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does anyone else want to be a lone ranger in an MMO game?

stygianapothstygianapoth Member UncommonPosts: 185

I could never get into the clans/guilds whatever you want to call them. I hate it. I want an MMO where *YOU* contribute as a player instead of relying on a guild etc.

I will admit, back in the day, the thing I most loved about WoW was infiltrating an enemy city with a rogue and just ganking people at the AH. It was fun, yes I died a lot and gained nothing from it, but it was FUN.

So many MMOs these days have some sort of guild social network. I mean no offense but I do not care about socializing with other people. I want MY skill to reflect on what I do.

I understand socializing is a huge thing with the human race, but I just cannot associate with such terms.

So I am asking, would anyone like a game where it's you vs. everyone?

I am not sure if this has been in a game before, but it seems like every game these days relies on some sort of cooperative play. And I really hate that. I don't care if you are better or worse than me, i just want to see what I can accomplish on my own.

I hope this makes sense and was posted in the correct forum.



  • kb4blukb4blu Member UncommonPosts: 717

    Even the Lone Ranger had a companion. Tonto.

    I know this opinion is not politically correct now a days but dammit why play a multiplayer game solo.


  • rdrakkenrdrakken Member Posts: 426

    You dont need a guild in Guild Wars 2 believe it or can run solo with everything other than the dungeons or group PvP. Everything in the game auto places you into a group with anyone in the area for shared xp/loot and you can pretend you are doing it alone.

    However, needless to say...MMOs are enhanced when playing with others that you like.

  • SlukjanSlukjan Member UncommonPosts: 265
    Seems to me that most games nowadays are catered to solo style gameplay.  There isn't much forced grouping or "guild required to complete objectives" .  I guess dungeons and some DE's are the only content that require a group...other then that it's a lone ranger solo fest for most games.
  • jinxxed0jinxxed0 Member UncommonPosts: 841

    You should be having a feild day with all these MMOs then. they're all catered to not being social and single player. Especially GW2. You can play that game from start to finish without talking to anyone ever. In fact, it seems like most players are doing that. it's the most anti-social MMO I've played in 14 years.


    The only time I've personally seen people speak is to talk about Obama in the map chat or when I'd msg someone to team up and 10% of the time they'd reply no thanks. The other 90% was no response.


    The same goes pretty much everygame, though some have slightly better communities (better as in they actually bother teaming up). TERA, TSW, etc etc

  • anemoanemo Member RarePosts: 1,903
    Originally posted by kb4blu

    Even the Lone Ranger had a companion. Tonto.

    I know this opinion is not politically correct now a days but dammit why play a multiplayer game solo.


    Because a single player game doesn't provide the content a MMO provides effortlessly.

    A reliable forum community, some strife, market simulation, WTF was that factors, gaining/collecting favors, and knowing that you don't just have 1's and 0's behind personalities.

    At least in my case I like to go through content solo, but I'm still in the guild chat(obnoxiously so sometimes), and aiming to collect personal favors.

    Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent.

    "At one point technology meant making tech that could get to the moon, now it means making tech that could get you a taxi."

  • versulasversulas Member UncommonPosts: 288

    Yup... I like when you can make a name for yourself. People come onto the forums and cuss you out, that's a good day ;P


    It's great in open world pvp, but I loved rocking solo in the old frontiers in DAoC and even to a lesser extent Aion and AoC. Nowadays... meh. It's hard to have your contribution in GW2 even noticed during a siege and not just be another face in the crowd.

  • TalulaRoseTalulaRose Member RarePosts: 1,247
    Originally posted by kb4blu

    Even the Lone Ranger had a companion. Tonto.

    I know this opinion is not politically correct now a days but dammit why play a multiplayer game solo.


    Some want others to watch them play. Its an epeen thing.

  • AmbassadorDvinnAmbassadorDvinn Member UncommonPosts: 339

    I'm with you OP.  I enjoy seeing what I can do by myself.  Usually this is done through ambush-style PvP in modern MMO games that have open world PVP.  Outside of that, lone ranger gameplay is dead.  I think the next few years, with all these sandbox titles coming out, will allow this type of gameplay again.

    To the people who say MMORPG are games meant to be played with others and not by yourself, to me that is a very close-minded outlook on what an MMO is.  To have a living, breathing world, you need the roadside bandits and rangers protecting their grove in the forest.  MMOs need life again, and the solo adventurers (or small gangs) breath life into their respective games in such immersive ways.

    Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.

  • Mike-McQueenMike-McQueen Member UncommonPosts: 267
    I enjoy the solo assassin type too in games that support it. Once the Jurassic parks die off maybe we will have this again.

