I wouldn't say GPotato is the worst company ever, but they do suck. They're just another typical free to play company that follow the motto "Beggars can't be choosers" and don't bring any real support or service to the table. These guys don't care about the quality of their games and only set up some half baked excuse for a game as a way to get money from suckers. It can be fun playing cheap cash grab games, but try not to get upset when you realize the reality of them.
This company has one of the WORST customer service in my 11 years of MMO.
He didn't say he spent 11 year playing THIS MMO, or with THIS company. He said it's the worst customer service in his 11 years of playing MMO's as a genre. ----
I don't really care about the OP, as I'm sure there are details left out and it's biased because he's mad. I've never considered GPotato to be a very good company to begin with, but somehow, when these customers complain, they always seem to be in the right, and apparently never do anything wrong, ever. How odd.
This company has one of the WORST customer service in my 11 years of playing the game.
Ok, so you've been playing for 11 years, and only NOW have realized a problem? Because really, if you were playing the game for 11 years and always felt this strongly AGAINST it, then why wouldn't you have just passed on it years ago and gone on to something else.
Well, I'm guessing he meant in his 11 years of playing MMO's since Allods Online is nowhere near 11 years old. The rest of the story is to be taken with the necessary grains of salt. He's only copy/pasting the original E-mail and their response to his last E-mail.
The whole story is probably somewhat different.
I'm not saying Gpotato can't be greedy, they need to make a living too, but there are worse companies out there.
Most people who played this game before the Gipat patch have come to the same conclusion. Bait and switch in its purest form. GM Gondulus is just doing what he's paid for. Consider yourself warned about Gpotato and "Free 2 Play" games in general.
The only issue i have with Gpotato is when ever they have there specail promo on items. They end up giving you fragments. Which really pisses me off. I dont need freaking fragments i wan the item. Damn. I dont mind paying out of pocket for certain items, but damn dont think that im going to bust my wallet just to get this item. Not cool Gpotato.
Most people who played this game before the Gipat patch have come to the same conclusion. Bait and switch in its purest form. GM Gondulus is just doing what he's paid for. Consider yourself warned about Gpotato and "Free 2 Play" games in general.
how is that gpotatos fault? they even asked russians to lower prices on some items but were refused because devs didnt want players to switch to cheaper versions? They also refused to add newest mount to cash shop until it was properly balanced, so they released it many months after russian version?
I admit, gpotato might not be an angel here (not many mmo hosting companies are) but they arent the ones who were responsible for what happened to Allods, heck they even had some free items in item shop which were actually selling a lot in russian version, until they managed to convince devs to completely remove it from cash shop, but apparently its their fault for allods current state?
I just wish this game was p2p from day one, that would stop devs from trying to add annoying features just to make you pay, and focus on making the game better instead (which they did, but only after just about everyone left allods pissed off by those annoying 'features' they tried to force upon us).
Gpotato in general is full of fucktards in general player and support team alike. The fact the game was pay2win and someone still keeps paying them and playing it shows how stupid some players really are. Anyway Most so called free to play games fall into this category: free to play, but pay to enjoy or advance. I myself just quit a f2p game if I find out it ends up being pay2win which is pretty much all games on gpotato, and most elsewhere, while I understand the company wants to make money but when they put basic game features behind having to pay for them it just does not sit right with me.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Im sorry but i would never p2p a mmo game again unless its turbine games. (which they gave you montly allowance forn being a vip member). What Gpotato does is straight out trifiling. They know you want the item , so they put junk in the strong boxes so you will spend more money. This is to shallow for a monthly payment. this game is too end game heavy. On the bright side they have major improvements over the past couple of years.
I could pretty much say this about every MMO that shipped as a F2P with a cash shop. The entire game experience is designed from the ground up to annoy you into spending money in the cash shop. The world was founded on this sort of gullibility, man has learned nothing, and nothing in this world that is any good is free.
Ive played p2p for many years and was always i mean always dissapointed with the service. The bright side to Gpotato they do reward you with gifts and make it possible for you to buy from the cash shop using in game gold. But there are ways around shelling out bucks to play this game. It just takes a lot of work. This is little compared to some of the crap you have to put up with when playing p2p games.
