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Blizzard cant do no wrong.

IsturiIsturi Member Posts: 1,509

It is hard to argue with proven numbers.

1. WoW being 8 yrs old and still has 9 million subs.

2. D3 12 million players

3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.

It is hard to argue against those kind of numbers.

Love blizz or hate them the proff is in the pudding.




  • velmaxvelmax Member UncommonPosts: 224
    No argument their, but if they can create a good game is the question?
  • jdlamson75jdlamson75 Member UncommonPosts: 1,010
    Not to be a Debbie Downer, but your thread title is a bit of a double negative, and as such, suggests that Blizzard can do wrong... but I get the point.  =P
  • jtcgsjtcgs Member Posts: 1,777
    You are correct...Blizzard CAN NOT do no

    “I hope we shall its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." ~Thomes Jefferson

  • IsturiIsturi Member Posts: 1,509
    Originally posted by jdlamson75
    Not to be a Debbie Downer, but your thread title is a bit of a double negative, and as such, suggests that Blizzard can do wrong... but I get the point.  =P

    LoL ok np at least you got the point.image


  • LetsinodLetsinod Member UncommonPosts: 385
    We needed a thread for this?  McDonalds and Wal-Mart can do no wrong either I guess....
  • jdlamson75jdlamson75 Member UncommonPosts: 1,010
    Originally posted by Letsinod
    We needed a thread for this?  McDonalds and Wal-Mart can do no wrong either I guess....

    I went to the McDonald's in the local Wal Mart for dinner this fine evening, and everything I ordered was there.  'Twas a delight!

  • MustarastasMustarastas Member UncommonPosts: 79

    I admit that I have had some fun with games but:


    Wolrd of Warcraft is a Disneyland rather than proper roleplaying environment. The toons look childish, and the environment and lore remind me of Donald Duck cartoon.


    Income means a game is good? Income means the game is innovative?

  • AkumawraithAkumawraith Member UncommonPosts: 370

    1. WoW being 8 yrs old and still has 9 million subs.

    after 8 years they only have 9 million subs? if the game were so great they would have more than 20 million subs. However with each new expansionthey lost subs. then they gain some, but they have never gained more subs than they already had since TBC.

    2. D3 12 million subs

    This is a joke right? D3 isnt a sub based game, its a B2P game and more than 60% of the buyers demanded refunds or quit completely.. need I remind everyone of the whole "error 37" fiasco?

    3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.

    And how many of those 23 million viewed the page more than one. quite a few i would bet. though I will admit Starcraft two is highly anticipated.

    Blizzard screwed up with Diablo 3 and now they are dealing with SOE to have it on the PS3/4... thats great considering it was a waste of time on the PC. The graphics fit perfectly with consoles as do the play styles. It wasnt great the RMAH was a hypocritical addition, the game play was horrible and the story line left alot to be desired.

    World of Warcraft is great for those that love theme park games, many find enjoyment in it. Hell I did for many years. But thre comes a time when things must end and I seriously hope that whatever the "Titan" is it had better have better graphics and game play than WoW or its gonna fail epically.

    Played: UO, LotR, WoW, SWG, DDO, AoC, EVE, Warhammer, TF2, EQ2, SWTOR, TSW, CSS, KF, L4D, AoW, WoT

    Playing: The Secret World until Citadel of Sorcery goes into Alpha testing.

    Tired of: Linear quest games, dailies, and dumbed down games

    Anticipating:Citadel of Sorcery

  • xAPOCxxAPOCx Member UncommonPosts: 869
    Numbers never lie, but they dont always tell the truth.


  • Branko2307Branko2307 Member UncommonPosts: 346
    Whos arguing? Blizzard will rule for long long time theres no quesiton about it...


    Holy Flamin' Frost-Brand Gronk-Slayin' Vorpal Hammer o' Woundin' an' Returnin' an' Shootin'-Lightnin'-Out-Yer-Bum!! ~Planescape: Torment~

  • SouldrainerSouldrainer Member Posts: 1,857

    OP, Blizzard called.  Your check is in.  Just one more wheel in the COG of their marketing dept.   BTW, you have to fly to Asia to the office of the Asain gold farmers to collect it, because that is what 75% of their customers are... Asian Gold Farmers.

    So. yes.  If your interests are in unethical marketing and foreign relations, you should be extremely impressed with the Blizzard of 2008 - 2013.  As for the rest of us, we remember the GAMING Blizzard of 1994-2007, RIP.

    Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.

  • IsturiIsturi Member Posts: 1,509
    Originally posted by Akumawraith

    1. WoW being 8 yrs old and still has 9 million subs.

    after 8 years they only have 9 million subs? if the game were so great they would have more than 20 million subs. However with each new expansionthey lost subs. then they gain some, but they have never gained more subs than they already had since TBC.

    2. D3 12 million subs

    This is a joke right? D3 isnt a sub based game, its a B2P game and more than 60% of the buyers demanded refunds or quit completely.. need I remind everyone of the whole "error 37" fiasco?

    3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.

    And how many of those 23 million viewed the page more than one. quite a few i would bet. though I will admit Starcraft two is highly anticipated.

