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I really don't understand the bashing against GW2



  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    Originally posted by eyelolled
    Originally posted by GeezerGamer

    What about those of us who don't hate the game. I still play it from time to time. It's not a bad game, it's got it's place on my hard drive. But at the same time, I'm not overly impressed by it either. It's not a great game. It's just OK. So, when I see someone gushing all over it, I see that and I personally don't feel that the game is "All that" so I post my opinion on the statement and say, No, GW2 isn't "all that" From that point, I'm immidiately branded as a hater. Which I'm not. I'd dare say the majority of posters that post criticisms do not in fact HATE GW2, we just don't think it's the "paradigm shift" it was foretold to be. So now that we came back and said "Hey, wait a second there!" because we challenged, not GW2 itself, but some of the outrageous claims made by some over the top fans last year (Most of whom are no longer posting anymore) we are constantly accused of "bashing" Why do you think when ever someone wants to post their opinion that contains criticism, even if it's presented constructively, the OP has to start off with the disclaimer they aren't hating or bashing or some other such nonsense?

    I think it's an appropriate time for you to step back for a moment, and remember that this "right" you have to share your opinion on the game is the same right that someone else has to gush over it. They are stating how they feel about the game and you're feeling compelled to correct them. You have absolutely no idea on what their perception is, yet you feel you already know that it's wrong.

    Take for example the fact that resource nodes give resources to each player rather than having to compete over resource. This may not be a groundbreaking change for you, but it could be the most important facet to a game possible for someone else.  Maybe that person spent countless hours running around trying to find resources that were always taken because the game had a bot problem at the time. Maybe to them, it's all about the gathering. Their opinion is valid.

    Or what about people like myself that want to just walk out into a world and take part. No quests, no indicators, no clutter just scripted dynamic sequences that have multiple outcomes dependant on player participation. To me, this is a giant leap in themepark design. This is the first step towards the game I want to play. This is evolutionary because it's like someone in the development team is looking into my head and trying to make the game I envision. Is my opinion not valid? Do you need to correct me on what I want?

    Fanboi's have a terrible problem with not being able to accept that people don't like their game. They have to correct every person that speaks any misinformation and police the forums for threads and posts that are contrary to their opinion. Would you say that "haters" are the opposite end of that spectrum? 

    If they share their opinion, I can discuss their opinion. It's how it works here. It's you on a high horse. You question my "right" to quesiton what I don't agree with. Yet here you are doing EXACTLY that to me. Got some pots calling the kettles black here.

    You are right, I wouldn't call giving each player their own resourse node ground breaking. I'd call it game breaking. Because everyone is able to farm it so easily, the TP became so over stocked with mats they became all but worthless. They can be picked up dirt cheap. It is to the point where it was just cheaper and easier for me to just buy them off the TP then go out and get them. Of course, I didn't even need to craft to begin with since the end product is also just as cheap to buy then to craft. And since the mats and items were of little value to sell, why bother even crafting? For someone who loves to play the crafting aspect of MMOs, this one was a huge disappointment. 

    That's just myr opinion. No high horse.

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857

    Here's the simple answer to he OP's question. GW2 didn't simply "add" anything to the MMO genre. Everything they introduced came at a cost. For each major thing that GW2 brought to the table, something just as major was sacrificed. Everything came at the cost of something else and not everyone thinks it was worth it. GW2 was nohing more than a system of tradeoffs. That's why there is such huge polarization in this particular game.

  • itgrowlsitgrowls Member Posts: 2,951
    Originally posted by GeezerGamer
    Originally posted by eyelolled
    Originally posted by GeezerGamer


    Take for example the fact that resource nodes give resources to each player rather than having to compete over resource. This may not be a groundbreaking change for you, but it could be the most important facet to a game possible for someone else.  Maybe that person spent countless hours running around trying to find resources that were always taken because the game had a bot problem at the time. Maybe to them, it's all about the gathering. Their opinion is valid.

    Or what about people like myself that want to just walk out into a world and take part. No quests, no indicators, no clutter just scripted dynamic sequences that have multiple outcomes dependant on player participation. To me, this is a giant leap in themepark design.


