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GW2 has been out for a month and many of us are level 80, have experienced a large part of what it has to offer and have some things they'd like to see in the future that aren't just bug fixes. Here's a list of mine:
- Guild halls
- More types of PvP
- Anti-zerg measures in DEs, making them moderately challenging even with a large group of people
- Better trait descriptions
- Open world dungeons
- Expanded crafting
- More pants, fewer coats/robes
- More enemy variety in lvl 80 areas
- Lower traveling costs
What's on yours?
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
Won't happen - housing will be an add in to the personal story. You want a sandbox game for that (like Tale in the Desert) not what GW2 offers.
Ranked / matched version of spvp
Anti hacker / botter code
Gvg battles
Areneanets take on darkness falls for locking down a WvW map
More variety in the borderlands maps
Scalable WvW so busy pairing get 5 or 6 maps instead of 4
Pve invasions of cities as random dynamic events
New classes
New weapons for existing classes
A way to lock the controls third person shooter style so you don't have to constantly hold rmb. - like a key you press to toggle the mouse between UI mode and action mode.
Political system for World vs World:
One thing and One thing only, in fact i hate this so much i have started playing other games instead....
Please get rid of the punitive Diminishing
Returns to open world PvE and Dynamic
Lolipops !
1) Useful skills... A vast majority of skills on each of the classes I played are more or less useless. You use skill points to unlock 2-3 that are decent and the rest are just bad. They might have VERY VERY narrow uses but not worth taking up limited skill slots for.
2) Instance Finder -> I quit GW2 because I leveled to max, and found myself spamming channels basically sitting AFK at instance entrance trying to find groups. I have no desire to join an organized guild that will probably require/need me to be logged in daily / nightly. I want to log in when I feel like it and easily find a group of players to enjoy the content with.
I know a lot of people will continue to flame and hate on instance finder / group finder tools but some of us want it. I could sit here all day and flame on the failbad PvP in MMO's but I realize some people want it so I'm fine with them having it. Please understand that some of us want instance / group finder and if you don't like it you don't have to use it.
I agree with instance finder if they are serious about catering to the casual group that doesn't have the time nor the patience to find a group the other way. It would be good if they focus on a certain demographic and try to focus the game on catering them rather than trying to please many different kinds of people.
1) Most of the skills are useful but you may need to use: 1. in a group. 2. works with other skills on bar. 3.Most GW1 skills were the same way. Were you using one weapon ar switching weapons during a fight - makes a huge difference.
2) Useless - another WoW/Rift feature I find annoying and useless. Well - that is why most belong to guilds so you can do that W/O a DF.
It is only "useles" if you only take consideration to your own situation and don't consider the situation of other random people.
I would like to see more sorting options on the trade house so I can filter just wearable armor or just light armor etc
would love to see them adopt LoTRO's cosmetic clothing wardrobe
stil playing with all my alts so still cannot comment on the higher level stuff
I miss DAoC
I agree with alot of the OP's statements but i disagree with the travel cost lowering. This along with their strict market control is what is going to stop what ruins most games after 6 months. As most of you probably know too well in most games after 6 months inflation is so high that you cannot become a good player without drop luck or massive farming. Because of the systems that this game uses to take money out game that wont happen as quickly.
#1 thing i would like to see change is World Bosses. Right now they pretty simple zergs no strategy really. I would like to see them be more like the final boss fight of Arrah where multiple things are going on at once requiring more effort than simple skill spamming.
I have to say that a LFG tool would be great.
I think my biggest gripe with the game is the fact that there is 80 levels and you unlock 99.9% of you skills in 1 hour. I want there to be other tier skills that you can only purchase through pve and pvp but can be used for both. I think that will give players more incentive to play both offerings. Even if you don't like to pvp, if you just tag a player that dies or are around players that die in pvp it can still count towards unlocking said skills.
Would also like to see vanity pets in game that drop off monsters. Or heart venders that sell vanity items, I understand A-net needs their additional cash through the cash shop, but I want access to the same items minus the boosts through the game quests or rewards.
I would love if you could combine professions like the old days. I'd be curious to see what a Ranger Engineer would be like.
I also wish they would bring back Heroes. At times I find myself totally outnumbered when other players aren't around especially in higher levels.
A single char lvl 62 and i only explore PvE territorys for now.
I almost dont use waypoints, its really rare even if i need to cross 2 or 3 territorys (if they are allready discovered).
Id love to have something to travel a little faster: Mounts, skill travel, 1 boost speed npc in every corner, etc
I only play GW2 for explore PvE content so far so atm i dont have opinion about the rest.
In no particular order....
+ LFG tool for Dungeons
+ Guild Halls with;
- Guild only questlines (instanced like storyline)
- Visible Trophies from Dungeon completions
+ A choice of Craftable Skins for crafted items
+ Preview on Trader items
+ 12 Man Guild Dungeons
+ GvG PvP (I know this is coming....)
+ Instanced Guild Halls (ditto....)
+ Statues/Memorials in Lions Arch demonstrating Guild achievements
+ Introduction of more creature types - worms are overused....
+ Ongoing dungeon challenge balance
+ Ongoing attention to class balance
This is actually an antibotting measure. It may be a nuisance, but there is a reason to it.
Yeah, but the question is starting to become whether or not the medicine is worse than the disease.
Apperance armour.
Not being able to have your own unique look is shit tbh.
There are two type of bots
(1) Thoses run to make gold and sell it using complex hacks and bottign software
(2) Those with programmerable keyboard who want to want to earn stuff while afk (sleeping/working)
BOTH should be banned, the DR is to stop the later. The player who sits at an event spawn with autofire on to get karma.