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Blizzard cant do no wrong.



  • bliss14bliss14 Member UncommonPosts: 595
    Originally posted by Hrimnir
    Originally posted by jpnz
    Originally posted by Hrimnir

    There is this thing called implied meaning.  Anyone with any sense can see he was trying to imply that Blizzard makes a quality product.  If he had titled this thread something along the lines of "Blizzard as a business" or something like that.  Then i would be 100% with him.  Credit given where credit is due.  They are a fantastic company at seperating dumb people from their money.

    I think you should speak more on behalf of every gamer on why 'playing Blizzard games means you are dumb' /Sarcasm

    Talk about 'my personal opinion is FACT' post. Jeez.

    Hey, i played WOW for several years, bought D3, etc.  I'm not saying im exempt from it myself.  But its generally the truth.  Blizzard uses human psychology specifically against us for the sole purpose of making money hand over fist.  The days of Blizzard making good games because they want to make fun, exciting games are LONG OVER.  Now, every decision is prefaced by the question of "how will this affect our profits".  Its a sad state of affairs.


    As you see, the implication in what I wrote, would be I specifically looked for an implied meaning. I did not. I saw a list of numbers attached to a title saying 'blizzard can do no wrong'. The correct implication of title + content is that what Blizzard does results in high numbers, i.e. they know how to make a popular product. 

    This is a perfectly reasonable implication of the information provided. It is also understandable to draw the conclusion the OP implied quality. 

    I for one said, wait, hold on, if you look at what he actually says, there is another way to interpret the data.

    But, thank you for resorting to insulting my ability to apply critical reasoning. 

    I can't believe my 3rd section didn't at least make you chuckle. Low blow man.....


    Woah brother, calm down.  Keep in mind this is written text, its difficult to convey malice or lack of malice in text.  I wasnt making these posts to insult your critical thinking skills or anything like that.  I just responded to the post that for me that was the implied meaning.  I don't think you're an idiot or anything like that.  I do think that people who still play WOW and D3 after everything that has happened are dumb.  I swear its like the gaming equivalent of stockholm syndrome.  Or a battered wife type of thing.

    Haha, every post makes you look worse!  I don't care for either game personally and the OP is obviously trolling for a nice long argument thread.

  • RuleroRulero Member UncommonPosts: 42
    Originally posted by expresso

    Originally posted by Rulero
    I see no reason how Diablo 3 can be seen as the best of Arpg's other then ignorance. an RPG is about building your character and have some sort of progression. Diablo 3 has none of this. you do not build a character. you just choose a playable character, there is no real customization that will make you unique. evryone is the same. Whoooo I do +2% dmg to undead so im unique and I've build my char to be different from everyone else.... yeah sure you have?! What bugs me about this is that diablo 3 has been in development for many years but is weaker in evry aspect then its older brothers except technological advancements like graphics and sound, Yet it sells because it is made by a company that made other succesfull games. so people buy it blindly. it has nothing to do with the real quality of the game. Have you played D2 after playing D3, go on take a real honest look. In my opinion while adimitted not as polished as D3, Sacred 2 fallen angel and its expansion Ice and blood are far superior in all aspects and offer a enormous open world and insaneley indepth customization. yet this game gets overlooked an had a shorter development time, and a many times smaller budget Never heared if it. Blizzard supposedly being superior and al have put arround 60 - 100 milion into the game but ending up with a toned down technically dated game. For example a game like path of exile is made by an indie studio but offers a ton more content and is made in a shorter timespan and very polished. It's super easy to put a distributed stats system into a game, in fact is so easy its just damn lazy, look at POE stats system it's just full of +1 that and this - at least blizzard tried something new, might not have been your cup of tea but atleast they stuck their necks out and tried. I dont understand that how someone that calls itself a real gamer can accept this. and defend it. We likez what we likez Im not a hater. i loved wow and diablo 2. but for such a large company with so much funds and manpower i hate them for never being original or intuitive gameplaywise and always staying in the safe zone with refining overused ideas, and never dare to step out of that See above about being original.

    Not say D3 is perfect but I sunk some 80 hours into the game, in a world were the average game takes 10-20 hours to finish I got my moneys worth and then some.


