1. WoW being 8 yrs old and still has 9 million subs.
2. D3 12 million players
3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.
It is hard to argue against those kind of numbers.
Love blizz or hate them the proff is in the pudding.
Angry Birds have more players than all of Blizzards games combined.
I know some of you will never give Blizzard credit. It is a pride thing i guess but why are you comparing Angry Birds to PC games by Blizzard? this is the most absurd comparison i have ever read so far. And you /end thread as if it is an ultimate fact and not open for discussion.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.' -Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid." -Luke McKinney
Well you cannot please all of the people all of the time but by any industry measure Blizzard have done no wrong since Warcraft2. They have been on a roll of record sales for the last 15 years beating off competion in their respective genres that's a quiet a feat it not a fluke or a result of happenstance it's due to producing games people want to play.
1. WoW being 8 yrs old and still has 9 million subs.
2. D3 12 million players
3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.
It is hard to argue against those kind of numbers.
Love blizz or hate them the proff is in the pudding.
facebook eat blizzard for breakfest
Ughhh..OP is talking about numbers generated by their MMO and pc game titles and npt social websites or mobile apps.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.' -Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid." -Luke McKinney
I see no reason how Diablo 3 can be seen as the best of Arpg's other then ignorance. an RPG is about building your character and have some sort of progression. Diablo 3 has none of this. you do not build a character. you just choose a playable character, there is no real customization that will make you unique. evryone is the same.
What bugs me about this is that diablo 3 has been in development for many years but is weaker in evry aspect then its older brothers except technological advancements like graphics and sound, Yet it sells because it is made by a company that made other succesfull games. so people buy it blindly. it has nothing to do with the real quality of the game.
In my opinion while adimitted not as polished as D3, Sacred 2 fallen angel and its expansion Ice and blood are far superior in all aspects and offer a enormous open world and insaneley indepth customization. yet this game gets overlooked an had a shorter development time, and a many times smaller budget
Blizzard supposedly being superior and al have put arround 60 - 100 milion into the game but ending up with a toned down technically dated game. For example a game like path of exile is made by an indie studio but offers a ton more content and is made in a shorter timespan and very polished.
I dont understand that how someone that calls itself a real gamer can accept this. and defend it.
Im not a hater. i loved wow and diablo 2. but for such a large company with so much funds and manpower i hate them for never being original or intuitive gameplaywise and always staying in the safe zone with refining overused ideas, and never dare to step out of that
Originally posted by velmax No argument their, but if they can create a good game is the question?
they have done that for many years. The problem is that they keep doing the same that was the best before. They need to improve upon what they once did Great that nobody have been able to do better, not yet. But i think they wont push that hard until some company shows up and actually be a challenge to them. They are resting on their laurels because theres no challenge to them. Thats why people say Blizz is the only one killing WoW.
1. WoW being 8 yrs old and still has 9 million subs.
2. D3 12 million players
3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.
It is hard to argue against those kind of numbers.
Love blizz or hate them the proff is in the pudding.
Angry Birds have more players than all of Blizzards games combined.
I know some of you will never give Blizzard credit. It is a pride thing i guess but why are you comparing Angry Birds to PC games by Blizzard? this is the most absurd comparison i have ever read so far. And you /end thread as if it is an ultimate fact and not open for discussion.
Ill give blizzard credit where it due, They are exceptionaly good at making them appear much better than they realy are aswell as being greedy. Example with D3 launch they made diablo free to those who bought 1 year sub of WoW, Now this results in a couple things Firstly
- people who play WoW think cool i can get my 1 year sub and get a game free as a bonus even though they dont plan to play it, this pushes there D3 sale numbers up despite its free, blizzard dtill counts it as a sale.
- Now on the other side we have those people who canceled WoW sub who wanted to play D3 so they decided o cool free D3 copy and i can play WoW when i want to even though they get bored of WoW and stop playing it again (was a reason they quite in the first place) this now pushes there Subscription numbers up for WoW for a whole year.
Also conviently enough they post WoW subscription numbers a little after D3 was released so they got added to subscriptions.
Now one more thing with D3 Real money AH it invites alot of gold farmers in china which probaly added 2million copies or so maybe more since they could legaly get real money by farming they also get a large chunk of money off the AH aswell due to AH cuts. Blizzard also charges a subscription aswell as a AH that sell mounts for $25 and lets not forget the trading card game giving more incentive to blow money for a rare chance of a spectral tiger mount and so on that some people spent hundreds and thousands of dollar trying to get.
