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Been playing the beta, and without saying or giving away any real detail about it due to the NDA I will say that its going to fail badly.
It's going to suffer from the same wasteland zones that star wars the old republic suffered/suffers from, the game is sharded to hell, possibly only about 100 people per shard so the game is not an open world mmo as they claim it is.
IN my first 10 minutes I thought wow this rocks, lots of people around but you soon notice those numbers dwindle real fast, eventually I was running around and only saw another player once in a blue moon even though the server is stuffed full of players, well the shard I should say was stuffed full with players which I got a glimpse of at the start of play as we all spawned in nearly at the same time.
looks like it will be free to play and an item mall heavy game as well based on all the different currency in the shops.
Wish I could say more , just thought I would alert you lot before you all get way to hyped and eventually let down hard. POP!
Oh I hope the TV show is amazing tho, cant wait for that.
Ahh, sounds like I'll skip it altogether then. Hope the show is at least decent though.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
Might be a bit of a sweeping generalization seeing as it's based on a few hours of early beta play.
Considering the problems they were having with keeping people connected, I'd have been very surprised if they hadn't gone nuts with the instancing, but this is something that can be fine-tuned when they've determined exactly how many players can be in one instance and not have it be unplayable or go kaboom. They've only had one big stress test that I am aware of and that was only a week ago, so not enough time to do the fine tuning that is required to maintain healthy population groups.
I'd wait until it's a lot closer to launch to either recommend or condemn it.
How does it come that pplz like you get in Betas?
Knowing nothing about the Game but in other Forums being the "World-is-going-down" Callout guy. To funny rly.
First off, Instances yes, same as other games have them as well. Second is Phasing, which is used by others also. So this game is just using whats used by a shitload of games atm and you come here and cry for a fail already? After 1 Beta? Man, i need your f**** glassbowl where to look the future. Can i borrow it for some lottery by any chance?
Second, it is B2P + the Option for a monthly fee, IF you want. You dont have to. Check Gamestop or Amazon. Second is, when you decide not to go for the monthly, then you can buy DLC's and updates singlewise in the ingame shop.
And now go on with "This will fail" cryouts.
Nu'ff said.
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