    Customizing a character is not about doing more damage. its about forging your character based on your playstyle not about stats. so the + 2% is kind of pointless. What i mean is that when you want to play a heavy armored mage or a Melee Ranger that makes use of hunter skills it is a possibility and not being forced to a cookie cutter sricted build that doesnt make you any different from someone else

    Not having heared of Sacred 2 is just what i explained in my previous post so i think that is clear enough.

    About originality, you call blizzard original by dumbing down their game? i mean how is it original to take away a system that worked previously instead of trying to make it better. A stat system is indeed easy to implent but its also a lot more Flexible and adds more replay. If you have played and maxed a character in diablo 3. there is absolutley no reason to to do a replay of the same class because there is no room for another build.

    I find it to be a pretty shortsighted answer but it is ofcourse your opinion wich is fine, but it doesnt seem that you take anything of it seriously

  • ClockworkSmilesClockworkSmiles Member Posts: 13
    I seriously can't tell if it is trollbait or pure idiocy.
  • nbtscannbtscan Member UncommonPosts: 862
    All I know is Blizzard lost me as a customer with the mess that Diablo 3 was. I don't care how it is now; its release left a bad taste I'll never get out of my mouth.
  • ZorgoZorgo Member UncommonPosts: 2,254
    Originally posted by nbtscan

    All I know is Blizzard lost me as a customer with the mess that Diablo 3 was. I don't care how it is now; its release left a bad taste I'll never get out of my mouth.


    Wow. Thank goodness you weren't part of Vanguard's launch.
  • expressoexpresso Member UncommonPosts: 2,218
    Originally posted by nbtscan

    All I know is Blizzard lost me as a customer with the mess that Diablo 3 was. I don't care how it is now; its release left a bad taste I'll never get out of my mouth.


    Ah well you see you're meant to install the DVD on your computer, not eat the DVD it's a game not lunch.
  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424
    I currently play WoW, D3, and SC2. I would buy them all again... I guess you can call me dumb. While I'm playing my 4 games staticly (Rift also), you can game hop all over the place and get no enjoyment out of any of who's dumb?
  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    I play Starcraft 2 and will be getting Heart of the Swarm and likely Legacy of the Void (or whatever it will be called) but aside from rehashing Starcraft 1 into in arguably better game with better graphics and a vastly improved editor Blizzard for almost 8 years has not launched one game or expansion worth merit, WoW post BC has been terrible going on "is it April fools again?" and Diablo 3 is inferior mechanically and even story wise to Path of Exile (sorry but if you think and ARPG dungeon crawler needs streamlining you've been playing way too much Call of Duty). Sorry fanbois, facts are facts really.

  • IsturiIsturi Member Posts: 1,509
    Originally posted by Nadia
    Originally posted by Isturi

    Blizzard cant do no wrong.

    i think most players agree that Cata was their worst expansion *despite* selling the most


    even Blizzard commented on their mistake

    There is almost no reason what so ever to venture out into the world.

    That was an error we made with the design of Cataclysm, but getting players invested in the world again is something we're interested in addressing with Mists.

    Blizz knows they better catar to thier player base after it is the players who is going to pay the light bill for blizz and I imagine that they prob have a huge light bill.


  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424
    I want to thank haters for a good laugh.  People that think having "8 million or whatever players it is now is a bad thing, because at the peak the game had 12 million" after 8 years as a bad thing...really?  Any developer would love to have that 2/3 retention rate after the first free month of thier game is over...blizzard has done it over 8 years...I guess that's so horrible :P
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
    Originally posted by velmax
    No argument their, but if they can create a good game is the question?

     Its funny but when Blizz starts bragging about their numbers it reminds me of McDonalds bragging about how many hamburgers they sell, and we all know they don't make the best hamburgers......OF all their games I ahve only liked one (WoW) and even then I thought it was too easy.

  • IndolIndol Member Posts: 189
    One day people will understand that popularity does not automatically equal good. Until that day we will live in a non-thinking world.
  • VengeSunsoarVengeSunsoar Member EpicPosts: 6,601

    It doesn't make it bad either.  It does mean that a lot of people like it, that alone makes it worth investigating.

    edit - a lot of people liking it also means that it is good to/for them.

    Since what is good is defined by the majority, there is an argument to be made then that popular = good or perhaps in this case quality.

