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LF: Fantasy+(read post)

FoxkounFoxkoun Member Posts: 96

So I've been going over the list of mmo's in the fantasy category. What I'm looking for is:

Fantasy with freedom to roam. A laid back approachable atmosphere would be a nice change. For now I'm kinda killing time with SWTOR(2 days thus far) and I've been considering EQ2 or even... WoW(with plenty of personal reservations consisting of very bad past experiences).

F2p as well til work picks up to where I could look into GW2 or FFXIV. I may have spoiled my idea of an awesome mmo by watching anime like .hack and sword art online heh.. But mostly a game with allowance for a laidback playstyle would be fine. Swtor is ok but I'm more into swords over lightsabers. EQ2...I've played upto the 2011 content and can probably pick up again if thats the only option that fits. I've got guild wars eotn as well but I'm kinda thinking a bit more of a personal opportunity in crafting or even player housing(?). Other than that the only major limitation is the hardware, my laptop isnt built for the kind of gaming like tera or aion unfortunately.



  • SuperNickSuperNick Member UncommonPosts: 460
    Lord of the Rings Online is fun, and the F2P model is decent enough.
  • FoxkounFoxkoun Member Posts: 96
    Lotr is ok from the looks. Does anyone know of any anime themed mmo's that aren't saturated in kid theme graphics?(IE no characters that look 10 with overemphasis on puberty) Wasnt there a .hack mmo at one time?
  • sanshi44sanshi44 Member UncommonPosts: 1,187
    Originally posted by Foxkoun

    So I've been going over the list of mmo's in the fantasy category. What I'm looking for is:

    Fantasy with freedom to roam. A laid back approachable atmosphere would be a nice change. For now I'm kinda killing time with SWTOR(2 days thus far) and I've been considering EQ2 or even... WoW(with plenty of personal reservations consisting of very bad past experiences).

    F2p as well til work picks up to where I could look into GW2 or FFXIV. I may have spoiled my idea of an awesome mmo by watching anime like .hack and sword art online heh.. But mostly a game with allowance for a laidback playstyle would be fine. Swtor is ok but I'm more into swords over lightsabers. EQ2...I've played upto the 2011 content and can probably pick up again if thats the only option that fits. I've got guild wars eotn as well but I'm kinda thinking a bit more of a personal opportunity in crafting or even player housing(?). Other than that the only major limitation is the hardware, my laptop isnt built for the kind of gaming like tera or aion unfortunately.


    You could try wizardy online, i guess u could say its kinda like Sword art online from the anime, go through the dunguens and progress ur way through they also have a permadeath system aswell where u have a chance to completly die when u die, Its alot like how sword art online works, You can be PKed by anyone and u may wanna play in parties for most of it, although u can solo its better and safer to group. Its F2P so dont need to worry bout forking alot any cash on it although there is a cash shop there doesnt appear to be any pay to win items on it although there some to try and keep u alive longer haha (slight increase chance to live when you die) but nothing gamebreaking it seems.

    Although its not anime graphic based it does work alot like swordart does so it may be worth looking into.

  • FoxkounFoxkoun Member Posts: 96
    Seen WO, unfortunately it crawls on my pc. Guess I'll be getting a laptop upgrade for now.
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