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The game is pretty much dead currently

YalexyYalexy Member UncommonPosts: 1,058

Hello everyone. I'm a lifetime-acount owner and a big fan of TSWs ideas.

I started playing day one the servers opened up, and have logged in for a few hours since then every f'in day. The first month was totally awesome doing all the quests and the dungeons for the first time, getting better and better and more confident with building good setups etc.

After that first month all was settled and we basically only ran nightmares every day for a few hours. It was all nice and dandy actually for the second month to come and we churned through the bullion-grind to get our gear ready for the nightmares and raids to come.

At the end of the second month my main-character was allmost fully geared and I started a new character in a different faction. However, it was a real pain to run through the vast wastelands not seeing alot of people around anymore. Searching for groups to do the normal mode dungeons took ages, and I sped up my efforts to get to elite-dungeons.
Finding groups for elite dungeons within the now third month after release was aswell a total letdown. Sometimes it took over an hour to find a group for them and I didn't bother running them more then what was needed to do the elite-quest enabling me to run nightmares.

I thought to myself that everyone was running nightmares eventually, and started to look for beginner-groups to start farming equipment with my alt, while running nightmares every evening with my main aswell. My main-group was running through 30/30 in some 3 hours each evening at this point, so I didn't have too much time looking for groups, waiting hours for a group to get setup and running.

Currently it's a very frustrating experince searching for new people to run nightmares with, as the population has become so little, that you'll either find groups looking for fully geared players to mindlessly farm bullions they don't need anymore, or you'll sit there for hours twindling your thumbs not finding a group at all.
The newly introduced LFG-tool is rarely used, and there's too little amount of fresh players to start beginner-groups with.

So yeah, I'd say that this game is pretty much dead currently due to the lack of population.



  • thekid1thekid1 Member UncommonPosts: 789

    Not surprising since they only sold 200.000 copies (first month or so).

    My advise is to find another game. (I myself am enjoying Guild Wars 2 very much atm.)


  • apocolusterapocoluster Member UncommonPosts: 1,326
      I just restarted my account.  Having a blast playing again...Not gonna be able to help you much in the long run though...Im the worst groupie ever :)

    No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin

  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476

    Not to worry, Funcom is talking about F2P soon.


    " Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who  Would Threaten It "
  • kevjardskevjards Member UncommonPosts: 1,452
    Originally posted by Yalexy

    Hello everyone. I'm a lifetime-acount owner and a big fan of TSWs ideas.

    I started playing day one the servers opened up, and have logged in for a few hours since then every f'in day. The first month was totally awesome doing all the quests and the dungeons for the first time, getting better and better and more confident with building good setups etc.

    After that first month all was settled and we basically only ran nightmares every day for a few hours. It was all nice and dandy actually for the second month to come and we churned through the bullion-grind to get our gear ready for the nightmares and raids to come.

    At the end of the second month my main-character was allmost fully geared and I started a new character in a different faction. However, it was a real pain to run through the vast wastelands not seeing alot of people around anymore. Searching for groups to do the normal mode dungeons took ages, and I sped up my efforts to get to elite-dungeons.
    Finding groups for elite dungeons within the now third month after release was aswell a total letdown. Sometimes it took over an hour to find a group for them and I didn't bother running them more then what was needed to do the elite-quest enabling me to run nightmares.

    I thought to myself that everyone was running nightmares eventually, and started to look for beginner-groups to start farming equipment with my alt, while running nightmares every evening with my main aswell. My main-group was running through 30/30 in some 3 hours each evening at this point, so I didn't have too much time looking for groups, waiting hours for a group to get setup and running.

    Currently it's a very frustrating experince searching for new people to run nightmares with, as the population has become so little, that you'll either find groups looking for fully geared players to mindlessly farm bullions they don't need anymore, or you'll sit there for hours twindling your thumbs not finding a group at all.
    The newly introduced LFG-tool is rarely used, and there's too little amount of fresh players to start beginner-groups with.

    So yeah, I'd say that this game is pretty much dead currently due to the lack of population.

    i took a lifetime sub out to  this game and i love it..i do understand about lack of peeps in starting areas.but that does not mean the game is dead.the problem this game has is that one character does all.thats why you dont get many char slots

  • 7star7star Member Posts: 405
    Originally posted by Yalexy

    After that first month all was settled and we basically only ran nightmares every day for a few hours. It was all nice and dandy actually for the second month to come and we churned through the bullion-grind to get our gear ready for the nightmares and raids to come.


