1- Is crafting focal to this game like in every TES?
2- Is the combat in First person or at least a close third person (character can't see behind his back) like in every TES?
3- Personal Storyline is secondary to Exploration like in every TES? ( Storyline has never been important in TES, sorry to tell you that Bill, you are confusing TES with Dragon Age)
4- Are you free to play the game the way you want it, like in every TES?
The answers to those question so far is a big NO, so to me not only this is not going to be a good TES game, but another boring and shallow Themepark.
1.) We're only told "yes". But we have to wait and see. Considering the wealth of crafting mats we found in houses, the world, in crates, boxes, barrels, etc. It seems to be leaning this way.
2.) Very close third-person, over the shoulder view, or you can pull out. Rumor is they're working on first-person.
3.) You can completely ignore the personal story-line. And just do random quests you stumble upon. You'll likely WANT to eventually do it. But after the intro, you're free to do what you want. Or so so we're told.
4.) Yes. You pick a class, but the depth of customization within each is insane. Think Oblivion, in that you pick a class and then customize it. It would be great if you could "create your own class", but that's not happening.
There's no excuse that ES can't have players create their own class. UO has been basically allowing players to do just that for 15 years. TES is skill based. ESO should be skills based. Locking players into classes just further emphasises how far astray ESO will be from an TES game. How often does history have to repeat itself before devs wake up? That's the true problem with the MMORPG genre - devs are insane expecting different results after repeating the mistakes every other dev has done in the past.
How hard is it to understand that any class can wear any armor and use any weapon. On top of this you only have 6 skills so in essence it is an open ended skill system like the original. Is it identical? Nope but that would be boring, with this system, you get the best of both worlds from MMO's and TES series RPG's.
Playing: GW2 Waiting on: TESO Next Flop: Planetside 2 Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
Sorry but this article not only didn't made me change my mind but confirmed all my fears.
This is going to be another of those 1 month wonder themeparks. Not good enough.
-SWTOR story system? No thanks
-GW2 Quest system? No thanks- Nope, classic questing mixed with TSW style questing, it's not GW2 thank god.
-Phasing? No thanks
-MegaServer plus Facebook, Google+ and all that plastic Social features? No thanks
-Switching Classes at will? No thanks (forgot what is an RPG, Zenimax/Bethesda?)
-Any hint of a Sandbox feature? Not even one.
But the real questions are:
1- Is crafting focal to this game like in every TES?
2- Is the combat in First person or at least a close third person (character can't see behind his back) like in every TES?
3- Personal Storyline is secondary to Exploration like in every TES? ( Storyline has never been important in TES, sorry to tell you that Bill, you are confusing TES with Dragon Age)
4- Are you free to play the game the way you want it, like in every TES?
The answers to those question so far is a big NO, so to me not only this is not going to be a good TES game, but another boring and shallow Themepark.
This game has nothing new to bring to the MMO industry while at the same time it has the power to kill the TES IP.
Zenimax should do the same as SoE did (with EQnext) scrapping this game and rebuild it to be a real TES game with "some" sandbox features, or it will fail badly.
I agree with things but i am looking forward to the game as well.
Good article. Been waiting to get some more details of how they planned to implement this. Also noticed that GW2 mechanics are becoming standard (for example shared nodes). This is a move in the right direction. There is no need to keep the archaic rules of the past in 2012. Also makes MMOs more modern/approachable.
Still concerned about the combat. Personally not a fan of real-time 'twitch' combat in my RPGs. They just dont mix well in my eyes. Skyrim combat did have a balance but definitely learned more towards action than strategy.
Also was there any mention on the 'mobs'? Do they level with you like in Skyrim? Or are there static levels where I can be level 50 fighting a level 1 enemy? Not a fan of level scaling but not something that would deter me.
I love to level and 50 sounds kind of low. Depending on how engaging the content is and how challenging will determine my expected playtime to max level. For me, the longer the better. I'll also hold an assumption that level cap will go up in the future.
Heard mention that housing wont be available and that is dissappointing. One of the first things I do in Skyrim is get my house to host all the spoils of my adventure. I think it would be a great addition going forward and hoping they will re-consider.
