do, you'll get jumped by a bunch of people and lose your shinies.

    To the second point (re: sandbox)... What? That has nothing to do with sandboxing and more to do with (a vastly different area of) game mechanics. Is WoW a sandbox because you can be your 'avatar'? I'm sorry, but I can't follow your line of thinking here.

    Thirdly: To give people ISK so they can PvP. It's a vicious circle, but PvPing in-and-of itself is often a losing game (ISK-wise, at least when we look away from ganking a frig containing ~75 PLEXes :P). And to prepare people for PvP (or, well, at least kind-of prepare them for combat). But really, it's more of a day-job type-deal. You do it so you can party (pvp) on the weekend. -- There are more reasons, I'm sure, but that's the one that jumped into mind.

    (I daresay that PvE is neglected because EVE is a PvP-centric game, but I wouldn't be able to back it up)

    Also, there are aspects of PvP in almost every corner of EvE, simply because the market is player driven (that is, there's market PvP). As such, every player comes into contact with PvP on a very regular basis. The missioner, miner, manufacturer, etc., who wants the best prices for his stuff? He'll either travel around to sell it somewhere (this is less of a PvP-ish thing, but it's still there, as the buy-/sell-orders are directly connected with the underlying market-PvP), or he'll sit down in, say, Jita and participate in the PvP (over-/under-cutting other peoples prices). This is an aspect of PvP that is hardly seen anywhere, but does not make it less of Player vs Player.

    As an end note, it's been very long since I've seen someone getting ganked in their starter ship, 5 minutes into the game. It doesn't mean that it doesn't happen - but I'm fairly sure it's rare (EDIT: I also think it's a punishable action, but I'm unsure). Also, you're quite right w.r.t. alternatives; the question is if they'll live up to the expectations of the masses. If they're going to be "EvE-killers" they need to appeal to the PvP'ers in EvE, just as much (if not more) as the PvE'ers.

    |< I 1 1 I |\| 6 _ Z 0 |\/| 8 I 3 5 _ 5 I |\| C 3 _ 1 9 9 0
    -Actively playing Eve.
    Follow my tweet (:
  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297
    Originally posted by Jakdstripper

    free isk?..


    lol, no but seriously. most of us play EvE to get into pvp, however as a new player it's almost impossible to get into  decent pvp as every time you lose a ship you have to spend weeks farming enough ISK to get a new one. i know getting ISK is much easier than it used to be but once you start  doing some pvp you quickly see how expencive it actully is. at that point you have 2 choices: spend real money to buy ISK, or join one of the huge alliances and become a "Simon says" puppet in order to get free ships.

    farming enogh ISK all by yourself in order to afford losing ships on a weekly basis it's just not possible as a new player. it takes years before you have enouhg skills to be able to make enough ISK that blowing 200/300 millions (and that's for pretty crappy ships) a week in pvp ships is even thinkable.


    T1 Cruisers just got a BIG rework, and they're extrmely viable now (to the extent that HACs are no mostly neglected). It doesn't take "weeks to farm enough ISK to get a new ship" unless you insist on learning to PvP in deadspace-fitted Command Ships. Get into PvP in Tristans and Mallers and Caracals (Seriously, T1 cruisers are amazing now), and you can replace a T1 Frigate or cruiser loss in a couple of hours.

    In short: CCP have fulfilled your condition, so come on in. Shoot me a mail ingame when you do.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297
    Originally posted by Paradigm68
    Based on the number of people who fail to understand the dynamics of the skill-based system, they should launch a massive advertising and education campaign explaining why 'you can never catch up' is wrong.


    Yep, this came up earlier but it bears repeating. CCP could definitely do more to combat the "never catch up" fallacy, as I see it cited very often by people who say they'd otherwise like to play.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297
    Originally posted by Maephisto

    I would start my sub right now if I got an invite to a relatively serious null sec corp and took the time to teach me the ropes.

    That would/should never happen as I do not have a character with even 5 million SP and I have no pvp experience in eve.

    Oh, and I have little isk.

    I am basically a charity case.

    Eve is such a great game though, I wish I really had the time to figure things out for myself.


    How are you defining "relatively serious"? If you can fly a cruiser with T2 guns, then you're more than qualified to start PvPing, and you could survive in 0.0 as part of an alliance. Try applying - you don't have to get into "the best" corps right away. Just get out into lo-sec or 0.0, and join every fleet going. Once you have some combat record, you'll be surprised how easy it is to get accepted into increasingly better corps.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • HazelleHazelle Member Posts: 760

    Coming from other MMORPGs a few things that bothered me when starting eve was the cost of everything on the market Vs. what you earn as a new player and the long training times.


  • dave6660dave6660 Member UncommonPosts: 2,699
    Originally posted by Malcanis
    Originally posted by Maephisto

    I would start my sub right now if I got an invite to a relatively serious null sec corp and took the time to teach me the ropes.

    That would/should never happen as I do not have a character with even 5 million SP and I have no pvp experience in eve.

    Oh, and I have little isk.

    I am basically a charity case.

    Eve is such a great game though, I wish I really had the time to figure things out for myself.


    How are you defining "relatively serious"? If you can fly a cruiser with T2 guns, then you're more than qualified to start PvPing, and you could survive in 0.0 as part of an alliance. Try applying - you don't have to get into "the best" corps right away. Just get out into lo-sec or 0.0, and join every fleet going. Once you have some combat record, you'll be surprised how easy it is to get accepted into increasingly better corps.

    ... and never say to them "I am basically a charity case".  That's just asking to get turned away.