    The math doesn't agree with your first statement because that's exactly how i easily got my gold, resource nodes. So saying that just because it's game wide and not server specific for the economy someone isn't making money is wrong. Secondly, saying that competition for the resource nodes is somehow breaking the game isn't accurate either because the disciplines are designed to use resources from the same systems all across the board, like would leather cloth ore is used by most of the disciplines for crafting. Leveling crafting requires alot compared to other titles.

    The second thing you describe is not a themepark at all it's called a sandbox. The ability to not have levels to simply go about running around while nothing eventful happens to you but the occasional zombie zerg isn't really the same as the style of themepark that GW2 is. DE's don't come into play in those environments AT ALL really.

  • itgrowlsitgrowls Member Posts: 2,951
    Originally posted by Icewhite
    Anyway, since so many seem to be enjoying their regular weekend sport uninterrupted...back to ogre bashing!  And tiime for a fresh beverage.

    ETTINS KILL THE ETTINS those things have entirely too much toughness imo hehe

  • halflife25halflife25 Member Posts: 737

    I can't believe this topic is still going on.  To feign such a suprise on GW2 bashing and asking 'why' is like asking why water is wet or sky is blue.

    That also especially coming from those who spent good part of last year bashing every other themepark MMO on these forums. This is one of the most fake threads i have ever read on these forums. OP and everyone else probably know the answer to this 'why',  Such nice actors.

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    Originally posted by itgrowls
    Originally posted by GeezerGamer
    Originally posted by eyelolled
    Originally posted by GeezerGamer


    Take for example the fact that resource nodes give resources to each player rather than having to compete over resource. This may not be a groundbreaking change for you, but it could be the most important facet to a game possible for someone else.  Maybe that person spent countless hours running around trying to find resources that were always taken because the game had a bot problem at the time. Maybe to them, it's all about the gathering. Their opinion is valid.

    Or what about people like myself that want to just walk out into a world and take part. No quests, no indicators, no clutter just scripted dynamic sequences that have multiple outcomes dependant on player participation. To me, this is a giant leap in themepark design.


    The math doesn't agree with your first statement because that's exactly how i easily got my gold, resource nodes. So saying that just because it's game wide and not server specific for the economy someone isn't making money is wrong. Secondly, saying that competition for the resource nodes is somehow breaking the game isn't accurate either because the disciplines are designed to use resources from the same systems all across the board, like would leather cloth ore is used by most of the disciplines for crafting. Leveling crafting requires alot compared to other titles.

    The second thing you describe is not a themepark at all it's called a sandbox. The ability to not have levels to simply go about running around while nothing eventful happens to you but the occasional zombie zerg isn't really the same as the style of themepark that GW2 is. DE's don't come into play in those environments AT ALL really.

    Ahh the beauty of holding one's own opinions. Math has nothing to do with it. I can say the game doesn't work for me because I don't like the dynamic between grinding mats and reselling them in the TP. While it's generally true that ones opinion can be based in utter bullshIt, I don't feel that to eb the case here, since I know many others have shared the same sentiment. It doesn't work for me. And yet for you, it does. Isn't it great?

  • KingJigglyKingJiggly Member Posts: 777
    Lol just keep playing the game, numbers will show the trolls.
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    Originally posted by KingJiggly
    Lol just keep playing the game, numbers will show the trolls.

    Because everyone's either a fanboy or a troll? This post invalidates everyone who posted any kind of legitimate and/or construtive criticism.

  • fixiffixif Member UncommonPosts: 180
    Originally posted by sammyeli
    Originally posted by fixif

    It's less about the game, and more about the fans. Every game has fanbois but  GW2s are something special.

    They want to believe ( or they actually believe, I am not sure) that GW2 is best thing since sliced bread, when it's obvious to everyone that it's not. It's far from   revolutionary or anything close. It's literally calling white color black. It's just not true.

    And yet they keep insisting. Everyone who has played a MMO in their entire life won't claim such unfounded statements.

    To me yes it is  is best thing since sliced bread. But do you see me shoving my opinion down your throat?

    I think you did not get my point. I don't care if someone is enjoying GW2 or not. I'm just saying GW2 is nothing revolutionary. That is not an opinion. Nowadays people think it's normal to give games 95+ and I really think they don't know what that means.

    For a game to get 95+ it has to be something completely new and groundbreaking. While GW2 is a fun game for F2P, it's far from anything that would change the genre.

    Remember, SWTOR was getting unbelieveably good scores across the industry.


