Plain and simple reason, i get sick to my stomach if i do. Really. That site is flooded with ads, if it was static banner it would'bt be so bad, but i'm talking about movie banners. You load a page and it's flashing left, right, up, down with those movie running everywhere you look. There is just too much emphasis put on ads on this site. Maybe if you could reduce it, it would make sense for me to turn the adblock off, but right now i just feel overwhelmed by them each time i visit this site and i dont like that.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
OP, please read the PM I sent you. If any of you have adblock but need assistance, PM me. I can fix certain things that might be bothering you if you run adblock on this site.
On the background images: PM me.
To give feedback on moderation, contact [email protected]