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Did UO ruin me for other MMOs or am i just not a fan of MMOs ?

LuftwaffenLuftwaffen Member UncommonPosts: 101

Hello !  I was a long time UO player from 98 to 01ish  and on and off on free servers till around 2009 ,  I have yet to find another MMO that has held my attention for more then 3-6 months since UO !   how come no other MMO since UO has the content and fun UO had , UOs 2d graphics worked great  and the big thing for me was the community  since UO ive played several PvP games Shadowbane,GW1,AOC,DF and most recently Wushu  they are all good games in there own right but none has been the total package, and for me here is what newer MMos  are missing ,

Comminity since UO every game is either PvP sandbox or PvE themeparks  and i think to have a great MMO you have to have a comunity mixed of PvPers and PvEers UO pulled that off sure Pks ran some ppl off but UO always had a great adverse comunity  and it was great my guild had Pvpers and crafters and ppl who loved to group hunt  and it took all of this to be a great guild , and chat systems "for me" make the game i hate just useing the chat systems most MMos have i like bubble chat like UO had , i didnt realise this till i started playing Wushu  and was like ya I miss this in MMOs lol how come a game cant be created to suit both Pvpers and crafter/hunters  i play Darkfall cuz i love pvp but it has 0 comunity everyone you see just wants to gank etc  UO had open pvp but i wasnt ganked at sight evry hour and i made great friends in UO

Simple yet  fun things in UO had that most MMOs wont implement , Guild wars, MMos these days are either PvP or none PvP how come even in none PvP games guilds cant declair war agenst eachother like we could in UO my best memories in PvP was particapating in guildwars it was fun and had meaning  and it only effected the guilds involved  why do games put restrictions on this ? 

Sparring, in UO you could spar your guildmates for skill gain ! Ingenious!!!  what builds comrodery and comunity like UO did ,you couldnt go outside any major guild houses on pac without seeing ppl sparring !!! 



  • TraugarTraugar Member UncommonPosts: 183
    UO is what I call a real MMO.  It's not that you don't like MMO's.  You may just no like the direction they have taken.  The issue is that no one has made one on the same level as it that integrates modern technology.  Instead they have all catered to the lowest common denominator.  Many of those are fun and enjoyable, but they just aren't the same.  
  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247

    UO is a very different experience from most MMOs. The gameplay and features are so far removed from the mainstream MMO - from EQ to present - that it's hard to believe it's even in the same category.


    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • LuftwaffenLuftwaffen Member UncommonPosts: 101
    Yup they are catering to the masses  but i think if the masses played a game like UO with todays technology they would love it , sad part UO ruined itself trying to be soemthing it was never intended to be !   i would play UO still to this day if they had a UO classic server  but it wont ever happen  but for some reason todays MMos would rather ripoff WoW  then barrow stystems from UO , its sad that such a old game had a better magery system then any modern MMO  Uos guild system wars was the best yet and to be honest UO not having a world chat made the game more interesting   and for a old game its char customization was better then most new MMos  i knew who ppl where mearly by what they had on!  and there was so many meaningles wearable items ,  and the best Pvp system t date  having a open PvP system like darkfall / shadowbane didnt make them a better pvp game then UO  in UO i knew i could be attacked at any moment  and always kept my guard up  but yet i knew that not every person to come onscreen was a threat  , and i remember as a newbie on Pac  my first day watching two guilds have a all out war in middle of minoc  yet at the same time a guy coming up and giving me advice to chop trees for str !   what game had such a diverse community ?  none 
  • MavolenceMavolence Member UncommonPosts: 635
    Its not just you man! I feel just lost looking around and not really playing anything serioulsy since UO/EVE
  • EnerzealEnerzeal Member Posts: 326

    UO forced all types into it's game, not because they had some winning formula but because it was all that was on offer, this created the community that make it so great.

    Today if the same game came out, then it still wouldn't be THAT game, because the sheep the wolves used to hunt are now in their own safe havens, it's a great shame, but it wont ever be again, not until some massive leap takes place, and that leap is so niche that no one follows for years, an example would be the first VRMMO.

  • laokokolaokoko Member UncommonPosts: 2,004
    Originally posted by Enerzeal

    UO forced all types into it's game, not because they had some winning formula but because it was all that was on offer, this created the community that make it so great.

    Today if the same game came out, then it still wouldn't be THAT game, because the sheep the wolves used to hunt are now in their own safe havens, it's a great shame, but it wont ever be again, not until some massive leap takes place, and that leap is so niche that no one follows for years, an example would be the first VRMMO.