Even though they pull that crap and give you junk.. They do look after there players buy given free items, mounts and premium crystals so you can buy stuff.
Everyone knows gpotato is crap. thats not really debatable, every game they touch turns to a crappy, spammer infested, game with an insanely overpriced cash shop.
the OP is obviously a drama queen and probably took things too far and was banned with reason.
It should be known i guess, given the unprofessional "gm responding to crazy poster thread", that people who play while traveling should probably avoid any gpotato game, as well as people who move a lot ect. Support staff taking a fight with a deranged child to a 3rd party forum is super ameture btw.
Bottom line is this game is built for massive cash shop use, i mean insane, i had posted here a while back the wiki page breaking down how much real money a rune costs, granted you could get it to a very low level without spending, however the nature of runes makes it exponential, and the community DOES shun players without high level runes at endgame. If my memory serves me your looking to spend a few thousand per rune to participate in endgame stuff, you wont be grinding that in game btw.
Game has interesting and unique aspects to it, ruined by the rune system (game would be fine with just the deco, jewlery slots, and convienience items int he cash shop)
Further ruined by a horrible publisher.
Personally, id rather buy a few life time subs to average p2p mmorpgs than dump $5000 into a game thats average at best, and dying. Those life time subs wont even come close to what you need to compete in this game and will provide you with way more enjoyment. Oh an gpotato has been shutting ames down recently, so be careful what you spend with them.
Yeah same old crap from Gpotato, it's absolutely pathetic that they still put those buggy patches in straight from the RU server, then watch them cause the same problems for players here that they did in Russia when they were first released. Same thing with the childish GMs when I played. Their responses to player concerns were sometimes just laughable. This game is a bad joke at this point, if you payed them money it's your own fault lol
Never had to deal with Allods Customer support, thank the gods. The cash shop was bad enough.
You could play to ~L30 purely PvE, beyond that you were in contested zones. Fighting PvP you really would need your daily Incense(CS), OFF & DEF enchantments (also CS to craft). The enchants didn't look too bad at first, +1, +2, +3 a couple dollars each in CS mats, but the cost followed a geometric scale 3x +1's to make a +2, 3x +2's to make a 3 etc... and of course the combine isn't a 100% success.
One day I calculated that assuming 100% at every step, the minimum cost to get a +10 Rune was something like $1100.
Now you can go to like +12 or 14 I beleive I heard, no idea what the total in todays costs would be.
Well OP this is why gamers don't like dealing with Gpotato. As soon as it's discovered they are going to have anything to do with a game the game loses an enormous amount of players instantly.
Everyone knows gpotato is crap. thats not really debatable, every game they touch turns to a crappy, spammer infested, game with an insanely overpriced cash shop.
the OP is obviously a drama queen and probably took things too far and was banned with reason.
It should be known i guess, given the unprofessional "gm responding to crazy poster thread", that people who play while traveling should probably avoid any gpotato game, as well as people who move a lot ect. Support staff taking a fight with a deranged child to a 3rd party forum is super ameture btw.
Bottom line is this game is built for massive cash shop use, i mean insane, i had posted here a while back the wiki page breaking down how much real money a rune costs, granted you could get it to a very low level without spending, however the nature of runes makes it exponential, and the community DOES shun players without high level runes at endgame. If my memory serves me your looking to spend a few thousand per rune to participate in endgame stuff, you wont be grinding that in game btw.
Game has interesting and unique aspects to it, ruined by the rune system (game would be fine with just the deco, jewlery slots, and convienience items int he cash shop)
Further ruined by a horrible publisher.
Personally, id rather buy a few life time subs to average p2p mmorpgs than dump $5000 into a game thats average at best, and dying. Those life time subs wont even come close to what you need to compete in this game and will provide you with way more enjoyment. Oh an gpotato has been shutting ames down recently, so be careful what you spend with them.
