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after 2 years of playing this game I have finally had enough. I will try to make my points concise and simple below:
1) the power creep is too strong and you have to spend tons of money to compete in tournaments
2) feerik does not balance cards
3) rampant bugs and poor translation
4) staff support is weak and don't commit to what they personally tell you they will do
5) adventure modes are bugged and even when you win the "king of the hill" mode it does not give you the prize
6) shady tactics involving spending money on new releases, and 2 days later they always come out with an event for you to spend even more money if you can't commit hours of the day to accomplish it
7) meta game is a mish mash of the 3 most overpowered decks and if you don't play one of them you will have no chance to be in the top 10 for tournaments.
8) the mods and staff are good at trolling customers and have some sort of power complex and they run rampant without any consequences. remember the customer is always right, not in this case. it's the "mods are always right" even if they result to personal agendas and insults.
9) the only deck that gets the most nerfs is also the weakest deck (nomads)
10) the amount of money you need to poor into this game (and subscription fee) is 10x and more then that of a regular mmorpg subscription.
these are the reasons i finally decided to give up the game. i've never played a game for so long that made me so angry. i always thought "hey i just need to find the right combination." but it doesn't work like that. there are only a few decks every week that can actually compete. i just can no longer support such a game that doesn't listen to its community.