    This is why I'm not as motivated to play. If this is the kind of endgame TSW offers, been there done that.  I'm having fun with GW2 till DF:UW comes out. If TSW decides to do something different than raiding and gear grind, I will come back. A lot of people just aren't into that and the market is probably all full on that.


    If you like this style of play, good for you. There is no right or wrong about what or how you like to play, but like I said, there are so many games that already do this. TSW just does it in a different setting, which is very cool. I like the setting. Just grinding gear makes this game too much the same. I'm afraid with a reduced staff, they won't be able to add much variety or fix pvp. 


    I can live in a game that offers a good pvp alternative to raiding, but TSW needs to work on the pvp they have now and it's going to be tough with a small population.


    And I have a lifetime sub, too. I love what TSW has tried to do with their world. I just don't like the raiding endgame and gear /token grind is all.


  • apocolusterapocoluster Member UncommonPosts: 1,326
    Ill be in Kingsport for a bit...Im grinding all the first rim skills on the wheel.  When Im dont with that, go to savage coast and start the 2nd rim etc etc   :)

    No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin

  • YalexyYalexy Member UncommonPosts: 1,058

    Originally posted by kevjards
    Originally posted by Yalexy Hello everyone. I'm a lifetime-acount owner and a big fan of TSWs ideas. I started playing day one the servers opened up, and have logged in for a few hours since then every f'in day. The first month was totally awesome doing all the quests and the dungeons for the first time, getting better and better and more confident with building good setups etc. After that first month all was settled and we basically only ran nightmares every day for a few hours. It was all nice and dandy actually for the second month to come and we churned through the bullion-grind to get our gear ready for the nightmares and raids to come. At the end of the second month my main-character was allmost fully geared and I started a new character in a different faction. However, it was a real pain to run through the vast wastelands not seeing alot of people around anymore. Searching for groups to do the normal mode dungeons took ages, and I sped up my efforts to get to elite-dungeons. Finding groups for elite dungeons within the now third month after release was aswell a total letdown. Sometimes it took over an hour to find a group for them and I didn't bother running them more then what was needed to do the elite-quest enabling me to run nightmares. I thought to myself that everyone was running nightmares eventually, and started to look for beginner-groups to start farming equipment with my alt, while running nightmares every evening with my main aswell. My main-group was running through 30/30 in some 3 hours each evening at this point, so I didn't have too much time looking for groups, waiting hours for a group to get setup and running. Currently it's a very frustrating experince searching for new people to run nightmares with, as the population has become so little, that you'll either find groups looking for fully geared players to mindlessly farm bullions they don't need anymore, or you'll sit there for hours twindling your thumbs not finding a group at all. The newly introduced LFG-tool is rarely used, and there's too little amount of fresh players to start beginner-groups with. So yeah, I'd say that this game is pretty much dead currently due to the lack of population.
    i took a lifetime sub out to  this game and i love it..i do understand about lack of peeps in starting areas.but that does not mean the game is dead.the problem this game has is that one character does all.thats why you dont get many char slots

    It's not only the starter-areas, it's everywhere you go currently. Maximum of people I see per area are some 10-20 people and finding groups for running dungeons can take an hour, if you're not 10.3/10.4 allready.

    I'm trying to start beginner-groups every day (me running as a tank with my second char in all custom 10.1), and it takes atleast 30 minutes to find a healer and 3 DPS... and that's between 21:00 and 00:00 CET aka primetime I mind you.

  • ThorbrandThorbrand Member Posts: 1,198
    Yep they only delived one week worth of content. Can't expect people to still be playing you can only run a dugeon so many times in 10.4 Gear.
  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    Should have spent more time and money on pvp
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    Originally posted by Elsabolts

    Not to worry, Funcom is talking about F2P soon.


    Yeah, but Funcom has a strange definition free "Free"

  • YalexyYalexy Member UncommonPosts: 1,058

    Originally posted by 7star
    Originally posted by Yalexy After that first month all was settled and we basically only ran nightmares every day for a few hours. It was all nice and dandy actually for the second month to come and we churned through the bullion-grind to get our gear ready for the nightmares and raids to come.  
    This is why I'm not as motivated to play. If this is the kind of endgame TSW offers, been there done that.  I'm having fun with GW2 till DF:UW comes out. If TSW decides to do something different than raiding and gear grind, I will come back. A lot of people just aren't into that and the market is probably all full on that.


    If you like this style of play, good for you. There is no right or wrong about what or how you like to play, but like I said, there are so many games that already do this. TSW just does it in a different setting, which is very cool. I like the setting. Just grinding gear makes this game too much the same. I'm afraid with a reduced staff, they won't be able to add much variety or fix pvp. 


    I can live in a game that offers a good pvp alternative to raiding, but TSW needs to work on the pvp they have now and it's going to be tough with a small population.


    And I have a lifetime sub, too. I love what TSW has tried to do with their world. I just don't like the raiding endgame and gear /token grind is all.


    I know where you're coming from. I've played EvE Onlin efor seven years, and I'd really wish for a good PvP-centered MMO to come out aswell.
    The gear-grind get's boring very fast, and that's the reason I started another toon. However, it's no fun to play a game, where you can't find other people to group up with.

    I'm having an eye on DF:UW, but if they don't radically change their gae in comparison to DF1, then it's not the MMO I'm looking for, as it lacks the depth of EvE Online and it's economic systems.

  • rwyanrwyan Member UncommonPosts: 468

    Definitely not as active as it was at launch.  Casual liftimer here and only recently made it past blue mountain (been playing since launch).


    I remember finding groups for dungeons was really easy and running Polaris and the Savage Coast dungeon many times in various evenings in nothing but PUGs.


    Getting a group for normal mode Blue Mountain wasn't quite as easy as most players have moved on.  But I did see a number of groups forming and usually always looking for a tank (my current builds are various dps and heals).


    I imagine the looking for group tool will help greatly as it is cross-dimension.  With that said, the game has definitely hit its "post-release" lull and the "theres a new shiny game out" lull.  The game is apparently profitable, but I imagine F2P will come sooner than later.


    Remember, you have a Funcom game + niche product + a going out-of-style business model here.  My guess is that Funcom didn't realize how quickly the market was changing.  I originally thought the F2P/B2P change was being driven mostly by new, younger players coming to MMOs.  However, there is a surprisingly large number of players who played the heck out of EQ/UO/AC/DAoC that now consider a sub-fee as a dealbreaker.


    TSW and Rift will be the next games to go F2P.  

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251

    OP is why I stopped playing TSW midway through Egypt, I listened to my guildmates describe their end game activities and knew that wasn't what I was looking for in a MMORPG.  (not into end game raiding/gear grinding, just a personal quirk)

    So I'll be playing EVE until DF:UW comes out.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • ChtugaChtuga Member UncommonPosts: 116
    Originally posted by Kyleran

    OP is why I stopped playing TSW midway through Egypt, I listened to my guildmates describe their end game activities and knew that wasn't what I was looking for in a MMORPG.  (not into end game raiding/gear grinding, just a personal quirk)

    So I'll be playing EVE until DF:UW comes out.



    You should realize that depending on how much you play, since you are not further than Egypt you would likely have several months of content in the game already with just quests and puzzles.

    And if you add in the content added each month i belive you would never run out of your current content.

    And ofcourse you can add in some pvp now and then, instances now and then and you would have a great time in TSW.

    Its you who decide what you want to do endgame, not anyone else.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    Originally posted by Chtuga
    Originally posted by Kyleran

    OP is why I stopped playing TSW midway through Egypt, I listened to my guildmates describe their end game activities and knew that wasn't what I was looking for in a MMORPG.  (not into end game raiding/gear grinding, just a personal quirk)

    So I'll be playing EVE until DF:UW comes out.



    You should realize that depending on how much you play, since you are not further than Egypt you would likely have several months of content in the game already with just quests and puzzles.

    And if you add in the content added each month i belive you would never run out of your current content.

    And ofcourse you can add in some pvp now and then, instances now and then and you would have a great time in TSW.

    Its you who decide what you want to do endgame, not anyone else.

    Well here's the thing, I don't PUG.  I just don't, MMO community has gone to hell and I won't group unless with like minded guildmates. 

    Unfortunately, most of my guildmates were power levelers so I couldn't keep up with them considering they were running all the same content the OP was describing.

    And while the content leveling up was actually pretty fun, I don't play MMORPG's for fun.  No, seriously, I have to have concrete objectives to work towards, and basically I'm a fan of endless character progression (not via gear grinding) and territory control. (think DAOC, EVE, Lineage 1/2 etc)

    TSW isn't that sort of MMO, in fact, almost no MMO is anymore, and I decided to return to EVE until I find a new game that does. (DF:UW showed up just in the nick of time)

    So you are correct, it is me who decides what to do at end game, assuming of course said game actually has the content I'm looking for.  TSW doesn't.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • AstropuyoAstropuyo Member RarePosts: 2,178
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by Chtuga
    Originally posted by Kyleran

    OP is why I stopped playing TSW midway through Egypt, I listened to my guildmates describe their end game activities and knew that wasn't what I was looking for in a MMORPG.  (not into end game raiding/gear grinding, just a personal quirk)

    So I'll be playing EVE until DF:UW comes out.



    You should realize that depending on how much you play, since you are not further than Egypt you would likely have several months of content in the game already with just quests and puzzles.

    And if you add in the content added each month i belive you would never run out of your current content.

    And ofcourse you can add in some pvp now and then, instances now and then and you would have a great time in TSW.

    Its you who decide what you want to do endgame, not anyone else.

    Well here's the thing, I don't PUG.  I just don't, MMO community has gone to hell and I won't group unless with like minded guildmates. 

    Well that sort of limits you in many regards. You aren't looking for a girl friend or lifemate. You are joining a group to murder things. Goals over fun yes? That's being the creator of your own demise there.
     The mmo-community has been the same exact mentality since the many years of UO-ago. That is to say, you have always had jerks, thieves, prats and brats. You also always will have good, great and kind people. You are looking at the "mmo community" and not the "mmo-<game>-community, you are making a blanket statement. You see the worst where as really, it's equal parts the same. What do you expect out of a "game" community? It's a game, you've aged. Welcome to becoming crotchety!  You have changed, not the the general attitude of gamers.

    Unfortunately, most of my guildmates were power levelers so I couldn't keep up with them considering they were running all the same content the OP was describing.

    And while the content leveling up was actually pretty fun, I don't play MMORPG's for fun.  No, seriously, I have to have concrete objectives to work towards, and basically I'm a fan of endless character progression (not via gear grinding) and territory control. (think DAOC, EVE, Lineage 1/2 etc)

    It's pretty tough to max out a character in TSW, especially if you aren't a hardcore. I am not sure what you are talking about, though I agree, I wish the game was more open towards even MORE expansion of ones character. Regardless there is a vast amount of AP/SP to gain.

    TSW isn't that sort of MMO, in fact, almost no MMO is anymore, and I decided to return to EVE until I find a new game that does. (DF:UW showed up just in the nick of time)

    Yeah you'll be hard pressed to find any game like that .

    So you are correct, it is me who decides what to do at end game, assuming of course said game actually has the content I'm looking for.  TSW doesn't.

    Could be worse eh?



  • DrolkinDrolkin Member UncommonPosts: 246

    Been playing since Day 1 and still enjoying it.   Im not even half way fully geared, some people play too much. =)


    Have un with GW2, I hear it gets boring after 1-3 months of playing too much as well.  -.^

  • Skooma2Skooma2 Member UncommonPosts: 697

    Been playing since Day 1 and am now completely bored by it.  I, like a lot of people, prefer to play by myself (no flames please, I know it's an  MMO, etc.)  After the first few zones it becomes more and more difficult to complete content on your own.  90% of PUGS only want to do nightmare mode dungeons and only if you meet the leader's standard  for your stats.  Most cabal rosters are filled with people who haven't logged on in more than a month.


    How Funcom missed releasing this game on Halloween (after disappointed GW2 and PandaWow players were looking for another game) is beyond me.    But, for whatever reason, the zones are empty and content is very difficult to solo.

    Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.

  • ZylaxxZylaxx Member Posts: 2,574

    TSW truely could of been an epic game had they spent as much time innovating on endgame as they did storylines, questing mechanics and ability skill wheel.  ANy game that attempts to change everything about how a person plays their MMO ought to at least have the common decency to chyange how one does endgame as well.


    TSW great game leveling up, WoW clone minus raids at endgame.  In other words terrible game.

    Everything you need to know about Elder Scrolls Online

    Playing: GW2
    Waiting on: TESO
    Next Flop: Planetside 2
    Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.


  • zedcukzedcuk Member Posts: 10
    Originally posted by Skooma2

     After the first few zones it becomes more and more difficult to complete content on your own.    Most cabal rosters are filled with people who haven't logged on in more than a month.


    Couple of things here

    I play and love TSW.  Im now just into the first few quests in Besieged farmlands and have found i can easily hold my own against anything the game has thrown at me to date.   Whilst the content is harder - if you spend time understanding how to build a character and then adapting to the changes around you its not that much harder.   My build - of which only 1 weapon and 1 talisman are QL10 Blue can solo most nightmare zones without too much trouble. 

    Regarding Cabals - whilst the cabal im in is small we have the same 8 - 10 faces every night who will happily help out the lower tiered characters.  They hand held myself and another cabalite through elite dungeons over the weekend to allow us to see the content.

