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I like all games really, and I was looking forward to a fresh new FPS. But the only way I can describe it... Tribes Ascend.
This pertains to the "f2p" system they have. Sure you can slowly and painstakingly (did I mention slowly?) get your gear and level up to new better armor and weapons. But the reason why games like these have a "pay to not grind" system is because people WILL and DO pay for this.
So now you are matched against people with the best upgrades because they have dispoable income. Personally I do not think this makes a great game.
On a more personal note, I hate team based games. I do not like having to be in a guild/clan whatever to have fun. I do not like teamspeak. I do not like following orders else I be kicked. I do not like snobby leaders that think they are god's best creation.
Besides that, this game has many bugs, crashes, and overall poor game development.
The reason why I got bored within 1 day is because it's the same thing. Defend this base. Attack that base. I mean that is it.
I personally like being a sniper, but you can't snipe aircraft or tanks. If you want to make certs as a free player you MUST go heavy infantry for the rocket launcher.
The other way to make certs is to capture a base. That is boring for me. I want to kill people and snipe them. But it's impossible as an infiltrator. Sure I've had my good runs where I sniped 10 with headshots before I ran out of ammo. But it's subpar compared to the other classes that can make way more bank.
I cannot see myself playing this game much longer unless I feel like a 20-30 minute FPS urge. It's just not worth it when people out there spend hundreds of dollars to upgrade every aspect of their infantry, vehicles, and aircraft, to become more "skilled" than you.
Did I mention sony made the game?
I gain certs like crazy, I got 200 in about 3 hours the other day and now I have my gun fully upgraded. I'll agree with you on bugs though, the game wasn't ready for a launch and they know it. I can't say much about the infiltrator because I never play as a sniper, can't stand them personally. All in all the upgrades aren't that major and you can't buy certs so you can't buy your way to the top, although you can buy a 50% exp boost, but like I said earlier certs are already very easy to get so it's not that big of a deal.
would you mind telling me and other people how you gain certs easily? I mean I have a specific gameplay style I like to play but infiltrator is not cutting it. What do you do that gaines maximum certs efficiently?
And althought efficiency is always best, it's not always fun (imo). If I have to play a certain class or join a squad or just deploy in areas when my team is about to capture a base, then I do not understand the fun aspect of it.
Not here to troll or say you are wrong, but maybe I just do not understand these games. I want to be something I like playing and not have to jump around every minute just to get certs, if you know what I mean.
there's no organization whatsoever in this game that i can find people are just running around willynilly shooting anything that moves.. Ive died more to friendly fire than enemies. Any i dont know about the rest of you buy i find the minimap to be useless. no filters and the icons once you get near an outpost are so large and cluttered together you cant tell one from the other.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
QFT. I've never played a game that had less of a point. This was a rush job, no question.
I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play.
I usually try and follow the biggest zerg since you can flip the most bases that way, it adds up quick. Also check the map periodically and see if any bases are close to being flipped, when you see one get there before it does and you get full credit, the big bases are 1000 xp, towers are 500 xp, and outposts are 250 xp, I don't do this too often, usually when I'm short a few certs for something I want.
Other than that I usually play as Heavy infantry and I stay in the thick of the fight. Always carry grenades, it's easy to get 3+ kills with 1 grenade, 100 xp per kill, and in a firefight theres good odds you'll get assists for the survivors. Vehicles give good xp for kills, but it's difficult to get the last shot on them so I usually focus on killing other infantry. Lastly spam Q, you get points for spotting someone if they get killed.
I agree with you on the minimap, it is very cluttered and overall useless. I press Q most of the time to get the +10 xp bonus if someone kills an enemy. It does nothing whatsoever to pinpoint the enemy on the map.
And finding the vehicle/aircraft stations makes me squint and take a few seconds to recognize the obscure icon for such stations.
I haven't bothered to join a squad or (equivalent to clans, what is it called?) because I don't care to use a mic. So I am mostly alone out there as you say "willynilly shoot anything that moves"
It was fun at first, but after a few hours it's like... why am I doing this when people just pay for this game?