    Ya I mean, people that dont' want FFA pvp probably dont' have a choice but to play UO at that time.  Thus your fun is probably build by other people not having fun.

  • maccarthur2004maccarthur2004 Member UncommonPosts: 511
    OP, Archeage seens to be the nearer updated mmo to UO that you will have in the near future.

  • dave6660dave6660 Member UncommonPosts: 2,699
    Originally posted by laokoko
    Originally posted by Enerzeal

    UO forced all types into it's game, not because they had some winning formula but because it was all that was on offer, this created the community that make it so great.

    Today if the same game came out, then it still wouldn't be THAT game, because the sheep the wolves used to hunt are now in their own safe havens, it's a great shame, but it wont ever be again, not until some massive leap takes place, and that leap is so niche that no one follows for years, an example would be the first VRMMO.

    Ya I mean, people that dont' want FFA pvp probably dont' have a choice but to play UO at that time.  Thus your fun is probably build by other people not having fun.

    Of course players had a choice, they could not play UO.  What kind of masochistic player continues playing a game where he's not having fun?

    “There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.”
    -- Herman Melville

  • KenFisherKenFisher Member UncommonPosts: 5,035

    An interesting point.  You know, I'm not sure I'm a fan of MMORPGs either.  I was a fan for the direction I thought they were headed, but certainly not for the direction in which they went.


    If todays popular games represent the best and brightest that the MMORPG genre can offer, I'll stick with the unpopular ones.


    Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security.  I don't Forum PVP.  If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident.  When I don't understand, I ask.  Such is not intended as criticism.
  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247
    Originally posted by dave6660
    Originally posted by laokoko
    Originally posted by Enerzeal

    UO forced all types into it's game, not because they had some winning formula but because it was all that was on offer, this created the community that make it so great.

    Today if the same game came out, then it still wouldn't be THAT game, because the sheep the wolves used to hunt are now in their own safe havens, it's a great shame, but it wont ever be again, not until some massive leap takes place, and that leap is so niche that no one follows for years, an example would be the first VRMMO.

    Ya I mean, people that dont' want FFA pvp probably dont' have a choice but to play UO at that time.  Thus your fun is probably build by other people not having fun.

    Of course players had a choice, they could not play UO.  What kind of masochistic player continues playing a game where he's not having fun?

    The mind of the modern MMO gamer is a fascinating thing, man. :)

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • dave6660dave6660 Member UncommonPosts: 2,699
    Originally posted by XAPGames

    An interesting point.  You know, I'm not sure I'm a fan of MMORPGs either.  I was a fan for the direction I thought they were headed, but certainly not for the direction in which they went.


    If todays popular games represent the best and brightest that the MMORPG genre can offer, I'll stick with the unpopular ones.


    If todays popular games represent the best and brightest that the MMORPG genre can offer then I'm finding a new hobby.

    I know how the OP feels.  After playing Eve for 3 years, I can't go back to the standard fantasy quest grinder and battlegrounds / arena e-sport crap. 

    “There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.”
    -- Herman Melville

  • meddyckmeddyck Member UncommonPosts: 1,282
    Substitute "DAOC" for "UO" and your post would describe me pretty well. I think for some players there's just one game that works perfectly for them, and they always feel disappointed when playing other MMOs because those newer games in smaller or larger ways are different than their "perfect" game. I keep trying new MMOs hoping that I'll find one that comes close enough to DAOC that I'll be able to enjoy it for a long time, but so far none has come close. There's just certain things that have become standard in the genre especially post-WOW that just don't work for me. I expect it's the same thing that you or anybody else who fell in love with an older MMO before the genre became homogenized in the mid '00s feels.

    DAOC Live (inactive): R11 Cleric R11 Druid R11 Minstrel R9 Eldritch R6 Sorc R6 Scout R6 Healer

  • BenediktBenedikt Member UncommonPosts: 1,406
    Originally posted by dave6660
    Originally posted by laokoko
    Originally posted by Enerzeal

    UO forced all types into it's game, not because they had some winning formula but because it was all that was on offer, this created the community that make it so great.

    Today if the same game came out, then it still wouldn't be THAT game, because the sheep the wolves used to hunt are now in their own safe havens, it's a great shame, but it wont ever be again, not until some massive leap takes place, and that leap is so niche that no one follows for years, an example would be the first VRMMO.

    Ya I mean, people that dont' want FFA pvp probably dont' have a choice but to play UO at that time.  Thus your fun is probably build by other people not having fun.

