no instanced raids.. should be better for you?.. but yes meta events are in fact raids.. but again like many things such as what's a sandbox? you will get 100 differn't opinions on what defines that and what's a MMORPG? that seems to be a hot topic as well
GW2 has raids? I remember reading many posts by fans exclaiming this game has no raids yada yada yada.
Are they now caliing these meta events raids to try and appeal to raiders?
Not the first time I have seen GW2 fans trying to change the meaning of a mmo term.
was discussed already numerous times but GW2 has raids in the same sense as earlier MMOs had open world raids.. the coined instanced raid became well known when instanced dungeon raiding became big in wow then the term raid became synonymous with 10+man dungeon.. this is how I always viewed a raid "A raid is a type of mission in a video game in which a very large number of people (larger than the normal team size set by the game) attempt to defeat a boss monster." In the same sense i would consider Rifts invasion bosses open world raids as well
I remember those open world raids. Bosses were on a timer and everyone raced to kill them when they popped.
Not the case here. These are meta events based on the outcome of dynamic events. I know this because GW2 fans were in every forum telling everyone about these events......and they were never referredto as raids. They were always referred to as the almighty innovative events.
You can try and make them sound like raids as we all know them (instanced or open world) but I will know themby the terms the fans have been using for months.(events) And according to the fans, events were different and GW2 has no raids.
dragon events are on a timer not 100% accurate but pretty close and everyone does race to finish them just like we did back in EQ1 but now in GW2 it doesn't count? gotcha
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
This is how i feel when i read these topics. Gridlock roundabouts goin nowhere fast.
That sums up every weekend for me.
Time to go bash some ogres.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Having been on this forum for quite a while, I can pretty much tell you that the problem is not with GW2, it's with the people on this forum:)
Every single hyped release goes through the same cycle:
1 - "the game X we were waiting for sucks, what kind of crap is this??"
2 - "look at game Y released next month, it's awesome, I'm in the beta, best game of the year! everyone should do it that way"
3 - "Y was released today! best game ever! love it, everyone should play it!"
4 - "it's been a month now and Y sucks, I hate it, what kind of crap is this? why can't they make it like game Z released next month?"
5 - "quit Y, it's horrible, Z is coming out soon and it will be the game of the year!"
6 - "Z is out, I love it!"
7 - "Z sucks"
GW2 hype wasn't even as major as some other game. I remember people going almost berserk for SWTOR and DarkFall before that and of course LOTRO.
So the problem here is with cynical mindset on a lot of internet forums where people's expectations grow exponentially and the reality is never satisfying.
In other words, we became spoiled brats.
Used to be that EVERY single F2P game was awesome because it was free. Every single monthly payment game was awesome because we had to pay $$$ for it and it had high standards and every new release was amazing because it brought something new to the plate.
if you don't hang around the forums alot much is deleted by the mods so you don't really understand how prevelant it is unless you are here often.. i would be glad to post numerous names and threads for you but that's just in bad taste
I check this site out from time to time on a somewhat regular basis. I agree that there are alot of pointless threads that just attack the game and basically say it will fail.
But many negative threads, if not most of them, are fair criticism about the game and it's systems. Yes, alot of people voicetheir opinion, and i can see how many fans react with "So? Who cares about you? Don't like it, don't play", but that doesn't make their views "bashing".
It's a gaming forum, what do people expect? Silly question imo.
But I'll bite cause I need to kill a couple mins. Super simple answer. GW2 was hyped like no other MMO I have seen. Not on this site anyways. Wasn't its pre-release hype meter almost a 10? The game does some good things, and for the most part, delivered on their promises, it has a lot of issues as well. Definitely didn't live up to the hype, even if the hype was unrealistic to begin with. So naturally people are going to voice their dissatisfaction after reading how utterly amazing the game will be for years.
But at least people are talking about it. Good or bad. It's when people stop talking that fans of the game should worry. Right now GW2 is relevant. That it as a compliment.
Is the OP really asking why people don't like "his" game....?