Its funny when I bought the alpha squad package I thought it seemed like it could be good messing with beta but it didn't feel ready. Before I knew it they release and its still not ready. I've got 6000 in sc but with the prices what they are and each item locked to a class I haven't spent any. The game does feel like it is lacking something that the first one had and its not just one thing it feels like they dumbed the whole thing down and the game is still mass chaos.
The battles are fun but if the guys I play with aren't around I dont' even feel like messing with it. You spend most your time swapping bases for certs I just wish that defending had more benefit as is the game just doesn't have something.
does any game really have a point?
Out of ammo and an engineer standing next to you and a lot of others but wont drop ammo box.
Medic all over the palce but no heals or rez.
Friendly armor is a joke, these guys cant drive nor pay attention to their surroundings = mass friendly deaths. Take away the friendly fire crap.
Fail to defend a base and you have 5 seconds to get out or you auto die.,,,,WTF?!?!?! Atleast teleport you to the nearest friendly area.
Idiots want to be the hero and jump out in front of you as you are shooting an enemy. They die by your hands and report you for being idiots.
No team work whatsoever, just zerg be a hero, died, and do it over. I joined a group/team/platoon and they were so split up all over the map i only saw 1 in my platoon the entire 2 hr session that i played.
So far thats what upsets me about this game. They realy need to add more depth to this game. Its pretty cool. Just a bunch of people wanting to be heros and get you and themselves killed. Where did the team work go in mmo's?
They have an 8 page arguement about this on the PS2 forum. To me the point is fighting in massive battles and having fun, but to others it's about grinding a boss for an item that makes grinding that boss slightly easier so they can get another item that would make it even more sligthy easier.
The MMO crowd and the FPS crowd seem to have very different opinions about what the point of a game is. Is the point to have fun or to achieve something or is it about character progression? There really is no right or wrong answer. Personally I do think the game needs some kind of "win" condition so that players have something to work towards.
I too like all games really, like OP. But shooters and mmorgps are my all time favourites. And as an avid fps gamer I loathe peopel with mentality like that.
Shooters are exatctly that - shooters. If you don't enjoy running around fragging, than you straight out lie (mostly to yourself) about how you like shooters. I can understant you don't like this specific shooter as such but going around saying that it lacks purpose because all you can do is shoot other people is down right retarded.
It's like going to a tennis tourney and telling people they play a bad game because they don't kick ball instead.
If you want anything else you go and play one of many other types of games...
You're exagerating in so many ways it just makes for a really bad post.
You can't buy upgrades for money. You can only purchase weapons which have strengths but often completely lack diversity. A good fps player will rock your world and make you cry by just using starter weapons and you can pick whatever weapon you want.
If you really do want to quickly get some specific weapon that you think is so OP than you only have to spend a few bucks (hundreds of dollars? lol)
That sounds unreasonable for a game you can play for free if you wish so? Please. Go get a job. Or go play a cracked single player game.
p.s. I play sniper a lot myself and find it one of the best ways to farm certs.
Nonsense. The point of Planetside 2 is to attack, defend and kill other players. That's kinda how most FPS games work, you know? If you don't like it, then perhaps Planetside 2 is just not for you.
You are on point with a few things though. The game certainly has bugs, and it does feel like it wasn't ready to be released. Either way, the game runs smooth enough to be playable, and they do seem to be working to get it up to speed fast.
Secondly, you can do just fine with starter gear against people with the "best" gear. It really doesn't make that huge of a difference. Especially if, as you say, you play a sniper. I play a New Conglomerate sniper mostly myself, but also a Terran Republic, and I have absolute no trouble gathering certs from just taking bases, and hunting some heads
In total I've earned about 350 certs so far, which I'm quite happy with. There's no "you must do this" to earn a decent amount of certs. Have you considered that maybe you're just not very good at sniping?
10 headshots before running out of ammo is not a lot, you know. Just saying 
Lastly, come on. Get over it. Yes, Sony made it. It's looking to shape into a fine game, and you get a lot from it without paying a dime, should you want to. The grudges people have against Sony are ridiculous. Yes, they've messed up before. Things move on. And seriously, your exagerations are a bit ridiculous.