  • RefMinorRefMinor Member UncommonPosts: 3,452
    Originally posted by GeezerGamer
    Originally posted by KingJiggly
    Lol just keep playing the game, numbers will show the trolls.

    Because everyone's either a fanboy or a troll?

    No there are regular folks and trolls, none of them admit to their fanboyism.

  • AerowynAerowyn Member Posts: 7,928
    Originally posted by fixif
    Originally posted by sammyeli
    Originally posted by fixif

    It's less about the game, and more about the fans. Every game has fanbois but  GW2s are something special.

    They want to believe ( or they actually believe, I am not sure) that GW2 is best thing since sliced bread, when it's obvious to everyone that it's not. It's far from   revolutionary or anything close. It's literally calling white color black. It's just not true.

    And yet they keep insisting. Everyone who has played a MMO in their entire life won't claim such unfounded statements.

    To me yes it is  is best thing since sliced bread. But do you see me shoving my opinion down your throat?

    I think you did not get my point. I don't care if someone is enjoying GW2 or not. I'm just saying GW2 is nothing revolutionary. That is not an opinion. Nowadays people think it's normal to give games 95+ and I really think they don't know what that means.

    For a game to get 95+ it has to be something completely new and groundbreaking. While GW2 is a fun game for F2P, it's far from anything that would change the genre.

    Remember, SWTOR was getting unbelieveably good scores across the industry.

    that is in fact an opinion in every sense.. how can you say that to some this game is not revolutionary in some ways? hell as much as I dislike swtor it is revolutionary in some aspects of it.

    I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg

  • grimalgrimal Member UncommonPosts: 2,935
    [mod edit]
  • hikaru77hikaru77 Member UncommonPosts: 1,123
    Originally posted by Torgrim

    GW2 is a AAA product right?

    There is plenty of content for everyone?

    You are not forced into a roll in a dungeon run?

    You are not forced to play in your homeland you can travel and meet up friends right?

    Ohh, did I forget to say It's buy and play.

    Guild Wars 2 have huge amount of content for players to experince when they buy the game and still this game is attacked from all side like a common sub game.

    Why is that?

    I will make you a shor list about why people is bashing against GW2: 

    is not an AAA MMO, It doesnt have an Huge amount of content, thats a myth and one of the biggest problems, is full of bots and hackers, it doesnt have the competitive PvP that everyone was waiting, is just too casual and it get bored after a few weeks. 

  • corpusccorpusc Member UncommonPosts: 1,341
    Originally posted by RefMinor
    Originally posted by Icewhite

    A paradigm shift is one that moves a world view from one point to another completely. ie from people believing the earth is flat to the earth is round.

    GW2 has changed nothing, no other games are going B2P


    The War Z did.   seems like i heard of another which i can't recall.


    both TESO (especially) and Pathfinder combat plans sound quite influenced by GW2.


    BTW, i played GW2 all of about 20 mins before logging out and not returning.  little disclaimer there for the completely unbalanced my game vs. your game warriors.


    Corpus Callosum    


  • Vunak23Vunak23 Member UncommonPosts: 633

    The fans did it themselves. Hyping the game up so much and talking shit about every other game. Infiltrating forums left and right only to go on and on about how GW2 was the second coming. This obviously isn't true about every GW2 fan, but the fanatics have given you a bad rep and it will stick for a long time. 

    The reason I don't like GW2 is the same reason I don't like SWTOR or TSW or RIFT etc. Although I have respect for those games for different reasons. GW2 did an amazing job with scenery (cities in particular), SWTOR the leveling process was fun for me and my buddy. TSW, the investigation missions can actually be difficult, difficult is something we havn't seen in MMO's in a very long time. And RIFT, I have a lot of respect for TRION as a development company. 

    But they spent so much money (SWTOR in particular) to give us a rehashed game over and over again. TSW and GW2 are the furthest away from that rehashed game, but they are still to similar to be called unique. They still equate out to gear grinds and dungeon runs/meaningless PvP. 