I give blizzard credit for being the greediest company with huge egos and great marketing scheme to make net the highest profits aswell making them seem much better than they realy are. As for being able to make great games that time has been long but over atm there just riding winds on there older stratergy games (Starcraft 2 probaly the only exception imo).
3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.
sorry, but this proves nothing.... Justin Bieber had some kind of song on top viewed videos once with most viewers on youtube ever, does that prove he's the best musician in the world? Certanly not, it doesn't even have to mean that his music is actually any good...
also, I'm sure most people here know that Crysis 3 is here and it STILL didn't pass the sales number of "alien colonial marines" which is declared the most colossal failure of the year and was falsly advertised... So even the sales numbers don't really have to reflect the quality of a certain game, especially if it's B2P.
I hope you can see where I was going with this.
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life." -------------------------------
I see no reason how Diablo 3 can be seen as the best of Arpg's other then ignorance. an RPG is about building your character and have some sort of progression. Diablo 3 has none of this. you do not build a character. you just choose a playable character, there is no real customization that will make you unique. evryone is the same.
Whoooo I do +2% dmg to undead so im unique and I've build my char to be different from everyone else.... yeah sure you have?!
What bugs me about this is that diablo 3 has been in development for many years but is weaker in evry aspect then its older brothers except technological advancements like graphics and sound, Yet it sells because it is made by a company that made other succesfull games. so people buy it blindly. it has nothing to do with the real quality of the game.
Have you played D2 after playing D3, go on take a real honest look.
In my opinion while adimitted not as polished as D3, Sacred 2 fallen angel and its expansion Ice and blood are far superior in all aspects and offer a enormous open world and insaneley indepth customization. yet this game gets overlooked an had a shorter development time, and a many times smaller budget
Never heared if it.
Blizzard supposedly being superior and al have put arround 60 - 100 milion into the game but ending up with a toned down technically dated game. For example a game like path of exile is made by an indie studio but offers a ton more content and is made in a shorter timespan and very polished.
It's super easy to put a distributed stats system into a game, in fact is so easy its just damn lazy, look at POE stats system it's just full of +1 that and this - at least blizzard tried something new, might not have been your cup of tea but atleast they stuck their necks out and tried.
I dont understand that how someone that calls itself a real gamer can accept this. and defend it.
We likez what we likez
Im not a hater. i loved wow and diablo 2. but for such a large company with so much funds and manpower i hate them for never being original or intuitive gameplaywise and always staying in the safe zone with refining overused ideas, and never dare to step out of that
See above about being original.
Not say D3 is perfect but I sunk some 80 hours into the game, in a world were the average game takes 10-20 hours to finish I got my moneys worth and then some.
I do think that people who still play WOW and D3 after everything that has happened are dumb. I swear its like the gaming equivalent of stockholm syndrome. Or a battered wife type of thing.
That's a bit too blunt imo, we all know there's countless players who stick with the game for the guild and friends. I personally didnt even like the game anymore for the last two years when I was playing, but I was in a wonderful guild and knew fun people in the game who made the game better than any other mmorpg out there, and I couldnt transfer the people out, so I quit and got back several times just for the people.
I've tried looking for an awesome guild like that in other mmorpgs, but I cant be arsed to spent months just to find a guild or getting to know completely random people in these new games, games that I'm bored of before installing them the first time. I'd rather say the genre is dumb, the devs are dumb and the games are dumb, not so much the players lol. But then I'm just generalizing
Then you've completely missed on Dawn of War series and Company of Heroes
Dawn of war (cept DoW1) i would not class as an RTS, Company of heroes though is a tonne of fun and if pushed I'd probably say CoH was better than SC2 at least at a casual level, SC2 is finely tuned for competative play so depend what ya into.
Originally posted by Briansho Blizzard is the Budweiser of the gaming industry.
You mean below average?
No, meaning snootty people look down on it while drinking their, bad tasting, homebrewed/micro/fancy beer
Ok Blizzard is more like the J J Abrams of the gaming industry. The are great at putting shiny glossy lens flair on their games and making the pixels extra cool looking but underneath the games are just like everything else out there.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
1. WoW being 8 yrs old and still has 9 million subs.
2. D3 12 million players
3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.
It is hard to argue against those kind of numbers.
Love blizz or hate them the proff is in the pudding.
Angry Birds have more players than all of Blizzards games combined.
I know some of you will never give Blizzard credit. It is a pride thing i guess but why are you comparing Angry Birds to PC games by Blizzard? this is the most absurd comparison i have ever read so far. And you /end thread as if it is an ultimate fact and not open for discussion.