    I'm a unique and beautiful snowflake.

  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988

    I haven't joined a guild since Aion..and before that Dark age of camelot. Mainly for siege related things. Beyond that I don't really care for them, or the content designed around them (tedious raiding/gear grinding).

    I do however love PUG'ing. I like getting to see new characters/people and their playstyles. I obviously make a few friends if we happen to end up grouping/running into each other a lot, but otherwise I can't stand the idea of having to log in at a certain time of the day to grind with the same people and what not. Theres hundreds of players in these games, why get tied down to a handful of them?

    Soloing is usually terribly boring in an MMO, I cannot fathom the enjoyment anyone gets out of it given that they are extremely dumbed down/unchallenging compared to almost any singe player game, but to each their own I guess.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,098
    Originally posted by kb4blu

    Even the Lone Ranger had a companion. Tonto.

    I know this opinion is not politically correct now a days but dammit why play a multiplayer game solo.


    This is very erroneous thinking. It's said so often that it has become a stale mantra for people who don't seem willing to take things one step further.

    However, this probably belongs in the group vs solo thread.

    There is a difference between playing a single player game and playing a game with a thriving community as "a lone ranger".

    I would challenge you and anyone else who think this way to take a step and ask "why, with all the solo games out there would a player want to play as as lone ranger type characer?" What experience might they have that is different from a single player game.

    Now, having said that I'm not for everything in an mmo being solo. I strongly believe in content that requires the efforts of many. But in "a living world" there is room for groups of people as well as those who live in a cabin in the woods.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690
    I enjoy both but my mmo gaming roots come from FFXI so I am built on group play first.
  • StoneRosesStoneRoses Member RarePosts: 1,820
    The dude acts like there isn't other players like him around.
    MMORPGs aren't easy, You're just too PRO!
  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by kb4blu

    Even the Lone Ranger had a companion. Tonto.

    I know this opinion is not politically correct now a days but dammit why play a multiplayer game solo.


    He said "you vs everyone". There is no "everyone" in a SP game.

  • ShorunShorun Member UncommonPosts: 247

    If you do not want to socialize online why post a thread about it in a community forum? Clearly you want us to communicate with you about MMORPGs (but not in MMORPGs?).

    My opinion: I do like guilds and communicating with guildmates. However, I've never been in a raiding group or something because I play when I want to and not at fixed raid or pvp dates.

  • Neo_LibertyNeo_Liberty Member UncommonPosts: 437

    Im not sure i understand, but I think I might.. there is a difference between playing solo and being a lone ranger/lone wolf.... The latter terms reflect the ability to do by himself what others are forced to do in groups... for most online games, at least those that are not console based, that would be impossible.. the game mechanics don't allow for one to be so skilled that you can complete group content solo.. that being said that statement isn't absolute.. but for the most part... that ability is determined by the character archetype u pick..


    on another note.. I would love to be the lone wolf... its my favorite role/ RP to be... and at the same time just cause u can be the lone wolf doesn't mean u will all the time... cause if u are capable of solo ing group content... odds are a group would recognize how great u are and the OPs wishes would be fulfilled..

  • Neo_LibertyNeo_Liberty Member UncommonPosts: 437
    I think the best example of this would the the imagined role of The Terror of Death fomr .hack//GU

  • DrakxiiDrakxii Member Posts: 594
    If you truily want to play  the "lone ranger" you should do it in a game designed for groups and guilds not change the game to fit you.  Else go play a single player game.

    I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.

  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by Shorun

    If you do not want to socialize online why post a thread about it in a community forum? Clearly you want us to communicate with you about MMORPGs (but not in MMORPGs?).

    My opinion: I do like guilds and communicating with guildmates. However, I've never been in a raiding group or something because I play when I want to and not at fixed raid or pvp dates.

    Because this site is about MMOs, NOT social games.

    You can play pvp in MMOs. You can play solo in MMOs and only trade with others through AH. There is no requirement to be social when playing a MMORPG.

  • fenistilfenistil Member Posts: 3,005


    If there is too much lone ranger ganker-ambushers then other people stop playing game.  Huge majority just don't like to be target of player's like you. Thing is for you to have fun you NEED players to ambush-gank.  

    So propably only way to have this kind of gameplay AND to have game succeed in long-term is to make stealth-bandit-murderer-ganker like in a game a frigging chore so only few  most dedicated players, like 3 per server will play like that. 

    Thing is can you handle non-accessible, chore, punishing gameplay as a 'real lone wolf outcast bandit'?    Like you can't loot others, but others can loot you cause you're 'bandit' and that's you lose xp on death because you're outcast ganker and other's don't?