Some people don't think GW2 represents what they want from an MMO. Threads like this, which imply "oh why don't you all love the savior" really just make things worse.
Why do you even care, why must everyone else like it..........ugh jsut go play it. I've been coming to this site since I was 13 back in 2004, right now, this site has never been more irritating. Every god damn day there is a thread on the front page about why GW2 is the best ever or why it is a complete flop....gahhhhhh
Never have I met anyone, online or IRL as annoying as a certain 5 MMORPG posters, all GW2 lovers, who are turning this site to shit. The first page of this thread is indicative of a few of these guys. It's like a mental handicap.
It's less about the game, and more about the fans. Every game has fanbois but GW2s are something special.
They want to believe ( or they actually believe, I am not sure) that GW2 is best thing since sliced bread, when it's obvious to everyone that it's not. It's far from revolutionary or anything close. It's literally calling white color black. It's just not true.
And yet they keep insisting. Everyone who has played a MMO in their entire life won't claim such unfounded statements.
Originally posted by drakaena A thread bashing the bashers. Nice.
It's a gaming forum, what do people expect? Silly question imo.
But I'll bite cause I need to kill a couple mins. Super simple answer. GW2 was hyped like no other MMO I have seen. Not on this site anyways. Wasn't its pre-release hype meter almost a 10? The game does some good things, and for the most part, delivered on their promises, it has a lot of issues as well. Definitely didn't live up to the hype, even if the hype was unrealistic to begin with. So naturally people are going to voice their dissatisfaction after reading how utterly amazing the game will be for years.
But at least people are talking about it. Good or bad. It's when people stop talking that fans of the game should worry. Right now GW2 is relevant. That it as a compliment.
See I can understand this, that some people you know didn't see it as good as others and they should voice their opinion. but to come to these forums state after the first week of launch oh this game didn't live up to what I wanted to and state your reasons and then keep coming back 2 months later to try to get others on your bandwagon is something different.
Some people will like it some won't its natural, but if you don't like it and you already voiced your opinion and you have made it clear why pick up other subjects you know nothing about and are just reading from forums and use them as some shit you already did the 1 week you played to bash the game is not really cool.
And then I love this one oh you bashed my game I am going to bash yours, I am in no other game forum only the game I play, if I do not liek something I will post my opinions on official forums first off all, but you will never see me go post on other forums once I am done with the game.
The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true.
What about those of us who don't hate the game. I still play it from time to time. It's not a bad game, it's got it's place on my hard drive. But at the same time, I'm not overly impressed by it either. It's not a great game. It's just OK. So, when I see someone gushing all over it, I see that and I personally don't feel that the game is "All that" so I post my opinion on the statement and say, No, GW2 isn't "all that" From that point, I'm immidiately branded as a hater. Which I'm not. I'd dare say the majority of posters that post criticisms do not in fact HATE GW2, we just don't think it's the "paradigm shift" it was foretold to be. So now that we came back and said "Hey, wait a second there!" because we challenged, not GW2 itself, but some of the outrageous claims made by some over the top fans last year (Most of whom are no longer posting anymore) we are constantly accused of "bashing" Why do you think when ever someone wants to post their opinion that contains criticism, even if it's presented constructively, the OP has to start off with the disclaimer they aren't hating or bashing or some other such nonsense?
It's less about the game, and more about the fans. Every game has fanbois but GW2s are something special.
They want to believe ( or they actually believe, I am not sure) that GW2 is best thing since sliced bread, when it's obvious to everyone that it's not. It's far from revolutionary or anything close. It's literally calling white color black. It's just not true.
And yet they keep insisting. Everyone who has played a MMO in their entire life won't claim such unfounded statements.
To me yes it is is best thing since sliced bread. But do you see me shoving my opinion down your throat?
The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true.