    "In the immediate future, we have this one, and then we’ve got another one that is actually going to be – so we’re going to have, what we want to do, is in January, what we’re targeting to do, this may or may not happen, so you can’t hold me to it. But what we’re targeting to do, is have a fun anniversary to the Ilum shenanigans that happened. An alien race might invade, and they might crash into Ilum and there might be some new activities that happen on the planet." ~Gabe Amatangelo

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    Originally posted by Torvaldr
    Originally posted by RefMinor
    Originally posted by Icewhite
    Originally posted by GeezerGamer

    Then you do not know what a Paradigm Shift really is.  

    GG? No one does.

    It's a recent invention as an advertising tagline.  It means about as much as those "legendary craftsmen of old world Italy" that used to be so important on a certain brand of faucets (made in china).

    Sorry, 1962 isn't all that recent, I guess.  At least that's what the younger gamers tell me :/

    A paradigm shift is one that moves a world view from one point to another completely. ie from people believing the earth is flat to the earth is round.

    GW2 has changed nothing, no other games are going B2P, dynamic events were already done by other games before, and it certainly hasn't caused a majority to agree that it is the way forward for new games.

    I think the payment model will have an affect, but it's going to take time to show.  The MMO industry seems to move at a glacial pace.

    I still think there is a large misconception about what a Paradigm Shift really is. Even if ther were no arguemtns against GW2. Everyone in the entire MMO market all came together in agreement. They quit their other games and picked up GW2. GW2 shut down every other MMO ever made and became the model after which a decade of clones were released to try to capture it's market share. It wouldn't be a paradigm shift. They are defined by the overall effect they have on society as a whole. How a few million people entertain themselves does not constitute a Paradigm Shift.

  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Originally posted by Torgrim

    GW2 is a AAA product right?

    There is plenty of content for everyone?

    You are not forced into a roll in a dungeon run?

    You are not forced to play in your homeland you can travel and meet up friends right?

    Ohh, did I forget to say It's buy and play.

    Guild Wars 2 have huge amount of content for players to experince when they buy the game and still this game is attacked from all side like a common sub game.

    Why is that?

    I'm surprised that someone with 1200+ posts here has to ask that. The simple answer is that the latest AAA title always gets bashed greatly here. That's just the game.


    The game goes like this:

    1. AAA MMO is announced - the consensus here is that it's revolutionary and the real deal WOW killa. Detractors are burnt at the stake.

    2. AAA MMO is released - everyone in the forum tries to show everyone else that they are just as good at reviewing MMOs as the professionals... better even, because reviewers everywhere,  have no integrity and are paid by the developers...don'tyaknow?

    3. New AAA MMO is announced - the circus begins to drift oiver to that forum. (See The Elder Scrolls Online)


    4. New AAA MMO is released - the former pseudo-controversial trending MMO is nearly abandoned here and the cycle repeats itself.


    You have to remember that the forums here are not really a place where MMO players come to talk about their hobby. This is a place where MMO Review fans talk about that weird little hobby... well worth remembering that fine distinction.


    Some of us try to ignore that and actually talk about the MMOs we enjoy playing, but we're a small minority and dismissed as simple-minded because enjoyment or happiness in an MMO are just symptoms of a weak and/or overly-medicated mind.


    And, oh yeah.... we have trolls and fanbois too.

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • eye_meye_m Member UncommonPosts: 3,317
    Originally posted by QuicklyScott
    Originally posted by eyelolled
    Originally posted by QuicklyScott
    Originally posted by just1opinion
    Originally posted by eyelolled

    First off, you need to realize some things.

    GW2 doesn't have FFA OWPvP with full loot and permadeath so it's not hardcore enough for all us internet gangstas.  It's obviously a fail game.

    GW2 isn't a sandbox, so it's way too themepark for all us dedicated sandboxers. It's obviously a fail game.

    GW2 is just another fantasy themed mmorpg, which is so unrealistic compared to my ultramodern fantasy setting. Obviously a fail game.

    GW2 doesn't have mounts, and I like being mounted. Obviously a ....    wait that didn't sound right.

    GW2 is F2P and I like the feeling that someone's hand is in my pocket at least once a month.   Obviously a ....     wait, that didn't sound right either.

    GW2 has no raids, and raids are how us elitists get our elitist gear, and with no elitist gear, than how can we be elitist and that means I don't exist, and if I don't exist than obviously GW2 is a fail game.


    /end of sarcstic rant

    (oh and btw, I do realize it's B2P, it was intentional)


    EDIT: It was not my intent to offend anybody that may hold true to any of the descriptions I provided. This post was made with a healthy dose of parody


    ^^Best post in thread.