    Of course players had a choice, they could not play UO.  What kind of masochistic player continues playing a game where he's not having fun?

    thats easy - you play for other aspects then ffa pvp, since you cannt get them in any other game

  • dave6660dave6660 Member UncommonPosts: 2,699
    Originally posted by Benedikt
    Originally posted by dave6660
    Originally posted by laokoko
    Originally posted by Enerzeal

    UO forced all types into it's game, not because they had some winning formula but because it was all that was on offer, this created the community that make it so great.

    Today if the same game came out, then it still wouldn't be THAT game, because the sheep the wolves used to hunt are now in their own safe havens, it's a great shame, but it wont ever be again, not until some massive leap takes place, and that leap is so niche that no one follows for years, an example would be the first VRMMO.

    Ya I mean, people that dont' want FFA pvp probably dont' have a choice but to play UO at that time.  Thus your fun is probably build by other people not having fun.

    Of course players had a choice, they could not play UO.  What kind of masochistic player continues playing a game where he's not having fun?

    thats easy - you play for other aspects then ffa pvp, since you cannt get them in any other game

    That was sort of a rhetorical question.  Anyway, I don't understand the point you're trying to make.  Are you saying that you play games that you don't consider fun because they have a feature that you like?

    “There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.”
    -- Herman Melville

  • BenediktBenedikt Member UncommonPosts: 1,406
    Originally posted by dave6660
    Originally posted by Benedikt
    Originally posted by dave6660
    Originally posted by laokoko
    Originally posted by Enerzeal

    UO forced all types into it's game, not because they had some winning formula but because it was all that was on offer, this created the community that make it so great.

    Today if the same game came out, then it still wouldn't be THAT game, because the sheep the wolves used to hunt are now in their own safe havens, it's a great shame, but it wont ever be again, not until some massive leap takes place, and that leap is so niche that no one follows for years, an example would be the first VRMMO.

    Ya I mean, people that dont' want FFA pvp probably dont' have a choice but to play UO at that time.  Thus your fun is probably build by other people not having fun.

    Of course players had a choice, they could not play UO.  What kind of masochistic player continues playing a game where he's not having fun?

    thats easy - you play for other aspects then ffa pvp, since you cannt get them in any other game

    That was sort of a rhetorical question.  Anyway, I don't understand the point you're trying to make.  Are you saying that you play games that you don't consider fun because they have a feature that you like?

    no, i am saying that sometimes i play games that has features i dont like if they have other features i really want

  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719

    Although I hated UO... I had had it with RG's idiosyncrasies by then and was totally bored with Dupre, Iolo, virtues, etc., I have to agree with the majority of posts here that MMOs have gone all fluffy and are trying to pass off style as substance.


    MMOs should have been evolving into ever more realistic, comprehensive and inclusive worlds but instead they've been devolving into "shared-experience" single player games with chat lobbies.


    I still remember the days when new games promoted useful things like destructiblle environments and the ability to interact with everything and other words, more realism. Now they create new wizbang limited content in a world of non-interactive background fluff.

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • Ice-QueenIce-Queen Member UncommonPosts: 2,483

    I don't think it's that you don't like mmo's. I think you're like a lot of us. You just don't like mediocre mmo's. The older Mmo's like UO, AC1, DAOC, EQ, all had a lot more to do in it's day than today's games do at release. The games of the past were like living, breathing worlds, full or life and hustle and bustle from the players. There just aren't any games like that anymore.


    What happens when you log off your characters????.....
    Dark Age of Camelot

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    We only used to use PK'ing to settle any dice roll problems as well as for spaaring. Back when people never used to loot steal unless it was some random. Can't speak for the community of today though. Still, there are ways to prevent your stuff from getting stolen.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • Marcus-Marcus- Member UncommonPosts: 1,012
    Originally posted by Iselin

    Although I hated UO... I had had it with RG's idiosyncrasies by then and was totally bored with Dupre, Iolo, virtues, etc., I have to agree with the majority of posts here that MMOs have gone all fluffy and are trying to pass off style as substance.


    MMOs should have been evolving into ever more realistic, comprehensive and inclusive worlds but instead they've been devolving into "shared-experience" single player games with chat lobbies.


    I still remember the days when new games promoted useful things like destructiblle environments and the ability to interact with everything and other words, more realism. Now they create new wizbang limited content in a world of non-interactive background fluff.

    I never thought while playing i would consider UO the "best" MMO i ever played some 15 years later..

    I thought UO was the prototype, a rough draft of a living online "world" not something somewhat unique in a world consisting mostly of instances, lobbies, tiers, etc. Theres some out there that don't follow the market trend, i know, but they are far and few between, and theres been enough written about them i don't think i need to rehash.


    It (UO) was pretty buggy, to say the least, patch days were beyond horrific. The PvE was very basic, the PvP was as well.