What about those of us who don't hate the game. I still play it from time to time. It's not a bad game, it's got it's place on my hard drive. But at the same time, I'm not overly impressed by it either. It's not a great game. It's just OK. So, when I see someone gushing all over it, I see that and I personally don't feel that the game is "All that" so I post my opinion on the statement and say, No, GW2 isn't "all that" From that point, I'm immidiately branded as a hater. Which I'm not. I'd dare say the majority of posters that post criticisms do not in fact HATE GW2, we just don't think it's the "paradigm shift" it was foretold to be. So now that we came back and said "Hey, wait a second there!" because we challenged, not GW2 itself, but some of the outrageous claims made by some over the top fans last year (Most of whom are no longer posting anymore) we are constantly accused of "bashing" Why do you think when ever someone wants to post their opinion that contains criticism, even if it's presented constructively, the OP has to start off with the disclaimer they aren't hating or bashing or some other such nonsense?
dude please lol you play the game? type your id here Ill message you right now, get on your highest toon.
The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true.
So while playing and being in overflow after overflow yesterday, I in map chat mentioned the subject of this very post and every player in the place was laughing their butts off at it and the nonsense on these forums about this game, and how he's absolutely correct to wonder where these people are getting these ideas from.
I was completely surrounded by people constantly in every zone yesterday (which was typical and still is of how gameplay was before the holiday content began for halloween).
We talked about how there was no other place on the internet where one could find posts like "most antisocial game ever" and "it's in a tail spin" and "players thinning out" and how it's the funniest thing ever to see such posts when that's not actually what's happening in the game while people are really playing it.
Just wanted to point that out to people so they can get a better idea of what REALLY happens in this title on a daily basis.
It's less about the game, and more about the fans. Every game has fanbois but GW2s are something special.
They want to believe ( or they actually believe, I am not sure) that GW2 is best thing since sliced bread, when it's obvious to everyone that it's not. It's far from revolutionary or anything close. It's literally calling white color black. It's just not true.
And yet they keep insisting. Everyone who has played a MMO in their entire life won't claim such unfounded statements.
funny the savior, best thing since sliced bread.. all those coined from people bashing on the game or who do not agree with people enjoying the game.. fans that use that usually are just giving others a hard time most fans i see on this site that aren't just trying to rile up some of these posters are well aware this game is fun but with many glaring issues as most all new MMOs have.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
I dont agree with stupid bashing of the game but I agree with the constructive criticisms of the game. It's repetative, shallow gameplay, and same themepark play that ppl on this site dislike. For me also it's lackluster stories, De-leveling ppl in areas, and non-community is also a turn off.
Dont get me wrong there are alot of good things GW2 does such as variety of skills, events, and art, but IMO its not the great MMO ppl think it is.
All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care. Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes
You are not forced to play in your homeland you can travel and meet up friends right?
Ohh, did I forget to say It's buy and play.
Guild Wars 2 have huge amount of content for players to experince when they buy the game and still this game is attacked from all side like a common sub game.
Why is that?
It's a AAA product, sure.
I'd question the "plenty of content for everyone" thing though. Most of the "content" is shallow, repeatable zerg events.
A lot of people don't feel "forced" into a roll for dungeons. They play healers and tanks because they like to play healers and tanks.
A lot of games let you travel to play other zones. That's nothing new.
It is buy and play, but you get what you pay for. If you really like the zerg-style PvP, then it's great. It's like a CoD mmo. The tacked on "storyline" doesn't exactly change that.
As for why people are attacking it, it's probably because a lot of them/us are tired of all the hype for months leading up to the release, about how revolutionary this game was going to be, and how it was going to herald in a new era. It didn't. It's just another random psuedo-MMO with little more depth than Diablo x.
I agree it's just like a CoD MMORPG. In fact, it's a lot like CoD. The only differences are the fantasy setting, the gameplay, the clases, the itemization, the fact it's a different genre, and basically everything about the game.
I agree it's just like a CoD MMORPG. In fact, it's a lot like CoD. The only differences are the fantasy setting, the gameplay, the clases, the itemization, the fact it's a different genre, and basically everything about the game.
otherwise though, TOTAL cod clone.