Not debatable huh? I have played quite a few of their games on and off throughout the years and not once have I ever had problems with them. (And don't call me lucky either). GM's do what they are supposed to do in games. Account sharing etc, is a bannable offence/offense, as it is in many games. Anyone that thinks they can alllow someone else to log into their account from another ip address is completely foolish. The only way that works if that changed ip address still matches your internet carrier. (Yes, we all know they do tend to use different ones at times for security purposes, and those are normally called dynamic ones
I have logged into gpotato games with my dynamic ip and not once have I ever had problems. Like someone has already said, there is more to this. I would understand if you were rotten to them and of course with this thread, it's a wonder why. I'm not sticking up for anyone, however, there are better constructive ways to handle these situations.
Man who ever is bitching about spending 1100 for getting level 10 runes hasnt played this game and probably doesnt know how. Im almost to level 10 and never had to spend that kind of money. Ever. So instead of crying about the cash shop that you can use in game gold with. This game is far from dying thank you. The game is end game heavy so you dont see people in the community as much as you used to. I admit like ive said many times before they give alot of junk in those strongboxes but they always give you something. Some games dont even do that. I think these whiners are blowing things out of proportion.
Yea all F2P mmos are B2W , you'll be amazed on the servide you'd get if you put 2-300$ a month on any of their games , you'd be like a God to them. It's pretty pathetic if you ask me. Anyways , P2P 4 life my friend!
Originally posted by huskerman34 Man who ever is bitching about spending 1100 for getting level 10 runes hasnt played this game and probably doesnt know how. Im almost to level 10 and never had to spend that kind of money. Ever. So instead of crying about the cash shop that you can use in game gold with. This game is far from dying thank you. The game is end game heavy so you dont see people in the community as much as you used to. I admit like ive said many times before they give alot of junk in those strongboxes but they always give you something. Some games dont even do that. I think these whiners are blowing things out of proportion.
Making Level 10 runes are different than getting to lvl 10. I left the game at lvl 40 or so - I had a guild mate give me some runes but to make the higher levels it was costing so much, I stopped. Then the perfume issue was always an issue.
They are not blowing out of total proportion - just exxagerating a little. It is a P2W game.
Originally posted by SuprGamerX Yea all F2P mmos are B2W , you'll be amazed on the servide you'd get if you put 2-300$ a month on any of their games , you'd be like a God to them. It's pretty pathetic if you ask me. Anyways , P2P 4 life my friend!
I douubt that. I havent bought nothing really and have gotten alot back. This game is not bad and Gpotato isnt that bad. They have to make there money too. Nothing in this world is free understand that.
He didn't say he spent 11 year playing THIS MMO, or with THIS company. He said it's the worst customer service in his 11 years of playing MMO's as a genre. ----
I don't really care about the OP, as I'm sure there are details left out and it's biased because he's mad. I've never considered GPotato to be a very good company to begin with, but somehow, when these customers complain, they always seem to be in the right, and apparently never do anything wrong, ever. How odd.
Well, I'm guessing he meant in his 11 years of playing MMO's since Allods Online is nowhere near 11 years old. The rest of the story is to be taken with the necessary grains of salt. He's only copy/pasting the original E-mail and their response to his last E-mail.
The whole story is probably somewhat different.
I'm not saying Gpotato can't be greedy, they need to make a living too, but there are worse companies out there.
What you see here are what all I have. I will be more than happy if they can show me evidence or proof.
i have asked the customer service numerous time to give me a copy of formal investigation report.
so far is zero!!! They have just ignored me and worse ip banning me when I went to the game forum to
shed more light on this issue.
It is him gm condulous 100%. That's the way a prick he is. A senior who haven't got a clue.
minutes of me pming him in forum and share a link to the thread here. I was Ip banned by him
. Reason; harassing Gm. And he came all the way here to cover his biggest mistakes by far.
to be honest, any decent company would fire him on the spots for many screw up.
I Will never touch this company ever again.
Most people who played this game before the Gipat patch have come to the same conclusion. Bait and switch in its purest form. GM Gondulus is just doing what he's paid for. Consider yourself warned about Gpotato and "Free 2 Play" games in general.
