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Guild Rep

7star7star Member Posts: 405

My guild is currently inactive. They are all in GW2 pvping for HoD. (I still play GW2, by the way, but not on HoD because of the crazy q times there for WvW. So I play on a "lesser" pvp server, but enjoy getting into WvW.)


There are only about 5 of us left on our pvp server. But there is still a major q to get in.  I really had fun with this guild in the past, but as you can guess, it's pretty dead now with no signs of return. There are a lot of other big guilds recruiting now, which makes the social aspect of WoW much better than dealing with the general population. 


I have guild rep  but I haven't bought all the legacy pieces I want yet. What happens to guild rep if you transfer to another server? Can I keep it till I join another guild?

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