Probably nobody posting because we dont have any substantial info to post about?
"In the immediate future, we have this one, and then weve got another one that is actually going to be so were going to have, what we want to do, is in January, what were targeting to do, this may or may not happen, so you cant hold me to it. But what were targeting to do, is have a fun anniversary to the Ilum shenanigans that happened. An alien race might invade, and they might crash into Ilum and there might be some new activities that happen on the planet." ~Gabe Amatangelo
I didn't post any sort of "FIRST" because I've seen that in so many forums, especially when a dev posts a thread as to have it become obnoxious to me. It often speaks volumes about a community.
In any event, anyone feel like posting a thread with actual usable information such as links to interviews and such?
Funny thing is that I was just browsing the internet looking for any new info on EQ Next or EQ3 (or whatever it may be called), Then I came here to and saw this thread right on the homepage! Pretty weird how that happened!
Originally posted by MidniteHowl Funny thing is that I was just browsing the internet looking for any new info on EQ Next or EQ3 (or whatever it may be called), Then I came here to and saw this thread right on the homepage! Pretty weird how that happened!
That's a funny coincidence, however you still have no new info
Originally posted by senadin Cant believe nobody has been posting EqNext goodness here!I can say this for the first time ever!!F I R S T ! This game cant come out soon enough! Need infos!
I didn't post any sort of "FIRST" because I've seen that in so many forums, especially when a dev posts a thread as to have it become obnoxious to me. It often speaks volumes about a community.
In any event, anyone feel like posting a thread with actual usable information such as links to interviews and such?
Players will have to wait a bit longer to try it themselves, but maybe not as long as you'd expect. "Players will get their hands on an actual release version of what we're doing late [this] year - and I don't mean a beta," says Smedley.
Smedly said somewhere that there will be a playable game before the end of the year, and he did not mean beta, but take that for what that means. If EQnext is not an open world gritty mmo I will not be palying it, there are to many fluffy bunny type mmos out now we do not need another.
Awesome sauce, glad they finally made a forum. Now all the GW2 fanbois, biodrones, SOE haters (people who never played SWG but read about the NGE) and various other morons can all descend upon every thread we start to hate on some major aspect of the game.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
RPS: SOE’s Player Studio seems like an extension of that to me. Let players make their own new content. How far do you hope to expand that, though? Right now it’s just objects in games like EverQuest and eventually PlanetSide. Would you ever like to see players creating their own missions and gametypes, though?
John Smedley: Stay tuned. The answer is yes, wholeheartedly. We have plans for that that go out a long way, and a game that is going to dominate because of that kind of stuff.
It’s not just players making quests. Don’t think of it just as Dungeons & Dragons. What we’re actually building is the ability for players to put in systems. System-level stuff. We give them some rules, some basic simple rules, and they can make things out of whole cloth. They could build their own battlegrounds style of gameplay. That’s what we want. What we have is an amazing infrastructure and ability to let players do new and emerging things.
We want them to… Not make their own fun. We’re going to make our games amazingly fun. We want them to be able to make things we didn’t think of fun. That’s really what it is. I mentioned Hulkageddon, I love that in EVE. That’s just players putting bounties on something. It’s nothing. That’s all it is. But that’s as fun as anything in EVE. More fun if you ask me. It’s amazingly fun.
You’ll be able to destroy, massive, massive parts of this world, almost all of it. You can light the forest on fire; we have ambition with this thing. We want it to be something where the world you log into, might not be the world you log into in five days.
What you saw in WoW’s Cataclysm could take place because someone cast a spell that is powerful enough to do something major. We want it to be meaningful. And that’s what we’re building. It’s actually what we’ve built, because we’ve got this now. It just isn’t quite at the level where we’re OK [to reveal it to the public]. We have a story that we want to tell for the announcement of it, we want it that you’re seeing every aspect of the gameplay, we’re one aspect short of that until we’re ready to show, so we’re close now.”
lets say some form of open beta starts just after soe live in August, then couple months before release would be an ok assumption, so then we're looking at a fall/holiday release most likely.
wonder if we'll hear anything from pax east or gdc in march..
