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Mainly fixing stuff =]
Edit. 1 undocumented change. Now server selection lists old medium servers are High, old High servers as Very high. I wonder why they changed it. Sure it sounds better but it still feels like a strange change.
Edit 2. Is it just me or have they changed background in inventory/hero screen too?
How do you know about the undocumented change? Is this something they have said, which would make it documented just not in the notes, or is this something the community has decided on?
Just some crap he's making up to try and give the illusion that the game is actually in population trouble.
Oderint, dum metuant.
wow a little touchy I see. I sim ply logged in and saw those changes but didn't see them listed in patch notes so i decided to list them.
good job listing it as absolute truth then .. lmao ... way to go buddy
Remember... all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.
Ignore them. The change was made, and it was not documented. This means it's a undocumented change.
What they are upset about is that this shows (everyone including them already knew) that sever population status can and has been manipulated .
Does this prove that the servers are empty? No it doesn't. It does prove that the high-low lable next to the server name means next to nothing, even in GW2.
Please. There was no change made regarding the population labels. Nice try.
Oderint, dum metuant.
People love a good conspiracy theory no matter how inane it is.
Medium is now high? High is now very high? No change was made?
Relax dude. It's no big deal. This happens all the time in mmos.
Yes, no change was made. What's the next accusation... Full is now Very Full?
Oderint, dum metuant.
Before: After:
Volkon please don;t accuse people of lying just becouse you are too lazy to check the facts. I am the last person going to say that gw2 is dying in population [mod edit]. And Full is still listed as Full.
I don't get it though how do you know that medium was turn to high and high in very high. thats all I am wondering.
This would have been a good response in the first place don't you think?
I don't doubt that a change was made personally.The problem is that even thougih they probably broke it up into more tiers to be more descriptive and reactive to population changes,as already seen peopel here will read the absolute worst inot the change and use it to support whatever negative claim they want.
I'm saying this as someone who hasn't logged into GW2 for a couple weeks now but am still satisfied I got my money's worth of fun out of it.
In the original post I said they chaned the way they list the servers. and am wondering why they added this additional tier. Then I started being accused of lying. So I don't understand what you mean.
In the original post I said they chaned the way they list the servers. and am wondering why they added this additional tier. Then I started being accused of lying. So I don't understand what you mean.
Facts are everything yes they made a change but you do not have facts to prove your opinion right? yea I can assume also they increased the server load and they did it because they saw an influx of players, but thats just tin foiling it and I'd rather not since its not a fact.
Don't edit my post to change the meaning. That's frowned upon around here.
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