Cres - I knew you'd come around.
seems closer to curling to me.. i like that reference better:)
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
What about those of us who don't hate the game. I still play it from time to time. It's not a bad game, it's got it's place on my hard drive. But at the same time, I'm not overly impressed by it either. It's not a great game. It's just OK. So, when I see someone gushing all over it, I see that and I personally don't feel that the game is "All that" so I post my opinion on the statement and say, No, GW2 isn't "all that" From that point, I'm immidiately branded as a hater. Which I'm not. I'd dare say the majority of posters that post criticisms do not in fact HATE GW2, we just don't think it's the "paradigm shift" it was foretold to be. So now that we came back and said "Hey, wait a second there!" because we challenged, not GW2 itself, but some of the outrageous claims made by some over the top fans last year (Most of whom are no longer posting anymore) we are constantly accused of "bashing" Why do you think when ever someone wants to post their opinion that contains criticism, even if it's presented constructively, the OP has to start off with the disclaimer they aren't hating or bashing or some other such nonsense?
dude please lol you play the game? type your id here Ill message you right now, get on your highest toon.
Sorry but I don't believe the "I'm the victim because people are picking on me for not liking something" routine geezer.
Want to talk about over the top claims? How about the over the top claims made by people who don't like the game they seriously sound like they have never played the thing for even a day let alone a minute.
Like "combat is boring 1 button pushing" or "questing is all the same in this game" or "you're still grinding all the time because because you have to do something in the game to resembles the others" or my personal favorite "there are still quest hubs they're just called hearts now"
These types of posts by people who simply "don't like the game" aren't reasonable and never give credit where credit is due. These devs of GW2 were fantastic in their delivery of something very much different from the standard lobby style endless gear treadmill and they did it without P2W they did it without a forced subscription and they did it without a trinity. They deserve our praise for their accomplishments. And despite your post it's a complete "paradigm shift" because it doesn't do what the other themeparks are doing. People who keep posting negativity because someone is being positive about a title and the negative ones not dealing with their own personal themepark burnout on these forums is both immature and unrealistic.
People (at least on this site) remember all the trolling that was going on from gw2 fan's so I would expect their is a little bit of payback going on. Also the hype for gw2 was way to high (remember gw2 can cure cancer folks) and when it did not live up to all the players expectations there is going to be some blowback.
good old retalliation then.. classy..... almost all those absurd claims(cancer, savior, ect) were made by people bashing the game or ones making fun of people bashing the game.. you can go back and look if you wish
To be honest the totally over the top amount of trolling and hyping and bashing of every other game out there by deluded GW2 fans in the run up to its launch is one of main reasons for so many people now paying the GW2 fan base back in kind....
Classy you say? Not so much but what do you expect lol? The GW2 fanbase kind of brought this on themselves, there was an army of gamers just waiting for the opportunity to say "I told you so" when GW2 failed to deliver...
Maybe if the GW2 fail trolls had show a bit more class when spewing their venomous nonsense over every other games boards then people would not be as quick to return the sentiment now
People (at least on this site) remember all the trolling that was going on from gw2 fan's so I would expect their is a little bit of payback going on. Also the hype for gw2 was way to high (remember gw2 can cure cancer folks) and when it did not live up to all the players expectations there is going to be some blowback.
good old retalliation then.. classy..... almost all those absurd claims(cancer, savior, ect) were made by people bashing the game or ones making fun of people bashing the game.. you can go back and look if you wish
To be honest the totally over the top amount of trolling and hyping and bashing of every other game out there by deluded GW2 fans in the run up to its launch is one of main reasons for so many people now paying the GW2 fan base back in kind....
Classy you say? Not so much but what do you expect lol? The GW2 fanbase kind of brought this on themselves, there was an army of gamers just waiting for the opportunity to say "I told you so" when GW2 failed to deliver...
Maybe if the GW2 fail trolls had show a bit more class when spewing their venomous nonsense over every other games boards then people would not be as quick to return the sentiment now
i don' spend much time in games forums I don't play so ill have to take your word on that.. but again if people were trolling up other games forums they should of been reported and delt with by the mods..
