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Do you sometimes feel dizzy while playing games?

MightyBeeMightyBee Member Posts: 43

I don't know what's wrong with me but I've realised that I feel sick when I'm playing ego-shooters and some other games. PC or Xbox - no matter where and how - I feel very bad after 10 minutes. Some kind of stupid seasickness.

It's so stupid! I can't play a bunch of cool games because of this. I couldn't even play Portal because I felt sick all the time. At the same time I can spend hours on other games. Age of Conan, League of Legend, Diablo, Assassins Creed, The Witcher - all that was fine. But it's always getting critical when my character is in some kind of labyrinth or corridor.

Does anyone else have such a problem? I'm not joking. Is there something I can do about it without giving up on gaming?



  • TheLizardbonesTheLizardbones Member CommonPosts: 10,910

    It's a real thing.

    First of all, get your eyes checked. You could be having vision issues that are worsened by staring at a computer monitor.

    Second, it could be the difference between what you're seeing, and what you're feeling. Meaning that your eyes are seeing movement, but your ears and body are not feeling the moving, so it's disorienting and you get dizzy. I don't know what the fix for that is. You might need to sit farther from your monitor so you can see the room around you or something. I'm not sure.

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  • TalRashaTalRasha Member UncommonPosts: 827

    It could be a variant on motion sickness.

    Glasses or contact lenses may help, changing lighting may help. Just playing more might help, but you will likely throw up.

  • GruntyGrunty Member EpicPosts: 8,657

    On fairly random occasions the first time I play a game I will have mild motion sickness symptoms. I go lie down for a while the come back and play the game without further issues. This only happens the very first time I play a particular game. I don't have this in later sessions with the same game.

    Steam's Source engine based games are the usual culprits but it can happen with other game engines  too.

    "I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone.  It's not.  The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."  Robin Williams
  • StonesDKStonesDK Member UncommonPosts: 1,805
    It happens to me everytime I play HL2. It really depends on what game it is for me. The old Descent series was the worst. It also happens when I watch somebody else play FPS games. I just take some Dramamine before playing them
  • AerowynAerowyn Member Posts: 7,928
    co-worker gets some bad vertigo on some games.. also if game has any sort of motion blur or DoF effects it causes it.

    I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,033

    It happened to me during GW2 and Alan Wake.

    I was able to "fix" the situation by not looking at my character in conjunction with the surroundings and just lookinat at where I was going. I then got used to the motioin and that was that.

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  • OSF8759OSF8759 Member Posts: 284
    Team Fortress 2 is the only game I've ever had this problem with. Can't even watch YouTube videos of it. Makes me motion sick every time.
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Originally posted by MightyBee

    I don't know what's wrong with me but I've realised that I feel sick when I'm playing ego-shooters and some other games. PC or Xbox - no matter where and how - I feel very bad after 10 minutes. Some kind of stupid seasickness.

    It's so stupid! I can't play a bunch of cool games because of this. I couldn't even play Portal because I felt sick all the time. At the same time I can spend hours on other games. Age of Conan, League of Legend, Diablo, Assassins Creed, The Witcher - all that was fine. But it's always getting critical when my character is in some kind of labyrinth or corridor.

    Does anyone else have such a problem? I'm not joking. Is there something I can do about it without giving up on gaming?

    It is not entirely uncommon. Ginger usually help as well as car sickness medication.

    Do you get carsick or seasick as well?

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    Console ports do this to me with their small fov. Gw2 to a degree, no so much source games, because you can fiddle with the fov in the settings and up it to 90 instead of the default 65.

    This us since I got widescreen monitor though, no hassles with smaller fov on old "square" monitors.
  • 3-4thElf3-4thElf Member Posts: 489

    Well lit room helps.

    If any of those games let you adjust the "degree of vision" or "degree of scope" it can help a lot ot widen or tighten up that setting. 

    Back when racing games created depth of vision with cutout style graphics and what not their spinning used to mess with my vision to the point I couldn't play them. Newer games actually render the distance and it doesn't happen at all. But I still don't really play racing games.

    a yo ho ho

  • KonfessKonfess Member RarePosts: 1,667
    Originally posted by Loke666
    Originally posted by MightyBee


    It is not entirely uncommon. Ginger usually help as well as car sickness medication.

    Do you get carsick or seasick as well?

    I second the recommendation of ginger. For the past 30+ years I've been getting headaches and nausea while reading on planes, trains and automobiles. Keep plenty of ginger ale and ginger snap cookies in the house, it does work. And tastes better than cola and chocolate cream filled sandwich cookies.

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    Konfess your cyns and some maybe forgiven
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    Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
    As if it could exist, without being payed for.
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    Even telemarketers wouldn't think that.
    It costs money to play.  Therefore P2W.