All in all, excited to get my hands on this. Outside of the (inevitable) hype I'm curious how all of these mechanics come together and see how it changes my perspective on MMO gameplay.
Hope others follow suite and make changes. Market is stale at the moment (though still loving me some EQ) ;-)
It all sounds amazing and I will continue to follow this game, to its completion.
One thing that continues to have me worried and was sad to hear they would have in this game. Is the function to join multiple guilds. I feel that diminishes the purpose of a guild!! It is sad that the last few years in the MMO genre we have yet to have a game fully understand the power of creating a strong interactive GUILD interface and bring back to MMO's the importance of representing a guild and taking PRIDE in that guild.
I can't get my head wrapped around what type of players would want to be in multiple guilds. Just don't join a guild and have a robust friends list!!! I hope they truley reconsider that one concept. I know it might seem simple to many of you. But after 12 years of MMO gaming it has been my guild and my gaming community that continues to drive me back into a new game.
In 2013, three months after release we will get a "why it failed" feature/editorial.
It keeps happening bro, I told you about the hype bro. I told you.
Perhaps it keeps happening because you (all) keep talking about it. Take the information with a grain of salt. PLAY the game when it comes out, then decide if its for you or not, as opposed to determining if the game is GOOD/BAD for the entire populace.
Good article. Been waiting to get some more details of how they planned to implement this. Also noticed that GW2 mechanics are becoming standard (for example shared nodes). This is a move in the right direction. There is no need to keep the archaic rules of the past in 2012. Also makes MMOs more modern/approachable.
Still concerned about the combat. Personally not a fan of real-time 'twitch' combat in my RPGs. They just dont mix well in my eyes. Skyrim combat did have a balance but definitely learned more towards action than strategy.
Also was there any mention on the 'mobs'? Do they level with you like in Skyrim? Or are there static levels where I can be level 50 fighting a level 1 enemy? Not a fan of level scaling but not something that would deter me.
I love to level and 50 sounds kind of low. Depending on how engaging the content is and how challenging will determine my expected playtime to max level. For me, the longer the better. I'll also hold an assumption that level cap will go up in the future.
Heard mention that housing wont be available and that is dissappointing. One of the first things I do in Skyrim is get my house to host all the spoils of my adventure. I think it would be a great addition going forward and hoping they will re-consider.
All in all, excited to get my hands on this. Outside of the (inevitable) hype I'm curious how all of these mechanics come together and see how it changes my perspective on MMO gameplay.
Hope others follow suite and make changes. Market is stale at the moment (though still loving me some EQ) ;-)
50 Is generally the level cap for most MMORPG's when launched. Which is better than a cap of 20, that a lot of DnD based games give throughout it's lifetime.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The pen is mightier than the sword, and authority is mightier than the pen, but the sword is mightier than authority.
If you can't beat 'em, hold 'em off 'till you come up with a better plan.
50 Is generally the level cap for most MMORPG's when launched. Which is better than a cap of 20, that a lot of DnD based games give throughout it's lifetime.
Note also that 50 is the level cap at launch, but that your skills, spells, armor, and weapons will all level BEYOND that since it's highly unlikely you'll be done leveling them all by the time you hit 50. Your stats (health, stamina, magicka) are capped at 50 though.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
As a back stabbing sneak thief in all TES games this was great news.
" Speaking of ninjas, fans of Sneak in Elder Scrolls will be happy to know that a very similar ability is available to all characters. Hit C and you crouch, turning your reticule into an eye with an initial 3 second cool down before you are fully stealthed. As you move, you use up Endurance, to encourage strategic choices of when to pause and look around shiftily. Detection is shown through the iconic widening eye deployed so memorably in the single player RPG predecessors of TESO"
Originally posted by Yamota Sounds like just another ThemePark to me. Also, no PvP? Never was into the Elder Scrolls anyway so I think I will pass on this one.
Hey Yamota,
There is a massive three-faction system in the heart of Cyrodiil. We just didn't get to play it. It's mentioned as much in the article. More on AVA coming later. It's being designed by several key DAOC members as well.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
I think if any gaming site was as bitter and negative as many players on this site, NO company would ever give them any exclusive info or any info at all. I can see your article now:
TESO we played for 3 hours, it was fun but I think the games gonna suck anyways and I don't wanna get my hopes up. You shouldn't either.