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
difference is a LOT of people really enjoy the PVE side on GW2.. i doubt many enjoy eating roaches
and creslin LOL:P
And that's great that some people enjoy it. But you seem to think that anyone who doesn't enjoy it is somehow misguided or just doesn't "get it" or whatever. They may not share your opinion, but that doesn't invalidate their opinion. And, like it or not, the game is getting a reputation for being a bit on the shallow side. I stopped counting the times I would see a post or comment about how the game is fun, but not worth a sub. Most of the people "bashing" GW2 aren't saying it's a horrendeous trainwreck. Just that it's not really a great MMO. It's just a game that's fun for a bit, but that fun wears thin quickly for a lot of people.
Feel free to keep dismissing all of the complaints though, becuase they obviously just don't get the game.
actually i see that on almost a daily basis
And completely avoided commenting on the main point of the post, that you think anyone who diagrees with you, or simplt does not like the game is someholw wrong or is just "doing it wrong"...
I dont hate this game but lets be is really, really average
I guess I must just be dismissing all the content and not understanding what the game is about, right?
I agree it's just like a CoD MMORPG. In fact, it's a lot like CoD. The only differences are the fantasy setting, the gameplay, the clases, the itemization, the fact it's a different genre, and basically everything about the game.
otherwise though, TOTAL cod clone.
Cres - I knew you'd come around.
seems closer to curling to me.. i like that reference better:)
Give me a sec..I'm just catching up on what I missed.
difference is a LOT of people really enjoy the PVE side on GW2.. i doubt many enjoy eating roaches
and creslin LOL:P
And that's great that some people enjoy it. But you seem to think that anyone who doesn't enjoy it is somehow misguided or just doesn't "get it" or whatever. They may not share your opinion, but that doesn't invalidate their opinion. And, like it or not, the game is getting a reputation for being a bit on the shallow side. I stopped counting the times I would see a post or comment about how the game is fun, but not worth a sub. Most of the people "bashing" GW2 aren't saying it's a horrendeous trainwreck. Just that it's not really a great MMO. It's just a game that's fun for a bit, but that fun wears thin quickly for a lot of people.
Feel free to keep dismissing all of the complaints though, becuase they obviously just don't get the game.
actually i see that on almost a daily basis
And completely avoided commenting on the main point of the post, that you think anyone who diagrees with you, or simplt does not like the game is someholw wrong or is just "doing it wrong"...
I dont hate this game but lets be is really, really average
I guess I must just be dismissing all the content and not understanding what the game is about, right?
and again many posts are editied or deleted but people that don't spend much time here miss that.. and let's be honest many people feel this game is a well above average themepark MMO
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
i believe this pic sums up this entier subject.
This is how i feel when i read these topics. Gridlock roundabouts goin nowhere fast.
dragon events are on a timer not 100% accurate but pretty close and everyone does race to finish them just like we did back in EQ1 but now in GW2 it doesn't count? gotcha
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
That sums up every weekend for me.
Time to go bash some ogres.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
just to add my 2c again.
Having been on this forum for quite a while, I can pretty much tell you that the problem is not with GW2, it's with the people on this forum:)
Every single hyped release goes through the same cycle:
1 - "the game X we were waiting for sucks, what kind of crap is this??"
2 - "look at game Y released next month, it's awesome, I'm in the beta, best game of the year! everyone should do it that way"
3 - "Y was released today! best game ever! love it, everyone should play it!"
4 - "it's been a month now and Y sucks, I hate it, what kind of crap is this? why can't they make it like game Z released next month?"
5 - "quit Y, it's horrible, Z is coming out soon and it will be the game of the year!"
6 - "Z is out, I love it!"
7 - "Z sucks"
GW2 hype wasn't even as major as some other game. I remember people going almost berserk for SWTOR and DarkFall before that and of course LOTRO.
