1. Implement something to stop people from being D-Bags. I like the game and played it on and off for years but honestly, there are more freaks in this game than any other I have seen. It reminds me of UO where you walked up to the bank in Brittania and a dozen naked d-bags ran up and tried to pickpocket you, then you shout guards and they die but their buddy loots their corpse and grabs your stuff. Basically the game system is designed to encourage asshattery. I have seen people in the game spend hours bumping miners away from roids just to get a few laughs. Nothing the miner can do about it but log off. You can put a bounty on their heads but their buddy kills them and they split the money. You can spend isk to hire a merc corp but they drop their corp and go into a npc corp. It is like the game was designed to specifically allow you to grief someone all day and get away with it.
2. Empire space - the null guys have so many NAP's that they are bored and have moved into empire to get their jollies. Gatecamps, smartbombs in Jita, perpetual hulkageddon, corp theft, contract scams, how is the little guy who just wants to mine and have a bit of fun flying around trading supposed to play this game?
3. Huge Time Sink - Everything in the game takes a massive amount of time. Want to go PVP, call up group, wait for 30 minutes for everyone to show up and fit their ships, fly to gate, send scout threw, wait, now jump through, warp to next gate, send scout, wait. I tried null three times with three large alliances and every time I was bored out of my skull. If you only have a half hour to play, forget it, not much you can do in 30 minutes but spin your ship. I'm not saying change the game, I'm saying add some kind of instant gratification. Maybe allow you to click a button and warp to a random spot in a PVP system were it is every man for himself. Sometimes I just want to shoot something for half an hour and I could not ever seem to get that in Eve.
Personally I think it is an awesome game. I just wish I had huge amounts of time to play it and that they would put in "some" systems to reduce asshattery.
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
obviously 3 months of alchemy has revolutionized the monopoly on moo goo and prices of t2 ships. sure and pigs fly.
and implying a monopoly never existed and still exists is just mind boggling.
Once again you can play on those terms i prefer not to so my ships are docked my wallet full of billions of isk from building dreads and freighters.
Seems like you managed to do pretty well for yourself even despite the evil oppressive Technetium monopoly.
Incidentally, since you believe that Alchemy had no effect on Technetium prices and that it's still monopolised, can you explain why Tech has fallen from ~230k ISK per unit to around 70k ISK per unit? I'd be fascinated to hear your theory.
Thats one possible approach with the NPC corps. Their main current advantage (which is why I was with SWA for the almost six years I played) is that they can't be war dec'ed. A minor disadvantage is the 10% tax, but I never really cared about that.
As for getting people to play, that depends on the type of people you wish to recruit. PvP types would likely be attracted to the various types of PvP that are available. You could explore the various types of camping (and counter camping).
You could also focus on conflicts between various patrols, and groups (all the way up to the battle of Asakai) as one example.
I know the Goonie types are always coming up with new and inventive ways to gank people, that would attract some like minded people.
There are also those who never leave high sec (I never left it), for them a video focus on the various agent missions, story arcs, playing the market and production side of things might help.
For me? I spent almost six years in the game. At this point, I can't see myself going back. Even with around 43 million SP and all of the ships and such I had, I left because CCP lost their focus on what made the game fun to me. That was running missions, and collecting battleships from the ISK I made from it. Yes, thats an odd perspective, but it kept me in the game for almost six years. ^^
Since then, the game has changed too much, and I'd have to spend way too much time getting back up to speed. These games are a hobby to me, not a second job. Its just not worth it to me. But I wish you all the best in your efforts.
If there was actual avatars walking in stations then I would come back. If some random schmoe can camp a gate to pod me and anyone else that came through, then I should be able to wait (camp) in a dark shadow of a hangar and shank the same schmoe as soon as he stepped out of his ship onto the station.
Originally posted by rodingo If there was actual avatars walking in stations then I would come back. If some random schmoe can camp a gate to pod me and anyone else that came through, then I should be able to wait (camp) in a dark shadow of a hangar and shank the same schmoe as soon as he stepped out of his ship onto the station.
