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Maybe it was my lack of knowledge or nostalgia for D2, but I kept max magic find for a long time, thinking it would net me more legendaries in the long run than those that foolishly spent money on the RMAH to farm MP7+.
Well I am here to say... today, and today only, I got rid of most of my MF gear for GF (gold find) gear and doubled my DPS. I can now farm MP4 (and I still have much more gear to get rid of, mind you) and have found 2 legendaries within an hour.
I farmed the whole act3 on mp4 with my 2 friends from start to finish. And although I found 2 legendaries in the first hour, I found nothing the next hour. Although they found a stormshield and a great skorn. I have come to conclusions about MF:
1) MF is great if you want to find more blues and rares
2) you still find legendaries regardless of MF (heck after dumping my MF I found more legerndaries the first hour than the past 2 days of farming with 400 MF on mp1 with 5 stacks)
3) GF nets you more gold than you will ever be able to sell on the AH. I mean most of the rares you find are crap. Most legendaries are crap too. You can make 100k gold with 400% in less than one hour than with 400MF trying to sell useless rares.
Overall: GF>MF. and also... MP>MF. magic find has become a worthless stat IMO for diablo 3. it doesn't net you more legendaries, only more blues and rares. and most rares are worthless cause everyone wants BiS items which are all legendaries anyway.
Thanks for reading.
Dude no need to school me. I am not a newb, been playing since may 15th (in case you don't know, that when d3 came out). I've been keeping up with the patches and overall gameplay.
What you do not realize is MF is useless. I thought it was awesome until I decided to dump it all. I had max MF for a long time and all it did is give me more blue and rare items. Which both are mostly useless. I don't even pick up blues, and I only pick up lvl63 rares (which are still mostly useless).
Upon dumping my MF and gearing myself for higher MP levels, I shit you not, I found 2 vile wards within an hour. One sold for 20mil (my highest item ever that I sold since may 15th), the other was shit and sold for 90k.
Just goes to show, MF means nothing. MP + DPS > MF.
Hope everyone learns from this. It took me 6 months to realize MF is worthless.
I once found 6 legendaries in the same act 3 run on MP1. So it's possible, yes. But if you think MP4 yields a legendary every half an hour, you're going to be disappointed.
There is no way to get good loot PREDICTABLY. You can only get better loot ON AVERAGE. In the long run, however, MP > MF because at PL100 your MF is capped anyway and any MF on gear is waste of stats.
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