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I've started following ARR as the trailers released have been so stunning, I was a Final Fantasy player back in my younger days (who wasn't?) and the videos really take me back to FF7, one of my favorite games of all time.
I have a few questions about ARR and would love it if someone could give me an answer:
First - I've seen a lot of post about them essentially making ARR a wow clone, my question is simple - is this from people who have actually played the game (like in alpha?) or is this just based on what they have read? Have people who actually played it been able to post their reviews yet?
Second - Will ARR have PvP?
that is all! Thanks in advance.
People are blowing what Yoshi-P said way out of proportion. Yes he is a WoW player and yes he said he's wanting FFXIV to reflect some of WoW, however, that doesn't mean he's copying WoW. I am/was an Alpha tester and the only thing even remotely similar to WoW is the new way of questing with ! & ? over NPC's heads and questing hubs.
The UI is standard of MMOs these days as is the character movement and animations, they're very smooth, crisp and responsive, as is the UI.
The Alpha videos and what many are saying about it, are also missing a ton of animations, graphics and combat featues too, will ahve to wait until Beta to see it all.
There will be PvP arenas / coliseums added sometime after launch. There will not be open world PvP or ganking possible, you must be in PvP centered areas.
And yes you can jump...!
My main concern with WoW clones is being able to level 1 to max completely solo.
What I enjoyed most about FFXI and FFXIV 1.0 you needed a group to level up effectively.
I hope they keep leveling a group activity.
Me too. The problem with many mmorpgs is bottlenecking--you level up, but get to a major quest line that you can't complete without a full party and you get chat boxes full of "LF Healz", so devs cave and make it soloable and pretty soon you have upteen hundreds of people on a server with their heads down buried in solo activitity. Hopefully the more flexable class system will prevent that.
Solo content is fine and dandy, as a time-killer. It shouldn't be the meat and potatoes of an MMORPG however. But let's be realistic, this is an MMORPG made by SE! It's going to have tons of killer group content.
I don't need to have played alpha to tell you that!
Based on what I've been able to play of ARR, you shouldn't have any trouble playing to the cap on all classes and jobs while solo.
However there will be optional group content in the way of setting Leves on a higher difficulty, larger world enemies as shown in several of the videos + Primals, dungeons and end game raids. There will also be several events you can participate in like Escort quests and Hamlet defense, both of which were in 1.0 and if I recall required a small group to excel in, never played them solo so not sure if they're possible to do so.
{Do keep in mind though, there are only so many quests in each zone, most of which can only be completed once, thus when you switch classes/jobs you'll have to find other ways to earn XP. By doing the events listed above or just grinding mobs is my guess. There are 8 combat classes & 7 jobs upon launch {8 once Summoner is released} Plus an additonal 8 crafting classes and 3 gathering, but those will be leveled obviously through gathering and crafting XP.}
That's actually kind of neat. Gives you a reason to go to some lower level zones in other areas of the world, if you've already cleared the ones near the city in which you started.
Presently I believe the storyline, sidequests and levequests are solo content. Pretty much everything else, including the FATE system is group based. Though naturally you should be able to level up just doing solo content if you were so inclined to.
Solo Content:
Storylines (Three main ones at launch)
Chocobo Raising (Presumably)
Housing (Might be able to share a house, but not confirmed)
Plus anything I missed / is unannounced at this point.
Group Content:
FATE (Possibly includes Behests, Hamlet Defense and Escorts as well as new events)
The Crystal Tower
Bahamut's Labyrinth
Grand Company Quests
NM Hunting
Primal Hunting (Something about scouting primals, and slaying them to get a group quest; once you complete the quest that supposed to be incredibly hard, you get to summon a single primal once and only once per linkshell that does it. They said something about weather actually changing in all areas once one is summoned, so that you know it occurred some where in the world.)
Both (?):
Gold Saucer
This is all on old information on what they'd like to include in the game, though I've not confirmed it as they haven't been shown in game form as of yet (other than planning sketches and quotes here and there).
We are preparing content known as a “Full Active Time Event.” It borrows the words “active time” from the FINAL FANTASY series. I think this will be appearing very often in our PR activities from here on out.
It will be difficult to explain the system without a video. For example, an NM pops. A notification of this is sent to all players in the zone, who then converge on the NM. Parties are automatically formed, and a battle begins. The NM is defeated, rewards are doled out, and the players go their separate ways.
Things like Hamlet Defense and Caravan Security will be considered Full Active Time Events. With this system, many different things will take place in many different places. That’s how I’d like you to think of it for now.