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    It happened to me one time when I was playing Metroid Prime on Gamecube.
  • SephrosSephros Member UncommonPosts: 429
    Lol. Whew.

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  • cheachancheachan Member Posts: 122
    I feel dizzy whenever I play for hours without any breaks. And also, whenever the game motion & graphics are too vivid & fast


  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529

    This is actually very real and even famous game designers like Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear Solid series suffers from it.

    Hideo commented that due to 'Simulation sickness' that he couldn't play Half Life2.


    1st known observation is in the 1970s when some US airforce pilots grew ill when doing virtual reality training.

    I suffer from some as well.

    Gdemami -
    Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.

  • MightyBeeMightyBee Member Posts: 43
    It is not entirely uncommon. Ginger usually help as well as car sickness medication.

    Do you get carsick or seasick as well?

    Wow, guys, thanks! I feel better alone from knowing that I'm not the only one to have this.

    Yes, I have my eyes checked regularly, and I wear glases. I thought it might be the reason, but I wear them while playing, so... no idea.

    Seasick - no, carsick - very seldom, when I sit in the back and feel hungry. Ginger sound cool and natural. I'm going to give it a try tonight. It would be a little bit strange to take the car sickness medication every time I'm playing games... 

  • MightyBeeMightyBee Member Posts: 43

    Hours.... I wish it happend after hours of playing...

    I feel sick after 3 minutes. 

    Let's try ginger. I really hope this will help.

  • DzoneDzone Member UncommonPosts: 371

    Well i feel sick after a while on my night's off. I work 3rd shift and naturally just keep my sleeping hours the same everyday. I have a media room setup with my pc hooked up to it. I play in a dim room on a 100 inch screen. I always start to feel sick after so many hours and hafta turn off the game and swich over to tv and just lay on my side waiting for me to feel better. Even after awhile just scrolling text up and down on websights i tend to get migranes.


    I also feel dizzy when i get up after awhile, and tend to yawn alot around like 2am till i go to bed. But i keep my self awake, cause im OSD when it comes to sleeping same hours each day i guss.



  • MarirranyaMarirranya Member Posts: 154
    when i spend a lot of time playing FPS or shooter games I do sometimes get dizzy - except when I played Exteel which is funny since my friends would get dizzy playing that heh :3

    There are people who play games and then there are gamers.

  • FelixMajorFelixMajor Member RarePosts: 865
    Happens to me with games that have narrow and un natural fields of view. Gw2 made me feel motion sick the first time I played, Planetside 2 too until I adjusted the field of view. It seems like games with motion blurr/HDR/depth altering options cause it

    Originally posted by Arskaaa
    "when players learned tacticks in dungeon/raids, its bread".

  • byroncarawaybyroncaraway Member Posts: 5
    The one and only PC game tha feel me dizzy is starcraft 2 .
  • TerranahTerranah Member UncommonPosts: 3,575
    When I initially started playing fps I would get very dizzy.  Taking a little break or some dramamine helped.  Over time the sensation decreased until it was gone completely. 
  • SlyGamer79SlyGamer79 Member Posts: 278

    Lack of eating,drinking,sleep could cause this aswell as sometimes graphics being an issue.

    hell when i started playing WoW the graphics actually gave me friggin headaches for some reason but i got used to it.



  • NeferaNefera Member Posts: 426
    A narrow FoV or a very shaky camera is the worst for me. The most recent example of a game that made me feel sick was watching Jesse Cox play Dead Space. I barely lasted a minute or two before I had to stop. The absolute worst moment was the subway intro in TSW, where the camera kept shaking and tilting sideways, I simply couldn't play through it myself. It's not just you. TotalBiscuit for example has been very vocal about FoV sliders and giving the option for a wider FoV, as it seems to be perhaps the largest culprit to this.

    What you can try yourself is setting the FoV to a larget number (85-90?) if you can, and also lowering camera sensitivity/rotation speed. Being able to zoom out may alo help. (I get motion sick if running in 1st person in Skyrim, but not in 3rd person.) Hope that helps.
  • HeroEvermoreHeroEvermore Member Posts: 672

    Only a few games have done this to me such as GW2 with its initial FOV and some FPS games. My dad cant game at all or ride on roller coasters for to long because of this type of motion sickness often related to vision problems. Try looking at something for 15 mins every hour or so. Your eyes most likely need a rest. Also like others have said get your eyes checked. A small change to my glasses helped a lot of this issue and my eye sites not even that bad. I do however play on 5760x1080p on games so its a bit harsher on my eyes when im on a 15 hour game session hehe :D

    Hope you get over this issue.

    Hero Evermore
    Guild Master of Dragonspine since 1982.
    Playing Path of Exile and deeply in love with it.

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