    Because if you want accessible, easy stealth-ganking then many people will play like that and servers will be empty :)

  • MumboJumboMumboJumbo Member UncommonPosts: 3,219

    I agree, that a successful mmorpg will inherently mean different players play the game in different ways... and there should be many, many different niches in the game.

    I'd speculate a large map probably is conducive to loan-rangering or "explorer" gamplay. But likewise a loan-rangery gameplay is more rewarding when it's an outlier behaviour to a social-driven game?

  • Neo_LibertyNeo_Liberty Member UncommonPosts: 437
    Originally posted by MumboJumbo

    I agree, that a successful mmorpg will inherently mean different players play the game in different ways... and there should be many, many different niches in the game.

    I'd speculate a large map probably is conducive to loan-rangering or "explorer" gamplay. But likewise a loan-rangery gameplay is more rewarding when it's an outlier behaviour to a social-driven game?

    I believe that i and the OP agree with you.. I think he was referring to forced grouping when he meant interaction... and when he meant mechanics... he meant group quests and dungeons.. I agree that it would "EPIC"/impressive if game play mechanics allowed for a "GOOD" lone wolf to beat group dungeons alone.. it hightens the sense of being a good player and he would be recognized in the world for his ability to complete the content alone.. but when the mechanics make dungeons and group quests so hard / or the gameplay doesn't allow for becoming good enough to solo it... its bad design..

  • fenistilfenistil Member Posts: 3,005
    Originally posted by Neo_Liberty
    Originally posted by MumboJumbo

    I agree, that a successful mmorpg will inherently mean different players play the game in different ways... and there should be many, many different niches in the game.

    I'd speculate a large map probably is conducive to loan-rangering or "explorer" gamplay. But likewise a loan-rangery gameplay is more rewarding when it's an outlier behaviour to a social-driven game?

    I believe that i and the OP agree with you.. I think he was referring to forced grouping when he meant interaction... and when he meant mechanics... he meant group quests and dungeons.. I agree that it would "EPIC"/impressive if game play mechanics allowed for a "GOOD" lone wolf to beat group dungeons alone.. it hightens the sense of being a good player and he would be recognized in the world for his ability to complete the content alone.. but when the mechanics make dungeons and group quests so hard / or the gameplay doesn't allow for becoming good enough to solo it... its bad design..

    Just to make a distinction.  Do you complain that:

    1.there is not enough soloable dungeons and quests (huh?) in mmorpg overall ?

    2. there is not enough channalnging solo quests or dungeons ?

    3.  that every single quest or dungeon / raid is not soloable ?

  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by fenistil


    If there is too much lone ranger ganker-ambushers then other people stop playing game.  Huge majority just don't like to be target of player's like you. Thing is for you to have fun you NEED players to ambush-gank.  

    So propably only way to have this kind of gameplay AND to have game succeed in long-term is to make stealth-bandit-murderer-ganker like in a game a frigging chore so only few  most dedicated players, like 3 per server will play like that. 

    Thing is can you handle non-accessible, chore, punishing gameplay as a 'real lone wolf outcast bandit'?    Like you can't loot others, but others can loot you cause you're 'bandit' and that's you lose xp on death because you're outcast ganker and other's don't?

    Because if you want accessible, easy stealth-ganking then many people will play like that and servers will be empty :)

    Or .. have a MMOFPS like planetside 2. In a pure PvP game, you can play with a group to take on the other side in force, or the sniping loner.


  • fenistilfenistil Member Posts: 3,005
    Originally posted by nariusseldon
    Originally posted by fenistil


    If there is too much lone ranger ganker-ambushers then other people stop playing game.  Huge majority just don't like to be target of player's like you. Thing is for you to have fun you NEED players to ambush-gank.  

    So propably only way to have this kind of gameplay AND to have game succeed in long-term is to make stealth-bandit-murderer-ganker like in a game a frigging chore so only few  most dedicated players, like 3 per server will play like that. 

    Thing is can you handle non-accessible, chore, punishing gameplay as a 'real lone wolf outcast bandit'?    Like you can't loot others, but others can loot you cause you're 'bandit' and that's you lose xp on death because you're outcast ganker and other's don't?

    Because if you want accessible, easy stealth-ganking then many people will play like that and servers will be empty :)

    Or .. have a MMOFPS like planetside 2. In a pure PvP game, you can play with a group to take on the other side in force, or the sniping loner.


    Sure.  I would advise Planetside 2 also but it seems he want mmorpg's.  Maybe I am wrong but that's why I am curious of his answer :)

    There is also DFO or EVE that allow gameplay like that, but I suspect he might want very accessible ;p

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