Runs into the "150 dev years" issue, but yes I agree.
I'm looking for ideas to take to CCP. I'm not interested in stupid stuff like "Change EVE into being a PvE grind4epix" or ideas that would take 50 devs 2.5 years to implement, but small, developmentally affordable things that would help people who are attracted to EVE but ran into this roadblock or that dead end. Basically, stuff to smooth the path into the game.
There really isnt outside of creating a new universe where PvP is optional.
Without that all new players must whore themselves for protection...right now the biggest roadblock for new players is the fact that the entire game is controlled by vets and they stand NO CHANCE against them. Its too hard to just log in and get into the game. Its the same thing in all FFA PvP games, once the game has been out for a while, new players get the short end of the stick.
The two most powerful alliances in the game are Goons and TEST, both of which are almost obsessive in their support for their new players.
EVE players being EVE players, they will do what has been shown to work. Just a thought for you to consider.
I'm looking for ideas to take to CCP. I'm not interested in stupid stuff like "Change EVE into being a PvE grind4epix" or ideas that would take 50 devs 2.5 years to implement, but small, developmentally affordable things that would help people who are attracted to EVE but ran into this roadblock or that dead end. Basically, stuff to smooth the path into the game.
There really isnt outside of creating a new universe where PvP is optional.
Without that all new players must whore themselves for protection...right now the biggest roadblock for new players is the fact that the entire game is controlled by vets and they stand NO CHANCE against them. Its too hard to just log in and get into the game. Its the same thing in all FFA PvP games, once the game has been out for a while, new players get the short end of the stick.
I truly wonder why people who haven't even played the game dare throw half-baked and quite false opinions like this out.
Also here's some facts for the people who think they'll never be able to catch up with the vets:
A frigate if properly flown can kill a battleship, not might, can, all it takes training time wise to get to that level is 2 months if that, an assault frigate is even scarier in the hands of a skillful (that's real world skill) pilot and won't require more than 4 months to fly it well, do note the secondary gunnery skills and support skills you train for these ships are universal, if you can perfectly tech 2 tank a frigate you can perfectly tank almost anything, capital ships have their own specialized repair systems so they'd need extra training.
Examples of ships that would require less than half a year to fly perfectly and yet hit way above their level if flown with the modicum of skill:
Frigates are the cheapest option, followed by cruisers and battlecruiser, if you wanna pvp go with frigates and work your way up.
Industrials cracking into the field can make a pretty penny with 3 months of training Planetary Interaction and some support skills for setting up colonies in dangerous parts of space. If you find a wormhole corp I strongly suggest looking into gas cloud harvesting and gas reactions for said gas as the fullerenes (or however their spelled) resulting from the first tier reactions can sell for a hell of allot more than their component parts. If going into manufacturing I suggest getting missioning skills (perfect tengu skills) and using the minerals for level 4 loot to start churning out whatever you want ( I do this as a hobby when I play).
Those are the only two fields where you start at a SP disadvantage that you need to know your stuff to be able to compensate, in exploration and general PVE (missions, incursions, etc) if you dedicate 3-4 months (exploration) or 9-10 for incursions (with tech 2 guns on a fully trained machariel for example with good to near perfect support skills).
Also to the guy who said the plex system should be remove kindly blow that idea out of your system, many players depend on plexes to play the game and the "but it's pay 2 win!!" argument is retarded because isk in itself gives no advantage to the player, neither does SPs, what it allows is to better outfit yourself but if you're a mouth breather it doesn't matter if you're in a ibis or a leviathan you will die just as fast.
I'm looking for ideas to take to CCP. I'm not interested in stupid stuff like "Change EVE into being a PvE grind4epix" or ideas that would take 50 devs 2.5 years to implement, but small, developmentally affordable things that would help people who are attracted to EVE but ran into this roadblock or that dead end. Basically, stuff to smooth the path into the game.