And if gaming sites are overly positive and seem to only gush about products (and the readership takes note of this), they run the risk of losing said readership.
Being an outlet for gaming news and reviews isn't easy - you basically have to placate two parties: Gamers and the industry. I have no problems with that as a gamer, as long as the catering to both parties is balanced.
But I have to admit that many of the (p)reviews on this site look rather biased in favour of the industry. Or they're written with that initial 'glow' of experiencing a new game for the first time. You know, like in high school, when you had played your first session of Quake, and you had to tell all your friends how awesome it was: "And then I got the Needler. Man, that gun freckling ROCKS! And with Quad Damage, you can GIB MONSTERS WITH YOUR SHOTGUN! And then their heads fly around, and blood spurts everywhere! You gotta play this, man, you just gotta!"
But journalism should be more than that - it should be halfway impartial. If you feel really good about a game, remember that time tempers most of that initial emotion. I know that I tend to be overly enthused about games after I've first played them, and only after a bit of a recess and time can see them more impartial - flaws I simply overlooked may become apparent, or a feature that had me totally entranced just doesn't do it in the long(er) run.
I don't think that editors should go all doom and gloom on every title - but neither should they go "Ooooh, shiny!". And as said, many (p)reviews on mmorpg.com feel like they fall into the latter category: The editor likely wrote it on his way back home from the presentation, still all aflush.
I'd have liked it much better if the preview was drier - a bit more technical, less emotional (many of the rough spots seem to be 'rough' because the game is still in alpha - not points of deliberate design). Especially in the light of how none of the MMORPGs of the last years lived up to its hype. Hype that is generated by, among other things, articles exactly like this one.
Now, I do love Morrowind and Skyrim (Oblivion much less so) for the free range and exploration. I can step out after the character creation and go anywhere I please, do anything I want, be anyone I want. THAT is TES for me. And somewhow, this article doesn't evoke that I'll get that feeling from TESO - sounds more like a theme-parkish levelling path from 1-50.
Has anyone taken a closer look at that skeleton on the second-to-last screen? To me, it looks nothing like TES. I know what it looks like, but I won't invoke that name here ;-).
Lots of good information here. Makes it more positive for me, but then I was not among the enthused. Didn't like the liberties taken with the lore to fit the game into the Procrustean bed of MMO and DAOC-lite.
Still, this preview did preview a bunch of stuff in the game and helped loads with the level of information available. A question though ... Are the Akavari retconned into some sort of bipedal human (ala Oblivion) or are they actually building them as the scary snake people?
It'll be interesting to see if the dev team can pivot from their original ideas toward some of the aspects of TES that fans really want. If that can even be done, realistically.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
As a back stabbing sneak thief in all TES games this was great news.
" Speaking of ninjas, fans of Sneak in Elder Scrolls will be happy to know that a very similar ability is available to all characters. Hit C and you crouch, turning your reticule into an eye with an initial 3 second cool down before you are fully stealthed. As you move, you use up Endurance, to encourage strategic choices of when to pause and look around shiftily. Detection is shown through the iconic widening eye deployed so memorably in the single player RPG predecessors of TESO"
This is taken straight out of the SRPG
Hopefully ill be able to pick pocket NPCs.
It's very "in development", more so than other parts. But yes, it works and is in there. Cloth and medium armor will grant bonuses as well. I expect that it'll be a very viable way of adventuring and in AVA will come in handy too.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
Aha! Things turned to something good. Well this could be fantastic mmo. I said i will never return back to mmorpg from mmofps but this title is temptation Nice review
Originally posted by Yamota Sounds like just another ThemePark to me. Also, no PvP? Never was into the Elder Scrolls anyway so I think I will pass on this one.
Where have you been lol, TESO has RvR with leader being able to take the throne.
No SKyrim did not do great without them. Skyrims combat sucked as does all combat in TES RPG's.
