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More MMOs should allow guild warfare

LuftwaffenLuftwaffen Member UncommonPosts: 101
As a long time UO player i loved guild warfare but it seems not many games since UO has had a good system for it , to me it makes sense even in none PvP games if 2 guilds wish to war they should ! i been away from MMOs for some time and looking into getting back into it since i got a little free time but i just cant find a MMO that interest me .. . . . .  guess i dont get why 2 consenting guilds shouldnt be allowed to war guess im gonna hold off on playing a MMO till darkfall unholy wars  is out other than that the only promiseing MMos are archage and black desert  wich have no release date for a NA release :<(


  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,619
    AoC had a odd guild war sysytem, you could only be attacked in a certain time frame. But yes, nore faction based combat is the way to go and your guild is a faction.
  • tom_goretom_gore Member UncommonPosts: 2,001

    Amen, Brother. Player faction PvP is _the_ way to go. Ah the memories of UO...

    One of the reasons I gotta try DF:UW despite of the bad vibe I get from AV.


  • LuftwaffenLuftwaffen Member UncommonPosts: 101
       NA game developers really need to step it up its little things like guild warfare etc that would make pvpers happy yet it wont interfere with PvEers  why must every game be sandbox open pvp or themepark or faction based ? that segragates the MMO population way to much if a new game came along and barrowed a few things from old school UO they would have a hit even a none open PvP game that allowed guilds to war  would attract a bit larger player base
  • PivotelitePivotelite Member UncommonPosts: 2,145

    TERA did it and it had no purpose other than for pure fun and it still became one of the most active things in game.

    If TERA didn't have GvG it probably would have never made it out of BETA.


  • LuftwaffenLuftwaffen Member UncommonPosts: 101
    Originally posted by Pivotelite

    TERA did it and it had no purpose other than for pure fun and it still became one of the most active things in game.

    If TERA didn't have GvG it probably would have never made it out of BETA.

    i may have to look into Tera  . . . . 

  • LarsaLarsa Member Posts: 990

    I always liked factional PvP and guild warfare is a version of that.

    But nowadays even a game called Guild Wars doesn't have any guild wars I believe. ;-)

    I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions.

  • QuirhidQuirhid Member UncommonPosts: 6,230
    Originally posted by Larsa

    I always liked factional PvP and guild warfare is a version of that.

    But nowadays even a game called Guild Wars doesn't have any guild wars I believe. ;-)

    GW1's GvG was the best PvP I've had in an MMO.

    I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky

  • BrotherDBrotherD Member Posts: 52
    Try EVE then.

    Currently playing: AoC, RIFT, Champions Online, DDO, LORTO, STO and Tribes: Ascend
    Have Played: TSW, SWG, AO, EVE, WOW, EQ, EQ2, SW:TOR, GW,CoH, DCUO, RotMG, WAR,

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,103
    Might also look into Lineage 2.
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  • CalmOceansCalmOceans Member UncommonPosts: 2,437
    nm already mentioned sorry
  • matrix17matrix17 Member UncommonPosts: 2
    Originally posted by Larsa

    I always liked factional PvP and guild warfare is a version of that.

    But nowadays even a game called Guild Wars doesn't have any guild wars I believe. ;-)

    So true.

    I like Guild vs Guild so I tried Guild Wars 2 but found out it has no guild wars O.o

  • FishmittsFishmitts Member CommonPosts: 227

    I'm looking forward to DayZ standalone for this very reason. Once base building is implemented the boys and I can simply zip on over to another server ( pretty sure you can still keep your gear when switching to other servers)  and wreak havoc and vice versa. There are more than a few clans that really hate us, so I suppose we'll be defending more than attacking :)

    But yea, clan on clan is the way to go. The best gaming memorys I have are kicking the shit outa some whiny kiddie clan:) Ahhh, the tears.. Those sweet sweet tears. 

  • ColdcloodColdclood Member Posts: 1
    Absolutely. That teamwork kinda feeling you get, like when you did sports in highschool or whatnot. Also, basebuilding will make me a very happy man, re-inact the walking dead and other cool ass movies, implying they will have a zombie spawn counter in the future.
  • CorehavenCorehaven Member UncommonPosts: 1,533
    Originally posted by matrix17
    Originally posted by Larsa

    I always liked factional PvP and guild warfare is a version of that.

    But nowadays even a game called Guild Wars doesn't have any guild wars I believe. ;-)

    So true.

    I like Guild vs Guild so I tried Guild Wars 2 but found out it has no guild wars O.o


    I love GW2 but I have to say the same thing.  If any game needs guild warfare its the game that's literally named for it, yet doesn't have it.  I find that ironic and very odd.  But I have to say, I love the game regardless.  So far anyways (only played for about 2 weeks). 

  • zolfozolfo Member Posts: 42

    GvG is an awsome part of any game. I have played many games where my guild "Fist Through Screen" (not always known as that but its what it is now) has been blood enemies of another guild. for example in Xsyon my guild was hounded by a troll guild who sucked at pvp and we faught back and decimated them and often prevented them from doing things.

    a great system to see in a game for GvG would be a hybrid. imgain eve online's standings system allowing those set to horrible standings being able to fight each other on sight no matter where they are. the only way this could work though in order to prevent griefing it would have to be a mutual standing function where both guilds agree to hate each other.

    i would love a game that let this happen so you could fight your rivals anywhere and anytime.

  • nate1980nate1980 Member UncommonPosts: 2,075
    I'm not big into FFA PvP, but I am down with guild vs guild open PvP
  • JemcrystalJemcrystal Member UncommonPosts: 1,989
    I hate PvP with a huge vengence.  There was only one exception in my entire life and that was Guild Castle Wars in Runes of Magic.  It just does not seem like PvP to me anymore if I'm crafting to help my team win.  Note I was still not fighting on the battle field but I had fun laying traps and guess where someone might walk into them.  So I'm pro Guild Battles if they make room for us crafters to join.

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    A games got to have rvr or gvg for me to play it, I'm not prepared to put up with solo orientated pointless token pvp in a tupperware box any longer.
  • QuirhidQuirhid Member UncommonPosts: 6,230
    Originally posted by Corehaven
    Originally posted by matrix17
    Originally posted by Larsa

    I always liked factional PvP and guild warfare is a version of that.

    But nowadays even a game called Guild Wars doesn't have any guild wars I believe. ;-)

    So true.

    I like Guild vs Guild so I tried Guild Wars 2 but found out it has no guild wars O.o


    I love GW2 but I have to say the same thing.  If any game needs guild warfare its the game that's literally named for it, yet doesn't have it.  I find that ironic and very odd.  But I have to say, I love the game regardless.  So far anyways (only played for about 2 weeks). 

    It is named Guild Wars because the first one was named Guild Wars.

    I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,619
    I would take faction or guild based pvp over server based pvp any day.
  • LarsaLarsa Member Posts: 990

    I think the problem with Guild vs. Guild warfare is that - for current AAA themeparks - the designers think GvG is too risky. The games are practically designed in a way that it's impossible to lose anything, be it items, xp, the war, territory or equipment.

    Losing anything is not part of the current business model because the audience for these games doesn't consider it as "fun". In GvG however, or in any other more open PvP environment, losing something, no matter what it is, is part of the deal.


    I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions.

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,619
    I think you have hit the nail on the head Larsa, easymode design includes the "you cannot lose" principle. Also GvG requires guilds to organise and do some work. Again that does not follow the easymode design model, keep it simple, keep it streamilned and keep it so safe you cannot even lose.
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