There really isnt outside of creating a new universe where PvP is optional.
Without that all new players must whore themselves for protection...right now the biggest roadblock for new players is the fact that the entire game is controlled by vets and they stand NO CHANCE against them. Its too hard to just log in and get into the game. Its the same thing in all FFA PvP games, once the game has been out for a while, new players get the short end of the stick.
The two most powerful alliances in the game are Goons and TEST, both of which are almost obsessive in their support for their new players.
EVE players being EVE players, they will do what has been shown to work. Just a thought for you to consider.
they help new players? are you on drugs bro? ...ohh wait your a goon propaganda fanboy I get it. About the only thing they are "Obessive" over is ganking and making nubs cry.
yeah buiding dreads and freighters do not require moo goo actually.
You are saying moo goo has sank in price thus never a monopoly. Has the monopoly which was in place and destroyed the economy solved this issue now by introducing alchemy. No the damage was already done. Has the price of t2 ships gone back down reflecting the drop in prices of moon goo?
And even if this was true which i find hard to believe the old timers are moving to counter any reforms which would threaten there existence. But these moves will never help eve to grow only to keep them in power and iskies.
Both Test and Goons admitted that vast areas of space would be needed to rent out if ccp actually went thru with the changes of moo goo. That doesnt exactly sound like they actually want to work for a living in eve^^.
Thus there being is counter productive and in the final analisis will destroy eves possibility of ever being a game tens of thousands will flock to to play.
Sort of like a country club where only long time members are allowed while the rest of society provides their upkeep.
I'm looking for ideas to take to CCP. I'm not interested in stupid stuff like "Change EVE into being a PvE grind4epix" or ideas that would take 50 devs 2.5 years to implement, but small, developmentally affordable things that would help people who are attracted to EVE but ran into this roadblock or that dead end. Basically, stuff to smooth the path into the game.
There really isnt outside of creating a new universe where PvP is optional.
Without that all new players must whore themselves for protection...right now the biggest roadblock for new players is the fact that the entire game is controlled by vets and they stand NO CHANCE against them. Its too hard to just log in and get into the game. Its the same thing in all FFA PvP games, once the game has been out for a while, new players get the short end of the stick.
The two most powerful alliances in the game are Goons and TEST, both of which are almost obsessive in their support for their new players.
EVE players being EVE players, they will do what has been shown to work. Just a thought for you to consider.
they help new players? are you on drugs bro? ...ohh wait your a goon propaganda fanboy I get it. About the only thing they are "Obessive" over is ganking and making nubs cry.
Actually he's right, Goons are from SA forums and Test is from reddit and the noobs they do recruit are usually members of those communities and they're very supportive of one another if in a more frat brothers sort of way. If you don't believe me look it up :P.
Originally posted by rodingo If there was actual avatars walking in stations then I would come back. If some random schmoe can camp a gate to pod me and anyone else that came through, then I should be able to wait (camp) in a dark shadow of a hangar and shank the same schmoe as soon as he stepped out of his ship onto the station.
At which point you would be killed by either a Concord or station patrol in ultra battlearmor... ^^ This would not end well, from the perspective of the amount of time and talent required to create it. Perhaps some later application of the DUST 514 technology?
I'm looking for ideas to take to CCP. I'm not interested in stupid stuff like "Change EVE into being a PvE grind4epix" or ideas that would take 50 devs 2.5 years to implement, but small, developmentally affordable things that would help people who are attracted to EVE but ran into this roadblock or that dead end. Basically, stuff to smooth the path into the game.
There really isnt outside of creating a new universe where PvP is optional.
Without that all new players must whore themselves for protection...right now the biggest roadblock for new players is the fact that the entire game is controlled by vets and they stand NO CHANCE against them. Its too hard to just log in and get into the game. Its the same thing in all FFA PvP games, once the game has been out for a while, new players get the short end of the stick.
The two most powerful alliances in the game are Goons and TEST, both of which are almost obsessive in their support for their new players.