Edgar F Greenwood
how is that gpotatos fault? they even asked russians to lower prices on some items but were refused because devs didnt want players to switch to cheaper versions? They also refused to add newest mount to cash shop until it was properly balanced, so they released it many months after russian version?
I admit, gpotato might not be an angel here (not many mmo hosting companies are) but they arent the ones who were responsible for what happened to Allods, heck they even had some free items in item shop which were actually selling a lot in russian version, until they managed to convince devs to completely remove it from cash shop, but apparently its their fault for allods current state?
I just wish this game was p2p from day one, that would stop devs from trying to add annoying features just to make you pay, and focus on making the game better instead (which they did, but only after just about everyone left allods pissed off by those annoying 'features' they tried to force upon us).
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
Edgar F Greenwood
Edgar F Greenwood
Edgar F Greenwood
Everyone knows gpotato is crap. thats not really debatable, every game they touch turns to a crappy, spammer infested, game with an insanely overpriced cash shop.
the OP is obviously a drama queen and probably took things too far and was banned with reason.
It should be known i guess, given the unprofessional "gm responding to crazy poster thread", that people who play while traveling should probably avoid any gpotato game, as well as people who move a lot ect. Support staff taking a fight with a deranged child to a 3rd party forum is super ameture btw.
Bottom line is this game is built for massive cash shop use, i mean insane, i had posted here a while back the wiki page breaking down how much real money a rune costs, granted you could get it to a very low level without spending, however the nature of runes makes it exponential, and the community DOES shun players without high level runes at endgame. If my memory serves me your looking to spend a few thousand per rune to participate in endgame stuff, you wont be grinding that in game btw.
Game has interesting and unique aspects to it, ruined by the rune system (game would be fine with just the deco, jewlery slots, and convienience items int he cash shop)
Further ruined by a horrible publisher.
Personally, id rather buy a few life time subs to average p2p mmorpgs than dump $5000 into a game thats average at best, and dying. Those life time subs wont even come close to what you need to compete in this game and will provide you with way more enjoyment. Oh an gpotato has been shutting ames down recently, so be careful what you spend with them.
Never had to deal with Allods Customer support, thank the gods. The cash shop was bad enough.
You could play to ~L30 purely PvE, beyond that you were in contested zones. Fighting PvP you really would need your daily Incense(CS), OFF & DEF enchantments (also CS to craft). The enchants didn't look too bad at first, +1, +2, +3 a couple dollars each in CS mats, but the cost followed a geometric scale 3x +1's to make a +2, 3x +2's to make a 3 etc... and of course the combine isn't a 100% success.
One day I calculated that assuming 100% at every step, the minimum cost to get a +10 Rune was something like $1100.
Now you can go to like +12 or 14 I beleive I heard, no idea what the total in todays costs would be.
Well OP this is why gamers don't like dealing with Gpotato. As soon as it's discovered they are going to have anything to do with a game the game loses an enormous amount of players instantly.
Not debatable huh? I have played quite a few of their games on and off throughout the years and not once have I ever had problems with them. (And don't call me lucky either). GM's do what they are supposed to do in games. Account sharing etc, is a bannable offence/offense, as it is in many games. Anyone that thinks they can alllow someone else to log into their account from another ip address is completely foolish. The only way that works if that changed ip address still matches your internet carrier. (Yes, we all know they do tend to use different ones at times for security purposes, and those are normally called dynamic ones
I have logged into gpotato games with my dynamic ip and not once have I ever had problems. Like someone has already said, there is more to this. I would understand if you were rotten to them and of course with this thread, it's a wonder why. I'm not sticking up for anyone, however, there are better constructive ways to handle these situations.
Nonethless, good luck to you, OP.
Edgar F Greenwood
Making Level 10 runes are different than getting to lvl 10. I left the game at lvl 40 or so - I had a guild mate give me some runes but to make the higher levels it was costing so much, I stopped. Then the perfume issue was always an issue.
They are not blowing out of total proportion - just exxagerating a little. It is a P2W game.
I douubt that. I havent bought nothing really and have gotten alot back. This game is not bad and Gpotato isnt that bad. They have to make there money too. Nothing in this world is free understand that.
Edgar F Greenwood