Angry Birds was ported to PC so what is so absurd?
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. -- Herman Melville
1. WoW being 8 yrs old and still has 9 million subs.
2. D3 12 million players
3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.
It is hard to argue against those kind of numbers.
Love blizz or hate them the proff is in the pudding.
Angry Birds have more players than all of Blizzards games combined.
I know some of you will never give Blizzard credit. It is a pride thing i guess but why are you comparing Angry Birds to PC games by Blizzard? this is the most absurd comparison i have ever read so far. And you /end thread as if it is an ultimate fact and not open for discussion.
Angry Birds was ported to PC so what is so absurd?
It is mostly F2P and to unlock the mission packs and levels etc cost is absurdly cheap. You are comparing an app for a mobile and even though ported to PC how does that make it a relevant comparison when comapred with full upfront cost of pc titles and sub needed every month to maintain WOW account?
Come on, i thought you were smarter than that dave?
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.' -Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid." -Luke McKinney
3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.
sorry, but this proves nothing.... Justin Bieber had some kind of song on top viewed videos once with most viewers on youtube ever, does that prove he's the best musician in the world? Certanly not, it doesn't even have to mean that his music is actually any good...
also, I'm sure most people here know that Crysis 3 is here and it STILL didn't pass the sales number of "alien colonial marines" which is declared the most colossal failure of the year and was falsly advertised... So even the sales numbers don't really have to reflect the quality of a certain game, especially if it's B2P.
1. WoW being 8 yrs old and still has 9 million subs.
2. D3 12 million players
3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.
It is hard to argue against those kind of numbers.
Love blizz or hate them the proff is in the pudding.
How does this fill you with pride? Is it like the sports fans that always say "we" won, when they had nothing to do with it?
Please explain why you take pride in a corporations success. It is fascinating to me.
Pride is a downfall agreed, therefore I did not write this with pride. I made the thread because I was impressed with the total number of views the official StarCraft page got at youtube. I had to ask myself and came up with the notion that Blizzard number wise can not do wrong.
There is almost no reason what so ever to venture out into the world.
That was an error we made with the design of Cataclysm, but getting players invested in the world again is something we're interested in addressing with Mists.
Angry Birds have more players than all of Blizzards games combined.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
I know some of you will never give Blizzard credit. It is a pride thing i guess but why are you comparing Angry Birds to PC games by Blizzard? this is the most absurd comparison i have ever read so far. And you /end thread as if it is an ultimate fact and not open for discussion.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
facebook eat blizzard for breakfest
Ughhh..OP is talking about numbers generated by their MMO and pc game titles and npt social websites or mobile apps.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
I agree op, they really cant do NO wrong.
Siveria just like hrimnir u dont knwo how much i
u right now 
Blizzard can and did a lot of things wrong.
OP... your topic made me laught pretty hard ^^
You sir are sure funny
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
I see no reason how Diablo 3 can be seen as the best of Arpg's other then ignorance. an RPG is about building your character and have some sort of progression. Diablo 3 has none of this. you do not build a character. you just choose a playable character, there is no real customization that will make you unique. evryone is the same.
What bugs me about this is that diablo 3 has been in development for many years but is weaker in evry aspect then its older brothers except technological advancements like graphics and sound, Yet it sells because it is made by a company that made other succesfull games. so people buy it blindly. it has nothing to do with the real quality of the game.
In my opinion while adimitted not as polished as D3, Sacred 2 fallen angel and its expansion Ice and blood are far superior in all aspects and offer a enormous open world and insaneley indepth customization. yet this game gets overlooked an had a shorter development time, and a many times smaller budget
Blizzard supposedly being superior and al have put arround 60 - 100 milion into the game but ending up with a toned down technically dated game. For example a game like path of exile is made by an indie studio but offers a ton more content and is made in a shorter timespan and very polished.
I dont understand that how someone that calls itself a real gamer can accept this. and defend it.
Im not a hater. i loved wow and diablo 2. but for such a large company with so much funds and manpower i hate them for never being original or intuitive gameplaywise and always staying in the safe zone with refining overused ideas, and never dare to step out of that
they have done that for many years. The problem is that they keep doing the same that was the best before. They need to improve upon what they once did Great that nobody have been able to do better, not yet. But i think they wont push that hard until some company shows up and actually be a challenge to them. They are resting on their laurels because theres no challenge to them. Thats why people say Blizz is the only one killing WoW.