    Nope, it was condescendingly insulting.  One of the worst posts and indicative of the level of maturity here.

    I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. I really was just poking fun and I didn't mean to hurt anybody's feelings. Thats why I put the EDIT in, so that people would realize I was just "funnin"


    I guess this should be a lesson me and to you all. Forum banter is serious business. You do not know the emotional effects that some offhand comments might create. Please refrain from making any comments that are contrary to anyone elses especially in parody.

    Ok smart guy, do you think it is apt to be insulting and baiting in that way when the whole point of this thread is asking why people are hating on GW2?  It's that very behaviour which is one of the reasons why there is a lot of dislike towards GW2 and its community..


    Also, your edit was meaningless.

    That is a fine example of humor. It can easily alienate one person while making someone else laugh even if it's not intentional.

    I had a picture up that was (I beleive) originally posted in MAD comic. It showed a picture of a dog with a gun pointed at it's head and the caption read "If you don't buy this magazine, we'll shoot this dog" I thought it was hilarious. I had a person see it and ask me to take it down because they though it was in bad taste because they had just lost their family pet.  I told them that it's unfortunate that they lost their pet, and I am sorry for their loss. I didn't take the picture down, because their perception does not factor to my own even though I do feel bad for what they are going through.

    I am sorry that you don't find my humor funny, and I did not post it with the intent of hurting your feelings or insulting you.  I find it funny, and others have found it funny.  However, I will offer this public apology on the subject.


    To all the internet gangstas. I am sorry. I should not have implied that GW2 was not hardcore enough for you.

    To all the sandboxers. I am sorry. I should not have implied that GW2 was too themepark for you.

    To all the ultramodern fantasy players. I am sorry. I should not have implied that GW2 was too fantasy for you.

    To all the mount fans. I am sorry. I should not have implied that you prefer being mount..    ugh. You know what I mean.

    To all the subscription fans. I am sorry. I should not have implied that you like paying monthly.

    And to all of the above.  I am sorry, I should not have implied that you think GW2 is a fail game, not even in the slightest.


    I would also like to take this opportunity to thank QuicklyScott. If it wasn't for him, I may have never corrected my mistake.

    All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.

    I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.

    I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.

    I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.

  • IcewhiteIcewhite Member Posts: 6,403
    Originally posted by Iselin

    You have to remember that the forums here are not really a place where MMO players come to talk about their hobby. This is a place where MMO Review fans talk about that weird little hobby... well worth remembering that fine distinction.

    In order to indulge in the foum pvp game properly, you need to establish a villain.  Doing so makes you the hero!

    To do this, you must successfully divide the audience into "Us" and "Them", by some method (generally, but not exclusively, label -> gross generalization -> ad hominem).

    What's dubious is the tactics that are deemed acceptable for these "heroes".  The other guy done it first! :point finger:

    Anything goes.  The ends justify the means.


    Speaking of heroes, Wreckit Ralph in half an hour!  Later taters.

    Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.

  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,651
    Originally posted by Torgrim

    GW2 is a AAA product right?

    There is plenty of content for everyone?

    You are not forced into a roll in a dungeon run?

    You are not forced to play in your homeland you can travel and meet up friends right?

    Ohh, did I forget to say It's buy and play.

    Guild Wars 2 have huge amount of content for players to experince when they buy the game and still this game is attacked from all side like a common sub game.

    Why is that?

    stupid question.

    if you have read the forums over the weeks you would know the answer to that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. some ppl like it some ppl don't?  Personally, the game is not enticing enough for me to log in often and play. It was at first with its newness and innovation but now I'm bored with it.  The community and the world is not alive enough for me. It's a lot like SWTOR, you play through the content and zones once and that is enough.

    Proud member since March 2004!  Make PvE GREAT Again!

  • TheMagickDollTheMagickDoll Member Posts: 29
    Originally posted by Torgrim

    GW2 is a AAA product right?

    There is plenty of content for everyone?

    You are not forced into a roll in a dungeon run?

    You are not forced to play in your homeland you can travel and meet up friends right?

    Ohh, did I forget to say It's buy and play.

    Guild Wars 2 have huge amount of content for players to experince when they buy the game and still this game is attacked from all side like a common sub game.

