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Reason asking our guild is debating.
We like playing on a top server and winning.
But we like PvP'ing together even more. This was suppose to be a "mmo" last time I checked. And we cannot do that with with these freaking WvW queues....the largest group we have been able to get into a WvW together is 4 freaking
Are the free transfers still available?
BigCountry | Head Hunters |
Yeap. Change server. It is really win win.
Just a story from me. I changed to one of the new servers(opened after release) to avoid any queueing beforehand and to much zerging in WvW as DEs as well. But i was a little bit worried i/we would see no land in WvW and would be zerged to death.
But now comes the surprise. Ok, in the first few days we got not 1 keep, and our score was seriously low, like 100.000 to 6.000. But even then there was always way to go out and have some fun fights.. ok, not a lot of chances to take a keep.
A few days later, after a few switches, and the first players coming out of the noob zone it got a lot more balanced. Ok, we are now even the lowest in the current matchup, but with just some minor difference like 65.000 to 60.000 to 55.000 and got a handful of keeps in all zones. And the fights are more or less balanced.. sometimes we got an upper hand and take a keep, or we have to retreat. But it doesnt feel to get zerged to death, like it was sometimes in DAoC. It looks like, that in GW2 the ppl a spread out better between the different zones and locations. In early DAoC all zone expect Emain Macha were empty, and Emain macha was usually zerged to death by albion, at least more often than not.
And about queues, i got from time to time a queue for our main zone(weekend/prime time) but all other zones are always available and action is going on.. it is fun.
And i spend my most time in WvW, even leveling and DEing there. I am 25 now(yeap, i dont play that much.. a lot of work at the moment and no head start)
DEs in the noob zone are rather zergish nevertheless, but it spread out a lot more in the higher zones(15+) and DEs become interesting and more challenging.... even did some DEs Solo or with few players coming later on. Its fun. The server is on medium population.. and there are a bunch of medium pop server available.
And about the future. I dont think it is much of a handicap to play on a medium server against a full server. WvW is capped anyways, and i seriously think medium pop server is enough to get those other servers down. Organistation, close knit community is much more important as a always full WvW zone.
I personally can just anyone advice to swap servers, if your clan/friends are willing to swap to. And that early it just begins to form a community anyways.. and especially that(at least as i see it) WvW is the only source for forging a community.
yes there are still up.
My guild has fissled due to RL
My wife and I moved to Jade Quarry, anyone got a nice friendly guild there for us?
Ok.. seriously it is not a lot of a advantage to be on the winning server. (at least in comparsion to the disadvantage of zerging and queueing) AND they will stop the free transfers if those initial problems with overpopulated servers are solved. And then you cant switch randomly every day.
By the way. It is more or less nothing settled which server will be the winning server longterm. Because basicly the organised clans will decide it. And a lot of ppl just started to playing WvW more regulary, and not a lot of organisation is around at the moment.
"Until we announce otherwise, character transfers are still free. So yes, friends can transfer to your server, or you can transfer to theirs. Enjoy!"
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"