EVE players being EVE players, they will do what has been shown to work. Just a thought for you to consider.
they help new players? are you on drugs bro? ...ohh wait your a goon propaganda fanboy I get it. About the only thing they are "Obessive" over is ganking and making nubs cry.
Actually he's right, Goons are from SA forums and Test is from reddit and the noobs they do recruit are usually members of those communities and they're very supportive of one another if in a more frat brothers sort of way. If you don't believe me look it up :P.
Right cause getting new members in your corp from outside sources makes it ok to run out the rest of new eden. You ever wonder why they do that? cause no one with half a brain that knows who they are will join them.
I would like them to start a new server. They would also have to not offer server trasfers. Get all the people interested in starting over a chance. Everyone on equal footing and see the massive land grab in nul sec. It would be interesting.
Originally posted by rodingo If there was actual avatars walking in stations then I would come back. If some random schmoe can camp a gate to pod me and anyone else that came through, then I should be able to wait (camp) in a dark shadow of a hangar and shank the same schmoe as soon as he stepped out of his ship onto the station.
At which point you would be killed by either a Concord or station patrol in ultra battlearmor... ^^ This would not end well, from the perspective of the amount of time and talent required to create it. Perhaps some later application of the DUST 514 technology?
I thought suicide ganking was a tactic in Eve? I would just have a buddy waiting to go grab his stuff off the corpse or yank/cut the implants out of his head. Hell, even just to take the lint out out of his pockets. You can supposedly do what you want in Eve,..well I choose to do that.
They need to finish implementing WIS. People who're happy without it, are already playing. If you want to broaden the playerbase, they need to broaden the scope of the game so it's not just flying spaceships. Give people not interested in that an option of filling out the game in other roles, spending their time in other ways. I know a lot of EvE fans don't want it. I don't even want it, but we're talking about how to attract new people. And I personally like having different people with different playstyles in my game as it makes it a broader and deeper gameworld to play in. Implement WIS and broaden the scope of the game
A crazed ruskie with a .50 cal pressed against my temple might do the trick.
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing. -Robert E. Howard
They need to finish implementing WIS. People who're happy without it, are already playing. If you want to broaden the playerbase, they need to broaden the scope of the game so it's not just flying spaceships. Give people not interested in that an option of filling out the game in other roles, spending their time in other ways. I know a lot of EvE fans don't want it. I don't even want it, but we're talking about how to attract new people. And I personally like having different people with different playstyles in my game as it makes it a broader and deeper gameworld to play in. Implement WIS and broaden the scope of the game
Last time I checked they are still working on WiS but it's on a lower priority than space stuff for obvious reasons, likelyhood is once Dust 514 is properly out the gate they'll put together a team to further its integration into EVE via expanding WiS among other things, it'll likely be years still before we see anything like that Vision of the Future video but it is still coming.
1. I am not interested in joing a 10 year old game that awards xp based on time of account.....To my eyes I am forever 10 years behind.
2. (red) I read too much bad bad bad publicity about the Goons and other corps making it very un-fun and exclisionary. Where the (red) comes in is that the OP is right out of the gate calling others stupid, making me wonder if all the publicity I see about the Goons is actually an acurate portrayal of EVE.
1. I think you don't get it.
2. Yeah, you don't.
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
Didn't bother reading the last 7 pages, sorry Malc.
I think one thing that could make new players invest more heavily in EvE, would be more mentoring/tutoring. And by that, I mean more vets who want to help new players and take them under their wing for a while.
Most of the incentive is already in place - the Buddy Program. Both parties get something worthwhile. There's also the help channel, which, well, helps.
Combining the two, such that each vet has X amount of new players to 'take care of', could help. This should, of course, be completely optional - and I am aware that there are many corporations (and individuals) out there who already offer this. Putting it into the game, though, could help facilitate the communication between them and the new players.