    Why is that?


    I can only make a few guesses. Some had technical issues, which would be an understable turn off. Others are too use to being lead by the noise in other games or when they see they have a map complete are unaware of all the hidden activities not marked on the map. For some, they are players that are more programed that stats are the only thing that matter and no concept of roleplaying games like old D&D style or never played the MUDs or classic games that started the craze. The content is there, they just don't understand how to see it.  Maybe some see shallow when there is so much flavor and depth because they lack the ability to comprehend and see it for themselves. Also sociliazing is a big part of these games, if player cannot make those connects, they are going to feel disconnected to that game they play, no matter what type of MMO it is.

    For those who bash the game, I feel sorry for them. The game is a brillant piece of work. It might not be as fanastic as City of Heroes I so much loved (F you NCsoft), but it is an excellent game and so much to do game wise as well as a good community for those who have the eyes and knowledge to understand.

    When fans defend the game, it is in defense of false statements, not out of loyality. No one said it was a flawless game and yes, there are features I hope to see in the game in the future which are coming down the line (housing).  And I cringed at the rare times I come across a group of mindless bots (which usually are naked because the monsters kill them so damn much, to my amusement)

    But the game is a good one.  The very mechanics make it a friendly game and less competive. When I am fighting other critters, I don't have to worry about people kill stealing and when others jump in to help the kill, it helps me and themselves out. This game has a lot of good features for community building and causes far less in-gaming fighting, especially when it comes to loot (aka, like WoW for example). In my experience raiding is something more MMO games can do without and I hope to never see such a thing in GW2. The developers can spend their effort and time in creating challenge content in other ways (and any nay sayers that there isn't challenge contect cleary have not faced some of the more difficult events in the game *shakes first at clock tower for one* )

    And the halloween event was outstanding and probably one of the most challenging events I have played in an MMO in a long time.  Even afterwards, the game world change, bit by bit.  I look forward to the coming updates which are already starting to show up bit by bit.

    The future is bright for GW2 and I plan on enjoying the ride.

  • YakamomotoYakamomoto Member Posts: 363

    I think I simply don't understand people who consider GW2 to be the pinnacle of MMO entertainment.

    It's like talking to someone who says Episode I is his favourite Star Wars movie. I don't hate people for liking Episode I, but there is something strange about them.

  • deakondeakon Member Posts: 583
    Originally posted by Yakamomoto

    I think I simply don't understand people who consider GW2 to be the pinnacle of MMO entertainment.

    It's like talking to someone who says Episode I is his favourite Star Wars movie. I don't hate people for liking Episode I, but there is something strange about them.

    Now that has to be the harshest thing anyone has said about gw2, I havent played gw2 in over a mon th (broken events, lack of progression and hackers put me off) but comparing it to episode 1 is HARSH!


    Please in future compar it to something lighter and less painfull to remember, like the holocaust or 9/11, rather than re-opening every geeks deepest wound

  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Originally posted by Yakamomoto

    I think I simply don't understand people who consider GW2 to be the pinnacle of MMO entertainment.

    It's like talking to someone who says Episode I is his favourite Star Wars movie. I don't hate people for liking Episode I, but there is something strange about them.

    It's easy man... love is blind. Just look at any 1-day old baby if you need proof.

    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

    ― Umberto Eco

    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by Vunak23

    The fans did it themselves. Hyping the game up so much and talking shit about every other game. Infiltrating forums left and right only to go on and on about how GW2 was the second coming. This obviously isn't true about every GW2 fan, but the fanatics have given you a bad rep and it will stick for a long time. 

    The reason I don't like GW2 is the same reason I don't like SWTOR or TSW or RIFT etc. Although I have respect for those games for different reasons. GW2 did an amazing job with scenery (cities in particular), SWTOR the leveling process was fun for me and my buddy. TSW, the investigation missions can actually be difficult, difficult is something we havn't seen in MMO's in a very long time. And RIFT, I have a lot of respect for TRION as a development company. 

    But they spent so much money (SWTOR in particular) to give us a rehashed game over and over again. TSW and GW2 are the furthest away from that rehashed game, but they are still to similar to be called unique. They still equate out to gear grinds and dungeon runs/meaningless PvP. 


    Straight down the middle. Good post especially the 2nd and 3rd paragraph. 

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