    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
  • mikunimanmikuniman Member UncommonPosts: 375
    I like their products but who cares what I like and so posting it would only prove that I needed some sort of attention ergo this post.,another waste of internet paper.
  • ScarfeScarfe Member Posts: 281
    double negative makes a positive. 

    currently playing: DDO, AOC, WoT, P101

  • VengeSunsoarVengeSunsoar Member EpicPosts: 6,601
    In some languages double negatives reinforce and intesnsify the negative :)
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
  • IndolIndol Member Posts: 189
    Originally posted by VengeSunsoar

    It doesn't make it bad either.  It does mean that a lot of people like it, that alone makes it worth investigating.

    edit - a lot of people liking it also means that it is good to/for them.

    Since what is good is defined by the majority, there is an argument to be made then that popular = good.

    Something can definitely be both good and popular.

    But popularity doesn't automatically make something good to an individual, and good is not defined by the majority unless an individual let's the majority decide for them what they like and don't like. In other words, good is inherently defined by the individual unless they choose otherwise.

  • VengeSunsoarVengeSunsoar Member EpicPosts: 6,601
    Originally posted by Indol
    Originally posted by VengeSunsoar

    It doesn't make it bad either.  It does mean that a lot of people like it, that alone makes it worth investigating.

    edit - a lot of people liking it also means that it is good to/for them.

    Since what is good is defined by the majority, there is an argument to be made then that popular = good.

    Something can definitely be both good and popular.

    But popularity doesn't automatically make something good to an individual, and good is not defined by the majority unless an individual let's the majority decide for them what they like and don't like. In other words, good is inherently defined by the individual unless they choose otherwise.

    Society typically decides what is good or bad, while each individual decides what is good to them, society decides on a general level what is good or bad.

    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
  • ScarfeScarfe Member Posts: 281
    Originally posted by VengeSunsoar
    In some languages double negatives reinforce and intesnsify the negative :)

    but we're writing english here... 

    currently playing: DDO, AOC, WoT, P101

  • nbtscannbtscan Member UncommonPosts: 862
    Originally posted by Indol
    Originally posted by VengeSunsoar

    It doesn't make it bad either.  It does mean that a lot of people like it, that alone makes it worth investigating.

    edit - a lot of people liking it also means that it is good to/for them.

    Since what is good is defined by the majority, there is an argument to be made then that popular = good.

    Something can definitely be both good and popular.

    But popularity doesn't automatically make something good to an individual, and good is not defined by the majority unless an individual let's the majority decide for them what they like and don't like. In other words, good is inherently defined by the individual unless they choose otherwise.

    Katy Perry is popular but I can't stand her music.  (or anything from the Pop genre for that matter)

  • dave6660dave6660 Member UncommonPosts: 2,699
    Maybe we can come up with new a phrase for this phenomenon.  How about Blizzard Infallibility?  Blizzard is to the video game industry as the pope is to catholicism.

    “There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.”
    -- Herman Melville

  • ScarfeScarfe Member Posts: 281
    Originally posted by dave6660
    Maybe we can come up with new a phrase for this phenomenon.  How about Blizzard Infallibility?  Blizzard is to the video game industry as the pope is to catholicism.

    Maybe they'll retire. 

    currently playing: DDO, AOC, WoT, P101

  • ScarfeScarfe Member Posts: 281
    Originally posted by Sukiyaki
    Originally posted by dave6660
    Maybe we can come up with new a phrase for this phenomenon.  How about Blizzard Infallibility?  Blizzard is to the video game industry as the pope is to catholicism.

    Overrated and replaceable?


    Both earning a fortune out of fantasy.  

    currently playing: DDO, AOC, WoT, P101

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Scarfe
    Originally posted by Sukiyaki
    Originally posted by dave6660
    Maybe we can come up with new a phrase for this phenomenon.  How about Blizzard Infallibility?  Blizzard is to the video game industry as the pope is to catholicism.

    Overrated and replaceable?


    Both earning a fortune out of fantasy.  


  • NadiaNadia Member UncommonPosts: 11,798
    Originally posted by Indol
    One day people will understand that popularity does not automatically equal good. Until that day we will live in a non-thinking world.

    i dont think we will ever get away from that - its human nature

    people are often quick to judge


    its like the psychology of first impressions

    - first impressions do not require much thought either

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