Saying this, I already know that it could (and would) be exploited by people (griefers/alts). Even given a feedback system, it would be abused (alts). So I don't know what the best way to facilitate this would be.
This suggestion is based on the fact that people drop off during the first couple of months (if that) - usually after the tutorial mission(s). I imagine it's because they don't know what to do next - or because they get tired of running missions/mining. So, in essence, help facilitate cooperation between vets and new players (and other new players).
Another suggestion is more instant-gratification, but I'm not much of a fan. But having (relatively) useless skills, which offer neglectible rewards.. Is something that, I assume, most people don't care about - and as such, if the next skill (or even skill-level) doesn't offer something as soon as it's done, many won't bother traning it (This is, again, an assumption), which results in less effeciency (which, in turn, makes people more disadvantaged in a pvp situation).
Yet another suggestion is more live events. Preferably catered towards new players (but also some to the 'vets' - which could keep people playing). This does not have to be pvp-centered (as in the relatively recent CCP vs people event), but I must admit that I'm drawing blanks on how to make "good" live events that don't involve pvp (maybe have some players mining, some players hauling, some players defending, and devs spawning rats? - this could also be some beacon, which can be found by some players doing exploration/scanning/...). [Again, more cooperation].
Another assumption I have is that people who mainly quit the game, quit it because they play it alone. Two of the above suggestions would help facilitate playing with others.
Then there's general bored-ness with the game. And that happens; especially if you're waiting for skills to train. Tiericide, I think, is a great step towards this. But I don't think that is a trivial problem to solve. "More content" is not very specific, but it's a good starting point for a brainstorm.
I could probably come up with more suggestions, given time.
Here's a suggestion that'll probably never happen, and will probably take up a lot of dev-time: Have skills train both actively and passively. Actively as in "When you use this ship, you'll slowly progress in the related ship skills, with diminishing (amount of) progress as we come further away from the primary skills". The amount of progress? I don't know. How to determine use? I don't know, something that prevents progress if you're simply floating in space/station, but doesn't prevent progress if you're running away from a hunting party.
Originally posted by Four0Six
1. I am not interested in joing a 10 year old game that awards xp based on time of account.....To my eyes I am forever 10 years behind.
2. (red) I read too much bad bad bad publicity about the Goons and other corps making it very un-fun and exclisionary. Where the (red) comes in is that the OP is right out of the gate calling others stupid, making me wonder if all the publicity I see about the Goons is actually an acurate portrayal of EVE.
1. I'd pull out a rather lengthy argument that skillpoints don't matter much, and specialization will get to equal-to or above vets, etc., but I'm going to assume you've read such arguments already and simply observe that such a mindset is common, but coming up with a "reasonable" solution is hard (And by reasonable, I mean something other than starting a new server)
2. Except he's not calling others stupid. He's saying he doesn't want stupid suggestions, and even gives an example. Had he said something alike "I don't want stupid people with suggestions like ...", you'd be spot on - but, yeah. Also how one person formulates himself (and choses to address others) is on him alone, is it not? Assuming every game was defined by how it's players formulates themselves (and address others), then there'd be no "good"/"welcoming" games to play (I mean, even singleplayer games have players calling everything and everything stupid, or worse).
EDIT #2: I don't know if I need to, but I'd like to clarify that I do not support any dumbing down of EVE, as I very much like it as is. I've played for a while now, and am interested in seeing where CCP will take it. I just hope it'll stay as ruthless as it is now (if not moreso), and that the nullsec folk will start moar wars. Oh, and also, hope that lowsec will become more loved (by players, that is).
Also, sorry for the wall of text. (:
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1. Implement something to stop people from being D-Bags. I like the game and played it on and off for years but honestly, there are more freaks in this game than any other I have seen. It reminds me of UO where you walked up to the bank in Brittania and a dozen naked d-bags ran up and tried to pickpocket you, then you shout guards and they die but their buddy loots their corpse and grabs your stuff. Basically the game system is designed to encourage asshattery. I have seen people in the game spend hours bumping miners away from roids just to get a few laughs. Nothing the miner can do about it but log off. You can put a bounty on their heads but their buddy kills them and they split the money. You can spend isk to hire a merc corp but they drop their corp and go into a npc corp. It is like the game was designed to specifically allow you to grief someone all day and get away with it.