So the problem here is with cynical mindset on a lot of internet forums where people's expectations grow exponentially and the reality is never satisfying.
In other words, we became spoiled brats.
Used to be that EVERY single F2P game was awesome because it was free. Every single monthly payment game was awesome because we had to pay $$$ for it and it had high standards and every new release was amazing because it brought something new to the plate.
And today we want it all and we want it now.
I review lots of indie games and MMORPGs
I check this site out from time to time on a somewhat regular basis. I agree that there are alot of pointless threads that just attack the game and basically say it will fail.
But many negative threads, if not most of them, are fair criticism about the game and it's systems. Yes, alot of people voicetheir opinion, and i can see how many fans react with "So? Who cares about you? Don't like it, don't play", but that doesn't make their views "bashing".
"I really don't understand the bashing against GW2"
Welcome to the top of the heap.
It's a gaming forum, what do people expect? Silly question imo.
But I'll bite cause I need to kill a couple mins. Super simple answer. GW2 was hyped like no other MMO I have seen. Not on this site anyways. Wasn't its pre-release hype meter almost a 10? The game does some good things, and for the most part, delivered on their promises, it has a lot of issues as well. Definitely didn't live up to the hype, even if the hype was unrealistic to begin with. So naturally people are going to voice their dissatisfaction after reading how utterly amazing the game will be for years.
But at least people are talking about it. Good or bad. It's when people stop talking that fans of the game should worry. Right now GW2 is relevant. That it as a compliment.
Is the OP really asking why people don't like "his" game....?
Some people don't think GW2 represents what they want from an MMO. Threads like this, which imply "oh why don't you all love the savior" really just make things worse.
Why do you even care, why must everyone else like it..........ugh jsut go play it. I've been coming to this site since I was 13 back in 2004, right now, this site has never been more irritating. Every god damn day there is a thread on the front page about why GW2 is the best ever or why it is a complete flop....gahhhhhh
Never have I met anyone, online or IRL as annoying as a certain 5 MMORPG posters, all GW2 lovers, who are turning this site to shit. The first page of this thread is indicative of a few of these guys. It's like a mental handicap.
It's less about the game, and more about the fans. Every game has fanbois but GW2s are something special.
They want to believe ( or they actually believe, I am not sure) that GW2 is best thing since sliced bread, when it's obvious to everyone that it's not. It's far from revolutionary or anything close. It's literally calling white color black. It's just not true.
And yet they keep insisting. Everyone who has played a MMO in their entire life won't claim such unfounded statements.
See I can understand this, that some people you know didn't see it as good as others and they should voice their opinion. but to come to these forums state after the first week of launch oh this game didn't live up to what I wanted to and state your reasons and then keep coming back 2 months later to try to get others on your bandwagon is something different.
Some people will like it some won't its natural, but if you don't like it and you already voiced your opinion and you have made it clear why pick up other subjects you know nothing about and are just reading from forums and use them as some shit you already did the 1 week you played to bash the game is not really cool.
And then I love this one oh you bashed my game I am going to bash yours, I am in no other game forum only the game I play, if I do not liek something I will post my opinions on official forums first off all, but you will never see me go post on other forums once I am done with the game.
The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true.
Carl Sagan-
What about those of us who don't hate the game. I still play it from time to time. It's not a bad game, it's got it's place on my hard drive. But at the same time, I'm not overly impressed by it either. It's not a great game. It's just OK. So, when I see someone gushing all over it, I see that and I personally don't feel that the game is "All that" so I post my opinion on the statement and say, No, GW2 isn't "all that" From that point, I'm immidiately branded as a hater. Which I'm not. I'd dare say the majority of posters that post criticisms do not in fact HATE GW2, we just don't think it's the "paradigm shift" it was foretold to be. So now that we came back and said "Hey, wait a second there!" because we challenged, not GW2 itself, but some of the outrageous claims made by some over the top fans last year (Most of whom are no longer posting anymore) we are constantly accused of "bashing" Why do you think when ever someone wants to post their opinion that contains criticism, even if it's presented constructively, the OP has to start off with the disclaimer they aren't hating or bashing or some other such nonsense?