    “There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.”
    -- Herman Melville

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297
    It may not seem that way from the outside, but most corps are always on the lookout for self-motivated, enthusiastic members who will log in and do stuff and make suff happen. Bringing the right attitudeand willingness tolearn from mistakes can make up for a lot of skillpoints.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • ChramChram Member Posts: 91

    Skillpoints are largely irrelevant. But it takes some actual pew pew experience to realize that.

    And to those wanting a PvE switch/server - just no. No items would get destroyed, industry would die, any reward you receive from anything would be worthless. There would have to be introduced some sort of decay mechanic - ie. It would be a completely different game.

    And to the OP - I actually think that expanding the WiS aspect just a little bit would go a long way (even though I love my FiS as much as the next guy). If they would allow even small instances (N <10) of the most basic avatar-avatar interaction, no content needed, aside from maybe a poker game for isk. Just to enable a basic socializing, to get random people talking to each other. Maybe they would find they have some things in common, would found a corp and take it from there. I think it would add an additional social hook.

  • Oracle_FefeOracle_Fefe Member CommonPosts: 221

    Something to do rather than stare at space as my ship travels.


    I wish to walk around the interior of the ship. Now THAT would really give me the edge I've wished for despite being a capsuleer in a capsule..

    Really, my only gripe is that. Sometimes I dont wish to check out the market or read quest text over and over again or go on the browser. I'd just like the ability to feel like a person inside a ship..relaxin and cruisin.


    STO dragged me in with that feeling, just too bad the controls are manual so you can't really get anywhere.

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Oracle_Fefe

    Something to do rather than stare at space as my ship travels.


    I wish to walk around the interior of the ship. Now THAT would really give me the edge I've wished for despite being a capsuleer in a capsule..

    Really, my only gripe is that. Sometimes I dont wish to check out the market or read quest text over and over again or go on the browser. I'd just like the ability to feel like a person inside a ship..relaxin and cruisin.


    STO dragged me in with that feeling, just too bad the controls are manual so you can't really get anywhere.

    The problem is lore based at least... pulling a pilot out of his pod is a time consuming and pretty risky operation for the pilot... to put it mildly during the early days of pod usage allot of pilots got sent to "wet graves" by improperly pulled plugs when they were getting pulled out of their pods so while I get where you're coming from and I'd honestly kinda like the idea from a lore point of view it just isn't practical to have you, as your avatar, running around the ship while you're in space.


    Though one idea which could work is just have the player inhabit a robot and just take it around the ship visiting things and talking to the crew, that could, in theory at least, work lore wise but they'd have to have some scripting in the game for you to get yanked back into ship mode if your ship starts taking fire.

  • FromHellFromHell Member Posts: 1,311

    currently taking a break from EVE for some other games, time is not unlimited.


    but I'd really like that walking in stations and walking in ships feature that was rumored ages ago.



    Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. ! :D

    Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World

    The Return of ELITE !

  • BlueTiger33BlueTiger33 Member Posts: 158

    i played it for about 6 months before the spreadsheets become bleh to me.


    More level up boxes or more text to graphics maybe LOL.


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  • aRtFuLThinGaRtFuLThinG Member UncommonPosts: 1,387
    Originally posted by Dihoru

    The problem is lore based at least... pulling a pilot out of his pod is a time consuming and pretty risky operation for the pilot... to put it mildly during the early days of pod usage allot of pilots got sent to "wet graves" by improperly pulled plugs when they were getting pulled out of their pods so while I get where you're coming from and I'd honestly kinda like the idea from a lore point of view it just isn't practical to have you, as your avatar, running around the ship while you're in space.

     The lore of EVE is not established lore (ie. it doesn't have a TV show or novels or expansive core rulebooks supporting it). It can easily be changed by introducing some form of deux ex machina solutions if they wish (such as new technologies has come along enabling this or that).


    The lore seems to have been established originally around the technical constraints of the game originally rather than the other way around.


    If you change something lore based in Star Trek or Star Wars I can see it as a traversity. But in EVE? Not so much.

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by aRtFuLThinG
    Originally posted by Dihoru

    The problem is lore based at least... pulling a pilot out of his pod is a time consuming and pretty risky operation for the pilot... to put it mildly during the early days of pod usage allot of pilots got sent to "wet graves" by improperly pulled plugs when they were getting pulled out of their pods so while I get where you're coming from and I'd honestly kinda like the idea from a lore point of view it just isn't practical to have you, as your avatar, running around the ship while you're in space.

     The lore of EVE is not established lore (ie. it doesn't have a TV show or novels or expansive core rulebooks supporting it). It can easily be changed by introducing some form of deux ex machina solutions if they wish (such as new technologies has come along enabling this or that).


    The lore seems to have been established originally around the technical constraints of the game originally rather than the other way around.


    If you change something lore based in Star Trek or Star Wars I can see it as a traversity. But in EVE? Not so much.

    Actually they've never gone against their lore in a direct fashion with deus ex machinas to my knowledge, everything in-game is perfectly logical within the universe though some things still are a mystery (sansha wormhole tech, the new wormhole system opening up to the EVE galaxy in the cataclysmic events depicted in Apocrypha, etc). Established lore states that pulling a pilot out of their pod is a risky thing to do and should be done in proper facilities lest the pilot become permanently brain damaged. I see where new tech might come into the equation but considering pods are a jove device and rapid safe ejection from a pod would be a massive improvement on inherently jove tech you'd assume any such revelations or discoveries to come either from jove-EVE races interactions or jovian ruins.

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