2. Empire space - the null guys have so many NAP's that they are bored and have moved into empire to get their jollies. Gatecamps, smartbombs in Jita, perpetual hulkageddon, corp theft, contract scams, how is the little guy who just wants to mine and have a bit of fun flying around trading supposed to play this game?
3. Huge Time Sink - Everything in the game takes a massive amount of time. Want to go PVP, call up group, wait for 30 minutes for everyone to show up and fit their ships, fly to gate, send scout threw, wait, now jump through, warp to next gate, send scout, wait. I tried null three times with three large alliances and every time I was bored out of my skull. If you only have a half hour to play, forget it, not much you can do in 30 minutes but spin your ship. I'm not saying change the game, I'm saying add some kind of instant gratification. Maybe allow you to click a button and warp to a random spot in a PVP system were it is every man for himself. Sometimes I just want to shoot something for half an hour and I could not ever seem to get that in Eve.
Personally I think it is an awesome game. I just wish I had huge amounts of time to play it and that they would put in "some" systems to reduce asshattery.
I'dlike genuaine stick and rudder cotrol over fighter craft, plus teh ability to offer close air support todust players. in a word...action.
you asked.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
Seems like you managed to do pretty well for yourself even despite the evil oppressive Technetium monopoly.
Incidentally, since you believe that Alchemy had no effect on Technetium prices and that it's still monopolised, can you explain why Tech has fallen from ~230k ISK per unit to around 70k ISK per unit? I'd be fascinated to hear your theory.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Not possible without completely re-writing the game engine. However Il-2 Sturmovik is often on sale on Steam.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Thats one possible approach with the NPC corps. Their main current advantage (which is why I was with SWA for the almost six years I played) is that they can't be war dec'ed. A minor disadvantage is the 10% tax, but I never really cared about that.
As for getting people to play, that depends on the type of people you wish to recruit. PvP types would likely be attracted to the various types of PvP that are available. You could explore the various types of camping (and counter camping).
You could also focus on conflicts between various patrols, and groups (all the way up to the battle of Asakai) as one example.
I know the Goonie types are always coming up with new and inventive ways to gank people, that would attract some like minded people.
There are also those who never leave high sec (I never left it), for them a video focus on the various agent missions, story arcs, playing the market and production side of things might help.
For me? I spent almost six years in the game. At this point, I can't see myself going back. Even with around 43 million SP and all of the ships and such I had, I left because CCP lost their focus on what made the game fun to me. That was running missions, and collecting battleships from the ISK I made from it. Yes, thats an odd perspective, but it kept me in the game for almost six years. ^^
Since then, the game has changed too much, and I'd have to spend way too much time getting back up to speed. These games are a hobby to me, not a second job. Its just not worth it to me. But I wish you all the best in your efforts.
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
Runs into the "150 dev years" issue, but yes I agree.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
The two most powerful alliances in the game are Goons and TEST, both of which are almost obsessive in their support for their new players.
EVE players being EVE players, they will do what has been shown to work. Just a thought for you to consider.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I truly wonder why people who haven't even played the game dare throw half-baked and quite false opinions like this out.
Also here's some facts for the people who think they'll never be able to catch up with the vets:
A frigate if properly flown can kill a battleship, not might, can, all it takes training time wise to get to that level is 2 months if that, an assault frigate is even scarier in the hands of a skillful (that's real world skill) pilot and won't require more than 4 months to fly it well, do note the secondary gunnery skills and support skills you train for these ships are universal, if you can perfectly tech 2 tank a frigate you can perfectly tank almost anything, capital ships have their own specialized repair systems so they'd need extra training.