To me yes it is is best thing since sliced bread. But do you see me shoving my opinion down your throat?
The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true.
Carl Sagan-
dude please lol you play the game? type your id here Ill message you right now, get on your highest toon.
The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true.
Carl Sagan-
So while playing and being in overflow after overflow yesterday, I in map chat mentioned the subject of this very post and every player in the place was laughing their butts off at it and the nonsense on these forums about this game, and how he's absolutely correct to wonder where these people are getting these ideas from.
I was completely surrounded by people constantly in every zone yesterday (which was typical and still is of how gameplay was before the holiday content began for halloween).
We talked about how there was no other place on the internet where one could find posts like "most antisocial game ever" and "it's in a tail spin" and "players thinning out" and how it's the funniest thing ever to see such posts when that's not actually what's happening in the game while people are really playing it.
Just wanted to point that out to people so they can get a better idea of what REALLY happens in this title on a daily basis.
funny the savior, best thing since sliced bread.. all those coined from people bashing on the game or who do not agree with people enjoying the game.. fans that use that usually are just giving others a hard time
most fans i see on this site that aren't just trying to rile up some of these posters are well aware this game is fun but with many glaring issues as most all new MMOs have.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
I dont agree with stupid bashing of the game but I agree with the constructive criticisms of the game. It's repetative, shallow gameplay, and same themepark play that ppl on this site dislike. For me also it's lackluster stories, De-leveling ppl in areas, and non-community is also a turn off.
Dont get me wrong there are alot of good things GW2 does such as variety of skills, events, and art, but IMO its not the great MMO ppl think it is.
All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care.
Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes
GW2 fans were clear winners on this thread, they got by far the most nominations.
Cres - I knew you'd come around.
seems closer to curling to me.. i like that reference better:)
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Sorry but I don't believe the "I'm the victim because people are picking on me for not liking something" routine geezer.
Want to talk about over the top claims? How about the over the top claims made by people who don't like the game they seriously sound like they have never played the thing for even a day let alone a minute.
Like "combat is boring 1 button pushing" or "questing is all the same in this game" or "you're still grinding all the time because because you have to do something in the game to resembles the others" or my personal favorite "there are still quest hubs they're just called hearts now"
These types of posts by people who simply "don't like the game" aren't reasonable and never give credit where credit is due. These devs of GW2 were fantastic in their delivery of something very much different from the standard lobby style endless gear treadmill and they did it without P2W they did it without a forced subscription and they did it without a trinity. They deserve our praise for their accomplishments. And despite your post it's a complete "paradigm shift" because it doesn't do what the other themeparks are doing. People who keep posting negativity because someone is being positive about a title and the negative ones not dealing with their own personal themepark burnout on these forums is both immature and unrealistic.
To be honest the totally over the top amount of trolling and hyping and bashing of every other game out there by deluded GW2 fans in the run up to its launch is one of main reasons for so many people now paying the GW2 fan base back in kind....
Classy you say? Not so much but what do you expect lol? The GW2 fanbase kind of brought this on themselves, there was an army of gamers just waiting for the opportunity to say "I told you so" when GW2 failed to deliver...
Maybe if the GW2 fail trolls had show a bit more class when spewing their venomous nonsense over every other games boards then people would not be as quick to return the sentiment now
i don' spend much time in games forums I don't play so ill have to take your word on that.. but again if people were trolling up other games forums they should of been reported and delt with by the mods..
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
And completely avoided commenting on the main point of the post, that you think anyone who diagrees with you, or simplt does not like the game is someholw wrong or is just "doing it wrong"...
I dont hate this game but lets be is really, really average
I guess I must just be dismissing all the content and not understanding what the game is about, right?
Give me a sec..I'm just catching up on what I missed.
and again many posts are editied or deleted but people that don't spend much time here miss that.. and let's be honest many people feel this game is a well above average themepark MMO
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg