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I am so hyped.
As a huge fan of NWN1 (because of player made content) i have seen this video revealing "NWN Foundry"
It nearly brought tears to my eyes !
Its not as complex as NWN1 editor. But in many way I think it will be even more acessible.
It will be right there for all the players to browse , rank. And even on corner of my eye I noticed you will be able to "donate"
So maybe even get payed for exceptionally good mods.
I dont have much love for PW or Cryptic. But this might turn out to be quite great
I don't know. Call me a cynic I just fear that they will botch this up somehow.
It is F2P, so they need to make money somehow. With how popular The Foundry sounds like it will be, this could their cash cow. Charge for "special mobs" or "special areas" or something similar.
Will one need to level at all before going into this?
One of the comments on the YouTube page makes a lot of sense to me:
I can just see a city FULL of quest givers standing about.How many "mines in the crag" (or duplicate questing areas) will we see?
I truly hope this idea works out well. I am just not holding my breath
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR
After having seen what the community has come up with on games like VGA-Planets, Mech-Commander, the Elder Scrolls series, or Freelancer, where I have seen many mods that were superior to what the company itself was publishing, I dare to say that any game that really wants to last LONG, should include a similar feature.
I have more faith on the amateur community than I have in many companies.
Uhh....can it be more obvious? You will be choosing the content through a UI function, it's also shown in the video around the 22nd minute.
Looks promissing.
I actually really liked the NWN1 complexity in building. I don't expect to see a simple programming or scripting language here tho. Perhaps it won't be needed.
Remember, the game isn't built entirely on player-made content. There's still going to be a developer-created world, the player-made scenarios are optional. And while there will be plenty of amateur creations, there's sure to be plenty that will put even the developer content to shame.
What I really liked about NWN was not just so much the quest creating but the ability to run your own server. As a result player created RP servers like "Haven" had their own theme and setting and often their own storyline and history. I understand though that this runs opposite to the MMO ideal which open and massive as opposed to closed setting of a player run NWN world/server.
What I wonder though is will there be private areas that we can build and create in this mmo? Is the potential still there for players to create their own settings?
My opinion is my own. I respect all other opinions and views equally, but keep in mind that my opinion will always be the best for me. That's why it's my opinion.
If they implement something like the Steam workshop.... WIN. There will be crappy player made content, but also some masterpieces...
I absolutely love how the Workshop works on steam... for Skyrim for instance, when you find a good / high rated / quality piece of content, you can then follow the author...
The social tools around this will make or break it IMO... I just hope the tools are powerfull enough to make unique looking settings... There is no limit what modders would do given the correct tools.
They said in a video interview there will be an option to follow an author and the author will also be able to provide updates to the content he makes, there will also be a rating and review system in place.
You can't assign loot, that would be so easily exploited. Loot will be given automatically by the system.
However, I do think that naming creatures should be in.
Executive Editor (Games)
It'd be exploitable only if it's left completely free as in... being allowed to drop +5 swords from chickens.
In the other hand if each creature type has "value" and you can drop custom loot within each creature's "value", it could be awesome. You could name items, add flavour text to them and allow people to "item hunt" their perfect stats within each item's budget. We'll see I guess.
My opinion is my own. I respect all other opinions and views equally, but keep in mind that my opinion will always be the best for me. That's why it's my opinion.
Souds like a terrible idea.
I will take a stab at answering this.
They stated that each quest will be reviewed by a 5 member team made up of players. Once the quest met certain criterias and got a minimum of 1 star out of 5 from each reviewer, it would then be added to the game.
Once players have completed the quest they get to rate it 1 to 5 stars. (Every player that plays the quest. Not the reviewers)
This system will allow the cream to rise to the top
Well thought out, fun, enjoyable quests will have a high rankings while the mediocre ones will have mediocre rankings.
I hope it works.:)
From what I have read on the forums about the foundry, this is exactly how it's going to work.