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The North American site is now up.
Part of the Massively report:
"We want to keep the game exactly as it is," Levy assures us. "What they play now will be what you will play." There is one exception: Mechanics like levelling curve, drop rates, and instance resets will be tweaked for western audiences, as NCsoft believes there lies the gap between the two worlds of gamers. Apart from that, Blade & Soul is a Korean game, and it seems we will be playing a translated Korean game when it comes out.
First of all:
Those bastards are gonna wester-rapenize the game
In what way? In Korea it is essentially the same as TERA, or WoW. Except it has an amazing graphics & art style.
It is a Linear Themepark with better-than-TERA combat. I don't see how they could wester-rapenize the game other than putting more clothes on female models ~.
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
Yeah so far it is only 3 things. Instance resets are better I would think, unless people want longer resets and gate them out of content. Drop rates I can understand. I mean how many people would gladly want to fight the dungeon boss 30 times without 1 awesome drop. The leveling curve could go either way.
If they keep the drop rates and instance resets the same as South Korea, you know, and they know that people will bitch up a storm left and right.
If I recall there wasn't really cooldowns, but I could be wrong
"You're either with us or against us"
I don't find the combat in B&S to be better than TERA.
They are both fun, veyr different though.
"You're either with us or against us"
I don't think I've ever sweared so much in my life, I'm so tired of Eastern elitism shit. You know that the North American distributor is going to use this as an excuse to fuck up the game like every other North American re-launch.
Then again who knows, maybe they'll get it right this time. Though it'd be really naive of me to think that any Korean game company would ever treat their foreign user base as anything more than cows to milked.
Honestly I'd rather them just let us play the game as it is now.