Examples of ships that would require less than half a year to fly perfectly and yet hit way above their level if flown with the modicum of skill:
Frigates are the cheapest option, followed by cruisers and battlecruiser, if you wanna pvp go with frigates and work your way up.
Industrials cracking into the field can make a pretty penny with 3 months of training Planetary Interaction and some support skills for setting up colonies in dangerous parts of space. If you find a wormhole corp I strongly suggest looking into gas cloud harvesting and gas reactions for said gas as the fullerenes (or however their spelled) resulting from the first tier reactions can sell for a hell of allot more than their component parts. If going into manufacturing I suggest getting missioning skills (perfect tengu skills) and using the minerals for level 4 loot to start churning out whatever you want ( I do this as a hobby when I play).
Those are the only two fields where you start at a SP disadvantage that you need to know your stuff to be able to compensate, in exploration and general PVE (missions, incursions, etc) if you dedicate 3-4 months (exploration) or 9-10 for incursions (with tech 2 guns on a fully trained machariel for example with good to near perfect support skills).
Also to the guy who said the plex system should be remove kindly blow that idea out of your system, many players depend on plexes to play the game and the "but it's pay 2 win!!" argument is retarded because isk in itself gives no advantage to the player, neither does SPs, what it allows is to better outfit yourself but if you're a mouth breather it doesn't matter if you're in a ibis or a leviathan you will die just as fast.
they help new players? are you on drugs bro? ...ohh wait your a goon propaganda fanboy I get it. About the only thing they are "Obessive" over is ganking and making nubs cry.
yeah buiding dreads and freighters do not require moo goo actually.
You are saying moo goo has sank in price thus never a monopoly. Has the monopoly which was in place and destroyed the economy solved this issue now by introducing alchemy. No the damage was already done. Has the price of t2 ships gone back down reflecting the drop in prices of moon goo?
And even if this was true which i find hard to believe the old timers are moving to counter any reforms which would threaten there existence. But these moves will never help eve to grow only to keep them in power and iskies.
Both Test and Goons admitted that vast areas of space would be needed to rent out if ccp actually went thru with the changes of moo goo. That doesnt exactly sound like they actually want to work for a living in eve^^.
Thus there being is counter productive and in the final analisis will destroy eves possibility of ever being a game tens of thousands will flock to to play.
Sort of like a country club where only long time members are allowed while the rest of society provides their upkeep.
Actually he's right, Goons are from SA forums and Test is from reddit and the noobs they do recruit are usually members of those communities and they're very supportive of one another if in a more frat brothers sort of way. If you don't believe me look it up :P.
At which point you would be killed by either a Concord or station patrol in ultra battlearmor... ^^ This would not end well, from the perspective of the amount of time and talent required to create it. Perhaps some later application of the DUST 514 technology?
Right cause getting new members in your corp from outside sources makes it ok to run out the rest of new eden. You ever wonder why they do that? cause no one with half a brain that knows who they are will join them.
I thought suicide ganking was a tactic in Eve? I would just have a buddy waiting to go grab his stuff off the corpse or yank/cut the implants out of his head. Hell, even just to take the lint out out of his pockets. You can supposedly do what you want in Eve,..well I choose to do that.
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
They need to finish implementing WIS. People who're happy without it, are already playing. If you want to broaden the playerbase, they need to broaden the scope of the game so it's not just flying spaceships. Give people not interested in that an option of filling out the game in other roles, spending their time in other ways. I know a lot of EvE fans don't want it. I don't even want it, but we're talking about how to attract new people. And I personally like having different people with different playstyles in my game as it makes it a broader and deeper gameworld to play in. Implement WIS and broaden the scope of the game
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can
be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard
Last time I checked they are still working on WiS but it's on a lower priority than space stuff for obvious reasons, likelyhood is once Dust 514 is properly out the gate they'll put together a team to further its integration into EVE via expanding WiS among other things, it'll likely be years still before we see anything like that Vision of the Future video but it is still coming.