    Blizzard screwed up with Diablo 3 and now they are dealing with SOE to have it on the PS3/4... thats great considering it was a waste of time on the PC. The graphics fit perfectly with consoles as do the play styles. It wasnt great the RMAH was a hypocritical addition, the game play was horrible and the story line left alot to be desired.

    World of Warcraft is great for those that love theme park games, many find enjoyment in it. Hell I did for many years. But thre comes a time when things must end and I seriously hope that whatever the "Titan" is it had better have better graphics and game play than WoW or its gonna fail epically.

    Ty for that I forgot that D3 is not a sub based game. lol


  • AutemOxAutemOx Member Posts: 1,704
    Blizz should make a good game for once maybe then all the other devs will copy it and we'll have lots of options.

    Play as your fav retro characters: My site: Blog:

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    Originally posted by Mustarastas

    I admit that I have had some fun with games but:


    Wolrd of Warcraft is a Disneyland rather than proper roleplaying environment. The toons look childish, and the environment and lore remind me of Donald Duck cartoon.


    Income means a game is good? Income means the game is innovative?

    The toons in WoW are the same from Warcraft just better 3D. Thats about the same as Warhammer's RTS as well. so is Warhammer RTS childish as well?

    Also you say the lore and enviroments remind you of donald duck cartoon... care to explain on this. because Warcraft lore is huge. Matter of fact its mostly a copy/ paste of LoTR IP lore, so does that make LoTR Donald Duck land as well?

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • JimmyYOJimmyYO Member UncommonPosts: 519
    Millions love Maple Story and Justin Bieber, they must be amazing.
  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010
    double negatives 4tw

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • BrianshoBriansho Member UncommonPosts: 3,586
    Blizzard is the Budweiser of the gaming industry.

    Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!

  • FusionFusion Member UncommonPosts: 1,398

    WoW came out at the exact right golden moment, their next MMO won't be the same cinderella story as wow was/is - you heard it first from me :)

    It'll gain and retain a decent amount for sure, but it'll get nowhere near WoW numbers. - now totally F2P no cash-shops or micro transactions at all.
  • Johnie-MarzJohnie-Marz Member UncommonPosts: 865
    Originally posted by velmax
    No argument their, but if they can create a good game is the question?

    I received Starcraft 2 for Christmas and still playing it. I would say SC2 is a very good game. Looking forward to the x-pac.

  • FusionFusion Member UncommonPosts: 1,398
    Originally posted by Briansho
    Blizzard is the Budweiser of the gaming industry.

    You mean below average? :D - now totally F2P no cash-shops or micro transactions at all.
  • HrimnirHrimnir Member RarePosts: 2,415
    Originally posted by Isturi

    It is hard to argue with proven numbers.

    1. WoW being 8 yrs old and still has 9 million subs.

    2. D3 12 million playters

    3. StarCraft has over 23 MILLION views on its official youtube channel.

    It is hard to argue against those kind of numbers.

    Love blizz or hate them the proff is in the pudding.

    The Pet Rock sold 1.5 million in a 6 month span in 1976.

    Britney Spears has sold over 100 million albums

    Cabbage Patch kids lasted a little over a year and made $600 million in 1985 (thats 1.26 billion in todays money)


    Popularity and sales number are NOT indicative of quality or deservedness of respect.

    "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."

    - Friedrich Nietzsche

  • MarirranyaMarirranya Member Posts: 154
    Originally posted by Fusion

    WoW came out at the exact right golden moment, their next MMO won't be the same cinderella story as wow was/is - you heard it first from me :)

    It'll gain and retain a decent amount for sure, but it'll get nowhere near WoW numbers.

    ^yeah i think so too :<

    There are people who play games and then there are gamers.

  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308

    D3 is actually Blizzard's first let down for me, and really, it's not even THAT terrible of one, I suppose. I've loved  WoW (for about 6 years), Diablo 1 and 2, and even though I have never been into RTS, I even enjoyed the original SC and the Warcraft series (the only RTS's I've ever gotten into), and sometimes even watch SC2 as my cousin is playing, or on twitch, 'cause it's just fun to watch here and there.

    Diablo 3 has a decent combat system, but the leveling system and itemization gets old incredibly quickly. However, it's not until Inferno that these problem truly pop up, so up until that point, it's a decent game, albeit with an absolutely AWFUL plot hole-filled story.

    But even then... D3 is still more fun to play than other isometric RPG's on the market to me. I gave PoE, Torchlight 1 and 2, each a solid 5 hours or so, and just couldn't get into them. D3 however, I put 76 hours into a character.... though I was expecting better of Inferno than was given. Now I just don't care enough to give it another go.

    I'm also bitter about the RMAH/AH. I would've much preferred if neither were present in the game. But they'll never remove it.

  • Johnie-MarzJohnie-Marz Member UncommonPosts: 865
    Originally posted by Fusion
    Originally posted by Briansho
    Blizzard is the Budweiser of the gaming industry.

    You mean below average? :D

    No, meaning snootty people look down on it while drinking their, bad tasting, homebrewed/micro/fancy beer :)

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465
    Originally posted by velmax

    No argument their, but if they can create a good game is the question?


    Yup, they can in fact "do wrong". Personally, I thought D3 was POS and was sorry I paid money for it. And from the widespread complaints along with the launch, I was not the only one. D3 was definitely the "fool me once" on Blizzard's part.
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