    But it was all the little things that made the world come "alive". Player housing, player towns, hunting decorartive rares, musuems, the heavy dependancy on crafting, the Rpers, the PKs, fishtanks, treasure hunting.... all of it.


    Now, its a lot of cookie cutter.


    Its not rose-colored glasses... its feeling that your character can make a difference in the virtual world you are living in, if you so choose.

    Not everyone needs to be the hero.

  • bunnyhopperbunnyhopper Member CommonPosts: 2,751

    It's not just you OP. UO was certainly the greatest mmo I have ever played and baring one or two exceptions, most other mmos are an utter joke in comparison.


    It would have been nice if the genre had taken UO and expanded on the whole "online world" theme over the years using the ever increasing technological infrastructure available.


    Sadly that wasn't to be. 

    "Come and have a look at what you could have won."

  • DenambrenDenambren Member UncommonPosts: 399

    It's not just you. It's me as well, and many other players here, though I also include Star Wars Galaxies alongside UO.


    What really scares me when I think about this is that Raph Koster was responsible for both UO and Star Wars Galaxies, the only two MMOs I've felt were just what I was looking for. That means there's only one man that has ever gotten the MMO genre "right" for me, and apparently for a lot of others out there, as well.


    If only one designer's vision could do things right for all of us longing for his game worlds, what hope is there for this happening again? It's sort of like the World of Warcraft question, where you wonder if there will ever be another game as big as Warcraft because of the new competitive MMO market and its varied audience out there. Maybe there never will be. And what if there will also never be a game like UO ever again, because of the new market and audience out there?


    It seems like for many old UO or SWG vets, we're always looking with a tiny hope, a hope that gets smaller and smaller with each disappointment, that the "next" game is just around the corner. The game that will bring this genre back.

    But it never comes.

    Yet, we keep waiting.



  • NovusodNovusod Member UncommonPosts: 912
    Originally posted by Denambren

    It's not just you. It's me as well, and many other players here, though I also include Star Wars Galaxies alongside UO.


    What really scares me when I think about this is that Raph Koster was responsible for both UO and Star Wars Galaxies, the only two MMOs I've felt were just what I was looking for. That means there's only one man that has ever gotten the MMO genre "right" for me, and apparently for a lot of others out there, as well.

    Some studio needs hire Ralph Koster and get him back on back on a MMO project. He may be the only one who can make a proper sandbox MMO. SWG was by far the best MMO ever made and a similar game needs to be made in the modern era. It may not be as big or as profitable as WoW but it will bring back the magic of what MMOs were meant to be.

  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by emperorwings
    We only used to use PK'ing to settle any dice roll problems as well as for spaaring. Back when people never used to loot steal unless it was some random. Can't speak for the community of today though. Still, there are ways to prevent your stuff from getting stolen.

    That is easy. Just roll your own loot like in the new WOW LFR, or Diablo 3. Ninjaing is not possible because others just can't roll on my loot. Problem solved.

  • laokokolaokoko Member UncommonPosts: 2,004
    Originally posted by dave6660
    Originally posted by laokoko
    Originally posted by Enerzeal

    UO forced all types into it's game, not because they had some winning formula but because it was all that was on offer, this created the community that make it so great.

    Today if the same game came out, then it still wouldn't be THAT game, because the sheep the wolves used to hunt are now in their own safe havens, it's a great shame, but it wont ever be again, not until some massive leap takes place, and that leap is so niche that no one follows for years, an example would be the first VRMMO.

    Ya I mean, people that dont' want FFA pvp probably dont' have a choice but to play UO at that time.  Thus your fun is probably build by other people not having fun.

    Of course players had a choice, they could not play UO.  What kind of masochistic player continues playing a game where he's not having fun?

    There is not many games to choose back then.  If I do enjoy everything UO have to offer except getting ganked, I can't change to other games, and there's no pve server for UO at that time.

    What's funny is all the people complain about UO opening pve server.  They say it segregate the pve and pvp community.  The truth is the only reason the wolf are having fun, because those pve carebear are forced to play with them.

    That is the real truth why everygame is either a pve carebear game with instanced pvp or harsh ffa pvp game.  You really dont' find many middle ground since very few masochistic player like to be sheep for the wolf to pray.  (Aka pve player that like to get ganked by pvp player, you really don't find many of them)

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
        UO almost ruined MMOs for me also but not for the same reasons......My experience with Uo was total chaos where the extremely powerful just ran around killing everyone and this was supposed t obe fun for the rest of us?....Thank goodness EQ came around a short time later and gave alot of us a real MMO to play.
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