    I can understand why people get bored - boredom comes from rushing and then wondering what else there is to do, finding all you can do is grind or hitting a brick wall and not being able to adapt to get roung the brick wall.   Personaly Ive sampled GW2 and just cannot find a hook to pull me in - id rather play TSW or Borderlands 2

    I see plenty of people when im running around but its not as busy as, say, GW2 is.

  • lucasdeislucasdeis Member Posts: 59

    eventually the best MMOs will be 



    (Maybe GW2)


    WoW will be the first always

    Swtor will be the second because it's Star Wars, the people love star wars

    Gw2 is getting problems right now lol people aren't super happy and the game is getting bored but we are talking about Gw2 for this i think it will be number 3


    the secret world will be NOTHING it's just a game without a base, when i say base i mean example. swtor= star wars


    but what is TSW? nothing lol :p 


    but alright i am saying what I THINK


    well anyways good luck with the game :)

  • SentimeSentime Member UncommonPosts: 270

    How is this game ranked #2nd here with an 8.31?


  • Tabloid42Tabloid42 Member UncommonPosts: 200
    Originally posted by Skooma2

    Been playing since Day 1 and am now completely bored by it.  I, like a lot of people, prefer to play by myself (no flames please, I know it's an  MMO, etc.)  After the first few zones it becomes more and more difficult to complete content on your own.  90% of PUGS only want to do nightmare mode dungeons and only if you meet the leader's standard  for your stats.  Most cabal rosters are filled with people who haven't logged on in more than a month.


    How Funcom missed releasing this game on Halloween (after disappointed GW2 and PandaWow players were looking for another game) is beyond me.    But, for whatever reason, the zones are empty and content is very difficult to solo.

    I guess I am one of the exceptions as I literally cannot play as often as those who finished everything due to rl, 'othergames' family,...etc.,

    So there is still plenty for me to do.  The game is not 'dead' or pretty much dead, imho.  Yes, I say in my opinion as opposed to just stating something as universal. I see people all the time. The majority are in later zones which I do not believe to be too difficult to solo, but much more enjoyable with a duo.


    As far as the Halloween thing goes,..yeah,..that is a cool date and alot of funky things can be done, and is hinted at already in Kingsmouth.  

    But, I don't see why those 'disappointed GW2 and Wow players cannot come to TSW for halloween.  The game is still available. Is it becasue it is not 'fresh' anymore? What's that mean?  If all those players decide to come, then hey, they got each other to play with, in addition to the ones still there, like me.

    If anything TSW will be in a better position for new players by then as more content has been added and more bugs( no not all :p) have been polished.


    Go play GW2 in the meantime,..I have it too,..I just don't play it nearly as much as TSW :)    


  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,103

    What a bunch of trolling going on in here. Mostly from people who aren't even playing! /shrug

    Regarding the OP. It depends in what timezone he/she is playing and in how populated his realm is.

    The RP realm I am playing in myself has plenty of activity during my play hours (EU Primetime).

    I rerolled not too long ago and I am still questing in Savage Coast and still go back to Kingsmouth time and again and see more than enough people roaming around there.

    In fact, last week I did my first Polaris run on this character and it took me less than 5 minutes to get a full group together! I got so many tells that I had to say no to a lot of people, as my group was already full!

    But whatever! For me, the game is still more than alive with plenty of people about.

    Sure, for Funcom's financial sake, the game can use plenty more people ofcourse. No one is denying that.

    But saying that the game is dead.... is far from the truth!

  • RyukanRyukan Member UncommonPosts: 860

    I got a lifetime sub for TSW and I have to say it was a fun ride up until the PvP and the endgame dungeon grind. The PvP and the endgame in TSW is a complete letdown and the same ole same ole end game-dungeon/gear grind is not a good end game fit for TSW; you go from story driven stuff with a great atmosphere to a repetitive dungeon grind at the end. The PvP does nothing to capture the sense of contention for world domination that it is supposed to, it's a grind with fairly uncreative PvP areas. The idea behind Fusang is good but the execution is not so good and gets really friggin' boring fast. Notice how Fusang is fairly circular in layout, reminds me of a hamster wheel on it's side. Stonehenge sucks and El Dorado is ok, but still the same capture the flag setup with awful queue times.

    I still like to get on once in awhile and work on the ability wheel and play through the new content (as short lived as it is), but I just can't stand the dungeon/gear grind. The dungeons in TSW are fun the first couple times, but after that it gets old. The addtion of lairs and such is a decent step in the right direction but I gues I was hoping for an end game in TSW that wasn't just another gear grind.

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