Ill give blizzard credit where it due, They are exceptionaly good at making them appear much better than they realy are aswell as being greedy. Example with D3 launch they made diablo free to those who bought 1 year sub of WoW, Now this results in a couple things Firstly
- people who play WoW think cool i can get my 1 year sub and get a game free as a bonus even though they dont plan to play it, this pushes there D3 sale numbers up despite its free, blizzard dtill counts it as a sale.
- Now on the other side we have those people who canceled WoW sub who wanted to play D3 so they decided o cool free D3 copy and i can play WoW when i want to even though they get bored of WoW and stop playing it again (was a reason they quite in the first place) this now pushes there Subscription numbers up for WoW for a whole year.
Also conviently enough they post WoW subscription numbers a little after D3 was released so they got added to subscriptions.
Now one more thing with D3 Real money AH it invites alot of gold farmers in china which probaly added 2million copies or so maybe more since they could legaly get real money by farming they also get a large chunk of money off the AH aswell due to AH cuts. Blizzard also charges a subscription aswell as a AH that sell mounts for $25 and lets not forget the trading card game giving more incentive to blow money for a rare chance of a spectral tiger mount and so on that some people spent hundreds and thousands of dollar trying to get.
I give blizzard credit for being the greediest company with huge egos and great marketing scheme to make net the highest profits aswell making them seem much better than they realy are. As for being able to make great games that time has been long but over atm there just riding winds on there older stratergy games (Starcraft 2 probaly the only exception imo).
sorry, but this proves nothing.... Justin Bieber had some kind of song on top viewed videos once with most viewers on youtube ever, does that prove he's the best musician in the world? Certanly not, it doesn't even have to mean that his music is actually any good...
also, I'm sure most people here know that Crysis 3 is here and it STILL didn't pass the sales number of "alien colonial marines" which is declared the most colossal failure of the year and was falsly advertised... So even the sales numbers don't really have to reflect the quality of a certain game, especially if it's B2P.
I hope you can see where I was going with this.
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."
Not say D3 is perfect but I sunk some 80 hours into the game, in a world were the average game takes 10-20 hours to finish I got my moneys worth and then some.
How does this fill you with pride? Is it like the sports fans that always say "we" won, when they had nothing to do with it?
Please explain why you take pride in a corporations success. It is fascinating to me.
That's a bit too blunt imo, we all know there's countless players who stick with the game for the guild and friends. I personally didnt even like the game anymore for the last two years when I was playing, but I was in a wonderful guild and knew fun people in the game who made the game better than any other mmorpg out there, and I couldnt transfer the people out, so I quit and got back several times just for the people.
I've tried looking for an awesome guild like that in other mmorpgs, but I cant be arsed to spent months just to find a guild or getting to know completely random people in these new games, games that I'm bored of before installing them the first time. I'd rather say the genre is dumb, the devs are dumb and the games are dumb, not so much the players lol. But then I'm just generalizing
Then you've completely missed on Dawn of War series and Company of Heroes
Dawn of war (cept DoW1) i would not class as an RTS, Company of heroes though is a tonne of fun and if pushed I'd probably say CoH was better than SC2 at least at a casual level, SC2 is finely tuned for competative play so depend what ya into.
Ok Blizzard is more like the J J Abrams of the gaming industry. The are great at putting shiny glossy lens flair on their games and making the pixels extra cool looking but underneath the games are just like everything else out there.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Angry Birds was ported to PC so what is so absurd?
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
It is mostly F2P and to unlock the mission packs and levels etc cost is absurdly cheap. You are comparing an app for a mobile and even though ported to PC how does that make it a relevant comparison when comapred with full upfront cost of pc titles and sub needed every month to maintain WOW account?
Come on, i thought you were smarter than that dave?
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
valid point
Pride is a downfall agreed, therefore I did not write this with pride. I made the thread because I was impressed with the total number of views the official StarCraft page got at youtube. I had to ask myself and came up with the notion that Blizzard number wise can not do wrong.
destroy it? blizz are the reason the most of you are playing mmos i'd say.
without blizz the mmo would NEVER have gotten this big.
we had 400 people online at nite per server. that was high before the times of wow.
love or leave it, but stop with your silly theories... seriously
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
I dont care about numbers...
I just dont like any Blizzard games.. well not ince diablo 2 anyway.. Have nothing against the company or anything just dont like their games.
i think most players agree that Cata was their worst expansion *despite* selling the most
even Blizzard commented on their mistake
There is almost no reason what so ever to venture out into the world.
That was an error we made with the design of Cataclysm, but getting players invested in the world again is something we're interested in addressing with Mists.
EQ2 fan sites