Have played these games: Age of Conan: Unchained, Aika, Aion, Anarchy Online, APB: Reloaded, Asheron's Call, Champions Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, DC Universe Online, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Earthrise, EVE Online, EverQuest II, Fallen Earth, Final Fantasy XI, Global Agenda, Guild Wars, Lord of the Rings Online, Perpetuum, PlanetSide, Rift, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, Vindictus, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning and World of Warcraft
Apparently, a few.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
I don't like that you can no longer lock continents like in the first, or have the bridges between them, and just having 3 rather than 10. But apparently they are working on adding more continents and sea travel between them, including continents with mines and player built bases.
I also don't like that the f2p model makes it harder to deal with idiots that let off grenades in their own bases and stuff. Not sure what they can do about that f2p is a double edged sword, it gets more players in,but it brings in a higher percentageo of keyboard mashing gibbons too.
Finally I think its ridiculous a big multinational like Sony can't manage their own European servers and are using what appears to be the new goa / frogster. I guess if Europe was more lawyer and gun happy mmo companies would stop pulling this shit.
But most of the things you guys are complaining about are solved by.
A) learning to play - watch all the tutorials, learn the strength of each class, learn counters to enemy setups, get better at managing burst and recoil, get better at not giving away your position.
Your best survival rate is by being part of the herd. But being in a good guild let's you be a predator not a herd member. For the record I feel planetside2 has better anti blob, coordination counts, higher strategy than WvW, sure its not like the first (or daoc) strategy wise yet, but it has the most potential out of the games I've played the past decade or so for great warfare style pvp - IF YOU JOIN AN OUTFIT.
My experience:
-If i died 100 times in total, i literally died about 30 from friendly fire and at least half of them were from horrible pilots running over 3 or 4 teammates to save a few seconds or to stop their rides close to the action.
-Half of them could be prevented if it wasnt because it´s horribly painful to tell friend from foe, especially in some zones and depending on how much light there is, seriously, it´s frustrating as hell and judgeing by how many complaints about this there were in the chat i highly doubt it´s just me. Sure, i will probably "get used to it" at some point but it´s still horrible.
-The "Action" mostly consisted of a merry-go-round of generator breaking/repairing and the occasional defending/attacking switch once enough players from a faction got bored and logged off and the other one gained momentary advantage.
-Wether i kill or die seems completely subject to RNG rather than actual skill. I have died many times even though i had jumped on the enemy and had aimed to their chest/head and i have killed many while spraying like crazy out of stress when i had been jumped on.
Furthermore, there has been times where a single player attacked 3 of us and downed us all even being focused on and using weak classes and there is times where i teleported to some roof and downed 4 enemies while they struggled to shoot at me.
The damage feels completely RANDOM both for good and for bad.
Pretty great people not sure what they are going into, can just try and see how it is without spending a single cent
I think I've only been killed once on purpose by friendly fire. It's incredibly easy to avoid getting run over. You have to assume the drivers don't know you're there. Do that and you'll pretty much never die from a friendly vehicle.
Although, just as a deterrent for ass hats, there should be xp loss for a friendly kill.
Anyone sane in their brain knows this but sadly internet, especially the gaming part of it, attracts and creates lots of malfunctions.
yes I have..
and PS2's "point" is just as good as any of those.
I see gaining enough certs to enable me to get my anti air turret for my Lightning just as good as getting that shiny new sword from some boss in some dungeon..
its all the same to me as long as im having fun doing it.
While I agree wiht the game being complete crap and P2W, your reasoning of not playing with a group is imbicilic.
You don't want to play in a MMO environment in a team game, but you are playing a MMOFPS which was designed to be a team game... You are also on a MMO forum.... Hello earth to Johnny.. Come in Johnny..
I'm sorry you can't deal with others, but there are some amazing guilds out there, that train and compete and have fun in ways that can turn single games off for some people because it is that fun... Ashame you can't experience that because you just join a random spam pug group if idiots... You have to research guilds and not join anything in front of your face
But I get it, you just want all the adrenaline hype with instant action and no training or work... GIMME GIMME GIMME. This game is actually for you, only you have to insert quarters.. So not sure why you are here? Guess ya dont have any quarters
Mike Cackle
My YouTube Channel
This game was not designed for casual solo players. If you dont like teamwork, co operation and socialising go play the plethora of themepark clones all very catered to your tastes.