1. I think you don't get it.
2. Yeah, you don't.
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
Didn't bother reading the last 7 pages, sorry Malc.
I think one thing that could make new players invest more heavily in EvE, would be more mentoring/tutoring. And by that, I mean more vets who want to help new players and take them under their wing for a while.
Most of the incentive is already in place - the Buddy Program. Both parties get something worthwhile. There's also the help channel, which, well, helps.
Combining the two, such that each vet has X amount of new players to 'take care of', could help. This should, of course, be completely optional - and I am aware that there are many corporations (and individuals) out there who already offer this. Putting it into the game, though, could help facilitate the communication between them and the new players.
Saying this, I already know that it could (and would) be exploited by people (griefers/alts). Even given a feedback system, it would be abused (alts). So I don't know what the best way to facilitate this would be.
This suggestion is based on the fact that people drop off during the first couple of months (if that) - usually after the tutorial mission(s). I imagine it's because they don't know what to do next - or because they get tired of running missions/mining. So, in essence, help facilitate cooperation between vets and new players (and other new players).
Another suggestion is more instant-gratification, but I'm not much of a fan. But having (relatively) useless skills, which offer neglectible rewards.. Is something that, I assume, most people don't care about - and as such, if the next skill (or even skill-level) doesn't offer something as soon as it's done, many won't bother traning it (This is, again, an assumption), which results in less effeciency (which, in turn, makes people more disadvantaged in a pvp situation).
Yet another suggestion is more live events. Preferably catered towards new players (but also some to the 'vets' - which could keep people playing). This does not have to be pvp-centered (as in the relatively recent CCP vs people event), but I must admit that I'm drawing blanks on how to make "good" live events that don't involve pvp (maybe have some players mining, some players hauling, some players defending, and devs spawning rats? - this could also be some beacon, which can be found by some players doing exploration/scanning/...). [Again, more cooperation].
Another assumption I have is that people who mainly quit the game, quit it because they play it alone. Two of the above suggestions would help facilitate playing with others.
Then there's general bored-ness with the game. And that happens; especially if you're waiting for skills to train. Tiericide, I think, is a great step towards this. But I don't think that is a trivial problem to solve. "More content" is not very specific, but it's a good starting point for a brainstorm.
I could probably come up with more suggestions, given time.
Here's a suggestion that'll probably never happen, and will probably take up a lot of dev-time: Have skills train both actively and passively. Actively as in "When you use this ship, you'll slowly progress in the related ship skills, with diminishing (amount of) progress as we come further away from the primary skills". The amount of progress? I don't know. How to determine use? I don't know, something that prevents progress if you're simply floating in space/station, but doesn't prevent progress if you're running away from a hunting party.
1. I'd pull out a rather lengthy argument that skillpoints don't matter much, and specialization will get to equal-to or above vets, etc., but I'm going to assume you've read such arguments already and simply observe that such a mindset is common, but coming up with a "reasonable" solution is hard (And by reasonable, I mean something other than starting a new server)
2. Except he's not calling others stupid. He's saying he doesn't want stupid suggestions, and even gives an example. Had he said something alike "I don't want stupid people with suggestions like ...", you'd be spot on - but, yeah. Also how one person formulates himself (and choses to address others) is on him alone, is it not? Assuming every game was defined by how it's players formulates themselves (and address others), then there'd be no "good"/"welcoming" games to play (I mean, even singleplayer games have players calling everything and everything stupid, or worse).
EDIT #2: I don't know if I need to, but I'd like to clarify that I do not support any dumbing down of EVE, as I very much like it as is. I've played for a while now, and am interested in seeing where CCP will take it. I just hope it'll stay as ruthless as it is now (if not moreso), and that the nullsec folk will start moar wars.
Oh, and also, hope that lowsec will become more loved (by players, that is).
Also, sorry for the wall of text. (:
Follow my tweet (:
-sighs nostalgically- those were the days... even if you were someone on the sideline just watching with a bag of popcorn like me XD.