"In the immediate future, we have this one, and then weve got another one that is actually going to be so were going to have, what we want to do, is in January, what were targeting to do, this may or may not happen, so you cant hold me to it. But what were targeting to do, is have a fun anniversary to the Ilum shenanigans that happened. An alien race might invade, and they might crash into Ilum and there might be some new activities that happen on the planet." ~Gabe Amatangelo
I saw the subforum. I am interested in EQ Next.
I didn't post any sort of "FIRST" because I've seen that in so many forums, especially when a dev posts a thread as to have it become obnoxious to me. It often speaks volumes about a community.
In any event, anyone feel like posting a thread with actual usable information such as links to interviews and such?
That's a funny coincidence, however you still have no new info
Congrats your name will now live in infamy !!!!
There really isnt anything new tho.
Last i read, and if you Google eq next you'll find it, is that Smedley showed the game to the SOE staff and everyone loved it.
It may not be news but they said they will have it playable at next Fan faire this fall. My take/guess is that we're looking at 2015 release.
SOE Live is the first week in August
we'll see some version of a playable demo in 6 months
EQ2 fan sites
o goodie cant wait XD i thought it would of been closer to the end of the year
Been interested in this for some time now.
Aye just little bits a pieces so far, would be nice though if somone was to compile all those little bits a peices so far onto one topic.
Starting from the last page of the 10 year anniversary book where it was first mention till the latest post that was linked up a little.
I created a single topic for EQNext awhile ago and have added new info as I hear it
EQ2 fan sites
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Have flask; will travel.
the cliffnotes of what we know about EQ3
- claimed to be worlds largest sandbox (whatever that means)
- will use the same game engine as Planetside 2
- likely free to play
- possibly cross platform
- will be a playable demo at next SOE fanfaire August 2013
past commentary about sandbox play
RPS: SOE’s Player Studio seems like an extension of that to me. Let players make their own new content. How far do you hope to expand that, though? Right now it’s just objects in games like EverQuest and eventually PlanetSide. Would you ever like to see players creating their own missions and gametypes, though?
John Smedley: Stay tuned. The answer is yes, wholeheartedly. We have plans for that that go out a long way, and a game that is going to dominate because of that kind of stuff.
It’s not just players making quests. Don’t think of it just as Dungeons & Dragons. What we’re actually building is the ability for players to put in systems. System-level stuff. We give them some rules, some basic simple rules, and they can make things out of whole cloth. They could build their own battlegrounds style of gameplay. That’s what we want. What we have is an amazing infrastructure and ability to let players do new and emerging things.
We want them to… Not make their own fun. We’re going to make our games amazingly fun. We want them to be able to make things we didn’t think of fun. That’s really what it is. I mentioned Hulkageddon, I love that in EVE. That’s just players putting bounties on something. It’s nothing. That’s all it is. But that’s as fun as anything in EVE. More fun if you ask me. It’s amazingly fun.
ZAM interview
You’ll be able to destroy, massive, massive parts of this world, almost all of it. You can light the forest on fire; we have ambition with this thing. We want it to be something where the world you log into, might not be the world you log into in five days.
What you saw in WoW’s Cataclysm could take place because someone cast a spell that is powerful enough to do something major. We want it to be meaningful. And that’s what we’re building. It’s actually what we’ve built, because we’ve got this now. It just isn’t quite at the level where we’re OK [to reveal it to the public]. We have a story that we want to tell for the announcement of it, we want it that you’re seeing every aspect of the gameplay, we’re one aspect short of that until we’re ready to show, so we’re close now.”
EQ2 fan sites
neeed moar news....
lets say some form of open beta starts just after soe live in August, then couple months before release would be an ok assumption, so then we're looking at a fall/holiday release most likely.
wonder if we'll hear anything from pax east or gdc in march..
Im posting cause I want that cookie in Cookie Monster''s hand...