I am sorry but beinbg limited to left and right mouse clicking for combat might be fun to you, but as an MMO, you need SKILLS AND ABILITIES, and the hotbar is the only effective and easily accessible way to grant them. SUre you could do like SKyrim and press sprint + Forward for a power attack, or strafe left/right for a side swing, but that is BORING and stupid. Hotbars are the best PERIOD.
ugh.I long for te mmo that limits skills or abilities. So contrived except when one takes spells into account.
Give me an mmo where it's only the mouse click and then perhaps hitting a directional key like in Oblvion or Skyrim and that to me would be a step forward.
Not boring and stupid. simple and elegant.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
How hard is it to understand that any class can wear any armor and use any weapon. On top of this you only have 6 skills so in essence it is an open ended skill system like the original. Is it identical? Nope but that would be boring, with this system, you get the best of both worlds from MMO's and TES series RPG's.
Everything you need to know about Elder Scrolls Online
Playing: GW2
Waiting on: TESO
Next Flop: Planetside 2
Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
I agree with things but i am looking forward to the game as well.
Good article. Been waiting to get some more details of how they planned to implement this. Also noticed that GW2 mechanics are becoming standard (for example shared nodes). This is a move in the right direction. There is no need to keep the archaic rules of the past in 2012. Also makes MMOs more modern/approachable.
Still concerned about the combat. Personally not a fan of real-time 'twitch' combat in my RPGs. They just dont mix well in my eyes. Skyrim combat did have a balance but definitely learned more towards action than strategy.
Also was there any mention on the 'mobs'? Do they level with you like in Skyrim? Or are there static levels where I can be level 50 fighting a level 1 enemy? Not a fan of level scaling but not something that would deter me.
I love to level and 50 sounds kind of low. Depending on how engaging the content is and how challenging will determine my expected playtime to max level. For me, the longer the better. I'll also hold an assumption that level cap will go up in the future.
Heard mention that housing wont be available and that is dissappointing. One of the first things I do in Skyrim is get my house to host all the spoils of my adventure. I think it would be a great addition going forward and hoping they will re-consider.
All in all, excited to get my hands on this. Outside of the (inevitable) hype I'm curious how all of these mechanics come together and see how it changes my perspective on MMO gameplay.
Hope others follow suite and make changes. Market is stale at the moment (though still loving me some EQ) ;-)
It all sounds amazing and I will continue to follow this game, to its completion.
One thing that continues to have me worried and was sad to hear they would have in this game. Is the function to join multiple guilds. I feel that diminishes the purpose of a guild!! It is sad that the last few years in the MMO genre we have yet to have a game fully understand the power of creating a strong interactive GUILD interface and bring back to MMO's the importance of representing a guild and taking PRIDE in that guild.
I can't get my head wrapped around what type of players would want to be in multiple guilds. Just don't join a guild and have a robust friends list!!! I hope they truley reconsider that one concept. I know it might seem simple to many of you. But after 12 years of MMO gaming it has been my guild and my gaming community that continues to drive me back into a new game.
Perhaps it keeps happening because you (all) keep talking about it. Take the information with a grain of salt. PLAY the game when it comes out, then decide if its for you or not, as opposed to determining if the game is GOOD/BAD for the entire populace.
Its rediculous.
50 Is generally the level cap for most MMORPG's when launched. Which is better than a cap of 20, that a lot of DnD based games give throughout it's lifetime.
The pen is mightier than the sword, and authority is mightier than the pen, but the sword is mightier than authority.
If you can't beat 'em, hold 'em off 'till you come up with a better plan.

Note also that 50 is the level cap at launch, but that your skills, spells, armor, and weapons will all level BEYOND that since it's highly unlikely you'll be done leveling them all by the time you hit 50. Your stats (health, stamina, magicka) are capped at 50 though.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
My Review Manifesto
Follow me on Twitter if you dare.
My gaming blog
As a back stabbing sneak thief in all TES games this was great news.
" Speaking of ninjas, fans of Sneak in Elder Scrolls will be happy to know that a very similar ability is available to all characters. Hit C and you crouch, turning your reticule into an eye with an initial 3 second cool down before you are fully stealthed. As you move, you use up Endurance, to encourage strategic choices of when to pause and look around shiftily. Detection is shown through the iconic widening eye deployed so memorably in the single player RPG predecessors of TESO"
This is taken straight out of the SRPG
Hopefully ill be able to pick pocket NPCs.
