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[Preview] The Elder Scrolls Online: The Comprehensive Preview



  • AmarantharAmaranthar Member EpicPosts: 5,852
    Originally posted by Gishgeron
      I keep seeing people hate on the phasing...but thats probably the best thing FOR keeping true to TES.  The problem with a persistent world that ALSO changes based on player choice is that most players aren't part of said choice.  They get to play in a world that has already had its changes made for them, which is to say its absolutely NO DIFFERENT than just playing a regular themepark.  The thing about Elder Scrolls is how you affect your world, but outside of phasing it to the player individually you can't really affect it at all.  The only other alternative is to make it a pure PvP game where faction control means something...but even then the average player is still forced to live under the choices made by others.  TES is dear to us for being a single player game.  They've done a great job of recapturing that while still giving us multiplayer.  Think of it less as an MMO, and more like a new TES game with full on multiplayer.  Considering how much about the game in terms of skills and gameplay they change each time...its really not hard to see.

    You're right, but that's precisely the problem.

    It's not an MMO, it plays like a SPG with multiplayer. And that is exactly why gamers aren't stiking with MMOs released over the last years. Gamers want worlds and true "massively multiplayer" in that world, not Single Player Games, for their MMOs.


    Once upon a time....

  • VorthanionVorthanion Member RarePosts: 2,749
    Originally posted by adam_nox

    I don't get the anti phasing posters.


    Explain what games are hurt by phasing and HOW.


    Phasing is pretty much the only way to make instancing not suck as bad.  Instead of segregating all players, you segregate some based on the state of their progress.  You allow the world to change for them, making it feel more alive, something not possible without some form of instancing, or it could only be done rarely in big events and only with marginalizing the majority of the playerbase's experience.


    Phasing is the future.  If there's bad execution, then blame that, but the concept itself is a tremendous step forward in mmos (and I defend it partially because I posted about it as an idea before any game had ever implemented it).   Phasing doesn't have to separate players, in games where it does, that's bad execution, not bad concept.  Players can still see each other while seeing different versions of the gameworld.

    Phasing is the death of social gaming.  It reduces general social interaction by forcing people to group and we all know how that appeals to the mass market.  So you end up with a dead feeling game like SWTOR where no one chats in the general channel and people don't socialize outside of their guild or group.  EverQuest was an incredibly social game, the newer phased / instanced games don't even begin to compare on the social aspects of the older non-instanced MMOs.

  • muffins89muffins89 Member UncommonPosts: 1,585
    Originally posted by Amaranthar
    Originally posted by Gishgeron
      I keep seeing people hate on the phasing...but thats probably the best thing FOR keeping true to TES.  The problem with a persistent world that ALSO changes based on player choice is that most players aren't part of said choice.  They get to play in a world that has already had its changes made for them, which is to say its absolutely NO DIFFERENT than just playing a regular themepark.  The thing about Elder Scrolls is how you affect your world, but outside of phasing it to the player individually you can't really affect it at all.  The only other alternative is to make it a pure PvP game where faction control means something...but even then the average player is still forced to live under the choices made by others.  TES is dear to us for being a single player game.  They've done a great job of recapturing that while still giving us multiplayer.  Think of it less as an MMO, and more like a new TES game with full on multiplayer.  Considering how much about the game in terms of skills and gameplay they change each time...its really not hard to see.

    You're right, but that's precisely the problem.

    It's not an MMO, it plays like a SPG with multiplayer. And that is exactly why gamers aren't stiking with MMOs released over the last years. Gamers want worlds and true "massively multiplayer" in that world, not Single Player Games, for their MMOs.


    people arent sticking with games they dont like.  shocker. 

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653
    Most people arent sticking with any game for more then two months, no matter how good it is. That is the brickwall the MMO genre is crashing into.
  • 1vald21vald2 Member UncommonPosts: 75

    For all the whiners saying "omgosh! ESO has classes!? But skyrim didn't!"

    Well suck it kids, oblivion and morrowind had 'em.



  • zethcarnzethcarn Member UncommonPosts: 1,558
    Cautiously optimistic.  But honestly, that's the best I can do for any new MMO.  I hope it's good :)
  • XaeroDegreazXaeroDegreaz Member Posts: 13
    Something that I don't think has been discussed here: What about looting anything, and everything you see? Was that true to the game when you played Elder Scrolls Online?
  • AdamTMAdamTM Member Posts: 1,376
    Originally posted by XaeroDegreaz
    Something that I don't think has been discussed here: What about looting anything, and everything you see? Was that true to the game when you played Elder Scrolls Online?

    Zenimax Online already confirmed that full looting will not be in the game because its too hard to implement for them.

    Similarly there will also be no housing and no physics.

  • ChicagoCubChicagoCub Member UncommonPosts: 381
    As long as they stay true to the Elder Scrolls lore i will be there at launch, no armored bikinis, no cutsie-pie races, no JB hairstyles, no oversized swords and undersized skirts.  I wan't to play a female character that's armored up to her eyeballs and waist deep in grit and blood.
  • VincentFoxyVincentFoxy Member UncommonPosts: 11
    The only thing that that im worried about is if it's going to be subscription based or not, from what iv read in the review, everything else seems like a masterpiece. There's nothing wrong with a few modern-ish long hair styles for an appeal to customization, but yeah, i do agree with the female clothing / armors.
  • hcosminhcosmin Member Posts: 45

    Facebook ? Really ? Have these pople forgotten the Blizzard RealID fiasco already. Gamers, especially hardcore PC gamers want their xxMEGAKILLERxx anonymous game tags. They don't want to spam their classmates, their boss or their grandma with updates from their raids at 2 am in the morning. Even MMO players are not that far gone.

    If you're going to do social inegration do it with Steam or something not the freaking Facebook.


  • omegadudeomegadude Member UncommonPosts: 21

    how is the overall art style is it cut and paste skyrim or unique?

    also did you happen to see how much of the Tes world would be in the game like map wise you mentiond Morrowind but are other lands from past tes games in there too?


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