Hey Yamota,
There is a massive three-faction system in the heart of Cyrodiil. We just didn't get to play it. It's mentioned as much in the article. More on AVA coming later. It's being designed by several key DAOC members as well.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
My Review Manifesto
Follow me on Twitter if you dare.
And if gaming sites are overly positive and seem to only gush about products (and the readership takes note of this), they run the risk of losing said readership.
Being an outlet for gaming news and reviews isn't easy - you basically have to placate two parties: Gamers and the industry. I have no problems with that as a gamer, as long as the catering to both parties is balanced.
But I have to admit that many of the (p)reviews on this site look rather biased in favour of the industry. Or they're written with that initial 'glow' of experiencing a new game for the first time. You know, like in high school, when you had played your first session of Quake, and you had to tell all your friends how awesome it was: "And then I got the Needler. Man, that gun freckling ROCKS! And with Quad Damage, you can GIB MONSTERS WITH YOUR SHOTGUN! And then their heads fly around, and blood spurts everywhere! You gotta play this, man, you just gotta!"
But journalism should be more than that - it should be halfway impartial. If you feel really good about a game, remember that time tempers most of that initial emotion. I know that I tend to be overly enthused about games after I've first played them, and only after a bit of a recess and time can see them more impartial - flaws I simply overlooked may become apparent, or a feature that had me totally entranced just doesn't do it in the long(er) run.
I don't think that editors should go all doom and gloom on every title - but neither should they go "Ooooh, shiny!". And as said, many (p)reviews on mmorpg.com feel like they fall into the latter category: The editor likely wrote it on his way back home from the presentation, still all aflush.
I'd have liked it much better if the preview was drier - a bit more technical, less emotional (many of the rough spots seem to be 'rough' because the game is still in alpha - not points of deliberate design). Especially in the light of how none of the MMORPGs of the last years lived up to its hype. Hype that is generated by, among other things, articles exactly like this one.
Now, I do love Morrowind and Skyrim (Oblivion much less so) for the free range and exploration. I can step out after the character creation and go anywhere I please, do anything I want, be anyone I want. THAT is TES for me. And somewhow, this article doesn't evoke that I'll get that feeling from TESO - sounds more like a theme-parkish levelling path from 1-50.
Has anyone taken a closer look at that skeleton on the second-to-last screen? To me, it looks nothing like TES. I know what it looks like, but I won't invoke that name here ;-).
Lots of good information here. Makes it more positive for me, but then I was not among the enthused. Didn't like the liberties taken with the lore to fit the game into the Procrustean bed of MMO and DAOC-lite.
Still, this preview did preview a bunch of stuff in the game and helped loads with the level of information available. A question though ... Are the Akavari retconned into some sort of bipedal human (ala Oblivion) or are they actually building them as the scary snake people?
It'll be interesting to see if the dev team can pivot from their original ideas toward some of the aspects of TES that fans really want. If that can even be done, realistically.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
It's very "in development", more so than other parts. But yes, it works and is in there. Cloth and medium armor will grant bonuses as well. I expect that it'll be a very viable way of adventuring and in AVA will come in handy too.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
My Review Manifesto
Follow me on Twitter if you dare.
Where have you been lol, TESO has RvR with leader being able to take the throne.
I really, really hope this will be a subscription MMO and not a cashshop game with loads of unlocks and gambling keys to pay for!
Sounds like the game will be totally worth a monthly subscription, I´m in !
ugh.I long for te mmo that limits skills or abilities. So contrived except when one takes spells into account.
Give me an mmo where it's only the mouse click and then perhaps hitting a directional key like in Oblvion or Skyrim and that to me would be a step forward.
Not boring and stupid. simple and elegant.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
I think it will be a sub game, it might have fluff cashshop but i would like no cashshop at all.
[mod edit]
...i'm still waiting for the first person view video that makes this game look and feel like a TES game. until then this game is garbage.
Definetly giving it a try!
I´m a big fan of the saga.